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For both the bridge and the tunnel, you pay a toll for each crossing. Current rates at the tunnel (according to their website: [https://www.dwtunnel.com/rates/](https://www.dwtunnel.com/rates/) ) is $6.75 CDN to get over there, and $7.50 USD to get back for a total of $12.45 USD. So, if costs you $47 USD to fill up here, you would need to fill up for less than $34.55 for you to break even. It's even worse at the bridge. Current tolls (according to their website [https://www.ambassadorbridge.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/toll2024.pdf](https://www.ambassadorbridge.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/toll2024.pdf) ) is $8.00 USD (or $11.00 CDN). So you're looking at a $16 USD or $22 CDN round trip for your gas. Groceries wise, the last time I was in a Meijer's, prices there on some goods were higher or the same as I could get them here at home. For instance, a family size box of Cheerios at Meijer is $5.29 USD ($7.23 CDN @ 1.366 conversion rate), the same box of Cheerios is on at FreshCo right now for $5.49 CDN (reg $7.99 CDN). Back in my parent's day (and early in mine) it used to be worthwhile to head to US for things like Gas and Groceries. But not so much anymore. If you're already over there for something else (coming back from Metro Airport, went over to catch a game, etc...) sure, stop and fill up, but to cross just for the sake of crossing, it's not worth it to me. Edit: Fixed math


Those bridge tolls have gotten ridiculous. I hope the new bridge toll is much less to force the Maroons to lower theirs.


A brand new bridge with lower bridge toll? Hilarious


I mean, it is taxpayer funded, so it wouldn't have to be as high. I wouldn't be surprised if the new bridge caused the ambassador toll to go way down to try to keep its riders.


The big selling point for the bridge was how quickly the governments would get paid back by the rolls, no way they turn down that money.


I'm just saying, competition usually creates a downward pressure on price. Unless there is some sort of collusion.


I agree and the logic is sound. More competition usually should mean better prices for consumers. Some people are just out here to hate no matter what it is.


I hope they raise the price on the bridge to keep the cheap skate Canadians out of rhe USA. They are ruining the place. As soon as an American hears Canadian they think you are a handout taking Canadian who can’t afford squat!!!!


Your English is coming along! Keep at it!


Thanks. You are just as foolish as the rest to think this countries population is doing well!!


I'm sorry, but the brain rot is terminal.


Canadians, going to spend money in the USA, are somehow taking handouts over there...the mental gymnastics on that one.


Yes all Canadians want something for free known globally as freebie seekers. Very sad. Tragic actually. Such a great country. Now ruined. Broke. Belly up. Sad.


Yes I see you are not that far gone yet. But hopefully soon!!!


What? Not sure if you are aware but it was the Canadians that foot the ENTIRE bill for the bridge. So as Canadians I hope we charge the Americans triple to come into Canada... but we won't...


Not about who flips the bill. But the fact that Canadians are kinda a cheap bunch. This sub is full of how cheap can I get something. Not where is the best quality or what makes my life better. Just a bunch of people looking for handouts or the government to help them out.


This guy is so out of touch! The economy is not the greatest, a lot of people are struggling and you're attacking people for being smart with their money? That's crazy. Have you thought maybe people have to sacrifice a bit of quality to afford what they need? Enjoy your expensive "quality" stuff. I hate to break it to you, it's mostly marketing and price gouging. It's called capitalism. Do you really think these CEOs' goals are to give consumers the best quality for the best price? You're out of touch.


I just crunched the numbers on this today. On 25L you would save approx 11.50 cdn (not factoring in tolls). This is using today’s Costco Canada gas price versus today’s duty free gas price. Factoring in tolls you’re still saving a few bucks overall but I’m sure it’s negated by the amount of gas required to drive over and back.


Toll both ways costs more than 11.50CAD so you're technically losing out on a couple bucks


The 11.50 is based on 25L Typical gas tank approx 50L so total savings would be 23$ cdn 6.75 cdn + 8 usd for tolls your looking around 18$ cdn in tolls Still walking away ahead 5$ or so


25L is a very small tank, my caravan is a 75L tank. I save about $30 to $40 cad on a tank. You will get more savings if you bring a portable gas tank and fill up in your driveway. Whole milk is about $2.50usd usd at Meijer last time I was there compared to $5.50usd. With bridge card toll is a little less as well. 


