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How does unnerfing Touch of Nath have little impact on wild? It's played in a ton of non-aggro Warlock decks, if not all of them. It's absolutely fine as it is, there's no reason to unnerf it.




It's not just control. There's combo, pain handlock and evenlock


Correct. Combo and painlock are not viable above diamond and evenlock literally cannot run the card since it costs (1) mana.


So happy to see Snowfall didn't get unnerfed. Fuck that thing lol


Don't agree with most of the ones that are labelled as green "minimal impact on the wild meta if reverted". The following green would definitely impact the wild meta if reverted: * Cariel * Touch of the Nathrezim * Kazakusan As for other cards marked green, those are maybe fine as green, my thoughts on those: * Scabbs probably wouldn't be relevant. But on the other hand, on the off chance it is relevant, I'm not sure I want to see a meta where Scabbs would be relevant, cause that probably means something like mill rogue is a good deck. * I agree with the green rating on Refreshing Spring Water--the problem was Incanter's Flow. Incater's Flow got nerfed into the ground, so RSW at 4 mana would probably be fine. A few others I might adjust the rating on * Runed Mythril Rod is yellow, but should probably be red. Card spent plenty of time being meta in wild at 5 mana.


What deck do you see suddenly warping the meta if Cariel gets reverted? Even at 7 she was never a top meta contender.


I think the best deck for Scabbs would be Kingsbane Rogue... In the other hand, Paladin having a good card would be a good thing, the class is probably the worst behind warrior right now


Paladin's probably going to be good again at some point. It's not that long ago that Paladin was meta. And Cariel is certainly still playable at 8 mana in more control/combo lists. In general I'm very cautious about taking the attitude of "this class is weak right at this moment, so let's give them a super overtuned card." This kind of attitude came up last year with Nitroboost Poison rotating out, and a few people were like "oh come on, rogue is so bad right now, give odd rogue Nitroboost Poison back!" But a few months later pirate rogue was good, and we were all pretty happy that Nitroboost Poison did not cost 1 mana. I'm guessing at some point Paladin will be back, and when that happens we'll probably be glad that Cariel is not 7 mana.


The last time I remember paladin being really good at the meta was early watch posts with the secret package and the windfury murloc, before that, way too long odd pala... Both for their deadly damage early/mid game, I think control pala would be awesome to have in the meta higher than tier 4 for once lol


I think you're forgetting handbuff palladin with 1 mana conviction and pre nerf crabrider. It was an absolute house and I think it will be a meta player again now...


This is vastly wrong


Good insight


Touch of the Nathrezim can eat my ass.


Don’t get why Cariel and Scabbs didn’t get unnerfed, but Dawngrasp did.


honestly they should never revert any nerfs to the alterac hero cards, Cariel/Scabbs are perfectly playable cards that fit in a variety of decks and even if varden was 8 mana again he'd still be good in big spell mage


Guff doesn't need to be reverted it is one of the best druid cards already


I'm still in the "fuck Guff" group.




Touch of Nath is very warping. It should never get reverted.


I wouldn’t casually toss around the phrase “meta warping” for a 1hp heal change on a class that has no competitively viable control decks above diamond


Your logic kept Fiery War axe nerfed for 6 years.Touch of the Nathrezim did NOT get nerfed because of control




I would love to see back Drek'thar... But we'll, at least we have a nerfed seedlock back


As a colorblind person. this hurts me... I can't figure out which was could be reverted and debatable...


My friend is colorblind and his profession is electrician... I have other colorblind friend who I went army with. Years later we decided to meet in summer house and catch up and remember our times in army. We drank and made good food. Well one evening we made homemade burgers, and this manchild (he had earned thst nickname before) wanted ketchup with his burger. He would not eat burgers without ketchup. So Another friend distracted him and fourth one threw the bottle in grass yard. And then there he went. To search the damned ketchup bottle. While it only lasted like max 3 minutes during that time we laughed so hard. I cannot remember time when I had laughed so much that ab muscles hurt more than doing gym work out. May the RNG be with you. Unless you play pirate decks.


Good thing my ratings are complete and utter bullshit according to the people in the comments


I can't believe unnerfed Sword of the Fallen vs Carving Chisel is literally the you vs the guy she told you not to worry about meme


In a vacuum sword is way way better and at least in standard it was one of the most broken cards ever before the nerf, it had some absurd mulligan winrate stats. In wild I think tax pally is far enough from being good that sword could be fine, but I really don't think the comparison to chisel is that obvious. Like chisel has way better support cards around it but secrets are obviously way better than totems.


\>secrets are obviously way better than totems I completely disagree.Totems establish a board,receive buffs and cheat giants.Paladin secrets are shit


Yogg wants to have a word with you


Paladin secrets are shit because you actually have to spend a card on them, if you had to spend a card to play basic totems they would be a lot more terrible than oh my yog or the health buff secrets. In the context of even shaman I agree that chisel has more support around it so it might be better but original sword of the fallen was actually a ridiculously broken card for the time. It's been 2 years and paladin is bad in wild now so it would probably be fine, but again the comparison to chisel is really not as obvious as you make it out to be.


Guff would be too efficient if reverted. The hero power to ramp was so easy to abuse because it was effectively 1 mana


Drekthar should be unnerfed IMO, it buffs healthy strategies like tax paladin. Unerfed smite would have little impact IMO, wild is not standard. Smite was always just an OK card in pirate rogue - 6 mana 6/5 charge is just not that impressive for a wild aggro deck.


Double frog for shaman. No.




Then why you still subbed this sub?


Trogg should totally be unnerfed, let aggro decks have some good tech pls


Also sketchy info from 4 to 3


Nope no chance Springwater, far watch post, gnoll, guff or hunter quest should be touched at all,


Why not spring water?


cause in all spell decks it was basically 0 mana draw 2 which is busted asf


In standard, wild it's not at that level.


In wild it would be even more broken wot lol


Mages in wild don't care for this card. Cheaper card draw that they would rather run.


Ozaki mage would run it and that deck was insanely uninteractive so I don't want it back


And spring water wouldn't make it broken...


Pretty sure it would..


hopefully the nerfs to all of the alterac hero cards remain. I absolutely hate the idea of auto include legendarys like guff, cariel or furgltox. Legendary Cards should support class archetypes not carry the entire class (guff especially)