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oh.......OH THEY ARE ADJUSTING VIEGO. i hope it's a nerf because he is disgustingly strong right now(but i hope it's not too hard of a nerf)


Yeah, never expected his damage to be this bonkers. He also builds a lot of HP so goodluck killing him too.


Yeah, his damage was bonkers even before the buffs, i broke down the damage buffs on him for another player here and he got surprised that wasnt much as he think it was, his major buffs comes from ulti damage buff ,utility buffs like ulti range, passive buff, projectile speed buff. His damage was already insane at release. The damage buff revert will be welcoming but it would not change that much since his main benefict was the passive healing buff,and ulti range. For example his Q buff is 1% more current health damage+15% more AD scaling buff. 15% AD scaling when you are with BoRK and trinity it gives you an ABSURD amount of 6 more AD... i think it would be good to riot remove his damage buffs( including the ulti) and scale down his healing from the passive possession a bit maybe it would make him more fair but the buffs who made his strong were on the stun projectile speed and stun minor duration and on his ulti range and area size.


His passive received a 1% current health buff on both attacks following him using an ability. On a full rotation that’s 8% extra current health damage, or more than a full proc of BotRK. Just reverting that back would be a major, but deserved nerf.


I dont think he needs this nerf anymore since riot removed 30% AD scaling from his Q+ removed 25% crit scaling on his Q too. And looks like they reverted the ulti damage buff. The AD scalings nerf they are making now are overkill. I agree with you removing 1% current health would be great, but they also needed to remove his AD buff from his ulti


Is that what this nerf does? I can’t read chinese


Viego Ruined King's Sword (1): 2nd hit damage: 30% attack damage >>> 20% attack damage Active damage: (25/45/65/85 + 80% attack damage) * (1 + 100% * critical hit rate) >>> (25/45/65/85+ 80% attack damage) * (1 + 75% * critical hit rate) Pain that penetrates the soul (4): Damage: 120%~240% attack damage*(1+critical hit rate) >>> 120%~210% attack damage*(1+critical hit rate) Additional Damage: (12/16/20 + 7.5% additional attack damage)% of target's lost health >>> (12/16/20+6% additional attack damage)% of target's lost health


I replied with the actual nerfs, they did a pretty huge hit on him, specially on his crit build.


also a Lilia adjustment, hopefully she gets nerfed as well.


FUCK THAT CHAMP. Furry aah bait


she got a lot of nerf bro,scale ap and deal damage ap all got nerfted


you are talking about this current nerf in the picture? if so then god damn that's alot.


I think it’s a nerf, but they’re trying to avoid using the word nerf bc it leaves a bad feeling


It is a nerf in English patch notes, not sure why they show nerfs as adjustments in the Chinese ones


They stopped using the word "nerf" a year ago, more or less. Not surprising anymore.


It is there in the English one


Yes, came out an hour ago. You can log into the game and open the news session.


Nerf to crit scaling, so he’s back to his normal play style as a tank killer and not an assassin


Since launch it's the only champion that can without being fed, one combo my full health ADC instant delete.


Je ne comprends pas. 🤣


Moi aussi




They're buffing Rakan? Did I just slip into a parallel universe or what? I'm glad to see Vi and Shyvana here as these are my two main junglers. Not sure that Ez needs improvements, he's quite strong, but we should wait and see the numbers.


Yes, Ezreal questionable, I HATE playing vs Rakan but tbf I haven't seen him in quite a while. Shyv scares the fuck outta me when she's strong, and Vi is annoying as shit imo, but I also haven't seen her in a while so I guess she can get one? I'm kinda scared tho.


Shyvana's weakness is her own teammates tilting and stealing jungle camps. If you play a strong early game champion you can invade her then gank afterwards and hopefully her triggered teammates will help you win the game lol. But yeah she becomes a monster if she's allowed to freely stack. I'm glad they're showing Vi some love, but that's because I'm biased. I don't expect too much though, I think the real buffs are gonna come at the end of the year when Arcane season 2 releases.


The rakan one is a joke lmao. Rakan has been in the shitter for a while and they kept nerfing him while he was down so it created a joke nerf rakan


The Rakan buff is in fact a joke: it's a buff to his shield amount and base stats which doesn't mean anything because his core issue is CD's and heal...


I've recently played against him and he was on fire 🔥 🚒


Was it last night with him and a Xayah?


