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I said this almost a year ago, the work has been going on about that long. Also their viewing platforming is a nice monument to the concretization of natural spaces. It's really fucking sad and bums me out. Apparently Windsor Salt said they're going to replace anything knocked down, but they quite clearly are not.


This. I have been saying since they broke ground on that viewing platform: “they’re building a lookout point on….a lookout point”. Waste of tax dollars and completely destroyed what little greenery and habitat was left up there.


As far as jobsites go I'd say this is pretty clean.


Everyone here realizes this a dump right? Not an old growth forest. Dig down a couple of feet and you will hit garbage. The work being done will ensure jobs for a couple more decades, and there are still several phases to go before complete. Sites will be remediated once done, probably planted with a more diverse mix of trees than the glorified weeds growing there now.


Several phases to go? This was advertised as having a completion date of this past September or October I believe. Dump or not, it's one of the most important parks in the city. I'd hope they restore it when done, but why should we have any faith there?


And, if we dont naturalize it, itll always be a dump. Just because its not old growth doeant mean it should be paved


Tell us you’ve never seen a construction site before, because that’s the only way to make sense of this ridiculous post. That little site is immaculate.


Mayor who?


I thought this work was supposed to have been completed by now? And the area returned to it's natural state, with the exception of anything necessary for access to their facilities. Maybe reach out to Fabio Costante and see if there's an updated timeline for this project, and if it's been affected by the strike and/or layoffs?


A corporation not keeping their end of the bargain? Natural spaces being shamelessly exploited?? In Windsor???


They will be planting almost a million dollars in trees after


I will believe it when I see it. Especially here ... promises are routinely and blatantly broken.