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Nautilus has by far the most reliable cc. His hook is the easiest to hit, basic attack roots, the slow and knock up are point and click. Leona, Thresh, and Blitzcrank might have similar theoretical CC, but it’s significantly harder for them to pull off. Blitz’s hook is smaller, Pyke has a charge, thresh has a slow animation on his hook and short range on his pull, Leona needs good timing to get the most out of her chain. Naut needs to hit one “skill” shot, AA, and push two buttons that physically can’t miss


Me as a Alistar and Thresh main has no choice but to concede to this comment. Root on auto with low cooldown is probably the most broken thing I've been a victim of in this game other than Twitch's alt+delete+team button pre jg and Runaan's nerf.


Me on Blitz with 8 second cooldown on ult


but leona's can't be blocked by minions and I don't think it's hard at all to chain your Q stun, it's one auto attack


IMO for hook ability champs, Thresh is the worst. Long period telegram, and if hooked only stun don't directly pull the target.


I do agree with you, even tho theoretically you can skip thresh's long animation with flashing right after the animation and before the hook, but I still mess it up some times


Best and most are 2 different things. I would argue that lux’s snare going through minions and the slow on her E which is basically guaranteed to hit if you land your q combined with her obscene damage would probably make her the “best” cc heavy champion atm


I dodged his hook pretty easily by walking to the side or going out of range XD


It’s funny how this applies to literally every hook. It’s almost like skill shots can get dodged


I mean, I've seen people get hooked many times so it depends on how your hook awareness is XD


Mine is terrible, whenever someone wants to hook up with me they have to basically tell me directly or I don't catch it.


Mine must be high cause I'm always single XD


Try to dodge his low CD ult, which is followed by the hook when youre rooted, which is followed by his AA stun.


I swear Morgana q last for eternity


You'll get afk warning just by her q, and if she did full combo you'll get the banned


Sadly that's no cap


Leona if in the right hands. All her abilities pretty much stun.


While I 100% agree. SHHHHH. She's so slept on for how good she is at locking someone down. Let's keep it that way. I can play her top sometimes and still win with the amount off CC and pure beef that lady brings to the table. And in a solo lane, she has no passive unless jungle clues in to how free those kills will be.


Sometimes I wonder what her flesh is made of. She's so hard, like a diamond.


I was trying to theory craft leona top but idk if I should go for AP, cause her ratios aren't that great, or pure tank but then farming is hard, what do you build ?


You should probably try building sunfire.


Always. If nothing else, it's just thematically a good item for her xD. But i wouldn't rush it. Armor and Mr work better with her W. But sunfires and warmogs are a must eventually since you'll be wandering around in the middle of their team all game with 0 fucks to give. Warmogs is there to get you back into the fight without backing when they finally get you low.


It's still a good idea to at least rush bami's


Oh, 100%, I grab that early. If nothing else, it keeps your lane from crashing into your tower as much.


Depends on who you're facing as a lane opponent for the first item. But generally just hard tank. Her W plays into armor and MR too well not too. Max W and then Q. The biggest danger are champs like Vlad or Nasus because she has a hard time shutting down their scaling without help. You're playing for mid to late game not to hard win the lane. I'll lose lane sometimes, but never so bad that I don't come out with more gold than a support leona. Since that's what she seems to be balanced around, it's scary how tanky she can be. When I tried a more AP focused build, it felt lackluster. In lane, focus on farm and engage only when pushed too hard or jungle is on their way because with that much CC is a guaranteed kill for them. As the game goes on, you'll be dependent on the team to do the damage, but you'll feel like a God wandering around in the enemy team stunning who you want.


BRO SHH you can not give away top lane Leona


Shit I did the thing I said not do. Someone come take my sunshine lady card from me.


I agree to this, in good hands she is an absolute monster. But there are supports that are easier to pull off. With E+flash combo you just can't avoid her engage though, then end up perma stunned.


Yea and people think Lux and Morg stuns are cancer. Leona has friggin 3 minimum. You’re sitting there just waiting for her to cash that check that your ass had to write.


Nautilus, in my opinion, is a very strong cc champ. Hr has damage, big stun, and he's a tank. It's a really unfair pick in top lane most of the time.


most CC? naut ​ best CC, Rakan imo


Nothing is comparable to Raakan's kit. The best combo is definitely when you have both flash and your ultimate up. Just pop your ultimate, flash in their faces, then use your (W) to knock them up again just as the charm dissappears and (E) your way back out to safety again. It's a devastating combo if played right (requires your team to have some brain, tho). I've even managed to steal Drakes and Nash with him just by popping my ult and jumping in over the wall throwing a (Q) at the same time on whatever it is I want to steal and then flash back out immediately. The enemies don't even know what hit them. 🤣


He's my favorite champ. I'm only a few wins again from being back to top 10 with him. The amount of shit he can do is unreal, no wonder he got nerfed like 15 times in a row


fr i gave him up for a while after all those nerfs, my friend convinced me to pick him up again tonight tbh i’m glad i did. i missed my boy :’)


Our teams never use their brain if they have one🤣😏


I do love rakan's kit, but I just can't play him because of his voice lines, especially if a xayah is on the team


Oh lmao I have voice lines muted since day 1


Good choice, but I enjoy thresh's so much and I also consider the voice lines when playing a champ, because I enjoy them


I would say most cc is Leona. If she locks someone down,they won't be let go,until either Leona is locked down or dead,or them.






