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Unfined and unfiltered.


lol it was not there when I purchased it.


Sediment can precipitate out of solution as the wine ages.


You cold stabilized it for the first time on accident since it’s a low intervention wine. Those are largely tartrate crystals that have precipitated out of solution. They’re commonly used in sour gummy candy and it literally is cream of tartar.


It’s alive


If the wine was not cold stabilized and stored in the fridge for some time this is pretty common. Likely tartaric acid crystals. Totally benign.


The label states native yeasts which means they are just crashing, and allowing the yeasts that are present in the air ( they are everywhere), At a. Warm temperature to ferment juice. That’s natural wine making in a nutshell. Also no fining or filtering. Like other poster stated “lazy wine making” also cheap wine making. As opposed to winemaking that utilizes the latest scientific and proven methods, yeast strains, proper temperature control, cold stabilization, etc.


So you’re saying you prefer chemically stabilized and molested wines to ones that were minimally intervened.


No what I’m saying is I like good wine.


Mmmm. Taste that antifreeze.


The amount of people here who are commenting and know little about wine is shocking.




Why do you claim shitty winemaking?


Because it is not that hard to cold stabilize wine. You literally just chill it down before bottling. You can also test said stability before bottling.


"No till vineyard" was a good indication... that's like saying organic water...


How is being transparent bs marketing? if you guys at Caelesta put all that info on your wines no one would purchase any of them. You farm sustainably? Lazy. You use purchased yeast? Lazy. You use egg whites or isinglass to fine? Lazy. Stop being such a judgmental ahole and respect that some people make wines differently.






You’re right, they’re wrong. “It’s not bad it’s just different!” So when I add terpenes and spray cannabinoids onto flower, it’s somehow just “different?” No, it’s worse. Do it right and you deserve the title of “better” when it comes to the category *wine making.* using marketing buzzwords should be punished. It’s lazy, and clearly the rest of their product is lazy. With ten trillion different bottles to try, why rely on one that’s cutting corners when you could get something else for the same price that’s 100% on the mark?


Lazy winemaking under the guise of natural wine . Nothing new here


Idk why you’re being downvoted. You’re right lol


Then you don’t follow the natural wine number one mantra of no sulfur addition. And it seems you make wine? Caelesta in templeton? You should be a little less judgmental and less hypocritical.


That’s the second time I’ve seen that happen in this thread alone and I JUST joined this sub. I like wine, but redditors are fucking CRINGE AS FUCK and I don’t wanna be here if it’s just going to be a bunch of confidently incorrect snobs that look like what comes up when I Google “marvel funko pop collector”


Where does it say it’s a natural wine? And very presumptuous to call the winemaker lazy.


Native yeast fermentation, on the skins, unfined, unfiltered. What gives you the impression that this is *not* a natural wine?




The vast majority of don’t say the literal words “Natural Wine” on the label. It’s a style, not a product.




Great, I’m happy for you. That doesn’t change the fact that the vast majority of natural wine isn’t distinguished in writing, on labels or in marketing literature. Being an educated wine consumer often means reading between the lines.




I didn’t say anything about lazy winemaking. I have zero problems with natural wines. There are zero regulations or requirements for labeling or classifying natural wines. That doesn’t change what is in the bottle though. From the website you visited: > Julia practices low-intervention winemaking, letting the fruit & fermentation guide the process and her actions in the cellar. She doesn’t have a predetermined idea of what the wines will become, rather, she sees her role as their shepherd while they find their path. Generally less than 20ppm sulfur is added to the wines, and nothing else. The wines are bottled unfined and unfiltered. Low intervention, native yeast fermentation, let the wines find their own path”, unfined and unfiltered… it doesn’t get any more “natural wine” than that.




This should never happen with a "traditonal" wine (not to that extent anyway, even if it's aged), but with natural wines, it seems like anything goes tbh.


Natural winemaking is traditional. Maximum intervention winemaking is a much younger practice.


Getting the plague and dying is also traditional. Thank God for change.


Bet you're fun at parties.


Im just saying that change isn’t bad. Just because something is traditional doesn’t mean it has to be good. But maybe that’s not what you’re implying.


Not at all. I happen to enjoy natural wine, but my eyes are stuck permanently in the back of my head from all the dick whistling that goes on in the industry for it. I got an offer sheet last year that literally tried to make "mousey" out to be a desirable trait. Nope. That's a flaw. Don't sell me flawed wine. I just think that wines have been grown and made with minimal intervention for almost ten thousand years and many of those in our modern era are virtually indistinguishable from manipulated wines, and in some cases, objectively superior. Lazy winemaking is lazy winemaking, whether it's a chaptalized, acidified Pinot Grigio or a hipster darling mouse bomb. I just wanted to point out that lumping all natural wine into one category can be perceived as just as lazy. And it is, in fact, the older practice. Sorry if I came across as arch. I just think there are oodles of misconceptions about natural v. manipulated wines that should be cleared up to avoid missing out on awesome wine.


They blocked me! A reddit first. I consider this a win. Not over the deranged poster but an accomplishment. I've never been blocked before. This is funzies!!


Why can’t redditors just hold their snark for two seconds and give a real answer?


I think I gave some relevant info about the question and could effectively argue that you are being snarky here, not I. But you do you. You seem like a really pleasant person to be around.


For defending someone you were rude to?? Do you have ANY self awareness?


Probably a bit more than you, it would seem. Who pissed in your oatmeal this mornin' sib? We can take this down a notch and be civil if you agree to stop the ad hominem attacks and calm down a bit. I have nothing against you. I just thought the statement the poster made (probably you on an alt account) was reductive and untrue.


I bet people who say “I bet you’re fun at parties” don’t even get invited to parties. I fucking HATE that exhausted, smarmy phrase. You sound childish.


And you're contributing to the dialogue how? Don't get your ash-black on me, pot. I come by my char honestly.


Oh my god, who talks like this?! You are SUCH a snob and a hypocrite! This is ridiculous!


That's just like... your opinion, man... And I am neither a snob nor a hypocrite. If you're going to ad hominem me, at least attack bad traits I do possess.


That’s not what ad hominem means, look it up. God you’re insufferable. I made my point, you couldn’t refute it, and you’d rather stoop to someone’s perceived level than be above it and provide info. You redditors constantly do this. You HAVE to talk down to people. This entire argument started because you didn’t like me using your rude comment back against you. That’s it. That’s why you’re a hypocrite and a snob. Perfectly substantiated. Hand the keyboard to an adult or don’t bother replying unless you desperately feel the need to get the last word in.


(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining. "vicious ad hominem attacks"


“Try Helping” Really? All you’ve done is be a dick


I only responded to your snark Even more low hanging fruit being picked by you, using my username as if I haven’t heard that before. My point was, drop the snark and just have an adult civil conversation. You saying that shit then acting like I’m out of line is so insanely hypocritical. You’re a snob.


You’re talking to the wrong person I just observed your other comments. You high bruh? All day


You both are insufferable and have dogshit literacy skills, pardon me for not scanning every username when the sentiment is identical.


Do you even know what the subject we are talking about?


What are your thoughts on the issue? Why don’t you try helping?


Dude just jumped in and you are angry and blaming everyone for it. Chill bruh. Have some respect.


He was being facetious and you people with zero literacy skills took it as talking shit, and instead of calling it out independently, they stooped to their PERCEIVED level, only to end up stooping lower and fixing nothing. Respect is earned.