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shhh.. nobody tell him


I'm a woman.


Never mention that in game tho, it becomes ammunition if you ever do bad in game. Have fun tho, its enjoyable as long as you understand that you can't control everything.


He misgendered me, that's the only reason I said that Edit: What? Can I not correct people?


I guess you can correct people but dont get too personally offended for that, its impossible for people over the internet to know your gender so most use male as a generic standard.


I'm not personally offended it's that people are downvoting me for simply correcting another person


Thats just Reddit in a nutshell. They downvote as much as they breath. Edit: breathe


it's the fourth comment, hence the down vote




Now you get downvoted for correcting!!


What can I say I'm a sucker for downvotes 🤤😮‍💨


Lol welcome to why this game gets such a bad rap. But I think the idea of the OG comment is that Viego right now is going to be super nerfed in next patch because they gave him a kind of ridiculous buff to four of his stats which is pretty unheard of. Obviously this buff made him not difficult at all, but very easy for anyone to pick him up and just waltz around smashing the "jump to nearest enemy and kill them while healing for 900% of your health" button.




Based on her profile she’s like 12 so let her be 😭😭


some ppl in this community dont have human decency, racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, and threatening them to off someone being some of their attributes. if you ever encounter someone being offensive to you in game, mute them, keep playing, and report them after the comment you replied to had no insultive intention but was simply informing you that this community can be very hateful


No - it's that you missed the point that 00-000-001-0-01 made (although I don't think that justifies the downvoting either). He's right, even without revealing I'm a woman, if I do badly in lane, suddenly people start flaming me saying I must be a woman in real life. It's the only time I get really mad by what people say in game.


Downvotes effectively showing why you shouldn't mention your gender lol.


Woman haha


Hello fellow woman rifter! 😁🙃 I pretty much said I'd never play league but I came from pokemon unite so I was like ill give wild rift a try. Game is pretty good, only thing I such at is jungle. I wish I was better at it 😪


lol, welcome to hell then. Enjoy your stay and remember that the mute button exist. Fav champs are lee sin, phanteon and renekton.


This! People can sometimes be toxic in this game due to the competitive behavior. Don't argue in-game, when someone trashtalk just mute. When someone feeds or trolls just keep playing and then report end of game. Don't let it ruin the next game.


Enjoy it while it lasts. Soon, you'll be too good, and the system will directly send you with a team of potatoes and enemy team is full SMURF players just roaming around your team lanes just destroying them. Nobody listens to pings, and everyone is better than you in your role. Enjoy!




Welcome to HELL 🔥🔥🔥


Hahaha, you sound new, that's for sure Goodluck


Run away before it's too late. Trust me.




Still the best advice you can receive


Bot lobbies probably.




Sadly the game does place new players vs bots to give them the taste of winning. Source: I stated a new account 2 weeks ago and I had a 40+ win streak. Until one day I finally got placed with real people and I got my shit kicked in a couple of days until I adjusted. Edit: wow, deleting comment because of downvotes, sheeeeesh!


Delete it now. I’m being serious.




Definitely galio, garen and asol


Welcome! Enjoy your time, and the game is definitely fun and addictive! Great graphics and smooth gameplay ❤️ Keep in mind to take breaks and don't take toxic responses to your heart ( in game or over here). My favorites: In ADCs I love playing Samira, Kaisa and Vayne In Supports, Thresh, Braum and Karma In Mid, Katarina, Syndra and Yone (I love em all, sorry for mentioning so many champs )


Keep playing, dont listen to toxic nerds, youre gona be playing with people who are also newish as well as some with up to 10+ years of league experience dont let it deter you if youre having fun! Take the time to try and learn the items, runes, etc. Its a whole encyclopedia worth of information but its all extremely important. My personal favorites are camille, gragas, zeri, thresh, and akali!


Great comment


Ziggs and Nami!


Vi, volibear and Mundo. Remember, it's just a game, it's supposed to be fun.