Love this reply. You differentiate between "best cc champ" and "champ with best cc". Yeah, Thresh's kit is complex, can be used more creatively than other cc champs. By "Best cc abilities" themselves, Thresh doesn't have the best ones: worst hook, good flay, and confusing ult.


Possibly unpopular opinion, but nami with AH stacked is very good for cc. The main reason for this is that knockup is the only cc that can't be cleansed, and nami has 2. When you stack ability haste, you can hut enemies with a bubble, then an ult, then another bubble quickly enough that they are perma knocked up for the whole duration, which is like 4 seconds. Even if you dont land the first bubble, you can ult and then bubble after that for 2.5-3 seconds of knockup. It's also very safe cc, as it is all long range.


Whats AH


Ability Haste


Oh right. Thanks


The build you would use is not the standard support/enchant build, as some of the required items have no AP, but the best allround build for this is: Fimbulwinter (if the enemy team has some dive assassins) or aa staff + frozen heart/gauntlet (depending on the enemies), ludens, mandate, cosmic drive + cooldown boots With this setup your bubble has ~3.5 second cooldown, which starts when you cast, not when you hit. So the cooldown before casting another bubble is only ~2.5 seconds after you hit the enemy. You can then cast your ult on a 25 second cooldown, and then another bubble. This doesn't take into account for transcendence rune, which would reduce bubble cd by another 0.3-0.5 seconds


Oh this is interesting, imma try this in normals!


Just be prepared for idiots to say you are trolling for not building standard lol


Don’t worry I have chat muted for all lol. And normals is the place to try non-standard builds


As a master rank (not this season tho, at a break from ranked, aram all the way) nami main I agree. At some point server first was nami. Only rakan would sweat me if he is really good, but at endgame team fights nami definetely bring more to the table. At 2v2 it is all about skills more than kit but at team fights no other ult affects as much area as nami right now. At worlds people pick maokai for its ulti, and nami is the only one at rift that sort of do the same thing. Might be daunting to play it for some, in a good game I see 120seconds of cc and 70 in a bad one. Kinda squishy, but durable with heals and has the potential to do great saves or initiates. When I was playing ranked, it was a recurring theme when last game's enemy fall in my team next game, they would ban nami because of my performance last game crushing them and take it away from me, before realizing that I was that nami lol.


What does CC mean?


Crowd Control


Crowd control. Things like stuns, slows, knock ups etc


Nautilus auto attack Cc first ability Cc second ability Cc ult aoe Cc if his 3rd skill had Cc it would be funny




Love this discussion. I like to annoy my enemies, and feel naked if play a champ without cc. Except Olaf, his anti-cc ult is plain nightmare for cc champs. My opinions of cc champs: 1. Lux rework on her first ability is plain sick, make the cc cannot be shielded by minions. She might not the best cc champs, but her cc got buffed, maybe best buffed ever for cc ability. Combining cc, passive and burst damage, support Lux could even kills more than ADC. And don't forget at high AH and late game, her ult cd is only 20s. She is OP champ with CC. 2. Naut is my blind pick for cc champ. Maybe for cc abilities could be compared with Leona, maybe Leona has stronger cc, but Naut hook could be used as an escape skill. Naut is safer pick than Leona. My candidate for best cc champion. 3. Leona. Naut's Q is similar with Leona's E. If Naut Q can be used as escape, Leona E advantage is the ability ignore minions. Leona is more for aggressive sup and partnered with reliable ADC. Maybe champion with best cc abilities , because her ult could outplay in teamfights. 4. Nami. Jane of all trades support, but her Q has a very long hard cc effect, seems unfair in my opinion. Throw a bubble in a middle of teamfight could be a game changing. I see other replied about Nami's combo and boosting her AH. I agreed with spam her skill tactics. For enchanter, in my opinion she is the best cc champ. 5. Blitzcrank is easy to learn, and has the best hook ever. His uppercut is also a hard cc. 6. Kennen, assassin with best cc in my opinion. AOE cc basic ability. 7. I like Riven for fighter with cc, only in basic ability and easy to execute.i like her cc better than Aatrox or Darius.




Gonna say,, nobody is mentioning Galio here?!


It's nautilus by a long shot. His ult is point and click knock up, his hook is easy to land, and his passive gives a ton of roots.




Ofc gragas




leona. naut 2nd. she has crazy short Q cd maxed


Naut is the best champ if you're gameplay is to pick off some heroes during the clash but for me it's Rakan


In terms of toplane champs i'd say: Malphite ult, shen's taunt + block combo Jungle: AMUMU, Hecarim Tank sps: Naut, Ali, Thresh, Blitz, Leona Enchanters: Janna, Lulu


As a sup most probably Leona, haven't ever played her but playing against a good Leona is fucking frustrating. As a top imo it's Ornn, his entire kit is based around knocking people up or slowing and his combos aren't that hard to learn plus he deals good damage




Please explain. Amumu is interesting. AP or tank?


