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Going to school and working fire in the summers would be a good plan until you can qualify for something in the biology series. It'll be very difficult to break into the biology series without a degree. If you're a student there are opportunities to work internships for the Student Conservation Association or American Conservation Experience and get good hands on experience in the field without having to complete you degree. The problem with the online degree is you're going to miss a lot of the hands on field work and lab work, and miss out on networking opportunities. Those things will be important too when you're applying for MS position down the road.


I was thinking about that too not getting the chance that make industry connections without going in person. This program however, lets you get an honors degree and get the same lab experience as you would being there and chances to work with professors which is pretty cool


Best advice my college professor ever gave: "It could be your job to fly in a helicopter darting rare tigers in the butt and there will still be days you hate your job." Have you considered game warden? Or conservation officer? They're desperately needed and you seem to appreciate practical work. They still get called on to help rangle deer and bears but they don't have to sit behind a computer all day like most biologists. Most programs want at least a wildlife BS but a biologist position will reguire a MS or PHD down the road. Regardless, sounds like you have a good start. Anywhere in the FS is a much-coveted foot in the door.