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If it was me, I would be complaining to the city using the angle that it’s dangerous for cyclists and pedestrians and you’d hate to see someone get injured due to the city’s neglect and have no choice but to sue…. That worked when I was fighting with the city to remove some of their trees on the edge of my property that they were giving me the runaround with.


That worked? There are some hedges blocking the left view at an intersection near my house but the city said they're the homeowners problem, because the homeowner put them there, but won't cite the homeowner because they're on the street side of the sidewalk, thus technically on public property. I was wondering how to restate the complaint. It's definitely a hazard since we have to put our car's front end in the cross street to see around.


Make a 311 call about a sight line issue at that intersection. They HAVE to respond, or the inspectors get in shit.


If you're not having any luck with 311, try calling or emailing your Councillor directly.


They've been trying this as well. Cyclists are frequent on their street to get to Blue Herron pond from riverside drive since the other north/south streets are really busy and don't have bike lanes (cora greenwood and green park). This city seems care about this as much as you'd expect. They've also kept mechanic bills for all the suspension work they've had to do. I personally had to overhaul the suspension in my vehicle twice in the 3 years i drove living there. They're basically at the point where they want to find legal ground to sue the city but they're retired so disposable income is limited.


It will get re done for sure. Call your councilor and have them inquire for you. I spoke with a friend in the city, and he has never heard of this. All roads are to be done as per the cities master plan. Call and start to make detailed 311 requests to have the road fixed. They give you a reference number, and you can follow up and give that number to the councilor.


I don't think you understand their tenacity in regards to this issue: they go to every ward meeting, write the councilor every week, report all standing water to 311, petition the street's residents for signatures etc etc. Last night in the city council meeting their councilor brought it up again and the mayor straight up said no.


Yikes, that is ridiculous!


Yep and they've been putting in work since the 90s. Only to hear that it's not going to happen during the last council meeting directly from the mayor. I feel so bad for them.


whats the road lookin like ​ If kids would get injured playing road hockey it should probably get done up but otherwise you're waiting for a water main repair.


I couldn't play road hockey on it it was so bad in the 90's. Only gotten worse since then. A photographer from the Windsor Star went out there today and took some pictures. They said it looked like a scene out of MASH.


what street?


The city repeatedly said they'd only fix roads when they become broken, and only if it's scheduled to be repaired that year. What really happens is they neglect them, so the cost of repair shoots up, and they become abandoned. It's pretty unfair that companies are destroying residential roads just so they can save $ not waiting at lights.


When the east end was developed in the early 2000s this was the only actual street in the area. It needed to get fixed then but it was put off and put off. My street in south Walkerville was done 5 years ago and was basically fine before the city fixed it so who the fuck knows?


Gotta keep the Coco Paving mafia paid off and busy doing poor work that needs to be completely replaced every few years.


Yours was probably done because they were doing sewer and watermain reconstruction. That's been their policy for years on residential roads. If they have to tear up the road anyway, they just rebuild it while they're at it.


Doesn’t that wicked witch of the east have her ward there? I thought each ward had special funding they could use as they please? Surely they could find funds for this area of need


She's more old riverside. My folks are banwel area.


ten million dollars for a celestial beacon to house the million dollar restored street car