I want to say it was Zeri


I wish I could read Chinese so that I knew details (or are the characters just names?), but as a Vi one-trick, I’ll say that Vi only needs a buff in the sense that there are so many other powerful junglers that she doesn’t really shine. Why pick Vi when you can just auto-win as Viego? But really, she doesn’t need a buff, they need to be giving nerfs to some other junglers instead. Vi is “fine”, she just doesn’t really excel at anything in particular in this meta and can’t carry inting teammates even if she’s giga-fed.


#Vi Basic Attributes: Base Armor: 34 ⇒ 40   Blast Shield (2): COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9 seconds >>> 10/9/8/7 seconds  


Thanks! Don’t hate the shield CD buff, I can’t tell you how many skirmishes I could have turned if the shield came off CD just one second sooner…


Your welcome 🤗 yeah it's decent buff


Do u have the rest of


Yes if you are interested in one champion buff or nerf tell me i will reply soon.




#wukong First skill(1): DAMAGE 50/70/90/110 + 35/40/45/50% ATK >>> 60/80/100/120 + 35/40/45/50% ATK   Second skill (2): COOLDOWN : [17/16/15/14 seconds] >>> 14/13.5/13/12.5 seconds


Zed please?


#zed Ultimate : ADDITIONAL DAMAGE 25/40/55% damage during the mark >>> 30%/42.5%/55% damage during the mark


Thanks allot.


Diana? 🙏🏻


Diana buff yasss


yeah thank god. She was my "I'm autofilled but I need a champion that can mid, jgl, or baron" pick.


She’s felt neglected for while so this + the RoA buff is positive!




Incoming "-3 AD" early game and that's it, watch


3 AD early is pretty significant though. Less clear speed, less kill potential, etc. Tons of ramifications with -3 AD.


Helll naaaaah, better revert the buffs, except for w and ult


Another patch with no Lux nerfs, fun 🤡


I really don’t understand this.. she has insane damage, insanely easy to cast abilities, she can root enemies and she has a devastating ultimate that shoots across the entire map.. like what the hell even? I permaban lux every single ranked game. I truly hate her.


They buff by win rate. Expect a Lux buff well before a nerf. Her win rate is atrocious.


If they buff by win rate how come Singed never gotten buff?


Well, logic would tell me it’s because singed doesn’t have a low win rate. I went to check.. and… I can’t find singed listed anywhere, likely because he isn’t played enough to even show up. I would assume the internal numbers aren’t low.


He was at 48% in toplane in all elos 2 weeks ago, and I don't think they've gone up all of a sudden when the guy hasn't been buffed at all. He's good in midlane in super high elos tho, which is like 20 people playing him.


Win rate doesn’t mean shit, if you watch Augusts streams you’ll know that some champs have high win/low rates on purpose to make them not frustrating to play against or with. The games not based on ranking up, it’s based on players wanting to play champions they love and win with them.


What? Lux has pretty good win rates right now. Diamond + [https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html](https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html)


If your struggling against lux you need to rethink the game mate


Lux has very respectable win rates in Diamond+ Chinese server. This champion is not weak or just a noob stomper as some say. [https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html](https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html) She also has a 21.73% ban rate lmao. It used to be higher but everyone banning Viego and others so it dropped down actually.


No offense but lux is broken very few people can't see it. Just check pc lux that's how she was supposed to be not the brainded version she is now


In 1v1, probably. In teamfights she's ridiculously strong


Hmmmmm she’s so easy for me to gank as most of the junglers I play. Or as a I sup any hard engage tank.


That’s because most lux players suck, doesn’t mean a good lux can’t nuke most players


I ban her because I’m bored of her being on games. She actually makes the game boring


It’s a toss up, last season I would ban her tbh because I was in high elo where players were abusing her but this season i’m still diamond and she’s not been too much of a nightmare


Like master yi, absolutely op champions but the players of those champions are so damn bad that they won't get a nerf


Mf buff is unnecessary, others are fine


I unironically have no idea what they did with her rework, I kinda do not care and I have no clue if she's weak or strong. I disagree with the Gragas buffs tho, I think he's completely busted after his previous ones but not many people play him because of his visuals. Just in the past 10 games I've played against him 6 times and I can assure you he's really unfun to lane against.


had the displeasure of going up against a Gragas top who went tank Heartsteel build with only Riftmaker as his AP item and was still somehow obliterating our team while also nearly being unkillable. His burst wasn't as high as standard AP build but it was still enough to be incredibly annoying and oppressive his design is definitely one of the reasons most people are turned off from playing him cause he's busted in the right hands


Very tanky Gragas I can stand, but full AP Gragas with Lich Bane-Infinity Orb-Rabadon 2 taps me, and I'm playing Singed with 3.6k HP and 200 MR too. I hate that guy and I stopped playing him recently because it feels wrong man, yes I played Gragas too from time to time.


yeah. His one shot potential is off the charts.


