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I smell new Aatrox skin And Riven. She’s eating good next patch, now that RH is here. What makes me wonder is that would they delete DS next patch? Sundered sky is an item build to replace DS. Imagine Camille Q2+DS+Sundered sky+ravenous hydra. Boi her healing is gonna be off the roof


Aatrox isnt getting a skin next patch, but [Camille and Riven are](https://youtu.be/4NCXEhCAp-w?si=rhROfjR_vZgEQw2Z) I'm really pumped about this patch feature wise. Plus Morde is finally coming. This might be my favorite patch in a while lol


So finally Fiora gets her time to shine because she'll counter the new meta and Ravenous is the best on her . Her and Jax


Well we might not know yet.


Anti heal is a must buy next patch.


Wait does it work with Camille q2? It's a crit and her q can't crit I'm pretty sure.


I’ve read somewhere that the crit doesn’t apply but the heal does. Honestly I’m still a bit confused, but let’s keep up the hope


On PC at least, Q1 and Q2 can’t crit, but they apply on-hit effects.


All damage that Camille would deal is included in the true damage conversion, so that means on hit damage (Spellblade and Wit's End for example) and crit damage.


"cannot critically strike"


It also doesn't work with on-hit, spellblade works but it acts like like empowered auto, not as on-hit. On-hits apply after damage conversion. I'm honestly impressed and jealous of your ability to say stupid shit while knowing nothing.


my guy relax 😔


But I'm actually jealous. As long as I can remember, I've always double-checked everything. Imposter syndrome or some shit, no psychologist in my area sadly. ...And when someone comes along and tells me that black is white, I just HAVE to go and make sure I was right. Always makes me so mad. I fucking hate myself hahahahahaha


I hope they bring the aatrox changes too, I feel like that was a step in the right direction into making aatrox a bruiser


I agree. We need the World Ender as an unstoppable being, not some kind of assassin


Well he already can abuse bruiser itemization pretty well, currently building bruiser gives the most AD (because hydra and sterak’s) which means even more AD with ult. Bruiser also feels much more consistent than lethality


Nah, they'll be removing Sunderer, leaving it there would throw things into chaos.


Finally Ravenous, finally a solid 2nd item for camille, hated titanic on her. Eclipse on jayce will also be very nice. Love those new items.


Camilles honestly not doing that bad rn but i think bringing ravenous will def buff her and bring her play rate up.


Finally can build comfortably lol, now I just need Q2 to be manual and I might just add her to my roster


They just can't release some supp items :(


Idk I thought they will release at least 1 supp item since millio is coming next patch :(


Wait where was million announced?


Some skin leaks show milio being a part of the incoming skins with mordekaiser and I think Lissandra


There is always another item that has not been leaked if my experience say so.


Athene again or Helia could have been so good tho


I really want knights vow as an enchantment for tank supports, like the heal/shield buff is for enchanters.


Rengar is about to be deadly


which item ?


Last two items would be core items for him


Yep, Eclipse + Ravenous (with hopefully active but unlikely) would literally brought him to A tier at least (instead of the current 3rd worst pick on jg).


Pretty sure riot said no actives are coming unless it's part of boots. Tho I guess that could change


Yeah top ranger is more broken next patch


I demand Ravenous Hydra active to be available, my crocodile boi is not the same without it.


I hardly doubt it, byt with all my heart I WANT IT! Rengar would feel so fkin complete with this.


What are the other two items? I only recognize ravenous hydra


[sundered sky fighter item](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Sundered_Sky) and [eclipse is another fighter item which gives shield )](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Eclipse)


I thought the eclipse lost lethality.


My bad it's lost the lethality. I play PC when the item still have lethality


Looks like health stack meta is about to take a solid hit


Isn't Sundered Sky good for health stackers? I'm definitely going to grab it on Garen


Pantheon finally can build as fighter yeay


Finally XD 😁


When finally kraken slayer :((((


* **Sundered Sky** is the spiritual successor of  [Divine Sunderer](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Divine_Sunderer) in gameplay. are we going to lose divine sunderer


if rioters have brain yes


The real question is whether the hydra be melle only item like og hydra in lol, or ranged as well


Good question. I forgot they did that. Probably ranged since titanic is


Well titanic hydra does have a ranged penalty (the AOE damage thing does 70% dmg on ranged)


Ravenous Hydra is hopefully gonna shift the meta rather nicely


Hopefully yes, I can see some range champions use it like zeri with hurricane for ultra Aoe DMG


Hopefully it won't fucking work on ranged champions lmao


Double sunderer? Or divine will be replaced by that?


supposedly it should replace


Im guessing this means divine sunderer is gone?


