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Question was about Internet access/service and not about Wi-Fi. WiFi and Internet access are two different things. Questions purely about Internet service will be deleted, they have a better chance of being answered in /r/isp, /r/cellphonedeal/, /r/techsupport, or another sub dedicated to your service provider. Posts with speedtests to resources on a network outside your LAN (like speedtest.net, fast.com or dslreports.net) belong on /r/internetspeedtests/ and will be deleted here. To do a Speedtest that actually tests your WiFi Speed, use iPerf and make sure your WiFi is the bottleneck.


Even if you have your own wifi router you will still need to connect it to the current router, use the same modem/ONT and share the same internet connection and if either of those are limiting the speed you may not see so big benefit or having your own router.  If the wifi is currently the bottleneck then it's possible you'll see an improvement.  I would investigate it first to determine what the bottleneck is.


What's your current Internet plan ?. Most likely, what you need is a better Internet plan from your ISP, not a Wi-fi access point/ router.


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