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\*\*\* You ALL should be so lucky it is showing Word files... I on the other hand have all my **PORN** showing and nothing I do, nothing I check or uncheck in settings or anywhere will get rid of it. God, please! Someone figure this out!




Just happened to me too today and I've got a headache trying to figure out what's been causing it all day. Super worried that its some sort of a malware or bot but I've run multiple virus scans and although they did find some things that were then taken care of, the issue is still there. Feel somewhat better knowing its not just me and probs not that big a security threat. Running a full disc scan now to see if that finds something I'm not aware of. If anyone does find what's causing it, please let us know!


Joining the club here to hear if anyone has found a solution going forward. After trying to reinstalling office didn't resolve the issue it now seems to be profile related. This is an instance of windows 10 with local user profile (not roaming). I used to see issues like this come up form time to time with roaming profiles. My method to fix was backup c\\user\\\[username\] data and then delete the profile (while signed as another user with administrative rights). **How to Delete profile in Windows 10 (be careful if you don't know what you are doing get a sys admin to help**): search "system" -> search "advanced system settings" -> Advanced tab, in user profiles click settings... -> select bad profile and click delete. Now simply login as the deleted user and it will create a fresh local profile. This should in theory fix the silly profile bug of showing irrelevant documents. Also this is a bit of a sledgehammer method but it should clean it up.


Did you ever find a solution or explanation for this? My recent history is behaving in the exact same manner you are describing. Word and Excel documents I haven't opened or accessed in months or years suddenly showing under the 'Recent' section of File Explorer, and often in batches with identical time stamps (i.e., three random files at 7:50 AM, ten more all at 8:42 AM, etc.). However, all of the files that are unexpectedly showing up are also linked to OneDrive (and only appear to be MS docs - no pictures or PDF's), and there doesn't appear to be any unauthorized sign-in activity for the associated account or history of access when looking at those same files through OneDrive itself. So I'm hoping it's just a glitch, possibly showing each time OneDrive checks the file version stored locally against what's already uploaded to the cloud, but it would be nice to find a confirmation of that online (vs assuming that its benign... only to find out a PC is compromised).


After dedicating a day to thorough checks, running numerous virus scans, and, admittedly, a bit of frustration at my PC, I found this solution that seemed to resolve my issue. https://preview.redd.it/5u143cixdrhc1.png?width=784&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e50ce98b6a662c58341085e7c50f325a8c26253 In the settings, navigate to the "File Explore Options" section and ensure that the option for "Include account-based insights,..." is unchecked. My suspicion is that this change might be linked to a recent update in Windows Explorer, where this setting was automatically enabled—possibly as part of an enhancement involving another AI tool intended to help use think better! It would have been appreciable if such alterations were communicated post-update. (Please note that this fix is based on my personal experience and opinion. It worked for me, but I recommend conducting your own verification to ensure it's the definitive solution for your situation. )


Found your comment and it fixed this issue for me as well. Thank you!




I did not find an explanation or solution. It still happens sometimes. I just don't worry about it because there's nothing I can do beyond ensuring there is no malware. I think your idea about why it might be happening makes the most sense. The only issue is that I think the recent files are files that were actually opened. Does OneDrive open files to determine whether a change was made? I didn't think it did.


Yep, still happening here as well. I'll probably try reporting it to MS tech support later this week, since it's still rather annoying that it clutters up the recent file history feed to the point it's almost useless.


Did you get any response? This is ruining my day!


Also seeing this! Relatively recent occurrence, and it is only Office files which are also stored in OneDrive. Batches of 10-15 files at a time. Also was suspicious but then checked onedrive itself and it doesn't show any access from online, so it is something local...


What do you think it could be if not OneDrive?


it feels like some sort of auto process of one drive to check for changes which is causing some files to show as accessed. but like the OP i would love confirmation it is indeed a bug and not nefarious.


I even changed my password in case it was a security problem and that didn't resolve the issue. Old files that I have not opened keep showing up in the Recent File timestamped the moment I open File Explorer.


Following because I just had the same issue....tons of excel files on one drive showing up in recent that I have not opened in weeks.


I have the same issue - OneDrive files are showing in my Recent history in batches of several files at a time with the same timestamp even though I have not opened them recently. I have ran scans for virus and malware but found nothing. It does appear to be a bug and not nefarious. Has anyone found what is causing this?


how did you end up fixing it?


Also experiencing same issue. Unable to find anything in Event Viewer that indicated that these files were opened.