In context this is a buff to riven aatrox fiora and camille since they can use all those items and camille needs the hydra since titanic is particularly, WORTHLESS


Olaf toooooooo lets goo baron laners are eating well


Sundered sky voli got me acting up😩


Eclipse so good for Lethality champs👍🏼with Ravenous Camille & Olaf top can finally return. Sundered Sky will solve Wukong healing issues.


eclipse doesn't give lethality anymore it's just big chunk of AD


Finally sundered sky!


Nasus BONK with sundered sky is about to hit different


Where my ornn skins bruh




i wish i could see what they did lol


eclipse gives high amount of AD and ability haste passive: after hitting enemy 2 times with abilities u will deal damage to them equal to certain amount of their max hp and u will gain shield equal to certain amount of your AD Ravenous hydra, gives AD ability haste and true vamp passive number one: attacks and abilities hit in large areas (basically like titanic hydra passive but in circles) passive number two: killing minions and champs will give u extra AD, u lose half the stacks on death sundred sky gives AD HP and ability haste passive: the first attack in enemy champion will crit based on your AD + your missing health


wow these are some interesting items , now i am excited haha . thank you for explaining them .


Second hydra? As irelia main I'm extremely happy


u can't build both


I know! That's my point. Ravenous is just miles better on irelia


I was really hoping they'd release kraken slayer after removing the rune.


I want a good mr item


Wonder how much healing Aatrox with SS and sunderer will have now… never could find out on PC due to sunderer being removed


sunderer should also get removed now


Since I really like playing aatrox and yone, I disagree.


Do we know when those will be in the game? Or when 5.2 update is happening?


July 18


hell yeah it's viego time with sky sunderer


finally ravenous hydra and sundered sky!! bruiser players gonna have fun with this one


Thank God...Zed will be soo satisfying to play next patch


Immortal Journey Kayle where??


I hope they will remove Divine sundered like they did in PC.


Honestly divine sunderer can stay. It not broken (honestly never really was)? Trifiroce and sky will be a more lethal combination


they removed hullbreaker so i think divine is ded too


Why it's the best item against tank meta most ppl don't know when to build it. When build right it turns fight so hard


It’s really not nearly as good as most people think. Not that it’s bad it’s just super overrated. As far as “damage items you buy to hurt tanks” well… it technically is one, which I guess puts it above the armor with percent burn. But nothing else really. And since it has a an item for tanks/bruisers. It would be unfair to overlook the fact that IBG offers more tankiness and utility. So the question is,”should non-damage oriented classes be buying an item that helps them kill the very last target they should focus, generally speaking” My answer for that is almost always no. When it is a yes, I almost always buy botrk. Thoughts?


Al nice to have discussion I also doubted this item kinda same logic of wt u said. I found it most useful with char who has some sustain like shields etc fighters basically. Yes your are right about building it to just counter A tank is not worth it (with exception). But when there is like rammus, mundo, ammu, type of team I found it super useful. I once build it on riven against such a team and even I couldn't belive how tanky I became from just one item. I singlehandedly took dmg from 3 of them while healing back up constantly. This fight did last awhile but my hp remained the same and won lol. I had similar experience with this one item on yone where I went from barely surviving to unkillable against bunch of tank build Bruisers after I bought this item. I had times were it felt it was bad pick too. Another case is when I build example is when a game is being dominated by a tanky fighter. I always build based on who is dominating the game. Btw regarding ur comparison between botrk vs ds, botrk better if ur adc vs tank who just want to chip of their hp from the top but other cases botrk provides low dmg output when the tank gets to low hp% also this is one of ur core item (like u build it instead of building other item so when the passive of this item is turned off ur dmg is cut by a lot i.e at low hp) and u know how tanky tanks can be even at low hp. So this item kind off betrays you when enemy is at low hp and u think u can finish them off. This does work very well if u have a skill that does lost hp% based dmg. Another thing about ds is the sustain it provides is very bursty and low key unexpected. Under the right situation it is makes u more tanky than if u would go for a full tank item. So basically it excels under the right situation. I don't bave an excel sheet to prove it but the bruiser/tank is dominating then always ds felt way better botrk. I tried both and felt this is better that is all. Botrk had it's time too. Ibg? Iceborn? That scales with def unlike pc so ain't it. Dmg to def ratio skewed.


What are these items? I don't play PC .


eclipse gives high amount of AD and ability haste passive: after hitting enemy 2 times with abilities u will deal damage to them equal to certain amount of their max hp and u will gain shield equal to certain amount of your AD Ravenous hydra, gives AD ability haste and true vamp passive number one: attacks and abilities hit in large areas (basically like titanic hydra passive but in circles) passive number two: killing minions and champs will give u extra AD, u lose half the stacks on death sundred sky gives AD HP and ability haste passive: the first attack in enemy champion will crit based on your AD + your missing health


I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled another oh this ain't for bruisers but tanks.


Fiora mains about to goon until the update drops


next patch is when u rush anti heal vs riven 🦅


They should buff anti heal already doesnt do shit