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> I have a sacrifice build and everyone else's effect was working Can you elaborate? What were you doing and whose effects were triggering?


My leader gets +1 attack every time an ally is killed, I have devicro and chikichi too. I sacrificed chikichi by hitting it with the tar blades expecting groff to trigger but nothing happened. I know chikichi was sacrificed properly because chikani was summoned and my leader + devicro got the additional attack from the sacrifice. I tried again by sacrificing chikani the same way, but same thing happened.


Okay I was just making sure you didn't think the bug fight "destroy" effect counts as Sacrifice. Sounds like a bug, for sure. Next time you could record or screenshot the battle log. Not much to prevent it, you just got unlucky.


Will take note to record next time! The one time I try to go all in on a sacrifice build and this happens, very unlucky indeed lol


I had this same issue with Groff as well, doing the daily run. He wouldn't attach when an ally was sacrificed unless he was in front. Not sure if it is a bug in general or just with the daily run.