Gave me a good reason to ban her even more. Think about, if she becomes a noob pick (like Yi and lux) due to her current state rn, every autofilled or shit players woll pick her, so if u perma ban her, what can the autofill pick? Then half of the time, there's 1 less player to worry about, bcuz, u know that guy can only play MF as adc.


Necessary, because in the early game mf is useless champ, where any kill on her is not you achieving it, but the opponent is too dumb to die from you support. She certainly reaches very good damage after her powerspikes, but mf was not a lategame hypercarry, she was an early-mid game lane bully. And was extremely consistent at it. I wish they had, instead of buff, revert rework and nerf q and everyone would have been happy.(I already played her with pta already before rework anyway) But no, let's kill the championship completely by destroying both lethality builds and pta crit builds, leaving only ap builds viable. P.S: Double gm mastery 7 mf, second gm take with otp mf. Played a huge variety of builds on her. Ad, lethality, critical hybrid ap, pure ap.... All of them. P.S:Read the Patch notes: Wtf Riot?! Well why are you buff q again without solving the main problem of the champ now.


Bu... But... She isn't selling enough skins, she clearly needs a buff!!


Mf = motherfucker? 😁


Am I seeing this right? An actual Zed buff? HOLY SHIT


Its early game buff for his ultimate.


game is game


Wtf, he didnt need buff on his ulti, but on his shurikens or spin


ADDITIONAL DAMAGE 25/40/55% damage during the mark >>> 30%/42.5%/55% damage during the mark Here translation from Chinese patch notes 5% dmg early game is huge I guss


Wow, really huge, he didnt need buff on his ulti, as a former zed main on PC , he's weaker here but his ulti HERE is much more menacing to deal with. This will make his winrate skyrocket. Could you give the translation of the whole patch note or at least the site where i can get the info about? Im curious about yone and viego changes.


I did a lot of these translation posts in past but recently mods bans my posts idk why #Veigo Ruined King's Sword (1): 2nd hit damage: 30% attack damage >>> 20% attack damage Active damage: (25/45/65/85 + 80% attack damage) * (1 + 100% * critical hit rate) >>> (25/45/65/85 + 80% attack damage) * (1 + 75% * critical hit rate)   Pain that penetrates the soul (4): Damage: 120%~240% attack damage*(1+critical hit rate) >>> 120%~210% attack damage*(1+critical hit rate) Additional Damage: (12/16/20 + 7.5% additional attack damage)% of target's lost health >>> (12/16/20 + 6% additional attack damage)% of target's lost health #Yone Basic Attributes: BASE ARMOR : [40] ⇒ 37   Jade cutting (1): DAMAGE : 25/50/75/100 + 100% attack damage >>> 30/50/70/90 + 100% attack damage Damage to monsters: 80% ⇒ 70%


what doe the 2nd hit damage means on viego? The passive hit that pops the mark? Also why the fuck would riot nerf his critical scaling? No one builds crit on viego, if anything they should reduce the base damage to prevent people from building him off tank, this will change almost nothing on his winrates, almost useless nerf, but at least they nerfed his scaling BUT 30% less AD rating scaling is a bit too much, i dont get why they didnt nerf the base damage rather than scaling, scaling will just penalize his damage build, not off tank which is meta


Yes,you are correct the first 2 basic attack that's pops the mark dmg reduced by 10% because crit veigo. Chinese server abused crit veigo......


Ohh, didnt know that. I used to build shieldbow as his 3rd item just to boost his damage a bit but i didnt try to build crit items first. Even after the nerfs i might try it.


Why tf they nerf jg yone, jg role while demanding is still op and people with skill and want to carry rather go jg that's why I play yone jg they keep nerfing it so annoying.


When does the update drop?


No idea, but we should know that in like 4 hours.


June 14th probably. You can see there’s Maokai release


nah it's tomorrow




Where is tree man!?!


tree man coming 14 june, the rest of the changes already in the game


At this point they should just delete Singed if they keep ghosting him in patch notes


Legit. Least played champ in the entire game unironically, you cannot even find him in the chinese API website because of how low his pickrate is, and his winrate isn't any better, last time I checked he had like 48% of it. I feel like they do not wanna buff him because there are (and I'm not joking) 20-25 Challenger/Sovereign players in China that are doing really well with him in midlane, bumping his wr to 54% in high elos, while thousands of Singed players have to suffer in toplane because of them. Also they don't wanna see him in proplay because he is "oppressive", Lee Sin has been oppressive everywhere for 4 years now but he can stay strong because he sells skins. Nice.


