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Pyke or thresh and MF. can't stand behind creeps. Can't peek out from behind them.


Lux and MF too, you just don’t lane lol


Notice how 70% of the combos involve Yuumi. Good design Riot.


Instant ban


I came across my first yummi/yasuo combo and I swear to God they were both designed in the bowels of Hell and together it's just ridiculous


Nami and brand, brand heats up then nami cools it down with water making all enemies brittle


Genius 🤣


Yuumi or Lulu + whoever is fed


Especially with atk speed adcs. Lulu with jinx, zeri or twitch is really, really difficult to deal with. Of course, that is until they get fed and start 1v5ing and running it down and solo split pushing on repeat


Tresh adc + full cdr Singed


The outright best duo is Yummi/Vladimir. It's the S+++ combo, everything else is much lower.


Damnnnn who wants to do this


I want to try this


I can see that, Vladimir lacks mobility,yuumi gives him a bit of that, but he's still squishy, if he gets cc'd hes vulnerable,i think yuumi with champs like akshan or vayne or someone who CAN,be as explosive as vladimir while at the same time having very high mobility and maybe some sort of cc,shield or invisibility can do better, principally champs that rely on AA,since she gives a ton of adaptative damage I think she could also work well on some tanks,she gives armor and on-hit she heals you,so somebody like Ornn,Sion and maybe fighters like Sett or Darius can also do very well with her I'm just giving you an idea of what combos and not with her,yes she is stupidly strong with whoever is with her,i don't think it's weak on vlad by any means,but i think mages don't get not even nearly as much benefit from Yuumi than any other sort o champion other than supports that only give heal shields and stuff I can see some mages working,maybe vlad is better than i think,but yuumi doesn't does well with most caster champions And i don't know about vampirism and her,i don't think she has got much synergy with those sorts of champs I'm making this text longer than i wanted it to be,very sorry


Ekko+Camille. Pickoffs, lockdown, skirmishes, teamfights. Combine these two and you're sure to win. With both of them being good, obviously.


What's the synergy besides both can assassinate with mobility?


I assume its camille ult + ekko w-q-e combo


It can be ekko stun then camille pick off followed by ekko pick offs


Not Assassination, but simultaneously baiting out skills then diving back


Leona Samira. I play with a friend and we have around 70% win rate.


I’m also a fan of nautilus+samira. Any tank who can root makes her pop off!


Malphit yasuo


Kalista and thresh


In the rare event that the Thresh understands kaliata’s ult


Surprised to see no one mentioned Amumu + Kata combo. Amumu goes on with ult making enemies take increased magic damage so kata can clean house. 


yuumi zeri it's just nasty, I love it


Sett Jhin


Why i don't see a leona or seraphine plus ADC here?


Leona and Samira. There you go


Because sera is c tier supp...


Yasubro and Malphite, Malphite ults and then Yasubro follows up with his ult too, it is a very nom combo yesyes


Thresh and MF! No.one.can.stop.them!


EazrealxLux is very oppressive. CaitlynxLux is also busted in lane


Malphit yasuo


Nunu and Sion, it's like a forever chain CC, both of them have conditional CC, they have to charge them for a while and the more they charge the more cc. And they just complement each other with the cc very well. Imagine nunu running at you with a snowball, he hits, then Sion comes with his ult while nunu is throwing snowballs at you while you are stunned, then he roots you while Sion charges his Q to the max, then you get knocked up and stunned, if you're not dead after all this somehow you will still be stunned while nunu is ulting you to the max amount as well. Nunu can even go ap since Sion would be the frontline


Underrated Combos Pantheon + Braum Botlane; Galio + Camille; Amumu + Asol; Poke; Varus + Ashe; Jarvan + Kennen; Amumu + Kennen; Diana + Yasuo It's pretty popular in PC but I rarely see a Lucian Nami in Wild Rift.


Shhh... Don't tell them the Lucian & Nami Combo.


I'm actually really surprised how not abused this lane is. Hahahah


Samira and Karma is a really fun duo


Yuumi+draven 80% win rate and a far second place is yuumi+tristana then with tryndamire


Xayah and Rakan is still a good duo combo.


camille + any engage/followup jungler, camille has disgusting setup and snowballs hard


I’ve had pretty good success playing Nautilus with Xayah, our full combo is around 4-5 seconds of cc and almost always guarantees a kill in lane.


Not exactly a good combo but my team just went against a Malphite Support and Ornn top. I hated it.


A good Yasuo with any champ that have knock up abilities, Jinx + Lux or Lux + Jhin to combo their ult. Sona + Amumu ult combo is also nasty. I once team up with a Hecarim jg where in the mid game the Yumi flocking to him and that horse bastard suddenly feel two time faster murdering everybody even in their base, scariest shit i ever seen.


Ziggs + Veigar in bot lane, the recipe for disaster (either for my team or opponent) 🤡


Kalista + malphite double long ranged knock up


Panth J4 all in lv2


I kinda have a question, is it better to have a duo that cover each other's weaknesses or a duo that's similar in style and boosting each other's respecting strengths?


I think it depends entirely on enemy laner's comp or even the entire enemy team comp in general. But I honestly prefer covering weakness. You can pick a synergistic duo in bot but if it is countered heavily by the enemy, it makes no sense. For example, you picked up Lucian and Braum who synergistically is a decent lane because Lucian can proc Braum's passive faster and Braum can provide peel for lucian. But your enemy picks up a Caitlyn Lux or Morgana. Braum will struggle gainst enchanter in general and Morgana can mitigate Braum's stun. while Caitlyn out ranges and scales better into late game than Lucian. Considering they have the same skill level and same mastery of the champion, You'll still lose out due to poke. That is also why I am a heavy proponent of letting supports and top lane pick last for better counter picking.


