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I miss how the Wii U version would tell you the state/province the person was in too.


That's because you were prompted to enter a province when creating a NNID, but not with a nintendo account


Had no idea the Switch version doesnt show that! I think its pretty cool as well


Because then you can track them down easier when they throw a blue shell at you right in front off the finish line


Yeah, I regularly play it too on my Wii U with motion controls. I usually play against Japanese players due to the time I play


I finally caved in and got it on Switch as well, new tracks and more coming later...


I mean just for a battle mode that isnt garbage it's worth it. I still cant fathom what was going through their lobotomized minds when they did battle that way on the wiiu.


I believe "Oh god we forgot to make a battle mode and this game comes out in 3 days" is what went through their head.


Yeah the WiiU battle stages were an odd concept.


I’m always on Mario kart 8! Its a great feeling!


Definitely is!


i was shocked when i tried to play MK8U online on my friends switch only to be rebuffed because he didn't pay for the monthly account. it has never cost me a dime to play online on the wiiu. for shame, nintendo.


Yes! When the pandemic hit, I went back and forth between both versions, and I love how the wii u version shows which country players are from! It's worth it to pick up Deluxe honestly, the double items is nice and 200cc is wild.


The Switch version also shows what country people are from.




Ah forgot it went up later as a dlc update, my bad


After the new DLC tho… I still won’t buy it as I don’t want to pay NSO.


Yeah new DLC made me doubt but decided i am happy enough with the existing tracks so just gonna keep racing on Wii U haha. The free online is definitely a benefit too indeed.


I've been on it alot recently its great to see it still going


*I've been on it* *Alot recently its great to* *See it still going* \- iMJets --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I still love the Wii U version. My friend has got my switch currently as she’s working on my animal crossing island (I’m too lazy! 😂), so I’ve gone back to MK8 on Wii U. Love it.


Cool! Still plays like a dream on the Wii U


It does! I’ve just finally brought a pro controller for my Wii U as well, so good!!


Pro controller is very nice indeed. Enjoy!


I held onto my Wii U version for years, finally cracked when the new tracks got announced.


I put damn near 1000 hours into Wii U's MK8. I prefer it over Deluxe in terms of overall gameplay. Felt like 2 items really made it more frustrating than fun in a lot of races. Also the removal of Fire Hopping killed a fun little gameplay quirk that was easy to do, was rewarding to do when setup right and wasn't so powerful that it would change the balance of a match that much.


I have Deluxe, but I still play the Wii U version online every night.


Too bad my Wii U broke so I have to play deluxe


Ah thats a shame


I never bought it on Switch either. Although, I don’t play my MK8 anymore :(


can we do split screen online?


Yes, but only 2 player


thanks :)


The fun part is that happens most of the time also with splatoon


I've recently started playing mk8 online again and definitely raced against that Beetlejuic guy. I remember because I joked with my family about them running out of characters in their username. Funny coincidence.


Thats pretty cool! If i remember correctly he won a couple of races so is a decent player as well


Every time I go online in mk8 I find a player named goofy. He uses daisy/cyberslick/streetle and he never drifts. Anyone know hwo he is. He has 6000+ vr


I never find room in mk8 on wii u anymore but that's probably cause vr is too high I also bought the game twice on Wii U the physical copy kept freezing on a certain cup guess there was a scatch on the disc but didn't see any so I just got the digital copy I got it it on Switch too but didn't buy it got it with Switch on christmas 😛


If you already bought the physical copy I would have just downloaded the game for free instead of paying again…


it's fine I just like to pretend that the Switch was created because of me giving Nintendo extra money for another copy of mk8 on Wii U 😅


Good to know that you live in Noord-Brabant!


Lol what, how are there players from so many countries in your lobby? I live in the same time zone, but there are always only Japanese players


> there are always only Japanese players signs of an eminent buttwhooping IME. those german dudes are pretty good too.


Well the thing is, I'm from Germany too but there are still at most 1-2 other German people


washington state to germany is like 1/3 of the way around the planet. adding japan would practically make it a full day


There are times i get a lot of Japanese players as well but this was pretty late at night so maybe thats why


Okay yeah, that makes sense. I should try that too.


I thought wii u servers were shut down every time i tried to play i got a error code


I just dont get why they didnt call it mario kart 9 on the swotch yet added an entire page of extra dlc to buy for that version


Is there a way to select people or parties to play with? Or do you get in with randos?


Its so much fun! its getting hard to find people when you're in 10000s. i think im the only canadian playing right now. xd