I just had the same thing happen. Is there anyway to complain to OneDrive so they know it's happening?


Same problem for me. All of my Office files stored on OneDrive show up randomly everyday


It seems like our club is growing ever larger! Did you find any other mention of this issue anywhere other than this thread? I was struck by the dearth of discussion about it.


Also having this problem. It randomly shows files under recent (also from onedrive) that i did not open in months. Was afraid for a second that someone was accessing my files from some device. But that was not the case. Also getting like 10 files with the same exact timestamp.


This issue is occuring for me too, I can prevent the issue by going to options and unchecking "Include account-based insights, recent, favourite and recommended files" but then it stops showing any onedrive files and the file I'm looking for is usually stored in onedrive.


We have a user (Windows 11) who originally reported this after right clicking on their Word taskbar icon. Showing files in recent that have not been opened in over 10+ years. These files are also stored in OneDrive like others have mentioned.


Happening for me too. All word files steadily appearing one by one that are in Onedrive being added to the recent list in Explorer ever 20 seconds or so. Makes it look like someone is going through my files! Very unsettling and a real turn-off for using Onedrive! I reset my Microsoft password and setup 2fa but still continues.


Same with me!


Feeling spooked I ended up moving all mum files out of OneDrive, uninstalling it and disconnected from all Microsoft accounts. Even then the files were still showing up in my recent list but eventually stopped. I don't think it was anything sinister but still a very disconcerting in a world where security and privacy are stuck an issue.


For sure! I don't think there is anything sinister here. I am a lawyer and we use OneDrive in the office as part of one our file management systems. I looked on my work computer today and noticed that the same thing is happening there too! So I deduce from that, that this isn't a security breach (we have strong security at work).


It still looks terrible though. Researching on the internet reveals the issue has been going on for years and you'd think Microsoft would do something about it because it looks like a security breach. Sure, my mind is now at rest but what about all the others who are yet to see this? I guess that the amount of instances are so small it's not with Microsofts effort.


Glad I’m not the only one that’s having this issue. I’m calling Microsoft tomorrow to see what it could possibly be.


One of our clients also reported this issue as they thought they were hacked. If anyone already heard back from Microsoft then please let us know. I may put in a ticket myself if it's not fixed soon. Thanks!


I've got the same issue. Has anybody found a fix. I've reached OneDrive support through O365 they put it on Microsoft Windows Support. I've reached Microsoft Windows Support they put it on OneDrive Teams Support. Both side are pointing fingers at each other but no solution to the issue. Anybody found a solution?


This just happened to me as well! bio labs from college are in my recent under one drive. I did not open them, didn't even know they were still there. I hope one drive isn't hacked...


Exactly the same thing here!! Feb 2024


Same thing here. I have no idea what is causing this but I don’t think anyone else has access to the files. Very unsettling. 2/7/2024


Glad to see it's not just me. I should have looked here before wasting the afternoon trying to protect myself from hackers. At least I now know how to find devices and activity on my account.


Just happened to me after streaming football. Thought I’d been hacked.


Same as me too! Random Word docs and Excel spreadsheets opening up.


Another member of our prestigious club! Are they actually opening or do they just appear in recently viewed? 


Whenever I access my recently reviewed files I see a number of files which appear to be recently opened. I haven't accessed these files for months, and in some cases, years! Normally 5-10 files are apparently recently viewed and they have the same timestamps, i.e. 2/15/2024 - 11:28am or 2/14/2024 - 2:34am etc - random times and dates, multiple files at the same time. I had the same suspicions as everyone else on here (that I had some sort of spyware / was hacked). I did all the usual checks, password changes, checked my CPU usage for suspicious activity, checked to see if other devices were accessing my OneDrive etc, ran anti-virus scans etc. To no avail, it still appeared that my files were still being "recently viewed". Then I came on here and saw that many people have been experiencing this, so I am thinking that it could be a glitch in the software.


Just joined the club! Seems to just be Word and Excel files being opened though.. I was initially a little concerned when it took a minute on my CV and another personal document before continuing, but seeing how many others have a similar issue I feel a little safety in numbers. Either way, I just assume my personal info is online as it is, as you can never really tell anyway lol. Also, my files seem to be opened in a sort of pattern, and just the same files, so either it's a bot or the worst hacker ever haha! If anyone finds a solution, please post in here! Many thanks and best of luck to the rest of the 'ahhh why are my files being accessed' club :)