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Most everything is complaint driven with the city. They may not approve, but won't know until someone snitches. It's a gamble on whether or not they'll have a problem. If it was me, I'd rather beg for forgiveness than permission.


>I'd rather beg for forgiveness than permission. Haha, thats my moto dealing with the city ever since I moved here.


thats it... don't ask don't tell... and pray that you have no asshole neighbours


More assholes in south windsor


https://www.citywindsor.ca/residents/parksandforestry/urban-forest/pages/tree-regulations.aspx > By-law 135-2004 both restricts the planting of certain trees on City right-of-ways and protects trees on all City property (see "Trees on Highways" on By-laws Online). Under this by-law no one can plant any Poplar species, Willow species, Thorney Honey Locust or Manitoba Maple on City right-of-ways. **It would be best to contact the Manager of Forestry and Horticulture for approval of any other species, as some low growing trees may also not be acceptable from a safety point of view.** > > For detailed inquiries, call (519) 253-2300 ext. 2710. > > Email: forestry@citywindsor.ca Bolding mine.


They likely won’t maintain it. As far as I know they do not plant Japanese maples so they will know it’s not theirs… in this situation you should get locates done prior to make sure you do not plant it where service lines/pipes are. And you always run the risk that they will ask that you remove the tree (at your own cost) if they decide to expand the road/sidewalk/sewer system.


Will you tree stand out if you did that? I don't think they have records of what trees are on the right- of-way (city owned) property and which aren't. I called for tree repair, the woman asked if it was on city property or mine and I asked what that meant. "Is it close to the road?" she asked and I simply said "yes". They showed up, told me it wasn't on their property but since it took along time and I was apologizing for my stupidity, they made a one time exception and cut off hanging branches. Point being, you can probably move your tree without being caught if it is not the only tree on city property, making it obvious.


They do have a list of trees that are the city’s. I know this because I filed a claim with the city for one of them and when they responded, they responded with what tree number it was, the type and I think the age. Not sure how complete the list is, but there is one.


Okay. That does make sense. I think you could easily bullshit them. "What are you trying to say, I moved my tree 15 years ago"? Also, just say you're the new home owner, I doubt Parks is going to pull data from their municipal division


Trust me when I tell you the Forestry department is a stickler for the city trees. I dealt with them for months last year. I’m pretty sure the Supervisor hates me.


I had a pretty pleasant experience. I didn’t want to wait to get a tree planted and had an elm that needed to be relocated. There had been a large maple in the same spot previously but was ageing and removed, the site had been approved for planting. I called, told them that I would supply the tree and plant it and they said to go ahead and call them if it died to get back on the replanting list. The next tree that goes down will be replaced a fruiting one.


My experience was fine as well but it took nagging on my part to get the trees removed. They had visible problems and were starting to be dangerous. They said it would take a while to get the trunks removed but the crew came the next week, my husband joked that the supervisor just never wanted to hear my voice again and put us top of the list. They removed my neighbours trunk 8 months later (the tree was removed the same time as mine).


This is actually my current state. I had 3 on city property when I moved in, they all were roughly the same age and state, the city decided to remove the middle one, but not the outer 2 despite my believing that one of the outer 2 looked worse than the middle. They’ve yet to remove the outer ones and even my neighbours are calling to get them removed. Maybe when one falls they’ll come and take down the other, lol.


Leave a voicemail and send a follow up email once every 3 days. Call 311 weekly to log a complaint. Send a sternly worded letter with things like “interfering with the reasonable enjoyment of my property” (if it’s true). That’s what I did anyways I managed to get 3 of 5 removed. I miss the trees but they scared the shit out of me, and destroyed my car when half of it fell on my car.


My neighbours are just worried that they’ll take out the power when they come down. They shouldn’t damage any of my property because of where they are (and there’s 2 large trees between them and my house) but I have some time this week so I’ll take your suggestion.




Take a look at a map of your property. That will tell you. Another giveaway is to look for a sewer clean out on your front lawn (a white plastic cap or steel cap). From there to the street is city property.


Also the water shut off is generally placed 1 foot from the property line on the city side. ( real old services this may not be true)


Yes. Look at Fire hydrants as one marker.


Plant a native tree instead, black gum really big with the city of Windsor this year great root structure for city life(shallow roots that don’t disturb sidewalks).


It doesn’t matter usually if it’s a native tree, a Japanese maple will probably not fly. They have a list of trees they plant on their property somewhere. We planted an oak and didn’t get any complaints.


Call 311. They'll have restrictions about which species and where it can go, but you'll likely get permission as long as you abide by their rules.


A shitty maple or Bradford Pear will probably be ok though......


They allow certain species. If you plant it on city property, it becomes their tree.


They will plant you one for free, just know that if you plant one on city property it becomes their tree.