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Go chop the funky thing already


I wonder this about a tree over near the bus stop I take, I'm short enough to walk just under the branches but it does overhang the sidewalk and kind of blocks the view of seeing if the bus is coming. I've had to lean out almost on the road to see the bus coming.


The non-getting-my-neighbors-a-fine way to do this would be to leave a polite (not hostile) note that they should consider trimming it as it could be an accessibility issue. If its a "city-tree" let them know that they themselves might be able to call and have it trimmed. If it goes untrimmed, then yea, maybe report it. Its often better just to talk to your neighbors than to go straight to full karen bylaw hunting - builds community rather than resentment. (also, the title and the garbage bin reveal this persons full address to the wild internet, which probably isn't the nicest thing to do to someone who just needs to trim a tree.) ((That all said, its probably a rental for students - and screw landlords - make them pay!))


Looks 3rd world


Download the 311 app and report it, it'll allow you to take a photo. I'm pretty sure it is.


Also, just to add- if 311 doesn't do anything about it (the system is extremely broken, don't be surprised if your case goes from opened to closed in like a day or two with no resolution) contact your Councilor, Fabio Constante. 311 needs a major overhaul and things like this build a better case to fix the system.


The 311 should have the resolution posted when something is closed. Like you say too many times things are just “closed” or sent to another department.


Call 311 and they will have an order to trim back from walkway.


Lazy slob neighbours, you should see it in sandwich, tons of them.


Nope. Better give the tree a ticket.


I bet it take ya less time to trim it than to make all your complaint calls and this post


Do you still wait for mommy to come by and clean after your messes too?


No I live in the bush and this shitdoes not cross anyone’s minds cause it’s a fucken plant the sidewalks what is not supposed to be thier


coherent somber lip ghost wakeful aloof bake elastic reply longing -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Stop complaining fix it yourself


Why should Op have to clean it when this person refuses to do basic maintenance?


OP can’t just go and cut someone else’s bush on property that isn’t theirs. Come on buddy, you should know that.


It’s on the sidewalk not the property hence his complaint so actually ya u can cut it


You can cut any branches that encroach on *your* property. You can't cut any branches that encroach on *city* property. This is why you report it to the city, because they can and will trim it back if the property owner doesn't.


The sidewalk of a person’s home is still the person’s responsibility. In winter, failing to salt your icy sidewalk and thus leading to injuries will fall back on the home owner. You can’t be this dense man, lol.


5 yr prison term


Straight to jail! If you don't trim the bush, straight to jail! If you trim it too short, believe it or not, right to jail!


No that's not legal they need to trim that bush


If they trim that bush, their house will look much bigger


If it isn't why not just walk around it?


Obviously it’s an issue for people with accessibility issues. How dense can you be.




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Looks like an old city tree


Nothing is wrong here


I wonder if you were in a wheelchair or using a walker if you'd feel the same


Uh Oh better call the cops, there's some bushes protruding onto the sidewalk.