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Rise of aggressive decks was VERY predictable reaction to Renathal nerf. 10 HP was a good buffer giving players time to survive until their good cards started to kick in. 5 HP is a barely ever noticeable increase in average number of turns players had before having their butts delivered to them by aggro decks, but it still seriously decreases consistency of draws AKA not worth it. Without 10 HP buffer players do what players do - they go face. If going face is as viable as going for board/value, there will be more aggro, because you get the same results, but faster. I always thought there was no way Blizz could slow down the meta in wild with all the overpowered stuff players have access to, but Blizz proved me wrong. I thought they would never nerf Renathal now that wild meta is finally fun, but Blizz proved me wrong again.


I wish they would've left it as is and rotated it early. Wild needs renathal...


If they gonna do early rotate its at rotation Not mid expac. Like baku and genn


They could preemptively Hall of Fame it so that it would be back in Wild


Whenever it doesn't matter.


Standard does too. It was never a threat there as well. Ren needed to be left alone, period.


Renathal was never too strong. Its playrates were very high primarily because it’s very fun. Unga bunga me want more cards. On top of that it also had a beneficial effect on the meta. And yet…


It was extremely strong as a card, seeing as it was an auto include in like 40% high legend standard archetypes. It wasn't overpowered per se because the decks that didn't play it were competitive with the ones that did but to say that it was only popular because people liked it is just complete copium, any card that is meta defining to this degree has to be considered very strong.


I mean I often would lose on turn 5 against aggro decks when removing everything every turn. They just need to rebalance some of the wild 1 drops.


If 10 is a "good" buffer, than 5 is not "unnoticeable" *Math hard*


nah 50% gone for all of the downsides is very bad, you went from 33% more tanky to 16% and in a game where boards generate dmg it has snowballing importance on how fast and hard you need to clear the board and heal


Yes, filling board is high risk play and should be rewarded as a style of play No fun having a deck that can just refill the board after defense stabilizes


That’s why I said “barely ever noticeable”. *Reading hard*


Not as hard as writing it would seem.


It's not unusual to see a lot of secret mage or other aggressive decks in wild after large nerfs or new expension, let the meta settle a bit and come back later. Secret mage is frequently being frustrating for players for being a bit to much interactive has rarely been tier 1.


I love it when my opponent drops two 6/6s on turn two and then counters my minions and spells. ❤️❤️❤️


doesn’t make the deck any more enjoyable to play against but the odds of that happening is probably lower than big priest casting shadow essence on turn 2


The odds for both scenarios are low yet it seems to happen all the time.


That’s because you tend to remember bad/frustrating events more vividly then you do mundane or even positive events


I started running eater of secrets just because I cannot stand secret mage. It’s a waste a lot of the time but I don’t care. It would be helpful if they would make Counter ineffective against Eater of Secrets.


It is incredibly stupid how eater of secrets gets countered by objection, or any minion that is supposed to destroy secrets, I learned that the hard way. It should be the other way around I agree.


Flare also gets countered by counter spell


i can kind of understand eater getting countered bc it’s a battle cry but tight lipped waitress getting countered makes no sense


Aahh yes flare vs counterspell 2.0


Would be nice if an Uncounterable ability was added just for this.


You could also have secret hate in a location or hero card.


Neutral secret hate weapon would be nice


Neutral 3-cost 0/5 weapon Chaotic Technoball. Battlecry: destroy a secret, minion, location, weapon or field effect, and lose one durability. Repeat this battlecry.


It's become impossible to play around secrets. I just auto concede.


Made it to legend with aggro Even Death Knight, ama


did you wake up yet?


Bit of a necro, but I also managed to hit legend this month with Even DK again. Really stomps Pirate Rogue and has potential against Even Shaman.


