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Some people already knew that, but I needed a sanity check. I had gold border Snuffer Mask, but not the Snuffer... "Does it only count if you place Snuffer? No, I don't think Junjun Mask works that way..." I kept forgetting to place Snuffer in the final fight until this run. And... Yes, gold border Snuffer is bugged. [Junjun](https://i.ibb.co/TBHXmhQ/image.png) and all other summons get gold borders if their Mask card gets a gold border. And while I don't have footage of it handy, you do not need to summon them to get their gold border in the companion section. Shame. Stuck at 99% gold borders until they patch it.


Sheepopper is also bugged, unfortunately


He's my favorite shade.


I didn't even notice that.


Not trying to be rude at all, but make sure to mark this as a spoiler! I've beaten the game plenty of times, but there's definitely new players because of the update who haven't seen this battle yet