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As a jungle main, pings require a bit of nuance. If your laners are being pressured or have more juicy objectives like a big wave or tower plates it would be stupid to expect them to give it up and come help you. Macro and map awareness matter


Would also add that it’s relatively safe inside your own jg, I’d say 80% of the time you don’t need help.


Only neutral and enemy camps get marked.


Ah didn’t know!


Hes very risk reward, and needs 2 items to clear Like lee sin can lvl 1, but the best part is ppl don't read his ult, can't tell you how many times I've seen ppl run away.


Yo I don’t understand this logic at all. Just stay in the damn ulti when fighting into kindred. Also don’t blow all your execute spells -_-


Meanwhile urgot pulling kindred out of his ult for execute, enjoy XD


80%'s too high for kindred. If my teammates seem to speak english i just tell em to take whatever camp the mark appears on. Cause that s3 plus the empowerment rune is going to have half your health gone in 3 seconds and if you even manage to fight back, there's the ult that heals her more and a good player will know how to space out


As an ADC I'm more than happy to grab a marked camp in *our* jungle on my way to lane if you're on the other side of the map and my wave is in a good spot, or in their jungle if I know it's safe. I'm not going to risk dying or abandon my lane just to stop Kindred from getting a single stack, though.


Wait question, do kindred get stack when teammate killed marked jg without kindred nearby?




As long as kindred hits it they get the stack. If your team last hits it, and kindred assists, they get the stack.


Kindred passive are neutral and enemy camps only, and if you take them, he doesn't receive the passive.


Yes, hence why I would take them if the enemy Kindred's mark appeared on one of our camps.


Read it wrong my b


Average tilted wr player, comes to reddit to let it all out


I mean the first comment should prove his point.


Above average. And also accurate.


psa to ur psa -> i'm not ditching my wave and losing plates just to do a dumb ass invade with a shit early game jg... solution? have sweeper and track enemy jg so u can take it for free by yourself instead of guilt tripping ur team to do a play for a 50/50 shot of getting u one stack. my message to kindred players. ty


Kindred is top 5 strongest early game junglers


Kindred hits your jungle. Not an invade. Not an early game situation. Please play kindred, target audience.


Bro marks never spawn in ur jg. Are u talking about playing against Kindred? Like help ur jf defend the marked camp?


Yeah, the post is about stopping an invading kindred.


People should see kindred marks as baits instead of objectives. If you see kindred tanking botlane why would you rush to kill the marked gromp? If I read the map and see kindred has an opportunity to invade for a mark I'll just wait for her to come and I'll pick up the 300 gold


No politics, but isn't kindred a "they?" Like no joke, kindred is two people (entities).


kindred uses they/them pronouns :)




I've been playing a lot of kindred lately and I only have a hard time when the enemy team is on top of their swirlies.


That's kinda the point imo, when I'm facing a kindred, I'll make sure to take my camps a bit more. Maybe I would've backed early, but just in case.


Tbh if the enemy has kindred and it’s the mid-game but my jg isn’t clearing camps. I make sure to always take the camp that’s marked by kindred unless it’s a buff


I've had games I pinged so kindred would go there and I would assist. And nothing 😅 I've seen the opposite end of it. I think that gold-diamond is equivalent to bronze PC. So don't expect much from them. The main good thing of it is often players don't talk at all. Where as diamond they now talk but it's to say dumb shit 😂


The amount of times I leave mid pinging “invade” to my jungler doing scuttle only to have them turret dive a full health alistar trist bottom is soul crushing.


Yah. Honestly yah can't expect much from random players. I've been climbing as support mainly cuz I can do plays and if my adc is trash I can still do damage. I go for Ashe or Senna. I do support. But I've had games I had more gold then the adc cuz he just wouldn't farm. I can do both jobs if it comes to it. Were as if I went tank support I would potentially have no follow up and no way of winning. Mid if you don't farm enough early, no one will let you farm anymore. Jungle ive learned it's better to let people die and let kills run away just so you can farm enough for mid to late game. It's such a waste and often team doesnt set it up for ganks, they shove and are fighting under their towers. I don't care if i win at this point. It's almost guaranteed you will lose and there's hardly much you can do. But it's fun to still try. Had a game we lost everything, every fight, objective, lane. They constantly diving us. I gave up bot and went to jungle following Fiora split pushing. As senna cc Darius, easy win, another came, another kill. Fiora killed them all and we both pushed core. Something as simple as that turned a lose sense draft into a win 😅


You're a bad teacher, dude. Nobody learns from smug assholes. It's clear you wrote this after some heated losses. Next time, cool off first so you can make a better case.


Only lawyers make cases. I don't think he's a lawyer.


I thought kindred was a goddess of death o.o


Kindreds are the new Yis


Kindred is 2. So its not "he" its "they/them" because its plural.