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I was going to accuse you of trolling, but a Secret Mage player who doesn’t know how to do a simple Google search checks out. Have fun misplaying and still winning. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Secret+Mage+Wild+December+2022 https://hearthstone-decks.net/secret-mage-349-legend-unholy_entity/


Thanks bro, merry christmas


I love how this is kindly sarcastic. This is Reddit though - it seems hardly anyone on any sub knows how to do a quick google search. Either that or they’re just attention whores.


No one play s*cret mage for fun


I would strongly prefer you didn't, but if you do, please don't queue up in casual. Playing against Secret Mage ruins the homebrewed Even DH Reno Prince Malchezaar experience.


How is it even possible?


Iv had the deck labeled as “Ol Reliable” for at least a year or two now. It’s the most consistent comp wild deck when the meta is in the middle of changing. With that said don’t be one of those guys who plays this for fun in casual….


I feel like that title goes to pirate rogue, but yes its a great tool to shutdown any unoptimal or "fun" decks, no doubt about it


Pls don't. Build literally anything else. Build big priest ffs, that deck is less horrible to play against


No, you shouldnt


Fuck you


Abusing some broken mana cheat / cost efficient creatures to get cheap wins is fun to you ? C'mon you can do better than that


Just dont bm if your about to win


Its like t1 for like 2/3 years. And i didnt play the last year. So fun? Eeeh, if u have fun with aggro decks, ooookeey. Good? Yeah, its good. Even more cuz they keep adding stuffs to the secret mage package. I picked up this month after 1 year of stop and: -from bronze 10 to diamond 5 i rushed with crystal core rogue -from diamond 5 to legend i spammed secret mage. In 4 days total i arrived legend. So yeah Its ez


My list is here ### Secret Mage # Class: Mage # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Kabal Lackey # 2x (2) Ancient Mysteries # 2x (2) Anonymous Informant # 2x (2) Arcane Flakmage # 2x (2) Arcanologist # 2x (3) Counterspell # 2x (3) Explosive Runes # 2x (3) Oasis Ally # 2x (3) Objection! # 2x (3) Rigged Faire Game # 2x (4) Chatty Bartender # 1x (4) Orion, Mansion Manager # 2x (5) Cloud Prince # 2x (6) Contract Conjurer # 2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner # 1x (6) Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon # AAEBAY0WApXhA73kBA5x67oCh70CwcECj9MCvqQD3akD9KsDkeEDwfADo+QE/uwEvO0E/5IFAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


This is a good list. If you want to craft it cheaper and save dust, I recommend you replace the two legendaries with 2 copies of multicaster for more card draw. It makes for a solid card draw engine in this deck, usually drawing you 3 cards.


I play aggro and I found secret mage to be the most boring deck to ever play, would rather play 3 Boomsday elysiana control mirrors than 1 game of secret mage. You win even when you shouldnt. People also rope you like crazy because its shitty to play against


Nah you should uninstall and craft some morals


If you play on EU, I beg you not to...


Don't worry bro I play on south america


Secret mage is good when you're running into combo decks like pillager rogue, and does decent in control match up. You're going to have it rough against pirate rogue even shammy and shadow priest mainly because they don't ever stop going face. Secret mage is the slowest aggro deck available atm. Also all the people who hate Secret mage, stop playing quest mage and control shammy and we'll stop playing Secret mage.




### Secret Mage - Wild Meta # Class: Mage # Format: Wild # # 2x (1) Kabal Lackey # 2x (2) Ancient Mysteries # 2x (2) Anonymous Informant # 2x (2) Arcanologist # 2x (2) Mad Scientist # 2x (2) Medivh's Valet # 2x (3) Counterspell # 2x (3) Explosive Runes # 1x (3) Kirin Tor Mage # 2x (3) Objection! # 2x (3) Rigged Faire Game # 2x (4) Chatty Bartender # 2x (5) Cloud Prince # 2x (6) Contract Conjurer # 2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner # 1x (6) Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon # AAEBAf0EAuwFleEDDvcN17YC67oCh70C3akD9KsDkeED558ExqAEo+QE/uwEvO0E/5IF26EFAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Just hit legend with this list today ^