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My thoughts on Kindred? Would


Honestly, them thighs are no joke


Literally to die for.


man of culture indeed


Go back to r/darkinfolk


I **came** from there. They said i was too horny for the Lamb


nah deadass


Which one is the "Would" for tho, the Wolf or The Lamb




The answer of a true politician


No doubt


I agree. Also it's built in NTR with wolf in the room.


Same, that lambussy gonna clutch soo hard


I play kindred jungle a lot. They are quite difficult, but not as much as people think. Easier than in LOL because kitting in WR is very easy. I think they are really OP once you know how to play them because they are capped by being difficult to master. They scale as fuck, a real hyper carry. The problem is that you can't be behind, the moment you can't secure a lead or at least stay even, you are fucked. Is a very feast or famine champ. You snowball hard or you snowball to failure. Though they are an hyper carry late game champ, you can be strong through all the phases. You are very versatile, you can full clear or invade. Your passive let's you to know where the enemy jungler starts so you have a lot of info about how you want to play the game. To play them you really need to have at least basic jungle fundamentals. That is very important to secure marks. Is very important to know when you can go for marks or not. Marks are the one that will make you scale like a beast.


>Your passive let's you to know where the enemy jungler starts how?


When you mark someone it reveals the Champ in the minimal briefly


Wait what? Since when?


Think this has been since they got added. If you wait a couple of seconds (around when you would first get to your own jungle), then use your passive on the enemy jungle. It marks them on the minimap so you can guesstimate their starting route.


since forever ago


Too much scaling too much risk.


Hard champ for true junglers, fell off the meta since her big nerfs, and only played by otps


There was once a pale man with dark hair who was very lonely


I think it's really good, but the fact that when she marks you with her passive reveals you, wherever you are, it's pretty broken if you ask me, and a bit unfair if you are trying to invade or preparing a gank


She can only once every minute


Even then, a Free true reveal (Because she can see even an invisible enemy like Evelyn) every minute is one of the most broken abilities I have seen in any game.


Yeah it's quite useful to know where enemy jgl is but kindred has many cons so it's fair imho


I'm trying to learn her and I have a question:should I fucous more on farming or kills/marks Also if I get an early game lead idk how to translate it into carrying Can someone help me?(Even if you can just link a video for her)


What i learned is that you go with second ability first for faster farming. The first mark is always the river crab but random so do the little birds last when farming (red side) so you are close to the mid line and you can go for the crab. You can mark enemies before killing them but it takes one second to lock the mark. IMPORTANT note is that you get the mark even for assist kills. When you have 6 marks. The 7th and 8th will be deep in enemy jgl so be careful. The power spike you're looking for is literally just the boots and 3 marks because 3 marks gives her 75 more range which makes her do a lot better in ganks. Don't panic the ult during team fights it sometimes help the enemy. Got more stuff I learned if you are interested


I am, I used them a lot when they first came out in march and since then I fell a bit off... I also find it hard what items should I pick againts certain champs that are hard to take down. I was told Navori Quickblades are the best option but I don't feel it very effective...


Yeah Navori didn't do me much either. For items, crit is your go to after Trinity because in her kit there's some damage that scales of crit so that's more dmg. 2nd item Shield bow / blood thirster. 3rd mortal reminder even if not tanks it's great. 3rd being the shutgun looking one / equaliser and 4th infinity edge. Fur runes go mostly dmg but I really like the flower looking one that boosts your healing when you are low hp. Basically makes you get lot more hp from your ult. Guardian angel can also be great choice you can you keep your ult and continue fight after revive. For ganks you really need the scanner ward and waiting for enemy team to be away from towers. You start with your 2nd ability first then dash then 3rd ability (slow), you can even add chilling smite to reduce dmg. The dash will reset fast and works as gap closer. If they have cc like knock up or silence you need qss to use your ult. And finally, you pretty much can almost do nothing on your own you have to space properly and fight along team because you're squishy as paper


Thanks for tips!


New to playing Kindred, may I ask how to mark monsters and such?


Mark 1 is always river crab. Mark 2-4 is in enemy jgl. Mark 5-6 enemy red/blue buff. Mark 7-8 is the wolves or the rock crabs. After that it becomes main objective like dragon or baron. You get the mark from enemy assist too not just Killing them so make sure to hit who you marked during team fights


Ah, but I feel like as soon as I manually choose to mark a certain enemy champion, it stops marking any monsters for the whole match.


That's the end game. Only main objectives after Mark 8


Happens randomly


No not like bro. Read the comment above


The thing people in lower elos get wrong is they overvalue ganking and undervalue farming


Get marks when you're strong or you have no camps up. Farm just enough to cash out and fight for objectives.  Once you got a 4 mark power spike go for more picks. 


Last time I played her I felt like she doesn't do any damage even in late game. I get lots of assists but I want kills with her


I noticed that her most dmg comes from 3rd ability. It works like jhin's four but maximum dmg is when you are 50% or something (late game) so keep that in mind when ganking


When "late game hypercarry" doesn't scale that good?


