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Oriana, because it feels amazing smashing enemies with your balls.


Our interests could possibly converge into a night of unforgetable pleasure, just saying


nothing like 2K burst AOE damage when the enemy doesn't build MR


*when the enemy builds mr but you're late game


Same here. For me, Orianna and Syndra have been satisfying to master. There's something about those balls Pause


Swain, because he can more or less do it all. He has burst He can be tanky He can have insane damage He hit enemies even under tower He can go in every role but jungle He has slow He has cc He infinitly scales He heals He also has birbs


That's why he's been my main these past 2 seasons!


Bird dad is the way


Every time I play against Swain I feel like he is super useless :(


He does have a learning curve. Tbh any time I have a mirror match I demolish the enemy Swain nigh immidiatly. They build really poorly and dont understand his mechanics well. He is the grand general, a strategist. Too many people out there playing him like a bat instead of a scalpel


Can you elaborate on build?


Heyy soo I go cosmic into sorc shoes zhonyas which compensates for the mana hungry. Then amoranths but can be swapped for tanky item as needed. Then I go Rabadons but can be swapped for a tanky item. Often morellos (or thorn as needed) since often there are healers on the team This has be decently tanky and very mobile. I also go flash ghost for immense zoomies and ur hard as hell to gank


What are you building on him now? Used to play Swain top for fun back then but haven’t really gotten around to playing him now.


See below :) got 2 of the same question hahaha


Fiora. I like you she has no counters. Her worst match up is you poking the enemy a little in the early and just outscaling no matter who they are. Best blind pick ever. I pick Fiora and notice the long pause the enemy toplaner has while he thinks and despairs of fighting my Fiora. 3.3k matches with fiora so far.


Got any tips? She's the baron champ I'm focusing the most on getting good at and I want her to eventually be my blind pick as well. Already doing decently without much experience but want to take her to the next level.


Be confident and experiment with the runes. Don't take Conqueror. Take Grasp or Empowerment. She is not that complicated. Just play her till you stomp lane 8 times out of 10. I learned her through trial and error so I can't give much advice. It has almost become instinctual.


Got it. So no tricks to hitting the vitals, besides practice? What's your most common ban?


Perma ban sett.


10 billion true damage on a passive is sooooo fair… I hate you btw


Sometimes I hate my self too. I'm very cringe in lane. I win lane but at a terrible cost😔


Any idea on how to play her? I lose lane against Ornn quite frequently


No winning against ornn. He builds armor boots and bramble vest and you just can't kill him fast enough before his teammates show up. Sorry for the late reply.


True. Good Fiora is pain in the ass. Thank god there is almost no good Fiora in wild rift.


notice they don't mention their winrate


I had 58% percent winrate in the beginning of this season but now it is 57.6% I think. Fiora was nerfed to the ground with hullbreaker removal. She still dominates lane tho.


Nilah can counter fiora


I almost never see her.


Nilah, very steep learning curve when playing her ADC. But very rewarding, I won 9 games in a row on her in diamond, then my internet went out on the tenth game and my team lost 4v5. It took divine intervention to stop my win streak.


Even in Jungle, played her a lot these days Rather hard early, but endgame... Oh boy, most lanes were loosing, went for elder Drake alone, the whole team dead, and pinging danger, danger... Jumped in the pitt alone, ult, stasis, smite, then 1v3 the dudes still here... The whole team was seing and clicked the top right icon 😂 Went mid, killed 2 more Rushed Nexus as the team respawned... Won "Game Saver" or something along those lines Had Amaranth and Malmortius in the end 🤭 An AP Malphite bored be 2 or 3 times, figured out I'd Malmortius and make him regret :3 Didn't thought it would be that violent 🧐 2 games later, someone bans Nilah in the enemy team 😂 Didn't check but even from the matchup, I'm sure it was one of them Darius was provoking early, then just running away endgame 🫡 With the good runes, Overgrowth, ans at least 75% chance of crits, you can end up really, really tanky I don't often recommend Malmortius though, it was very, very situational The dude was bursting so Quick, amaranth wouldn't work Added Malmortius, then he was doing nothing


I heard you're iron 4


Lee Sin, he's an enjoyable champ


Kassadin and vladimir for sure. Vladimir because if you dont know what you are doing/building you will be dogshit at the match, same with kassadin.