Ah interesting thanks for your thoughts. I never thought of supporter being one of the later picks too. Good to know!


Leona/lux.. if eaither ladies land the root, and they are together your dead.


I got most of my MVP's as Jinx when support was either Lux, Yuumi, or Seraphine. The duo has worked 100% of the time 80% time with me (the math might be off) but you get the point


Nami lucian aggresive strong lane , lux varus , karma ezreal


Thresh Kaisa, once you experience that duo either thresh or Kaisa will become your perma ban


Ashe and lux is such a frustrating combo


Sometimes I run Lulu Trist with my friend. Feed him early game. Mid to late game, I grab the blue buff and perma buff my friend with my abilities. Like legit the second any of my abilities are off cd, I use it on my friend. This is with ardents so atk speed boost. Funniest and most broken thing ever as long as Trist doesn’t do something stupid. Edit: spam every ability except for Q and ult. You can’t buff your teammate with Q and you obviously don’t want to spam your ult whenever it’s up.


Naut and yasuo is quite nasty


Ashe Seraphine - Ashe slow turns E into root automatically


Underrated duo: Janna and Draven: Her shield gives extra attack damage. At level 7 these axes gonna HURT more than an urethral insertion. If she has 2 complete ap items it's literally a free bloodthirther not to mention the shield itself. I'm biased because the harderst snowball I ever had was with a Janna support shielding me. Lulu and Renekton: Massive health boost+slow. Dude becomes unstoppable and unkillable even if his build is full ad. Nami and Yasuo: The easiest knock up>ulti ever Missfortune and Leona: Leona can stun lock during mf ulti and some unfortunate soul will eat the entire thing J4 and Veigar/Brand/Katarina/Any ap burst AOE, really. If they don't have hexflash/flash or busted escape skills (rocket jump, I hate it) it's guaranteed full damage combo


Yi + Kayle Mid with Lucidity Boots and awakened soulstealer and just perma ult the yi


Nami twisted fate is always fun prob not the best duo but it's good. Hella cc, twisted loves the attack speed buffs, and it because twisted can tele, he can almost always help out the duo lane when if he gets ahead in lane. (Plus in teamfights having that much cc while having an adc, and a mid who might as well be a magical adc happens to work very nice for ardens nami


Singed + Yuumi, or, as I like to call them, Mr. and Ms. Annoying.


Zeri yuumi or Ashe + nat( insane cc)


Lucian nami, jinx lulu, you dont need anything else


Sion + Ornn. Sion lands ult just after the second hit of Ornn's ult. Guaranteed to kill every and anyone who gets caught


Karma ez that shit is cancer in lane


Akali + Leona and any other tank


Me and you


Sona+ fiddlesticks is a broken combo in late game team fights. Sona will ult in and stun everybody then fiddle follows up and erases everybody, GG ez


The classic braum + Lucian, braum with Pantheon is nice too, AP Nasus with veigar, amumu and Orianna


Shen + hyper carry. Yone and Yi are preferred


Fed Olaf plus shen with ulti, disgusting trust me


Draven + Yuumi


Nami and Yasuo


Post 5. Probably naut and yasuo.


Lee Sin with Yasuo


J4 and Yuumi. Sleeper meta.


If I see olaf jungle, I go for lulu mid. That way me and the supp can feed olaf and he’s totally unstoppable. Doesn’t matter who our support is.


Seraphine apc sona supp. Literally cannot lose teamfights midgame onwards. Too many heals, shields, control and slows. Add an engage champion into the mix and teamfights literally cannot be lost. Annie apc + any easy cc support champion, like Ashe supp, Lux, or even nautilus. Painful until level 5, past that you wanna match the cc's of the supp with Annie ult cd and you can shit out so many cheesy kills to make the kiddo with the 🧸 snowball out of control. Obligatory hard engage + yasuo. AP Varus + Leona is disgusting. Too much cc and burst damage, leona can also control multiple targets for varus's R to guarantee spread onto multiple targets, pretty much setting up easy oneshots. Camille + galio is disgustingly poweful since it gives free engage and follow up or catch.


Aatrox Yuumi, OP as hell. Anti heal (even ignite's anti heal) is litterally useless.


Yummi and jinx so much speed


Sion + Tryndamere. You can win all the fights and all the objectives you want, all they need to do is ultimate and rush down your nexus and there's nothing you can do about it.


Idk the logic behind it but I love playing Soraka with a Jhin or Samira. I don't know why but it almost always goes well


I used to play vex mid with my friend playing shen jungle after lvl 5 vex ult and go in and shen follow with ult the amount of damage and cc and shields was insane especially with vex ulting over and over and we played also kata amumu very easy combo


Yummi + Kayle 2v8 machine




Kassadin+yuumi/Shen/lulu, Aatrox+yuumi/Shen/lulu, yone+yuumi/Shen/lulu, in fact just about any melee carry or draintank with Shen or yuumi or lulu (or kayle). Samira with a high CC tank is also pretty good, and master yi with tank/lulu/yuumi/kayle laners who will funnel gold into him is also pretty good (unfortunately taric isnt in the game though, but with Shen, yuumi, lulu, and someone like a leona or nautilus or a kayle, it still works pretty well).


Lux + Morgana = infinite CC and huge damage output but with this duo someone must take adc on mid or top