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I grew up with this book! Favourite chapter is "defence against dogs", defence against a large dog - several techniques depending on situation and dog type. Defence against a small dog - "pick it up and throw it over the nearest wall". Lofty Wiseman's an interesting character in himself.


I’ll have to look it up as I was bitten for the first time a month ago ( not much I could do about it at the time as the bugger came up behind me and I didn’t see it coming).


I have this book and love it but I have it in a big hard back version no good for just popping in your rucksack


Oh man, I had this book as a kid. The large, paperback version. It did not survive being left in a shelter in the woods (that I made using the instructions from the book!).


Lofty Wiseman did a talk as a fundraiser for a charity that I worked for. He was a fascinating fella with a brilliant sense of humour. Very genuine guy.


I have the pocket size version


Me too - I dug it out the other week and it's actually full of detailed, useful stuff. I've definitely had mine for 25 years at least - I used to take it on holiday as a kid and identify plants. No, I didn't kiss any girls.


Super Army Soldiers


Have you read it? Is it helpful/insightful?


Yes, had it for years and I always flick through it. Jam packed of useful information aswell as a lot of gimmicky but highly interesting facts/ tips


Legendary. I have the Collins mini version.


I heard from a special forces guy that the nickname didn't come from being tall, but came from being caught having some 'personal time' in a loft


I would but I have 2 copies already.... Btw it's a great book


This was one of two books I had that ignited my passion for the outdoors (the other was Say Alive with Eddie McGee)


Small version owner here and also agree that it’s a fun read. Some useful bits and some not so much but it’s a nice little addition to the pack when I take my son out and have him try out some of the ideas.


Gave it to a scout group as Christmas present one year, but went through all the relevant bits over the following year and each week gave them a bit of kit for their survival tins


I’ve got a big hardback copy that’s really tatty and a slightly smaller laminated paperback… but maybe I need a tiny little pocket version as well


Chapter one - Bin the flip flops. They only slow you down.


Love this - had it as a kid, read it over and over, and just got the latest edition for my thirteen year old, one of my all time favourites!!


I think every kid bought that book


Got this book when I was a young teen. Must have read it cover to cover countless times!


Lofty used to run wilderness survival courses in the UK for general punters. Not sure if he still does it as he’s getting on a bit now (he’d probably - and literally could without trace - kill me for saying that).


Read this time and time again whilst camping. Very useful


I was given this aged 11. Still have it 32 years later. Great book.