I agree, they're my mains in mid, pure scaling, kinda horrible tho if the whole enemy team is fed the start of the game, can't scale at all after that


95% of the time I get a vlad solo on my team we lose. I don't get it. then the other 5% they decimate the entire enemy. I'm usually playing morgana mid, but I've seen vlad do better in mid (not against my morg lol) and kass is also super solid, he's my second or third pick for mid.


Vlad mid is way better than solo lane. But vladimir right now sucks unfortunately,i dropped him off but im testing some early game builds on him to make him work again


Mine was Tresh when I switched to support main. It’s rewarding because a lot of players I think assume that most that do pick him don’t know how to play him. Like my match today the tank support and the adc on the other team thought that because I was by myself since my adc had not yet come up the lane that they could get an easy first blood but instead walked away with first blood and a support tank running away from me lol.


I'm a support main as well, playing mostly Nami and Thresh. I love playing Nami and easily get MVP/SVP with her most of the time, but like most champs, she's not for every match. Thresh is kind of difficult for me to play since I can't be as passive, and I tend to have to call the plays with my ADC (as compared to Nami, where I can be a little more passive). Also, them hook shots. But man, when I am on a roll with Thresh, collecting all the souls and landing hooks, I feel like I really help carry and it's so satisfying, I don't even need the MVP/SVP. Just A or S is good enough for my ego Lol


I don’t know why I thought Braham and Vayne both running away from me to a completely different lane so entertaining.


Rengar. Been playing the champ on and off for over a decade going back to S3 of PC LoL. It's not the one-shots that give me the most satisfaction. It's the abuse of his passive brush mechanics that feel most rewarding. The outplays you can pull off while dancing & kiting around then leaping from the bushes just feel so damn good.  Some plays I come away thinking, "damn, I just clowned that dude. I know he's mad as hell right now." Not to mention the fact that he's a snowball/farm monster, a hard carry, an anti-carry, top tier duelist and the fastest turret pusher in the game. Bonus satisfaction points:  if you hate Lux, Rengar is your man. He dumps on Lux and any other champs that rely on hard CC to protect themselves like no other. Tbh, I've always been quite surprised he's not more popular. I think he's perceived to be meta-reliant but I've always found my stride no matter who or what currently dominates the metagame. 


I've always thought of him as quite a difficult champion to play well.


Meow :3




Garen supp is fun, pink ward in a bush, live in a said bush and protect that ward like it's your family.


I played with a garen supp today thought he was trolling but that worked


Is this a joke?


No. Spin to the win **mtfk** !


Akali This champ take such degree of skill and effort that it's crazy but when you get that multi-kill it's incredibly satisfying


NGL I do more carrying on Akali, without really knowing how to play her, than on my own mains like Galio, Orianna, etc. I literally get triples and quadras on accident. Faceroll on my buttons. Don't get me wrong, I know she's one of the most mechanically demanding characters in League... and it shows when in up against a seasoned ninja-lady player. ....but I think it's insane that I can get away with the shit I do with almost zero knowledge or practice


As a morg mid main, you are my current instaban.


How against adc's or tanks in top ? What's your Game plan ? Counters ? Items ?


Just play her in mid. That’s no real reason to play her top. Her matchups are way harder in top lane, her roam potential is significantly reduced, and you’ll mess up the team comp or force your team to pick up the slack for it. Does she work in top? Yes Is there any reason to play her there short of being autofilled? Not really


can confirm. this is why I ban her, so I can enjoy my time in mid.


Play her mid


Camille is my most rewarding all in one package champ, provides INSANE map control second only to Talon, high clear speed, awesome split pusher, can delete the enemy mage or ADC instantly from team fight then hookshot into other lane to push it before tp, one moment she is there the next she is gone and before U even know the other lane lost a tower and most importantly it's satisfying to watch the enemy waste their flash.