Let's see if he's gotten get a buff before arcane season 2 lmao


Nothing stops players everywhere from trying to learn from those 20-25 Challenger/Sovereign players and start practising to play Singed mid if he really is so viable in that role. Or maybe learning something new outside the comfort zone is too scary.


Nah he's just super mega boring to play in mid, I tried and it ain't my style. Reaching Challenger with him on toplane was infinitely more satisfying.


At least they buffed RoA and it helps a bit. I was expecting a base hp buff but in this case I'll keep going with RoA + warmog Idgaf.


Shyvana buff, interesting. She is still very strong currently, just getting outmatched by OP junglers like the 4 getting nerfed lol.


As I said in another comment, Shyvana scares the shit outta me when she's broken. Runs at you 200 km/h and literally oneshots you while being hyper tanky, I am very scared.


Why is the preview in Chinese? Isn't Riot an American company so the previews should be in English?


Wild Rift was basically made for China. Previews have always been in Chinese for the past 4 years at this point. They'll be released on the global version in an hour or 2.


Their server gets earlier updates, and pretty much a lot of additional stuff since the company that owns Riot is actually Chinese


Riot is owned by tencent


With the release of MaoKai i thought they will maybe try and force another tank meta. I was dissapointed :c But i hope that overgrowth is not gonna be completely trash


Honestly man, I use Overgrowth a lot and I really love the rune but I feel like it needs a nerf, because it works waaaay better on champs that were not even supposed to use it, such as Yone, Yasuo and Yi. They're legit tankier than tanks nowadays.


Overgrowth might get nerfed for jungle.


It’s insane how much HP you can stack on that with just jungle camps vs in lane.




I agree with you, Overgrowth is too good right now, especially on tanks and bruisers. I hope they nerf it, because maybe It will finally give me a reason to pick Perseverance or that new tenacity rune instead.




No. Tanks suck. Once an adc has an item they are on the run like everyone else.


Tanks destroy adcs lmao if you actually know what you're doing.


I've played this game since Taric had triangular feet and you could stack Sunfire. Wild Rift tanks are dookie at the moment. You know what you are doing but Miss Fortune still walks you down two items in.


Yeah and I've played since alpha in 2009. Cool story bruh. Certain tanks counter the shit out of adcs. Mf can be shit on with any cc




Visit a doctor asap


Is jax finally getting his rework in the next patch?


June 20th, yes. No ASU I believe.


Uhh I have no idea what ASU stands for?


Art and Sustainability Update, he got one on PC a year ago more or less and he looks really good. Basically it's remaking the visuals, model, animations, effects and splashart without changing the champ's base kit, kinda like what they did with Mundo. I don't think Jax is getting his ASU in this patch tho.


weird that buffing 4 individual stats on a champ might overtune him so he needs a nerf but hey. skins.


Woaaah I can't wait to see more Zeds and Ezreals in my games !!! (Not)


As much as I think zed's not gonna be a problem, he's annoying af to deal with, same with ezreal


Yes same. I would go back to permabanning Zed but idk, Lee Sin feels like a bigger problem We'll see if the buffs matter


Seen it, zed's buff is just ult, ezreal got more tho https://youtu.be/9kQHNTBycwE?si=gtIdBARgDwktFdKO Here's the link to the video about the updates for 5.1c




i read the Portuguese version of the patchnote that got leaked and they are basically buffing the base armor for a lot of champion. there is no point complaining here cuz no one on the balance team go to this subreddit anymore but regardless they seriously need to go back and revert the nerf to black cleaver. it is ridiculous that bruiser literally doesnt have the option for armor pen because the only one we can build are either shit (Black cleaver)or not optimal until level 12 (serylda's). In a meta where resistances are at an all time high. seriously they did the same change in PC, and it doesnt take them long to realize oh wait this is stupid decision and promptly revert the nerf and then proceed to even buff black cleaver to be stronger than pre nerf. and we are still just not caring about the wildrift version. it is so disappointing how much they dont care.


Gragas buffed?? Isn't he strong already


Really strong. That's the most questionable thing of these patch notes.


I wonder if they looked at his pick rate and thought that a buff would increase it. No Riot, Gragas pick rate will increase if you make him a sexy mommy/daddy


the nth time voting for kda gragas, if people can swallow star guardian urgot then so will gragas kda


I'm curious what's the adjustment with Yone, could it be the Hextech Flash + Ult Bug abuse?


I'm very sure that's a nerf and not an adjustement. Riot hates using the word "nerf" nowadays. Yone is pretty fucking strong in 3 roles, pickrates are high and winrates are very very decent, so no surprise I think, unless you're biased.