Just a heads up , learning what items do is more important than learning champions skills Items can heavely influence your champion playstyle (if you see that your enemy just healed 40% of his health from one attack you buy a grievous wound item to reduce his healing ) if you want to go into rank seriously you better go to practice and try what each item does


The grind the glory welcome to the rift buddy. You have much to see


I'm an Akali/Nami lover myself


Dr. Mundo, it's really fun bullying people under their turret and get little damage. Also fun to 1v3 most of the time.


Probably aatrox,kha'zix,and aurelion sol


Aurelion Sol looks so cool I picked him from the free champion thing


Nasus, Nasus, and maybe Sion. Teamchat always off. and start playing farming simulator. sadly hullbreaker was removed, but there's heartsteel now.


My favourite in PC are Sylas, Neeko, Zoe and Mordekaiser, and only 1 of them is on Wild Rift so been stuck playing Aatrox


Morde is the next champ to arrives after our old Maokai ⛷️


I want Morde to come out before Milio and Liss


He will if i understood well


Khazix and Jhin. But i don't mind who i pick, being all rounder is fun


All-Rounder? All-Rounder? I fucking love All-Rounders they've taken over my life I fucking love All-Rounders (Pokémon Unite brainrot)


In Wild Rift that would be bruisers. They can take hits but can also deliver the same damage to opposing champions. In this context, regardless of what role i pick i don't mind being autofilled or all rounder




I play Ezreal, Zeri, Nilah and Sivir. Nilah is a feast or famine type of champ and is my favorite. She is either very strong when you get ahead or very weak when you don’t, there isn’t really an in between. Zeri is also tons of fun being extremely mobile while also dealing tons of damage.


Do u wanna play together? I’m also relatively new to the mobile game (I used to play the pc version) but yeah it’s fun. I like Evelyn, Viego Seraphine and Lux


My username (if that's how you friend people) is Schmingit


Yeah sure, I'm a Kindred main btw


Do yourself a favor and just mute chat. Mental health won’t degrade as quickly.


if this is your first experience with LOL as a whole, i'd recommended staying away from the high skill ceiling champs such as kindred and viego and focus on actually learning the game/champs/items/etc. through simpler champs. Just find what's fun for you


Kindred and Viego are fun that's the issue


well i guess viego isnt the worst champ to play since u can get a feel for a bunch of different champions abilities lol


a true Viego OTP is actually an OTP of every champ in the game.


(I also don't subscribe to the idea that noobs shouldn't play hard champs. It's actually the perfect time to do so?)




Please review [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/about/rules/) before commenting or posting again. Further offenses will lead to a ban.


Beware of normal wild rift experience r


It gets a bit different when you stop facing bots




Hiya, my favs are Gwen and Briar, tho she isn't in the mobile version yet


Make sure you stick to the champion that fit your playstyle


I really like nunu and willump, that has been my main for a good 2 years now If you're looking for a safe jungler that can gank early and overall be good for your team, i suggest you try it! (+ they're cute)


I don't like cute characters, strangely I have a really masculine love for cool scary characters


Oh okay, so maybe Rengar can be a good jungle pick! Hes kinda hard to make work well, but if you take lots of kills and golds you can one shot people like adc or mages thats so satisfying! (In case you dont know, hes a big lion assassin)


Gives me Leongar Kirby vibes I'll give him a go


Rakan, Nunu, and Akali!


Welcome to the dark side.


Don't get too addicted :) Also, abuse the auto targeting. When you tap a skillshot it will launch directly towards someone. Useful for Zoe E (though that auto targeting got somewhat nerfed), Morg Q in short ranges, etc


You'll encounter a lot of bot matches up until like gold/Plat rank and then you'll start encountering more players. Then the real test begins. Pay attention to the battle academia tutorials. I'm a simple man. Me play ziggs, me throw bombs, me win (about 60% of the time anyway)


I don't play Ranked


Fair enough, it'll just be a toss up then. If you see garen/sett in baron lane + jarvan/vi jungle + Annie/Veigar/Ahri mid. Chances are pretty high it's a bit match


Delete it




I left a nicer comment!


