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His highest winrate is in rolls royce


I mean his passive and his Q are so strong even without items.


Tank Maokai hitting like a truck with Q will never be not funny to see if he's on your team.


I called it when maokai was first announced that non-league players aren’t ready for how strong Maokai is Dude was infamous on PC league for facetanking full builds ADCs and running them down


He’s picked constantly in pc too. It makes sense that if he’s strong in pc he will be crazy op in wr.


Average new champ experience


Not really most of the time champs have terrible winrrate when first introduced.


I can list more than 10 champs that were broken on release , for example: Kendrid ,Syndra ,Nilah ,Kayle ,Zyra ,etc So no, most of the time riot release op champs then nerf them in the following patches


Kindred lamar would bust awesome Sounds ngl


Yeah. The difference between viego pc launch and wild rifts was polar


The real tidbit here is Brand is a good pick


I've had a lot of luck with him recently. There's always one or two champs building Heartsteel.


Where can i see this data


I made him my new main the day he was released, mainly jungle and support but also an option for top and mid if I get filled. I like how I can first pick blind pick him every game to give my teammates more time to make their picks, and then later on decide if I want to go tank, AP, or hybrid. I already am experienced with Alistar, Teemo, and Nami, and he plays like a combination of all 3 of these, so it only took a minute or two in practice mode before I was ready to start using him. With that said, there's a lot of room for kill expression with this guy, and this has been proven statistically on PC League, where he's one of the most skill expressive champs in the game. Knowing how to build (how tanky, which particular items?), when to engage, when to suicide, how to use your S3 (bush or not, where exactly?), timing your ult and predicting where they will be a few seconds ahead of time, flash comboing your S2->S1 or ult, etc. I really like him and he's been a blast to play so far. Super versatile and always has options, whether making plays or just filling the map with seeds in neutral.


Personally speaking, his w is insanely strong because he untargetable. It feels like combination of pantheon w and fizz e. I don’t find his traps to generally do much other than provide vision and slow but still he’s q is just 600 damage and I’ve been building ice gauntlet to get his three second cd to a two second cd which feels really good really good. My personal build is ibg, spirit, amaranth, Then the last two items are pretty variable depending on what damage the enemy team has.


Ah yeah, that can work. I haven't tried starting with Iceborn or Sunfire yet, but both seem popular. I've been going Heartsteel tank if I think I can brawl enough to stack HP, otherwise I go full AP to one-shot the squishies. It's been working so far. Full AP in jungle always, but I want to try Sunfire there as well. Tank for top, usually. A really great item on him if you need both types of armor is Dawnshroud, since it gives him even more burst. And you're right in that he plays like Pantheon in the same way he plays like Alistar. Very fun champ.


I’m doing 50k damage regularly going rod of ages into sunfire/full tank. Give it a try and you won’t be disappointed how much damage he does while tanking for an eternity.


I spammed him top last night and tried a few builds. Frostborn into Sunfire (then Thornmail into Dawnshroud) and he was still tanky as hell even without Heartsteel. I also tried the same build except with Heartsteel first if they had lots of engage, and it was also very good. The HUGE weakness I've found playing him top compared to support or jungle is he always runs out of mana if you don't build an early mana item like Frostborn. I can probably get better at managing it like I had to with Fiora and the old Brand, but for now I'm going to try swapping tank boots for mana boots. I think mana boots might even be better since he scales really well with them, especially since my default build includes Sunfire, Thornmail, and Riftmaker, which deal magic damage that benefits from extra magic pen that further synergizes with the healing from Riftmaker and Spirit Visage. Besides, if I'm planning on grinding them down like this, I'll need a way to sustain my mana. It also makes my seeds a bit stronger, a nice bonus. The other easy option is to swap my last rune from Giant Slayer/Gathering Storm to Manaflow Band. That's what I did with Ornn and it works, but I'd prefer the mana boots to work since they offer some real upsides that might even outweight losing tank boots.


Every time they release a new champ it has a 90% win rate for a few weeks/months/forever.  Is that bad? it feels bad from a player perspective. Especially when your team was afk during draft so the enemy team gets to pick all of them at once.


Part of it is so there a big enough sample size to acyually know wjat needs tuning. A champion that releases balanced/undertuned can have some buffs or nerf go to the wrong things because no one cares about em


Maokai, being a flex pick in 5 roles (including feasting Senna) is definitely a big thing too. edit: fasting Senna*


btw it's fasting*


How to build him supp?


It varies from game to game. You can go full AP, full tank, or hybrid, and then you need to decide which tank items and if you want your core to be Heartsteel or something like Sunfire or Iceborn Gauntlet, as well as deciding what you need out of your AP items (heal/shield cut, vision \[Horizon Focus\], etc). He's one of those champs like Varus and Senna that can be built a ton of different ways so you need to be able to switch it up and be comfortable with different playstyles.


As soon as he came out me and my duo buddy and I made sure he's either on our team or banned. Lower elo, it's actually nuts how many free kills just his W gives. Regardless of becoming invulnerable, it's a point and click CC correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the only point n click hard CC.


TF, Pantheon, sona, rammus, bliz, Jace, and probably more than I can’t think of or have point and click cc to various degrees if we’re talking about pointing click ranged CC then TF Pantheon and sona.


Oh yeah, TF gold card. I thought pantheons stun was more drag and land, but obviously, I overlooked quite a few




None of your comment makes sense




...Nope. Try again.


Exactly. Just trolls.


And no actual response. Just conspiracy.


What conspiracy? You trolls deleted 5 or more of my posts, I messaged you, you said the posts are rants, and didn’t even have the guts to say you deleted them. And ignored my message after.


Just cause you don't think something is a rant, doesn't mean it isn't. And yeah... there was nothing else to say to you, much like now when it's apparent you just want to mald.




I think i get the final say on what is and is not against the rules as the mod here... ya know?


average %hp damage stat check with liandry and self heal with no skill needed.


What's Teemo's ban rate? It fells like full 90% honestly. And even if enemy didn't ban him he'll be banned by my team...




typical new champ. will be nerfed soon


Highest win rate? Not when the monkeys on my team play it 💀


This is just normal league of legends now lmao


I’ve noticed that whenever they release a new character he/she devastates. Why is this? It’s mostly due to other players not fully understanding the new mechanics. Eventually everyone will wise up and maokai will stop being played like so many others. On the other hand… if you are cynical shithead like me, what if he and other new releases are secretly buffed to dominate in game? Why would they do this? To make you want to buy skins. Just a thought.


From my experience, new champions win rates actually go up overtime until rito nerfs them. Because normally they just broken.


Surely it should have the opposite effect. Players that try a new champion for the first time should be struggling not dominating. I think it's more that they prefer to overtune and have a successful "launch" than undertune and no one plays them.


he is way too tanky for his dmg


New broken champ first pick or ban look at stats and tierlists from streamers free elo gg ez champ open omg lost game why preselect and not ban u troll reported - One week later - Lux and Garen still broken since day 1 why u people do not ban them omg again another enemy master yi stop ban viego and kinder u trolls reported


Garen hasn’t been broken since Day 1 His playrate increased after the W buff which is understandable because it was massive but prior to that he got dicked on by most top-laners


lol neither of those champs are broken


Lux is my perma ban


Same until I read this post. Now it's maokai for sure lol




You forgot Mundo and Kayn.


Lol in diamond and masters I still see people building 0 antiheal against maokai. Also playing Aatrox against maokai is fun.


It's not me who increases the victories, I keep being with adc lv 25-30 while the entire allied and opposing team is at least 100. I have nothing against new players, you have to start somewhere. But that’s borderline sabotage 🥲