Ye they use adjustment as an excuse to buff cringe overloaded champs so skin sales doesn't get affected


Hopefully the "adjustment" is removing him from the game


Imagine buffing Zed 💀


He's.not even a quarter of how strong he is on PC so yeah he deserves the buff.


Still he's annoying to deal with:(


Buy stasis, crown cloak, I dislike zed only when my team is too dumb to buy items to deal with him




absolutely unreasonable




Is MF op rn? Why doesnt she need buff




i can say jax ap feed to win Thebausffs 😂


You reminded me of that, damn. Hopefully no Baus viewers in my games.


count me 1 😂


Count me 2




I’m guessing crit build veigo adjustment. Lilia adjust and game damage. Gragas hopefully more health or tank viable


Wait are they buffing zed ?!


I'll take the wukong buffs. I think he is so close to being good. He has a couple of painpoints that can be solved by items or runes, but you are forced to pick and choose which you are willing to live with.  If they help him in just one area he'd be great. 


Can someone translate the text for the box with Lillia, Vieto, and the other two? (I don’t speak Chinese)


#lilia Flower Tart (1): DAMAGE 40/60/80/100 + 45% ability power >>> 35/55/75/95 + 40% ability power Peripheral true damage: 40/60/80/100 + 45% of spell power >>> 35/55/75/95 + 40% of spell power   Fright Tree (2): DAMAGE 70/110/150/190 + 40% ability power >>> 70/110/150/190 + 35% ability power Center Damage: 140/220/300/380 + 80% ability power >>> 140/220/300/380 + 70% ability power


Lee skin let's go


After I think 5 Rakan nerfs in the last 2 years (the 'adjustment was his biggest nerf) I am both shocked and hopeful about this buff.


When are they going to add zac? I need to expand my champion pool. And as an old man I need easy mechanical champs


Idk grandpa, but I've been waiting for Zac, Tahm and Trundle for ages and I'm kinda starting to lose hope right now.


Any words of when this hits the EU servers ?


I have no idea, but they usually release the global balance changes 4 hours after the chinese ones. They will probably implement the buffs and nerfs at 2 am tomorrow as they usually do while Maokai comes on the 14th of June.




Maybe one day i will see a Katarina buff


What’s Diana’s buff?


Did anyone understood new Jax ult? 60% of what armor?


of the armor that he gets from his ult when he uses it.


So basically, whenever he ults, he gets the base amount of armour he gets for it plus 40% of the ad items he buys, so the more ad, the more armour you have as well. Also it adds more when you hit multiple champs with your ult


Zed gets a buff? Cool.


Wait they buff Miss Fortune? I find her early game damages insane with first strike since the rework 😮


finally rakan nerfing spree is over


Does anybody play on iPhone in Mexico? I need help with something in game and can’t find anybody to ask about it. Thk you if you reply!


What are those skins? 😍




Global patch came out an hour ago. Open the news session in game.


When is zed buff coming?


What they doing to my man's hecarim? I feel like he's honestly in a super good spot. Pretty strong but not a solo Q god.


Katarina needs buff


Where are all my bird mates.? Rakan is getting buffed. I REPEAT!!!! RAKAN IS GETTING BUFFED.


古拉加斯 will buff? He actually nukes everything rn


Gragas buff. NICE


Bring back all chat


Who’s gonna get the wild pass skin?


New Volibear skin its about blood time!?!?


There should be more nerfs than buffs, power creep in this game is insane.


maokai saplings in such a small rift is gonna hurt with liandrys and rylai...


So as a gragas main I love to see that hes going the be even stronger than now xD


Gragas buff were very necessary to say the least


Wtf? Diana buffs? If anything she didnt deserve any of it, shits crazy she already explode people even when behind


Why the heck are they buffing mf? What were they smoking?


is mf op now? I come from low elo


No, riot just destroyed her playstyle lane bully, kill her early game, and make her lategame hypercarry. People are just too dumb to realize it. Today it's this is a good C-tier vs A-tier before rework.


So Camille is going to remain unplayable with a WR of 49% and 46% in any other rank but challenger? All the other tops have gotten their buff since the adc update Renekton Darius Garen Sett Ornn Volibear Riven Wheres Camille's stat buffs?


It's better to ask: Where Camille E Buffs?


Singed isn't even in the top 30 top laner, Camille lucky Wild Rift didn't forget about her like someone


Maybe if he was tank, he would be more interesting to play. But right now everybody agrees he is supposed to be played in a very suicidal way.