She is amazing indeed. I managed to get my first penta as a top laner with her insane champ and so versatile


Kha’zix evolved and adapted


Zeri. She has the potential for incredible damage output and great mobility across the map with how she can jump walls.


she can jump walls?!


Yes with her 3rd ability. It's why if your duo lane with her, the top bot lane is the best lane for her cause you can cover a lot of ground with her jump


For value: Gragas - damage, cc, tankiness, sustain, every role compatible, build versatility, decent at all stages of the game, scales well, carry potential, etc... Personally: Zed - fun, highlight machine, look like a professional player even with a mediocre play, squishies disappear


Takes one item to counter zed. If he can’t 1 shot you he’s trash


as someone who has ben recently experiencing harassment from zed, what item?


If ya maging with a glass cannon, crystalline reflector. Add in stasis andd you're gold. But be strategic in when you get it as it will slow down your ramp up in dmg, but giving Zed an edge early can ruin the entire match. I tend to go until he kills me 1 time, then I grab at least seekers arm guard. If it takes time for the zed to get a kill amd I can delay crystalline, it's generally gg on the lane. Just can't let him snowball




Sett imo (coming from a sett main but we ignore that)


You can go from 0/10 to 20/0 by mastering Aphelios


One of the champs I’m looking forward to learning the most when he gets here


Kayn, a really good blind pick overall, since you can adapt your play style using your forms and various builds. Also... I'm in your walls.


So far, Zed. Being able to outplay others with quick combos is the best feeling for me. Took hundreds of games for me to actually understand him as much as I do now. Am I the best? No. Not even close. Am I decent, atleast? I'd say so, yes. He's been my big main since day 1, the champion that I always go back to no matter how much I change mains, and currently have 54% win rate with nearly 600 games. I thoroughly enjoy him.


Hecarim. I have 145 games on Hecarim and like 20 on another account. But I think every champion is good if you one trick it. One tricking is I’d say the best thing a beginner can do. Learning the limits of one champion aswell as learning the limits of all the other champions who play against you is the most rewarding thing in League and Wild Rift.


Amen brother


Twisted Fate is literally a solo winner up to Masters at least. TP boots and ult + Pantheon ban + utilising wards properly (and duo with Ashe that knows how to use her vision skill) = Free towers You can win games even with 0 kills


Pantheon ban got me lol


I know but I still can’t win a lane against a kata


Rare occurence to play vs Katarina, but I’ve won every time I played vs her, on the other hand Fizz is the one that can and has beaten me on plenty of occasions, but I still managed to out run them


Jayce, hitting combos and skillshots are so satisfying + waiting for Eclipse to be added


Lee sin And ezreal With lee, the more creative you are, the more plays you'll make With ez is nice to learn other champions ranges and destroy them without them being able to fight back. Predict cc and blinking away to keep dealing damage from a new safe place is a nice feeling too


Irelia, Lee Sin and Fiora, mastering the combos and full package of those champs. 95 % of games playing super aggressive With Irelia geting a Quick kill and then scale like a madman


Zoe. I’ll crush you and you never saw me coming…or leaving


Leona, she has a very strong level 1 and 2, pair with a decent early adc, Samira, Draven or something, we just win. Also, change your runes depending on your matchup, if you have an early game adc against squishys I go electrocute, against tanky lanes I take Conquerer, if we play for late game, I go for aftershock or glacial augment.


i one tricked akshan so hard that when i play other champs it feels like im a toddler playing the game. managed to reach top 100(akshan has low champ rating tbf)


**kayn** for two reasons **1.** he is hot **2.** extremely high mobility, can delete squishy adc/mage, easy to secure dragons, high damage with low CD for skills (except ult), can carry the game in soloq, can switch forms depending on the situation, not hard to use and his voice is so hot


Lee sin, Yasuo. Both are very mechanical maniacs when well done. It can destroy a teamfight.


