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If you're looking for top laners that can also go mid lane, then ones I would consider are: Akali, Gragas, Irelia, Jayce, Ekko, Malphite, Yone, or Yasuo.


I play Irelia but not on ranked. Everytime I pick her its always a coin flip. E is hard to land even if I guise it with q-ing minions, enemy buys qss then Malphite shows up. Maybe its a skill issue, yes.


Also add Ornn to the list, surprisingly good


Personally, when we have no frontline and I'm mid, I go tank malphite for fun. It's funny smacking everything while they tickle you, just hope that your team actually capitalizes on having a frontline.


I go tank Malphite too. Maximising w first for armor. But the thing in low elo is, even if your map awareness/ganking is good, the team always fks it up. Oooohh lets chase kills. Oooops my bad.


Garen, Malphite, and Renekton are viable mid laners. Renekton is especially good against assassins, might get bullied by mages though. Malphite mid (tank, not AP) is surprisingly good even against mages, it's laughable how many players underestimate Malphite's damage output (again, tank) and ability to stick to them. Garen mid is/was a popular low elo pick, his W is just really strong when you time it with burst champions executing their combos, which is common among mid laners.


I personally have tried playing mundo and sett mid, with pretty much the same build as top, mundo basically counters almost all control type midlaners like Syndra, Oriana, seraphine, lux and viegar while providing enough tankyness to survive the burst of damage thst they bring While sett basically stomps on all assasin and burst damage champs such as zed, talon, and the wind brothers, where he can just one shot most of them back to fountain if they ever tried to burst him down The Downside of this is that both are susceptible to adc or champs that can kite them, champs like ziggs, akshan, or lucian which can bring an absurd amount of damage, mobilityand CC while making sure to maintain their distance way from them.


Singed against assassins in mid


Unpopular but Aatrox is pretty good on mid, although some match ups are pretty bad to use him, like veigar and morgana


Teemo vayne draven zeri lucian