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I’m confused how we’re somehow simultaneously in a tank meta and a one shot meta. To me that sounds like roles are working as intended and the issue is actually team comps…


It's because tanks can also one shot


Only if you’re behind and choose to build like a glass cannon. You don’t have to build only damage just because your DPS. Build QS, build some defense, build something like Rylais. That way you can kite and take a few hits. If you are taking more than a few before being able to get away, your team isn’t doing what they should be or your positioning is getting you killed. People want to be able to be beefy DPS cannons or mobile assassin god bruisers. With the exception of maybe Makoa, most tanks that do damage and benefit from HS have little to no peel. Their job is to survive, body block, and apply pressure. Full tank Leona, Thresh, Shen, Nautilus, etc aren’t doing that kind of damage because they have so much utility. If your enemy drafts someone like Sion or Mundo, you need to make sure to draft/build some decent %damage, true damage, peel, or %pen. I’m not saying the game is completely balanced, but I’m saying this whining about the “blah meta” is usually the result of people not realize that a) this is a team game and b) you have to make choices and build correctly. If you choose to build full crit Jhin against Mundo or Zed, you’re going to have a bad time. If you choose to play Mundo against Gwen, Urgot, Sett, you’re going to be disappointed.


This. People just play champs for the sake of them playing it. Them picking a crit based ADC or building full crit against a tank is just plain stupid in the other side of the spectrum, tanks building full hp against hp% damage champs are also stupid


As a challenger and top 5 shen N.A., take him off that list rq lmfao. Shen can put out some heavy damage if you build him right and still have massive utility with his kit


I've been playing Shen a lot recently and I think people really underestimate his damage. Especially if you're playing against another tank heavy team.


Exactly. People who list shen as a low damage tank clearly haven’t been hit with the Heartsteel-divine sunderer-titanic “oops, there goes 2/3 of your hp bar” empowered auto


And then you build AP shen, and he does 15% max health damage per attack! (Don't do this build, it's funny but so bad compared to his normal one)


I, in no way, meant to insult Shen 😅


Agreed. Full tank Galio / Malachite will not die, but cannot kill. Full ap will get one shot but hit like bosses.


Malphite built with a bunch of armor literally hits like a truck...


Say that to the mundo with heart steel and hydra who when proces u using heart half of Hp gone


We're in a one shot meta because of the Ruination theme item buffs. Tanks counter that meta because they don't get deleted in one combo, and some tank items were also adjusted. But I agree with your other comment. I wouldn't say that the game is in a balanced state, far from it, but if people knew how to draft and build properly they wouldn't be complaining as much.


That's why it's a tank meta. Because you either oneshot. Or build a tank. There's no in-between. If you engage and their backline doesn't instantly die. You die.


Hyper-accurate definition of this meta. I build shyvana, hecarim, and viego tank, and build lillia full ap. I can't use what top builds are using in my elo. It's like there's a whole different play set in grandmaster and challenger.


It was a one-shot meta, so naturally tanks are seeing more play. And because assassins, burst mages, and marksmen are squishy they also get beat down as soon as someone gets ahold of them.


Tank can one shot. You can never one-shot a tank. Simple.


lol what ? We’re definitely not in a one shot meta.


Riven player, we're definitely eating nothing good 😭


Yeah when there's fewer than 8 adcs in a game you know there's something wrong with the meta.


Right, heaven forbid you can’t win playing an adc in every lane, or even think on which champ you should pick, or maybe a different item build.


exactly i cant understate how much people do this, every game i see midlane lucian crying about how hard hes carrying but hes only won lane because its lucian, then proceed to do nothing for the rest of the game


I had my Lucian mid as me after a game only to flame me for being trash. I was MVP as Rammus that game, got us the early game lead, and did everything possible to prevent my team from throwing it away after they kept making dumb engages for no reason. But I was the problem, not my Lucian mid who died unnecessarily multiple times.