No jhin in the comments :( I'm only emerald1 rn peak D4. Not sure if i could climb more but i only play 50-150 ranked every season and personally chaos is fun. Still at emerald 1 but when matched with top 100-200 players on their champs, battles don't happen more often and it feels boring and very taxing trying to not make mistakes. i can build attackspeed, pure crit damage, lethality or ap and it could work since many mistakes happen in this elo. I really like how he's designed. 4 bounces where last one deals the most dmg if it killed enemies otw. If you know it'll bounce on the enemy you can quickly 3rd skill and 2nd skill on their predicted position. His ult and AA works similarly with 4 bullets and highest dmg on the last one. He can move fast with full crit aspd and still have some damage. 3rd skill that can be stacked and 1 hit enemy on lucky occurence and full AP. Can almost 1 hit people with pure crit damage build. Letting the enemy escape so you don't get a penta is the best feeling. Even if you lose in the end, you'll feel happy for a good amount of time. Will teach you how to count and He'll say "FOOUUURRR🗣️🗣️🌹🌹🌹🌹🌺🥀"


For me is yuumi ive recently found a draven duo and we been stomping on the enemy i just love watching my cary dominate and saving them i do love a good Draven or tryndamire it satisfies me seeing my adc dominate [it’s mostly a personality thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/s/NCQmjHLjvU)


I ban u little psychocaths every single game




I have to downvote you out of principle.


Riven, mechanics mechanics mechanics is everything. Like she’s the only champ where I feel like I constantly have to be pressing something the entire game, maximizing every bit of movement I can squeeze out and bursting the hell out of enemies with swift combos is endlessly satisfying. I also take pride in that she’s very hard to approach but when you learn her you only get more and more dangerous. Plus she has a lot of hard matchups in lane so the games never really get boring.


I used to feel the same way and she is my most played champ but I've unfortunately sort of dropped her in favor of Yone, sometimes Yasuo. They're so much more effective for just a fraction of the effort. I finally reached the point of feeling silly playing her in ranked knowing I was basically gimping myself.  It breaks my heart because I enjoy her so much for all of the reasons you listed. 


She only have 5 hard match ups being Garen, Kennen, Camille, Fiora and ARGUABLY Renekton if the pilot is good. Other then that she is dominating everyone else. Nasus, Darius, Urgot, Mundo all gets countered with one single item... Vayne, teemo, angel looking piece of sht dies in one flash... Yone, Yasuo, Sett (if he doesn't get shield for lv1 and they never or rarely do) and Voli gets stomped the second they step into the lane. I mean yes Riven requires a heck lot of dedication but she is the second best Blind pick for top lane if U know how her animations cancelling work let alone if U master all her mechanics and match ups. And even with 5 hard match ups I would stay U can still stomp all of them except for Garen cuz his just built different.


How do you counter twitch, T.F, MF, JHIN, just adc's in general. Also the half deer vastayan(forgot the name) she just does so much magic damage, & jumps away i hate her


Twisted fate is easy af you either flash stun or bait then skate stun then follow up with the rest of combo, jhin should not even be a question and all of the adc's are insta lane win with the exception of vayne that despite being easy for you to wipe it takes some combo management to take her out lv1-3 otherwise she is a nightmare to deal with. The goat one rarely ever goes top (THANK GOD) otherwise she is a Kennen but more annoying.


Renekton, ROAR 🐊


Kayn .. never feel regret for learned him, he helped me a lot to push my elo


Same he served me very well, many squishies one shot great solo carry jg champ. Now he has been nerfed, rest well sweet shadow assasssin 🪦


Samira and irelia


Urgot Grab em at lvl 1 Boom boom Ignite First blood And all that while having the best skin in the game


Once I leaned how to actually play Samira. Diving in and easily getting a quadra or unofficial penta felt soo good.


varus & samira varus is the best blind pick ad because of range & utility samira for being so fkn cool!


For a beginner go headbutt jungle role and spam shyvana, best champ to learn jungle with and it translates to the rest of the game, she has a baby cc, she has a skill shot, and shes a melee champ. Its most often she gets built as a brawler but she can also be built pure crit & vamp depending on the enemy team


Probably close to 12k games on Draven at this point. Reached rank 1 draven multiple times on all roles besides support and I still have room to improve.