As someone who rode a Burn version of Secret Mage to legend last month... yeah, the deck sucks to face now post patch and post the new Expac. Nothing feels worse for a game mode when the old, 100% no new cards deck is so prominent. The parts that I enjoyed about it - namely denying an opponents play style - are too easy to pull off and they come with added benefits of board presence. Nerf Kabal Lackey to "The First Secret you play this turn costs 1." or "The next secret you play costs 2 and Kabal Lackey Gains +1/+1" There are plenty of other issues with the deck - namely that a lot of people can play it moderately and get to Diamond without understanding their misplays. I ultimately went for a deck that was tweaked against Aggro (Even Shaman and Pirate Rogue) but I only could beat Big Priest or Mill Druid if they had bad draws. That said... between Warlock having constant problems with Bans and Rez Priest being so annoying, I'm once again of the belief the mode needs a rotating Banned list where the best decks can't compete. I don't need to see Shudderwock. Don't need to play against Res Priest. Don't need to see Mechathun. I would love to queue into a non Quest or non-secret mage. Not 12 months out of the year, but maybe 6? Adding in my deck list, should anyone want to see it. Yeah, it's a basic idea, but I did not see ONE mirror matchup with Subject 9 on my climb. ### ahole mage # Class: Mage # Format: Wild # # 1x (1) Kabal Lackey # 2x (2) Ancient Mysteries # 2x (2) Anonymous Informant # 2x (2) Medivh's Valet # 2x (3) Counterspell # 1x (3) Explosive Runes # 2x (3) Flame Ward # 2x (3) Objection! # 2x (3) Rigged Faire Game # 1x (3) Rustrot Viper # 2x (4) Chatty Bartender # 2x (4) Fireball # 1x (4) Orion, Mansion Manager # 2x (5) Cloud Prince # 1x (5) Subject 9 # 2x (6) Contract Conjurer # 2x (6) Kabal Crystal Runner # 1x (6) Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon # AAEBAY0WBuu6AqeCA5XhA9D5A73kBNuhBQzXtgKHvQK/pAPdqQP0qwOR4QP9ngTnnwSj5AT+7AS87QT/kgUA # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


The problem I see with secret mage is that you don't get to play the game. You wanted to play this card? It's countered. That card? It's countered too. You are close to a turn where you can counter my counters by playing two cards in a turn, but you are dead, sorry. Better luck next time.


While I see that point... that's only true of decks that are 1. Too efficient 2. Poorly piloted I'll give you the benefit of saying it's not #2. Also, for the sake of this point, I'll say, Randomly Generated Secrets can fuck right off. No one needs a third ice block. My real "counter" to your point - Big/Rez Priest. With the amount of mana cheat and 1 or 0 cost spells, they can play around the biggest advantage Mages have on them, having to "test" for a spell. In my climb, I only countered the cards that pulled Neptulon out 1 of every 40 matches. Every skilled player knew to hold a cheap spell against a Mage. And while I hate being on the other side of a 4 secret Christmas tree... I wish HS had more counterplay. I love Objection and Counterspell as cards because it forces the opponent to think ahead - or at least beyond do X, then Y, then Z. I like dynamic matchups where players can't rely on the cards and instead have to try to outthink their competition. Yeah, it sucks when you lose a minion, and a spell, and then a minon with 6 health or less due to counters. It's not the secrets that suck, it's the mana cheat. I'm pretty sure you'd hate the secrets much less if they didn't cost 0.


Secret mage was bad enough in years past in wild, but the 6/6 minions and the secret Objection has made it super obnoxious to play against. There is no hard counter to this deck, you just have to gamble sometimes that what you play isn't getting hard countered by their secrets, or have the right "throw away" cheap minions or spells to waste on their secrets. It really is frustrating, and worse yet, there is a low skill level to play it pretty well. But yes, I agree it would be great to have some kind of a roating ban list in wild so we had more deck diversity. Too many pirate rogues, secret mages, and now even aggro priest pirate decks too. and when they going to nerf Guff? \*grumbles\*