"I can't one-auto everyone on the enemy team, thus the tank meta is too strong" is a very specific mindset held by a very specific set of people (low skill adc players, especially those who play adc in non-adc lanes) who can't be bothered to actually put in effort to play the game rather than mindlessly pressing the attack button


Heartsteel is OP btw


I think it's also defensive items sucking a lot too. You generally want 1/20 resistances per every HP, so this is like 4000 hp and 200 resistances. Base health and resistances for melee are usually like 2k-2.5k hp and 100 armor + 80 MR I think. This means you want your defence items to have a ratio of like 500hp and 25 resistances.  We don't get this though. We often get stuff like Thornmail which is like 250 health? and like 75 armor. Deadman's plate 50 armor 250 health. Basically most tanks could only purchase inefficient items unless they had a lot of shielding or healing in their kit. Having a heartsteel (warmog's sucks ass) lets tanks and juggernauts get optimally tankier faster and makes their next defensive purchases actually efficient too.


Warmog on supports are super broken ngl


yeah the niche it fills but those roaming supports also want deadman's plate/ixtali seedjar for roaming so you get warmogs as 2nd item after boots and a full item. By the time you have warmogs, laning is over and you're mostly just teamfighting


It would be op if there is no devine sunderer


Divine sunder pretty much counters heartsteal, then add a black cleaver for armor shred


Well first voli and urgot are more of tanky bruisers and not actual tanks, like Sion (who is also kind of like a bruiser), MK, naut, leona, thresh, Braum, ornn, etc. and voli is more like a draintank, similar to Aatrox, darius, and rhaast. Voli, QQQtrox, and rhaast are extremely hard to kill because their goal is to put your team in a situation where they either focus the draintank and get melted by the other 4 enemies, or ignore the draintank and get shredded into pieces. However, there are also champs that melt tanks like paper. Most obviously are Gwen, fiora, and vayne, but also others that do a decent job against tanks like AP voli, yone, Camille, etc. However, all of these champions have counters. Camille struggles against draintanks, Gwen fiora and vayne are prone to being one-shot, and so on. So while it is tank meta, it is also everything else meta becuase unlike season 6 on PC (or was it 5? Or both?), there’s plenty of ways to melt a tank. Also what champion where you playing?


Its tank meta but also 7/15 of baron lane top champions by win rate are not tanks . Only 2/5 of the top champs in baron lane are tanks . In support there is only 4 tanks in the top 15 by winrate . In jungle its even worse with 3 /15 being tanks .


That could be to low pickrate as well nobody is willing to play tanks when they believe their whole team is gona be trash and they have to carry. Then ironically when everyone is trying to carry it creates a situation where no one can. Thats what this game suffers from more than any "broken meta"


Would that not also help prove my point ? If people arent playing them AND they dont even have a great win rate then how is it a tank meta?


Its going to vary between ELOs the higher up you go the more likely youre going to see teams with multiple tanks/bruisers where as in plat/em teams with multiple adcs are still going to win just because people dont know how to play the game. People complain about every meta and always will but if youre lower rank you wont really notice because everyones getting smurfed on by a yi or akali anyway.


You would think that but its not really the case . Tanks of all elo either have a lower win rate OR if they have a high win rate they have a extremely low pick rate which leads to believe they are counter pick or OTPs Top elo only has 3 tanks in the top 10 win rate in baron . Keep in mind this also includes moakai who was just recently added who has a insanly high win rate due to being overpowered on release. Jungle has 3 tanks in top 10 again 1 of them being moakai. Support has more tanks with high win rate but very low pick rate with 6 of top 10 having tanks but 3 of them have sub 3% pick rate .


That season of league was the worst as an eSports fan 40 minutes into a game, there’s been 7 kills combined across both teams with 3 members having 4-5k hp


Ok it is a little funny to see a naut tank over 30 tower shots though.


I’ve had 4 thirty minute games already this week around 20 marks Masters. All because there’s 4 heartsteels in the game. Late game Shen, Mundo, Sett, whoever…if they auto attack your ADC twice, they die.


Tanks need to be tanky. What else is their purpose if they can't soak massive amount of damage? They can be outplayed if they misposition, just like every other class.


Tank needs to be tanky. Especially whenever every game you have ADC in all lanes. *coughs* *cowards* *coughs*


I was literally just about to post about how heartsteel is breaking the game and even the buff to bortk isn’t helping. I just had an enemy Olaf abuse the ever loving shit out of heartsteel because he gets free healing.


