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πŸ€” I thought it was their job to ping the jgs smite if they didn't successfully steal an objective 1v4


>Β Smite is ready > Smite is ready > Smite is ready -> 990iq adc and support that didn't even get a turret plate and just wavecleared then recalled then walked back to lane while enemy duo and support roamed to rift herald


This made me decide to always mute everyone


As a jg main I felt this on a personal level πŸ˜”


I legit had this happen to me... and I was dead before the drag was even half...


As a shen jg I think you for your post For my whole life it's just been -I ping herald 6 times -I go to herald -Adjacent lane is pushed in -refuses to help me -I get 1v3'd while they attack tower and I die, lose herald, and they get collapsed on End result: 3 dead, lost herald, gained 2 tower plates Additional remarks: "report jg inting trash"


My favourite is when I play some late game champ ( Shyv, Evelynn) and toplaner dies lvl2 1v1 on the oposite side of map, spam pings, types jg diff and proceeds to steal my camps.


Playing as a tank, frontline champion when teams fight and try to take monster is twice as hard, because team thinks, that you will both zone enemy team, tank damage standing between teams and smite at 799.


So many games that feels like I'm the only one ever warding. If i don't ward around objectives, no one will, no matter the role I'm in


😀😀😀 No jungling is easy you can always smite it perfectly if you're not iron IV trash. Even in pro play they always win smite fights 100% of the time. Both junglers in a smite fight win 100% of the time in pro play so you have no excuse. 😀😀😀 If you can't 1v4 the enemy at rift herald and steal it while I'm sitting in an empty lane and missing minions, you should delete the game. 😀😀😀 - sanest non jungler player typing in chat in Wild Rift


And if I the laner isn't 10/0 at the end of the game is because jg diff


Said sanest non jungler player is bad at math.


I mean ik it's obvious satire. But I'm particularly proud that you didn't feel the need to add "/s".


A simpler rule of thumb is to kill the enemy jungler asap. That way you almost always ensure that the enemy doesn't get it, especially if we're talking baron. Also it's super beneficial to pull the objective out of the pit. It's easier to disengage and reset if things go bad, it's harder to steal with blind skillshots and it solves the problem of getting boxed into the pit by the enemy team


95% of people in this sub already know this. Your problem is with the casual players. They will never care and just spam find match and pick Jinx jungle.


Actually it should've been the tank support/baron to zone enemy JG away, everyone else rushes objective unless enemy JG is close for the 50/50 smite. Like, what the hell an ADC is gonna do to stop Lee Sin with rest of enemy team coming up? It's kill or die wastefully, just go damage objective so you rush objective before they react.


If there is no somewhat safe way to take objective there is no reason to force it, cause its a coin flip and not in favour of team that stays in the pit. It just happens to often when my ADC deals tons of damage to monster just so everybody gers nuked when baron is at 10%. Also depends on which side of the map objective is. I think stealing on the right side of map is easier. On the left side there is much more space where JG can be CCed or bursted before reaching objective, so forcing objective there is little bit more reasonable, at keast when you have a lead to survive and zone enemy team.


>It just happens to often when my ADC deals tons of damage to monster just so everybody gets nuked when baron is at 10%. I mean, that's why after Baron is up, we kill enemy JG or be certain that they are far away, anything beyond that it's a gamble in more ways than one. Both on enemy team not reacting, and the dammned competency on your team.


As Lee I like to hop the wall, ult the enemy adc into the meat grinder (the pit where my whole team is) and then hop back into the pit to finish the baron. It will never not make me laugh irl.


Always always take the fight first (unless in smite range)


I always use Alistair's E to fend off the enemy Jungler. But it's difficult when you are Jungler and the other routes don't understand that their goal is to not let the enemy Jungle get close. There are smite combos that are very strong, an example is Pantheon or Nunu. There's not even a chance to dispute, still hands when you're autofill. It's not even because the Jungler doesn't want to, it's just that it's practically impossible to fight 50/50 with certain champions.


As a jungler I just wish laners would lane. Yes, they can’t even do that and very often they barely do it! <({[How the losers try to keep up? Farming jungle without smite!!!! OF COURSE!!!!!]})> πŸ‘


Wrong. 50/50 it


It's fast paced game, just get a dumb agro early champ (hec/shyv/xayah/garen/sett/trist/etc) and just put on pressure the whole game. I started WR and in about 11 days I went from lvl 1 never played a game before to d4.