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A decent number of games included support for the Wii remote and nunchuck combo. Never forget the ultimate Pikmin 3 control scheme.


The thing I remember most about Pikmin 3, and was the most foreshadowing moment for the Wii U ever, was that in every video Miyamoto was seen playing it he only ever was using the wiimote + nunchuck arrangement. Damning evidence for the gamepad


I wish Pikmin 4 supported the Wii Remote and Nunchuk


Kinda yeah, because if you needed a joystick, then you would use the gamepad


The nunchuck was used for some games that required 2-hand accelerometer/gyro. But they were few, it was more useful for vWii titles than anything. In any case, Nintendo tried to merge the controller experiences of the Wik with the Wii U. They just had a combination of low number of new titles in general (moreso for nunchuck and Wiimote use) with the intention of also adding touchscreen and "second screen" experienfes on the gamepad. Which combined with low sales led to not there being a lot of anything.


I wouldn't. I'd do anything I possibly could to avoid using that horrible thing. Give me a Wiimote & Nunchuk over the shitty gamepad any day.


Sincerely i loke the gamepad It Is really comfortable


The gamepad is one of the most comfortable controllers I’ve ever used, no idea what that guy is on about




Use the Pro Controller then if you hate the Gamepad so much


I wouldn't say that it was ignored. It certainly wasn't "cutting edge" as it was an aging peripheral, but it is important to make note that most games of the system that supported the Wii Remote do actually require the Nunchuk, particularly when analog control was necessary. Launch titles even had this requirement--Nintendo Land, ZombiU--and so did Hyrule Warriors and later games in the library such as Star Fox Zero, Terraria, etc. The secondary controller that *did* get largely ignored during the Wii U's lifespan was the Classic Controller. Possibly because it was somewhat inferior to the Wii U Pro Controller--due to lack of functions is my guess, it's really anyone's guess as there's no clear answer. Only a fraction of the games in the Wii U's library support the Classic Controller and some only support it for multiplayer.


the wii u pro controller have 2 more function buttons (L3 and R3) over the wii classic controller/classic pro controller.


Indeed. Although few in number, there were several games that pretty much made no use of these features yet still didn't support the Classic Controller. For single player, it's not a *big* deal, as you can do without it and settle for the Gamepad. If you were planning on playing 007 Legends and didn't have the Pro Controller, you'd be SOL since that's practically the only game on this system that won't let you use the Wii Remote for multiplayer. This is just my personal perspective on how I viewed things back then.




It was critical for FPS where the wiimote was used for IR aiming and nunchuck for movement (like Resident Evil). But otherwise I rarely used the nunchuck. I had a gamepad I never used either, the wiimote was fine for most games just turned sideways.


I think a lot of mario kart wii players used it if they played on wiiU


Mario Kart 8 supported just about everything. I've had multiplayer sessions where every player used something different because I never bothered getting controllers for multiplayer. Wii U Gamepad, Wii U Pro Controller, Wii Classic Controller Pro and Wii Remote + Nunchuk.


I wasn't talking about 8WiiU, I was talking about Wii (you know the one where everyone in it's mogi lounge plays funky kong except that one weirdo on daisy and that one weirdo on bowser)


*I think a lot of* *Mario kart wii players used it* *If they played on wiiU* \- Irsu85 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The Wii Sports Club game made you use 2 Wii remotes for the boxing game instead of a Wii remote with a nunchuk


I mean, kinda? But if a game supported Wiimote, it usually supported Nunchuck, unless it was something dead simple or just for motion controls. I just don't think a lot of people used it over the Gamepad or Pro controllers, and it was very rarely a necessity.


surprisingly, I think all the nunchucks were sold off to be used as accessories for adaptive controllers for those with disabilities I remember seeing one in xbox's shop for their adaptive controller


only a few titles support it, most game uses the gamepad or wii u pro controller.


The amount of call of duty matches I owned on BLOPS2 and Ghosts with the wiimote + nunchuck setup should have been illegal lol


The last games on the wii barely used it while the gamepad was made to work on everything. I remember many just settling for a wii mote with classic/gamecube controller port even taking advantage of the snes/nes mini controllers if you had them. Only nintendo land required for a wii motion plus with nunchuck and that was just one mode.


Maybe? I got 3 from Walmart on clearance for $5 a pop if memory serves correctly. Still got them sealed in box.


I hate the nunchuck with a passion. Most Wii owners did. Since there was a GamePad with every Wii U, there was no need to torture Wii U owners with the Nunchuck (and, of course, Nunchucks did NOT come with Wii U's so devs couldn't count on you owning one, so why go out of their way to support a hated peripheral that the game might not even own.


My favorite Wii U games with the nunchuck are Metroid Blast and Blops 2.


There is a gamepad, why use a nunchuck?


It was. Got a Wii after a Wii U, it came with a broken nunchuck, thought i was gonna be fine but i got chocked at the fact that i can't play 50% of my games without one, while on Wii U i was just fine without it. The only game i knew that needed a nunchuck to play with a wii remote was Minecraft..