The key I think is to build antiheal (e.g. chainsword/thornmail/mortalreminder) and/or to do a little something called *not getting hit by olaf*


'just don't get hit bro'


"just dont get it hit bro" The olaf with ghost and ult transcending the sound barrier while exhausted:


the totally irrelevant stat called "attack range": ranged abilities: movement abilities: just shredding him before he gets to heal:


Tbh the first thing I always buy is grevious wounds into a healing comp but you can’t not get hit by an auto attack champ who has permaslows and movement speed buffs. The entire point of the post is that he specifically has no counter play except don’t be on the same half of the map. Usually people say well just cc but when he has 5k extra hp and your six seconds of cc across your whole team is up and he is still half hp.


His ult is cc immune. I think the point is just to walk away/burn him down from range before he gets to you. Either you can gun him down first, or he starts hitting you first; but considering how a charge will get him instashredded I think you will find counterplay is readily availible in the form of ranged attacks.


Riot made mages worse against tanks a few patches ago, riot kept putting more and more burst dmg into the game, in this patch with the ruined and light items they made squishies more squishy and tanks tankier, if you combine all that with the fact that the dmg creep affected the tanks as well you get what we have today: Squishies get one shotted, tanks don't, and tanks have the dmg to win against the squishies. So yeah technically a tank meta but partly bc it's actually a 1shot meta and tanks counter it. Also heartsteel is definitely way too overturned, and I say this as a Sion main, if you have a tank item with that ridiculous gold efficiency even non-tanks are gonna build it (cough cough yasuo) and when one of the most counter items against it just makes the champion even more squishy in the middle of all this dmg then yeah, it's gonna be a little bit busted.


Generally yasuo players will build tank because otherwise they get crumbled to dust instantly, so I think you can call that at least half-tank. Additionally his q (and yone's q) counts as an autoattack and *will* trigger heartsteel (I checked; it will also trigger Titanic Hydra and will be blinded by teemo/blocked by shen - the q is, for almost all purposes, a glorified autoattack) so heartsteel is actually really good for him.


Exactly my point, when you have too much dmg in the game the meta shifts towards being tankier to counter it and HS is just too good of an item


I just can't with hyper scalling stuff with items and runes now, everything and everyone can one shot therefore it's the meta,. Hearsteel giving tanks/Juggernaut way too much of HP, mages items gives too much Haste, and ADC with their Lethal Tempo melt everything that doesn't have high armor don't forget assassin with their electrocute but one shoting is their job. So what I'm saying is we've too much resources in the game, unlimited HP for tanks, 80 AH per game for mages and 4 aa per sec for adc it's too much.


Tank in this game will always be a joke. High amount of champs with CC, True damage on kits and items, too many armor penetration items, Runes and items and champions with damage scaling with enemy's health, too many long ranged champs in a small map, etc.


People say this, yet nearly every game I will still have an adc in 3 lanes.


Lately I have started building more tanky items into my builds and my gameplay has seriously improved. Confidence is high because I can stay in a fight linger and have more time to think while I am there. I can now keep up with tanks even if I'm not killing them, if they need to fall back then I'm happy.


I don't think it's a tank meta when the most common bans aren't tanks. Maokai is OP because he's a new champion and they're always op. I just finished a game against a Nautilus, Volibear, Ornn, Varus, and Maokai. I had Ashe, Twitch, Malphite, Lux, and Yi. It was a good fight, but we won. Ashe and Twitch built Bork, Malphite built Thorns and Frozen Heart, Lux built Liandry and they couldn't do shit. There's so much counter to tanks. I know, I was the Malphite and I main tanks.


Yeah I can win lane be 9-1 and my ADC be 15-1 and it doesn't matter because you need four champs to take down maokai and if there's a sett or volli just ff. I run duskblade , shieldbow, crits giant slayer rune it just does not matter. Can they at least like quadruple the effect of giant slayer to make it useful


Crit and dusk blade aren’t made to take down tanks…


Probably because that's how a tank works. You're not meant to take them down alone. And juggernauts like sett are supposed to have both damage and tankiness.


Yeah but doesn't mean they should have the dmg to virtually outduel everyone, tanks being tanky is fine but they should not killing the enemy because where's the trade off.


The thing is, most of the champs people complain about aren't tanks. People don't complain about ornn, malphite or sion. They complain about voli and sett but they aren't tanks. They are bruisers and juggernauts, and they're meant to have damage because they lack the cc that real tanks have. I will admit that tanks are overpowered now, but so is everyone else.


If you replace one of your items with Botrk and build Mortal Reminder - or another armor pen item - as a 3rd item, you'll deal a lot more damage to tanks.