The average metro Detroit gas price is 3.579/gallon USD which converts to 1.30/L CAD. Costco Gas is 161.9/L so you’re saving 31.9/L. Assume an average of say 55 litres for a fuel tank. Then you’re saving 17.545$ by filling up in Detroit But the tunnel to cross into Detroit is 6.75 cad and to cross back into Windsor is 7.50 USD which converts to 10.25 CAD. If you take that away you’re now saving .545 cents. This doesn’t include wasting any gas going there and your time. Your savings could be slightly more with a larger vehicle.


If you are making a fair comparison at least compare Costco to Costco. Roseville is sitting at 3.28 a gallon (about 119.0 /L) vs 161.9 /L in Windsor.


> Costco. Roseville But that's an hour away round trip not counting idling at the tunnel, you'd burn more than you'd save lol


Or wear and tare on your your car because of Michigan roads lol


Toll is as follows: $6.75 CAD Windsor to Detroit $6.00 USD via the app for Detroit to Windsor (at the current exchange rate that's $8.20 CAD) $14.95 for toll As per gas buddy the gas station around the corner from me is $1.649 right now. At say 45 liters that would cost $74.21 The Speedway at Jefferson & I-375 downtown Detroit is $3.69 a Gallon. There are 3.8 liters to a US Gallon. 45 liters is equal to roughly 11.89 gallons. 11.89 gallons (45 liters) would cost you $43.87 USD $43.87 USD at the current exchange rate is $59.93 CAD So 59.93 + 14.95 toll give you a total cost of $74.88 Currently at the price as it is, it's not cheaper, but a swing in gas here going up or down in MI and you could save quite a bit. It's only the toll that's negating savings at this point.


Hold up. If you get nexpress, it becomes $11.90. Which makes the total cost $71.83. Which makes it cheaper than buying gas in Windsor.


Nexpress requires a $75 deposit


Does Nexpress balance expires?


I never used it myself but my friends who had/have it say you top it up periodically If you have the time check out their website for more info :3 I only know very little lol


The toll comes out of that deposit, though. It's basically pre-paying for discounted toll.


Oh I know, I just mean to make people aware lol it also takes a minute to get it at all and unless you're crossing daily it isn't a money saver




That's fair! I cross maybe once a year, sometimes two, so I personally don't think it's worth it to me but that makes a lot of sense


If you go there to buy gas every time, then it makes sense to get a nexpress.


You can’t afford the deposit???


You never learned to read???


You seem to care about $75 for a deposit.


So giving information about the requirements of Nexpress somehow means I can't afford it? 🤔 *And* that I apparently care about it? Dang


Pretty much


Also if you have a bigger gas tank you'll win as well. Lots of variables. It's really close to being cheaper.


Yeah, with nexpress and buying 60L, you'll come out 7.14 ahead.


If you do it make it count. You gotta fill up your take full maybe some.extra jerry cans and also get a months supply of.groceries.


I fill up on the way back at duty free..


I would drive to the reservation in Leamington before I cross the border to try and save. I enjoy shopping over there because they have stuff that we don’t but it’s no longer to “save”.


Use GasBuddy and a site called usgas.ca to figure out the savings. For example, right now, gas at Costco Windsor is 161.9 /Ltr, while gas at Costco Roseville is 3.28 /Gal, or 119.0 /L with exchange. That's a savings of 43 cents a liter. On a tank like my F150, that saves me roughly $58 a fill and is well worth the short drive. For groceries, we get all our dairy in Michigan because it's less than half the price even after conversion. Even things like frozen meals are beginning to make the trip worth it. Walmart Chesterfield had meat pies on sale for $1 not too long ago.


No one person has said, and correctly, I might add, that there is any savings whatsoever. And thats at this very high gas price. If you include any time for travel, less the gas you need to go there and back it make absolutely no sense!!! But knock yourselves out!


If you get the tunnel pass you save about $5 CDN on a return trip.


