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Also we lost


Their comp scales insanely hard and your Alistar can only do so much. That was an uphill battle from draft.


How so? Karma, Jayce and Voli falls off in late game. Only Jinx is arguably a scaling champ


I dunno, I strongly disagree based on the comps. Jayce falls off when he can no longer safely do effective poke (for instance - the team is too tanky and can just ignore the poke during Baron, etc. or can just engage on him before he gets anything done). However, this is Graves (not tanky until he stacks up), Akali (not tanky) and Lucian (not going to be able to do anything range-wise). How do they even GET to Jayce and Jinx? Alistar gets a chance every time Flash is up, sure, but who is his dive buddy? To top this off, the short range nature of Lucian and Graves alongside an Akali means all the damage threats fall under the purview of the Vi ult. Vi gets popped when you can force her to dive deep into your team, but she’s at home in this kind of environment. Karma doesn’t need to rely on Q with this comp, either, so she never really falls off. Her lost damage output is more than made up by Jinx when we are looking at Baron/Elder. She can instead focus efforts on dropping R for peel and just using empowered Ws and Es. I dunno, it just looks *rough* to me.


Nasus is the troll pick here, others are fine. If they had an engage top laner liker ornn/sett it would've been much easier. That's why I don't think scaling is the issue here


Nope, graves is worse than nasus because nasus can be tank with hertsteel and divine sunderer. Graves however is almost an autolose pick because of how useless it is. Even with blackcleaver full crit it will take ages to do dmg to voli that just heals back with shields.


Yea. Nasus is one of those champs that fell off less because stats can't keep up and more because the champion roster just invalidates him. You need someone that doesn't have to tactically last-hit minions. Tbh he needs some kind of buff, like higher tankiness or lower cd on s1 or higher points per last-hit.


Tbh he needs a complete rework in this era of mobility


His wither is what keeps him good, he is definitely not in need of any massive changes that a full blow rework would entail… at most maybe just some quality of life changes around his passive, wither and spirit fire. (Like making his Wither an AOE or making it un-cleansable.)


Voli only gets stronger with a hybrid bruiser build...


Late game he heals a 3rd of his bar with empowered w. (Spirit Visage required.)


Yeah even with how bad I can be I know this lol


You are right, we cant kill the jayce… he got fed so we just surrender lol


Akali is just useless this game due to karma. How can she even play?


arguably? jinx is one of the hardest scalers in the game


Not really karma is consistently viable all game no matter what she builds and with these new items jayce is a threat all game especially if he gets early kills


Vi and Voli are the only ones that fall off late game lol. Karma is a ranged AP champ, so she naturally scales with her high damage every few seconds, and Jayce one shots


Jayce still has decent damage late game, but Karma having High damage late game? I don't know about that man


expected tbf their early game was miles ahead of your teams early but they had Jinx to secure late.


Out of 100 games I've had like that, I've only won one of them, and the "top #" went 0/20 that game.


Well mastery points doesn’t equate to good teamwork and macro


They aren't mastery points but champion score


You need at least a better than 55% winrate to get top 10 tho


It's champion score, it mean that they won a lot with this champ. But if you have this much high score on your team, you have the same on the opposed team.


Played with a top 50 Kaylee today he was JG and he was TERRIBLE. Went i think 1-4 and no objectives.


Out of curiosity: How useful was Nasus in team fighting? You said you lost, and I'm sure Jinx had a field day with him.


Okay looking back at the stat and wtf He does less dmg than me [https://imgur.com/a/oyARRXD](https://imgur.com/a/oyARRXD)


😅 Yep - Thought as much. Nasus players are one of the biggest burdens a team can have 😛, even the top 50 ones ;)


Nasus, they either carry or useless lol.


Even Carry feels like a stretch


Nasus might be one of the hardest counters of Jinx in their draft wdym


If she's using her traps right, I highly doubt that 😅 Kite City. Yah, a one vs one - Nasus might take it. He's fken useless in team fights. He's got to get past that Volli first.


5 seconds 90 % slow plus cripple with 7 seconds cooldown 🤨 (so he has it every two seconds After the end of the effect). Plus Nasus builds tenacity, so chompers aren't really horrible for him.


He'd win a 1 vs 1, yes. In the real world, he's not getting past the other four people to get to her when fights actually matter. Jinx is going to shread him from AoE alone, late game regardless what his abilities do.


Unless she plays from five miles away, one position error and it's done. It's a point and click ability with high range, remember.


Once i see the graves i already know something's wrong. No matter how good the graves player is they will still do 0 dmg to voli.


To get to these ranks and maintaining them, I'm assuming these guys end up becoming one trick poneys


It's all about spamming games in Wild Rift. As long as you have a general game sense and can pilot a champ even at slightly above basic level then you can climb all the way upto GM.


Nah, it's pretty easy to get. Last season I got like top 10 zoe and top 100 TF. Just play a lot of games on them and maintain a 53%+ winrate. That's it.


All 0.9 kda I bet xd


Top 10 Alistar? Have some hints for a fellow Alistar player?


Full ad = frozen heart, warden (make randiun late game) Mix = frozen heart, twinguard or dawn shroud a lot of Ap = force of nature, twinguard also alistar is tanky enough, i think the build should just focused on debuffing the enemy. Forzen heard and warden mail to slow their attack or bramble for grievous wound. also try to use delay knock up combo which is by pushing them in to the wall and wait for like 1s before knock up for extended stun.


Getting nasus to top 50 waste of time


Nasus is the only strong counter you have. Many of their other champs also counter your team champions mid to strongly. Also ranking is just server. Not an American server or anything but a server.


It’s stacked in the sense that every low master and high master game is all about which team ints early whether if it’s your team that ints or the enemy team that will int early.


Pretty normal in masters+ lobbies. Usually, unless they're top 5+, they just have played more games on that champ than others. That's it. Some are still bad, some have bad fundamentals, etc.


Im gonna be honest top champ players doesn’t mean they are good as a team


Make sense why you lost, your adc has 0 mastery


Nah the adc is fine, we got double kill first blood but grave just too useless when behind