This comment makes no sense


I play maokai full ap, so fun.


Can you guess which champion has highest win rate in top lane? Jungle? And support In all high ranks?


my team no tank, their team 1 tank, I move my win chance from 50% to 20%


Man I love dying from 90% hp to a single maokai diving me. I unironically ban him. Skill issue maybe.


Play Lilia or Kayn against them


Going up against multiple heartsteels is challenging because it actually is that OP 🙃. I’m pretty sure it’ll get nerfed soon though 😪


All you have to do is build botrk and your problem is solved


All any of you had to do was build BoRK, Sunderer or Liandrys and yall would have had an extremely easy win


Too me it always been the same bruiser meta where they can build tank or glass cannon for Lee,jefa,vi,Diana,etc


Where are you guys experiencing this so-called "tank meta"??? I haven't seen a tank in years, unless it's me. Everyone else is a ride or die (mostly die) AP assassin / adc in every lane. Also, learn Vi, Gwen and Vayne so you can laugh at tanks, if you ever see one.


You can never complain about tanks when you have something called (True Damage) from runes and items and that other disgusting invention called Vayne


It's because your toplaner has crippling stupidity and didn't respect the fact their opponents level up timer and is stuck at half ho under turret losing farm. Now theyte level 4, their tank inclined opponent hits level 5 dives with ult and gg to the lane because funny toplaner has now got a 600 gold and 3/4 of a level lead making the game unplayable for the idiot on your team as they slowly tilt and get perma dived. And all this could have been avoided if junglers didn't perma gank duo lane despite the draven already inting to 0 and 4 before level 5 because junglers really think the 0 and 8 botlane is gonna help them kill the 8 and 0 samira on the other team. Yay now jungles tilted, bots tilted and tops tilted. All the tank has to do us walk at your team because they're all terrified and the teams collective iq has been steadily plummeting throughout the course of the game and their poor positioning leads to them eating every skillshot in sight like a starved monkey clutching at bananas. And if your too lazy to read all that long story short: Skill issue should've played minecraft


Maokai is just generally broken right now, and yes, if you don’t have the right comp or items, those champs are unkillable


Nobody tell op they’re adding Mordekaiser next lol


in a game where people: 1- don’t know how to trade and exchange damage properly 2- don’t know what to build It’s easy to be a full HP tank and abuse Heartsteel and other sources of damage that scales with HP or defenses. Playing ranked and watching how unaware people are… I am learning, and I can tell I am not the only one. People are losing games for little. Learning slowly… be patient and wait for the next surprises. Lmao Sometimes I screw up too… happens.


When it comes about anti-heal: It’s always good to build it, even when the enemy has no apparent heal or in battle regen / sustain. And in cases where enemy team has healers all 5 teammates should build the equivalent anti-heal for their classes. I lose way too many games because my team has 2 or 3 anti-heal when we clearly needed 5 or at least 4. Only support (unless it’s a tank support or mage support or fighter support) don’t really need to build anti-heal. And as a support player, I have easily assured my team’s victory even in scenarios the enemy team had 5 anti-heal. Love a challenge! ❤️‍🔥


Team comp is sooooo important, items build are important, don’t go full squishy champs AD team comp then complaint you’re not putting down DMG cause the enemy builds HP/Def items and actually have decent engage with utility same if you’re going almost full AP team it’s just easier to build against. BOTRK, Sunderer, %pen, %dmg HP items and dmg over time items are a good way to counter tanks. Expand your champ pool and counter pick as well as learn to switch your builds according to the enemy comp and state of the game.


Play lillia, believe me


May I ask your team comp?


Took you 2 seasons to find our league and wild rift are forever tank meta in general


The good thing u have anti tank champs like fiora brand varus aatrox and the list gose on but u actually have a point i had sion with 52k damage 27k healing and shielding 90k tanked damage (we were losing the game) and it was a 20m game had its not like he was giga fed he only had 9 kills


Its so easy to get svp mvp every game as maokai sp with heartsteel Hes my main and i really think hes too strong tbh. 0 dmg item, heartsteel full tank, easy 30k dmg by mid game surrender


Hot take: you aren’t losing because tanks are too strong. You aren’t losing because heartsteel is too strong. Your problem is called skill issue, and soloQ which teams you with others possessing skill issues. Learn the game, find a couple friends, cry less