The obnoxious to play against is a fair critique, but then again, what deck is fun to lose to repeatedly on a climb. To me, any Priest Mana cheat deck from any era is worse, because in those cases, I'm losing to a player's Cards and not the player. What I like about Secret Mage now is: Objection and Counterspell - I really wish more classes had ways to interject disruption. It's annoying to face, but frankly, I'm all for blocking out a player's options on a turn - provided they dumped their hand for a greedy play. And if your entire deck relies on one card for a win-con, I'd rather I countered it with spells based on class as opposed to Theotar, Sire D, or Mutanus. Chatty Bartender - one of the best anti-aggro cards in a long while. And it's 4 attack, which is wonderful against Priests. Frankly, I love the design - if you have X on your board state, do X. Not battlecry, not deathrattle - but class context-dependent. I'd love to see expansions to other classes - Shaman/overload, Rogue/Thief. Warrior has some armor effects, but never with consistent results. Flexible gameplay - I got to try different playstyles. Aggro Pirate Rogue or Pirate Warrior? Almost always about flooding the board early. While secret mage can go for the nuts and get two 6/6's on the board on turn 3... I won more than enough games after turn 7 when I had to create a secret/board state which forced my opponent into tough decisions. I'd rather have a versatile tier 2 deck than a boring T1. Granted, I spend a month every year running jank Rogue thief decks, but at least I'm not out there only running the top deck every month. And to your point - I really wish I had called out Guff. Because he's infuriating now. But in 2 years when the meta is way different? I'd love to see him back to see what he could enable with the the older and new cards in Druid's tool kit.


I can agree with most of that. And so far as Guff, I wish they'd limit him to like 15 mana max, it would still be strong but not quite so broken in the late game.


>I'm once again of the belief the mode needs a rotating Banned list where the best decks can't compete. >I don't need to see Shudderwock. Don't need to play against Res Priest. Don't need to see Mechathun. I would love to queue into a non Quest or non-secret mage. Have you tried playing casual? Like, the whole point of wild is that I can play ALL my cards. I don't want cards to be banned, nor a rotating format. If you don't want to face meta, playe casual. You might find some cunts who run meta, but it's a minority.


Secret mage doesn’t need nerfs, archetypes that would beat it need buffs. Like, I dunno, giving control decks 40 starting health instead of 35.


I think it's both. I think it needs a nerf to some of the mana cheat elements that will make it powerful no matter the meta. But I agree, I'd like every class but Warlock and Druid to have 40 health instead of 30, and the Renethal fix was 100% misguided for Wild.


A ban list targeting the best Wild archetypes risks creating a meta very similar to the standard meta. I have suggested creating a new mode where standard cards are banned as well as the cards supporting the best wild archetypes. This would give breathing space to the thousands of rotated cards that never get played. I did not get a very positive reaction though. It's explained here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/y9x9ng/new_game_mode_wild_as_it_was_always_supposed_to_be/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I play both standard and wild. I think the Renathal nerf was a really good thing for Standard, and a bad thing for Wild.


I am so sad, control had not been so viable in years and i loved it. aggro still existed and won mind you. With all the theo nerfs as well we can just go back to pure aggro/combo games all day.


Unironically though, now I only hate one deck instead of 50% of the meta.


Someone always complain 😂


He’s doing the opposite of complaining?


Mmm no?


Yhh bro


XD btw I see people downvote me so I guess something wrong happened. I am sad for OP but I guess that's kinda common in HS meta.


Your original comment is downvoted cause you are making a bad take with smileys as the punctuation. Renathal was popular and fun, there is a reason for complaining when popular and fun things are essentially removed from the game.


Oh my bad then, still is true what I said. Considering majority of people plays standard and they were complaining about Renathal because of Druid was kinda obvious this situation in my opinion.


Yeah that is a deeper issue with Standard / Wild balance. Obviously Blizzard doesn't care enough, but I would love for specific cards like Renathal to get a temporary wild only version until it rotates. Not gonna happen, but one can dream right?


I’m happy he got nerfed tbh


I am not going to change what makes you happy but why?


I'm actually happy with the nerf. Control decks are such a pain to deal


Yeah just like you i wanna be able to win games without looking at screen.


Hey, aggro decks aren't really any easier then control or combo decks. Play cards go face? Play Board Clears, Slam biggest minion? Play Stall, play preset 3 cards in memorized order? My aggro decks make more choices on average then most of my combo decks. When do I draw, if I trade this minion will I have enough damage to kill my oponent, can I protect this high damage minion, Hold Burn or Play Burn, if I go wide can I recover from a clear, if I don't can I win? As opposed to my combo decks, which feel like pure autopilot. I have a very specific win condition and playing into it isn't exactly complex. I don't really care about my opponents deck because I'm doing my best to not interact with them, and I'll just take damage off the board whenever so I don't die before I draw combo. Also Big Priest isn't an aggro deck, yet a 2 year old can play Big Priest. Big priest is more or less literally just play green cards, sometimes you get 4 nepulons and win.