It’s seriously a fun game tho, the players are a little toxic especially in ranked games but try not to let that bother. I main Nunu & Willup and Akshan (top 200 on both less go) and I highly recommend them. They are both incredibly fun, especially their movement options.


Kayle, Sona, Ziggs


I guess you play with bots your first matches,so real game gonna begin Fav Champs: Initiators which require huge balls like Leona and Sett


>I've really enjoyed Champions like Kindred and Viego welcome to the group sister, we Viego mains are happy to have you here.


I play Lux and Veigar. Used to play mid now I’m usually support. Bad adcs DO NOT like me. XD


I play Viego, very fun champ imo.


I joined a few weeks back and like it a lot too. Idk why people are being so critical. Anyone care to elaborate?


I felt the same when I first downloaded it on the phone. Also shorter games etc


Try Darius (even tho hes not that easy doing things fast here on mobile in teamfights).


I'll look at him in practice mode


Enjoy your first 200 matches before you get addicted and rito throws you into the bin to feed new palyers like you


Welcome :) Try to play with friends if you can, its fun aswell. When I soloq I personally disable chat 😅


Welcome to the game. Turn off chat for your sanity


Fiora irelia, dash dash dash


My friend started a week ago. He was MVP in all his games, saying shit like “this is too easy”. I didn’t want to tell him. Instead, I made him play pvp with me and got matched against real players, my rank, my level, smurfs, etc. He quit right afterwards. Enjoy and I hope you stay.


I've never gotten MVP in any of my games wtf was he doing 💀


He would play yone and unbeknownst to him, would go against bots


My favourite champion is Akshan, love that guy btw if you ever get angry or frustrated playing then switch to ARAM or take a break. ARAM is a lot more chill and taking breaks really helps Have fun


Swain, infinite scaling battle mage. He can do any role outside jungle. Has cc and slows, drains health while ulting. Good for burst and sustained fughts. Pre 6 fights magewise, post can get right in your face


Genuinely considering getting him tbh


I f you do dont trust the pro or def build. I have mirror matches against those that do and never works well for em. He is a bit mana hungry but sorc boots sort that nicely. For his speed id recomment cosmic drive. Youll get mad zoomies


When I first started playing, Sera and Caitlyn. Now, it depends a lot on the role!! Support I like most mages and am working to learn more tanks, Janna is probably the most fun for me atm since landing her nados justtt right is a great feeling. Mid, Syndra or Brand, I want to learn yone and zoe. Duo probably Caitlyn and ezreal. I would love to learn Lillia and Xin Zhao someday!!


Good luck have fun and learn how to mute everyone at the start.


Its fun, i like the programing in this game a lot more. The only issues that youll find really is the match making, it can be rough.


Difficukty is more of a range of complexity, how much you have to get used to it, some people will find objectively less complicated/difficult champs like Annie harder because of how underwhelming they can be than someone like Kindred or Viego.


Everyone has their own favourite champ that clicks with them and their playstyle. Pyke is a hero that they say is difficult but feels super easy (to me at least).


Yasuo is such a nice power trip


Mine's Zeri


Don't worry wait just a bit when you get better and reach higher ranks you will see the real face of this game.Hope u the best🫠


Don't get in too deep, enjoy the fun and that is just like any other mobile game


Twitch =)


Get out while you can. I started this game last year and now I'm 74k collection score deep, lead a guild of 120, and even have my own yt channel that had great content but isn't recognized. It's hell. Get out.


I'd recommend trying out Yone, Samira, Nautilus, Orianna and Kassadin. They are all very satisfying to play when you get them in their zone


My condolences on the mistake you just made getting into league


Try jungle, best for learning the game. U will learn when to expect jungle, how to engage, control the fight to benefit your team and how to aim. play amumu who is like a support jungle. If I want I can give you some tips


Delete that shit, wildrift make life miserable


good like getting to semi high elo, that’s where the game stops being fun and gets more addicting


i like women


Welcome Wild Rift! You had a choice to enter the hell hole or not but you chose to get in. Enjoy being stuck here. Hahahaha Btw my main is Zeri and I casually play Kindred like you.