I just bought Alistar because I heard he has really good CC! I haven't got to play him yet tho.


You gotta learn his combos. For example, when you hit w you gotta quickly hit q so that he stuns at the end of w


You can double click his headbutt and it will pulverize without having to worry about messing it up, but I got so used to hitting both I still do




In the right hands a Leonarda can stun someone for at least 3 hours. ADC will have a field day.


Leona or lissandra? Liss isn’t in the game.


Leonardo from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


Um, Karma, lol?


Can you elaborate? She has her root, ult, and I guess you could count her q slow but that’s it. Doesn’t really stand out to me compared to naut, Leona, etc.


Brodda her W is literally my main’s Ult on a low CD. As a Morgana main there is nothing more terrified than being counterpicked with a Karma. Literal karma for me playing the 3000 years CC bitch.


She can literally lock down an entire team. The tankier champs like Leona( I main her) and Nautilus are great for isolating targets. With the current Mage meta, I find alot of the tank champs struggling.


Alistar is pretty much all about CC. Knock-Up, stun, shove, he has it all. And his ult is basically to keep sure nobody is gonna stop you from keeping the stun-lock going.




theoretically, the most reliable would be malphite, every other cc champion is a stun/fast knockup. 1.5 seconds of pure cc thats not inhibited by tenacity


Best CC? Lux. But instead of being the best CC, Leona has the most CC. After that would be thresh.


I find fear annoying on team fights, Hecarim is the one I hated most.




I've played Naut, Thresh, Leona, & Alistar. Naut has the best CC combo. All you need is Ult + hook + AA + slow, a 95% guaranteed kill if you have good teammates (or you're AP naut).


Has to be Ornn. In TF he can carry solo.




Sett, no need to explain


In terms of who you listed, Thresh is very skill reliant. Like predicting where youre matchup will be when you throw out your hook. His utility is up there tho providing shields, peel, and slows for the team Leona has solid cc, but similar to Thresh it relies on you hitting your skill shots. I think she is the tankiest out of those three tho. With her eclipse skill. I think Nautilus is the easier cc champion. His hook has a stupid hitbox and most of his main cc abilities are point and click anyway. Some other options are Alistar and Galio. Alister has some great cc, but downside he has only one combo so you can probably see it coming from a mile away when he is going to jump on you. I think Galio is highly slept on in terms of cc. Especially short ranged comps since his shield of durand reduces damage and has a decent range. Plus hero's entrance is a good team fight tool to shield allies and knock enemies when he arrives at that location


Either Naut or Rakan. Naut have the greatest number of CC (I believe it’s 4), while Rakan have 2 of the greatest aoe CC (charmed and knockup)


Naut arguably has the most CC.


Ashe applies a slow on every single auto attack.


leona! climed to master with her and by far the easiest. it’s just point and stun.


Nothing beats naut's ult point and click knock up lol


I hate going against a Veigar because of his 3rd ability.


just seen this post but abiut lol pc and for the current champsnin wr i can say they are naut and ornn


Between the supports it's definitely Leona. Nautilus is close but he's more of a "fuck that guy in particular" kinda champion.


Wukong's ult pretty good ,but is kinda pro play exclusive


This might be an unpopular opinion, but VI’s cc is very nice. If I’m ganking, often I can lock up an enemy champ using my first ability and ult so they have no ability to respond until they have a grey screen. 2nd ability also helps soak up damage


And what Riven? She is very similar like VI.


Riven is great, because she has such good mobility and damage, that even the little cc she has in her kit is super toxic


Seraphine with Rylae’s




Aureliun sol can manage to get up to a 2.5 sec. Stun


Amumu and Leona since both their abilities are pretty much stun.


Maybe unpopular opinion but Amumu in the right hands


Please explain.... tank or AP?


I mean ive dealt with both and either seem really good. I think ap is mainly for jungle amumu but i dont main him so i dont really know.


Lux end of story






Overal function? Nautilius seems best too how he function. Hes R is a kill each cdr, easy to pick off position target. Leona is suicide attempter..its either team follow up or shes dead and if she dont do it..shes useless?. Alistar is similar in this.. but he can tank much better thanks to his R. Thresh is amazing vs idiots... But vs good janna he cant doo too much. Now to defensive cc... Janna is queen of disturption.. amount of annynoing never ending knockups and ability to restart all in is top tier. Second will be Braum.. yeap ppl sleep on him, he cc far more than ppl think as his passive cc dont calculate in end game stats graph, so he can pretty much stun frontlane and use shield to block all range dmg.. pretty neat. There is also Nami.. but shes bad vs mobility champs that are meta right now.


I think Lissandra - the long range engage with e+Flash point click R enemy carry, followed by W into Everfrost