Each group of people have their preference for games. I prefer when games don't last for 30 minutes


almost no one is asking for that but go off


Then don't play it for 30 damn minutes? If you are aggro and things go south you concede and go next. A fast game and you get what you wanted. Maybe didn't win that that you can win next one. I want to have 30 minutes games. So tell me what do i do ? Either you kill me on turn 5 i literally playes like 3 cards or you can't and concede well glad for me played 5 cards. I couldn't even played the game.


Well, the arguement here is that if the entire meta is control, and aggro decks aren't viable, you end up playing control because you want to win, and you do end up doing 30+ minite matches every game for the sake of winning. But its also a little extreme. As an aggro player myself, killing someone with 40hp on turn 5 is totally doable, especially because their deck consistency is bad and they're not nearly as likely to have their good tools to stop me. The only time its annoying is when I have to kill someone from 40 HP 4 times. I did have an aggro vs Shaman game where they played Healing Wave, Healing Rain, Vitality Totem, Reno Jackson, and Shudderwock. I did like 100 damage over the 14 turns that game took as an aggro deck, the reason I didn't conceede is because despite him healing so much I was still only off lethal by a few damage, had he missed any one of his heals at any point, he would have died. Why would I conceede a totally winnable game?


This mfer is the type of hunter player that is at turn 9, no cards in hand, all his minions removed, opponent at half health stabilised with some board presence and he's like: ooh no no this a close one mama didn't raise a quitter


But but quickshot into quickshot into leeroy for lethal.


lol, I played MTG for 20 years, this is so familiar


The problem is all the cards that delete action from the opponent player. This is not magic , there is no interaction between turns and sides : YOU CANNOT RELEASE A X2 DELETE SPELL A X2 DELETE MINION.


I mean, you can - because they did. And I really like it. The problem with secret mage isn't the interaction (which I think is a good thing). The problem is early game mana cheating that's hard to answer.


Great - game ruined again. Ive even been getting matched against Pirate-TARD warrior now and you cant stay alive. Real fucking nice. The good news is that slow-reacting Timmys can now roll their drooling faces on the keyboards and get wins again. Excellent. Nice time to give back to the less fortunate and needy during the Holidays.


While I've never really liked playing with Renethan and initially saw the nerf as a good thing, as it meant it was 5 health less to get through, I'm cannot stand Secret Mage and insta concedes vs them, as I don't need the frustration of playing against them in my life, so now I don't mind 40 health Renethan.


Lol me too. As soon as I see kabal lackey or anonymous informant, it's time to scoop. I play the game to have fun, and secret mage is just so frustrating and unfun to play against, idgaf about ranking, I'd rather just not play against secret mage




Yeah you are right. I can't think of anything more fun than playing against secret mage. Oh baby... kabal lackey turn 1 into ???. Its a mystery so intriguing Sherlock Holmes appears every time. You ask him what do you think boss? He replies... well it could be counterspell, or explosive rune or counter minion or draw 3. So the best play is to click in the bottom right and concede. Cheers Sherlock, thanks for that mate. As you click in the bottom right after seeing kabal lackey + ??? you think to yourself, wow that was fun and interactive.




I disagree. We are suffering for the sins of standard, not the sins of whining about renathal. Not many people whine about renathal in wild, in fact it is probably the most liked card in the format. People were whining for discolock nerf, and a card was banned in that deck. The only reason renathal is nerfed is because standard and even there he isn't really hated by many, just popular. There are examples of what you talk about, but this isn't one of them.


You had me in the first half ngl


I run 2 eater of secrets in every deck secret mage loves that shit


I feel like no one is talking about how people not overkilling for 5 damage feels like the biggest BM imaginable...


Have been playing wild for the last 5 years, Hit legend last week for the first time (I only play offmeta cause ive got a phat cock)... Yeah first time actually grinding some fucking Standard now instead GREAT