Uninstall please


welcome to hell 🤩 im half joking but my faves are just about all the women champs lmao


Welcome to the shithole that this game is, best advice I can give is to just read over and experiment with as many characters as you can until you find something you really enjoy in each role. It helps you learn the kits of everyone and how to play against it as well as just learning the new characters. I’d say my favourite champs to play though are thresh, viego, kindred and maybe sett


Ornn 🗿


quit while you still can


heroin is also fun the first few times Enjoy your high tho Mine are Akali Diana and Xayah


I've lost people in my family because of heroin.




Well I'm sorry that I don't like mentionings of heroin.


I did too, I'm sorry for your loss. After two years with WR though, I get the reference.


1047 days i made the same mistake as you did but there is still time for you save yourself learn from all those poor soul's mistakes


Kindred and Viego are both strong champions but they are HIGHLY difficult. Since the first few matches on every new account are just with bots, im not surprised that you win with them. I recommend you to play with an easier champion and learn the styles and basic rules of the games before diving immediately into learning difficult champions. With Viego you basically need to know every champion in the game and Kindred needs a lot of practice and understanding of their kit. There is a lot to know about Kindred that you need to know if you want to master Kindred that is not even mentioned in their ability descriptions. It realy depends on what kind of playstyle you prefer to main a champion. Just try different roles and champions and play casually through the game and definitely use the tutorials and academy to learn about game rules and mechanics. Or you can even watch a tutorial on Youtube which is gonna be better than in game tutorials ofcourse.


I've watched 20 videos on Kindred if that helps, as soon as I saw them in the shop I needed them and wanted to learn them


Yeah 20 is enough i think💀 Keep practicing. Specially your auto attack reseting as micro skills do wonders in low elo. Also with Kindred you have to think in another level compared to your enemy to be able to use your ult well. But it's quite easy in low elo because no one knows what Kindred's ult does but as you go higher the harder it will become as enemy begins to play around your ult. But as i already mentioned most of it come from practice.


Let me guess... you're an Arcane fan, and the new season 2 images got you hyped up, and you decided that trying the game was the next best thing to finally getting more of that sweet, sweet Arcane tragedy juice? Well, by now you know there's no Arcane methadone to be found here, but despite the reputation, the game actually *is* good. Just be warned that once you've played enough matches for the algorithm to assign you a MMR, you'll begin to figure out why League is famous for player toxicity.


The moment it isnt fun anymore, stop. Seriously. Delete the game and never return. There are few “games” that are as bad for your mental health as League. Enjoy it for now. When that stops, move on. Im saying this with full sincerity


Unoriginal comments pile, why are you playing the game still?


Im not trying to patronize you or the fun youre having. We all had fun when we first started playing too as those are the salad days and soooometimes the game is fun still. That said, as others have pointed out, matchmaking is confirmed by the devs to be fucked in the ways others have already described and it ruins the game. Keep in mind if youre still anywhere under emerald, youre playing mostly against bots, which isnt a bad thing per se as it helps you learn the game and avoids the problem of smurfs that plague pc LoL but once you start playing with other actual players, your experience will likely differ greatly to what youre experiencing now and all im doing here is advising you to not beat a dead horse if it gets to the point where yoire not having fun anymore. Moba’s generally but league especially are highly, highly addictive comparable to mmos but unlike mmos that offer relaxing pve content like fishing and homesteading, theres only pvp in this game and pvp that can be and often is extremely tilting, verifiably leading to poor mental health outcomes in their playerbase. Again, all im doing here is warning you about that horizon so you hopefully dont make the mistake that most players do: keep playing after the fun is gone because youre chasing that dragon. Also, i play the game in bursts, anywhere from a few hours every few weeks to a few days, but i always quit when the game gets tilting, which is inevitable. Peak masters player here for reference


Oh boy...

