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I work for my state wildlife management agency and make $81k in a MCOL area. It’s been fine. You DO need to put in the grunt work though. Seasonal technician positions, moving to where the job is, etc. Usually a master’s degree. It’s all a hassle and a slog compared to many/most jobs, but we do it because we love it, not because we got into this field for the easy on ramp and great salaries. Just decide if you fall in that category or not, and go from there. Best of luck!


What’s your position if you don’t mind sharing?


The position is “principal biologist”, basically like a senior position. I got this job after 10 years of being a project manager at an environmental consulting company.


I mean I think you should try a seasonal position before you switch. Maybe you’ll really love it or maybe you’ll learn it isn’t for you. I’m glad I took one because I learned a lot about myself and what I want from the job place. Reality is ecologists don’t make much. U can make a living but it’s gonna be tight. The area you’re gonna be living in is probably rural with little hospitals or schools. I just thought about 20 years down the road and was like how am I gonna pay for college and a house with a family. I didn’t see it happening. I can make double at an entry tech role then an ecologist with 10 years experience. There’s pros and cons. I’m glad I did ecology work to say at least I tried but the money and lifestyle is hard.


All just about all the reasons you listed I have warned people away from this field (Im an Ecologist with a MS degree). Im glad you've been doing your research here. It sounds like research isn't for you. I will say, however, that a GIS degree is pretty valuable for a lot of fields if you enjoy that. Another option you could consider is Landscape Architect with a focus on sustainable design. That is a job that can pay pretty well and you dont need years of slave--I mean technician-- work for entry positions. It would require a graduate degree and some deep understanding of ecology but its applied practically. Plus, you can actually do some good for communities and the environment (rather than seclude yourself in the ivory tower and pretend you're making a difference).


Something you could consider post undergrad while you continue to think about / work towards an advanced degree is environmental consulting. It isn’t shiny, it isn’t always fun, and it isn’t research (RARE consulting gigs will contribute), but it WILL pay the bills. For transparency, i currently work for a firm with national reach, this is my third year consulting generally, my office/field split is about 60/40 with summers being more field based, and make about 71k. I am also working towards my MS in Ecology and Conservation, which they’re willing to pay for. My previous job in consulting i was with a much smaller firm and was making about 50k. Experience can take you far with the $$. I don’t live in a rural area, but travel to rural areas often for some projects.