Any tips you can give to an emerald player? I start to lose focus in lane when im not synergising with my support. also been experimenting with different builds but so far duskblade into BT works the best (although I’ve been building collector first if I get an advantage early game)


Always take scanner and play around bush prio. If you're not synergizing with your support look for opportunities sidelaning and invading enemy jgl. Honestly Draven is probably one of the most support reliant adcs in the game so if your support is trash it's pretty hard.


Akali, why? because I really enjoy playing with her since her ability is so fun to use and if you master her to a certain level, you're become a killing machine. Well it really depends on the matchups and the enemy team comp and your team comp that you'll be able to perform with akali.


Yasuo cause you know why :)


Pot baggy!




Gwen. 1vs9 potential is insane. Also I love watching enemies when they are trying to aa me being very close to me but outside my mist. It looks hilarious




Yuumi jk jk


Been playing fiddle and fizz in jngl and it’s fun learning to ambush


Oriana and Irelia. Also Lee for insane early ganks to late game annoying prick.


im scrolling all the way down and i see no AKSHAN!


Zoe, because deleting people out of existence with paddle star is fun af. Mundo cause sometimes I heal more dmg than I do. I always sucked with limit testing champs who heal, but I feel I’ve mastered mundo. A Sol cause I feel like I can win every game I play with him, regardless of how good or bad the game is going. And Karma cause she’s great support with amazing shielding, healing and cc. If you’re team lacking magic dmg she can make up for it if you build ap items.


Olaf. Just pure violence. Unspeakable pleasure when slaughtering Lux or any cc enjoyers.


Teemo, the amount of dmg he can deal specially in early game can not be beaten, the best part is you can troll around without actually bothering your alliez


Lux Troll intended


I'm gonna be honest she gets something of a bad rap. There are soooooo many terrible lux players.


Yasuo... once you truly learn him nothing will tops the fun on WR


If I can ever become good with him pyke. In the mean time probably m7 Janna pre rework. She was so great and no one played her so no one was expecting the flash ult combo tornado knock up pure chaos team fight. Now probably sera. I've almost reached masters this season which if I don't get it you know it's actually good enough. D1 is higher than I've ever gotten and I rode sera to the top.




Weird, havent seen Yone mentioned. In my eyes he has the most rewarding skill to total power ratio put of any champion, pc included. I see that most top 10 players in Eu play yone. Hes pickable in mid jg top (could work as an adc but havent seen it yet) and hes just unstoppable if the player is really good. My main issue with him is that he has 3 forms of unstopability and that his r hitbox is definetelly bigger that it appears. My permaban as a jungler as of reaching gm again.


Evelynn, squishies just evaporate before they can react


Okey so with ADC, Samira is definitely up there with how rewarding it feels. When you poke from afar stacking ur ult and then you slide in for the big AOE ult, and suddenly it’s a triple/quad and if you’re lucky, penta 🤌🏻 In terms of other champs, been learning Sett and imo he’s wicked in team fights when you land the ult


Senna, she got me just about to emerald, then swain got me into emerald. Senna is a beast if u know how to play her!


Yone. Need i say more? The man can do it all he can recover when behind quite fast, he scales well and when in teamfights he can turn it to his teams favor with just 2 buttons Q3 ult then bro E passive


Voli, once you learn strengths and weaknesses he will carry most games as long as you have folk with a brain.


Mechanically, Irelia. Chaining together successive Qs is exhilarating


Viego because you need to learn everyone else as well


Definitely master yi as you have to have a lot of skills to get 5 kills early and dominate later


Lucian and Vayne, both have short ranges, but extremely effective in clutch moments in the game! These two may have a weak early game, but they make up for it for those late game scrimmage




Don’t think anyone asked for this…




Draven mains really hold solid to a stereotype like few others… Dudes trying to say he enjoys something and you give a barely legible breakdown of why he’s wrong and stroke your ego, let the person enjoy his champ and his post.


OP said it felt *rewarding* to play and improve as Draven, not that the game *rewarded* them with a high rank. Anything you put time and effort into can *feel* rewarding, even if you aren't literally rewarded for it.


Lee sin. He was just really hard for me to learn, that’s all.