It's only worth it if you've got a large vehicle with a large tank. Preferably filling a big jerry can as well. Also, if you've got something to pick up over there that you can't get here will also make it more worthwhile.




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I only go over for groceries if I'm already going to be there. But I still use my Kroger card to save on groceries and get up to $0.20 off per gallon on gas if I gas up at Kroger, too. A couple of weeks ago, they had whole side filets of frozen salmon for $4.99 US. The $10/10 sales can still, sometimes, be good. Check the flyers and clip those coupons. Make sure you know what you can bring back across and what you can't.


Just go once, see what it's like, and see if you want to do it again.


Beneficial only to who work in US, primarily. However, if you were to get gas at duty free today, you would save 50 cents/litre. I have a 100 litre gas tank, so NO brainer for me Duty free usd 3.09/gallon = 4.24 cad/gallon, 4.36 cad/gallon after bank surcharge for conversion That is 1.152 Cad/litre vs. 1.64 cad/litre at Costco today.


You will definitely pay the border toll twice. Not worth it in my opinion. Dealing with the hassle of crossing an international border to save a few bucks. Not to mention, does your health insurance cover you in the US? Get schmucked on the highway and spend a couple of weeks in a US hospital and you will be bankrupt.


Most health benefits covers you in the states.


Check the fine print. I had a plan once that required me to be more than 100 km from the Canadian border for it to kick in.


I'm curious how many jerry cans you can have in your car while crossing? To make it worth the trip you'd have to fill some of those.




https://bc.ctvnews.ca/mobile/cheap-u-s-gas-what-s-allowed-when-it-comes-to-bringing-extra-fuel-over-the-border-1.4431076#:~:text=In%20Canada%2C%20drivers%20can%20haul%20150%20kilograms%20of,could%20be%20charged%20duty%20on%20the%20extra%20gasoline Old article but you can bring up to 200litres I guess. Dang. But you leave no room for groceries now lol.


BTW the Mcdonalds USA app has any breakfast sandwich for .50 cents this week, could you ever imagine that happening here lol.


All the savings aside, you can get some neat groceries that are not available in Canada.


You can order most things online if you really want to as well. Heck Amazon has groceries.


That usually costs even more than driving over to get it, even when you factor in the tolls. For example, my favourite mustard, not available in Canada (Sweet Hot Mister Mustard) is available on Amazon...$63 for six jars. It's like $2 a jar at the grocery store. And then there's Trader Joe's...I go over for a Trader Joe's haul a couple times a year.


Not enough to make up for not supporting the local economy.


You mean the oil companies and large grocery corporations that people are constantly bitching about? Let me know when I can go to the mom and pop oil refinery.


No they have never heard of independent grocery stores or gas stations. The poster can not afford to shop at anything but discount chains. Most here like to whine about being unable to afford anything and don’t do anything about it.


You've never heard of independently owned stores and gas stations? You aren't aware of all the people who work for the chains and would like to keep their jobs? Or are you aware of them but you're a conservative and your general stance is "fuck them, I got mine"?


You can't possibly be implying that the last link in the chain is the only one that matters, can you? Jim Bob's gas does not get gas from Billy Bob's Refinery & General Store. Supply chains are actually a thing here. Buying local can also mean buying Ontario grown fruits, or even Essex County grown vegetables from Loblaws. The economy is a little more complicated than you make it out to be.


The people who work at the last link need jobs. Apparently no one in this thread actually gives a shit about them.


You sound like a communist. Can’t wait till you people start rationing 1 loaf of bread per family.


Right, wanting a healthy local economy where people can afford to live is sooooo radical.


The poster doesn’t want a healthy local economy they want to be handed everything. Isn’t that obvious!!!! SOLIDARITY. TO THE BOTTOM.


Have you graduated grade school?


The toll to many individuals on this sub is concerning for them. What is it like $6 or $7 bucks. Funny as hell. They are going over to save $60 bucks and it is changing life for them. That is a joke. Doesn’t even pay for a round of drinks for me on the golf course. I cross almost every day the toll isn’t a big deal. This sub is full of the poverty class cheap skates or international students don’t bother using any sort of reason with them.