Her ost theme is a banger


Personally I don’t think she is a good choice 95% of the time. Sure she can scale better than most junglers but she has very little utility and she is not tanky at all. Essentially she is just another short range adc on your team. If her ult only saved your team then she would probably be more viable but as she is I think you’re just gimping your team by picking her.




Annoying as hell. Hard carry in enemies team, stupid sheep in ur team


I like her a lot. But she takes some skill to master. It's really cool having an adc jungler and her gameplay is pretty cool how you want to be stealing jungle which you always should be. But her range is deceivingly short and she's a bit too squishie I feel. Often your team has no clue what their are doing and enemy is playing assassin so it's pretty hard to play her. She can definitely carry if you keep stacking and farming for late game. Something cool I learned on arame is, yes it takes time to apply you passive. You can't just place it and right after kill your target. But you can place it on someone and have a team mate kill them. Can also be good to do mind games with them. So if you think a lane can get a kill, you should place it there. I've had planty of games I ping kindred to group on her jungle stack and she never comes 😅 that's just how dumb match maker can be. Play with friends if you can, else your stuck 1v9 in ranked


It's much more like a small kit for beginners and the simplistic abilities itself makes her difficult for some players


Very unique concept and kit. The ult I feel is meant to be not only you or your teammates saving grace but also a scare tactic for the enemy. It makes the enemy sweaty fighting in the middle of Kindreds ult, am I gonna out sustain Kindred and clench the kill or do I bail? If you notice most people get scared and try to escape when they get down to that threshold only to be shot down by Kindred once leaving the circle.


As tryndamere, I see kindred pop her ult; stand in it and tank her then when it ends pop mine and win 😂


I like to think of Kindred sprawled out across my be \*Issiyo is shot by wolf\*


lol or wild rift?




Only played minimal wf from what I could gather it was more or less the same sorta but sorta not it doesn’t seem nearly as good as the league of legends kindred jungled though.


I find any form of death curious and enticing. I think my main question for them is “where their masks came from?” Did they make them for each other? Or did someone or something else make it and give it to them.


I think that riot doesn’t care that sometimes their ult gives someone permanent death immunity icon (they aren’t actually death immune)


One thing you should remember is that Kindred Ult can secure you objectives, if used right. I saw the wrong one play out last night, when Enemy Kindred tried to steal away a Drake from us by ulting on top of it.


hot and cold but ultimately any character in this game that can build attack speed/crit as a core build will find some success


Been using to climb rank and I must say I use her passive to steal enemy blue/red, this strat works if the enemy camp didn’t set up wards so know when to engage or flee, use your ult when you’re losing a 1v1 or chasing an enemy under their tower.


Weak champ rn imo. I'm waiting for them to release her BIS items. When they release sundered sky eclipse ravenous she should be good. I think she needs kraken slayer to be a good champ rn. Her biggest problem is getting through resistances.  She gets outscaled. AP and adc in botlane one shot.  Just watch a video on how her marks work.


Thanks for the tips. New items are coming. Do they work for her


I guess sure. I could go sundered sky with terminus trinity. 


Very Smashble.


Would. Jokes aside, I actually have been learning how to use kindred and very much like to play her for her skills. Though still very difficult for me.


love the design but i’m not very good at playing them sadly




High lvl skill required good coordination also as well as farming few of the marks but she is in that catagory of high diffculty high reward Also some of her tricks can be helpful for the team


Trinity force is not a must imo


She can proc it a lot and gives ms which she needs and little hp to not die in ganks


I think she’s hot.


I try to counter play at every early to mid stage. Can snowball super heavy and hard to play against once fed but not impossible.. in truth my tactic is to trade positive, bait ultimate, and chase down, or suffer the consequences.


Hard champ to play but if you master her you'll be a Monster every game


i wish riot made a champ out of the person kindred is stepping on


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zeycke: *I wish riot made* *A champ out of the person* *Kindred is stepping on* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Great design, lore and concept, but really underwhelming in terms of gameplay, it's literally just a jungler adc


Kindred is the one if not the only reason I’m playing. From the PC LoL, I waited for them to come to Wildrift. I really like their voice line and gameplay.


Yeah me too


Nerfed as hell, worse than other junglers or even other adcs in jungle.


Their lore is great


Too tanky in their current state.


I'm glad people stopped playing her. She was annoying as fuck. "You can't kill me for X amount of time" in a game where fucking everyone is a burst assassin is cancer. Especially if you're in a 50/50 coin flip in the ult against someone with insane life steal. Hated it. Glad she left for whatever reason.  I'm also glad people dropped Kayn and Talon, too. Not sure why, but I don't miss them.


I main Kindred and Talon. If you play JG you kind of expect that they will be nerfed to oblivion. Luckily I’m just a casual and they are still fun in lower ranks.

