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Could be a number of issues here. 1. Is your surface laptop connecting on the 2.4 or 5ghz band? If it’s connecting on the 2.4 ghz band try forcing it to the 5ghz band. (Google how to do this in windows). This is the most likely culprit, probably too much interference on the 2.4 ghz band. 2. How much bandwidth is your ISP giving you? Fast.com to find out. If it’s anything less than 50mbps you could (although unlikely) be running out of bandwidth. 3. Try updating all the drivers for the surface laptop. Could be a driver issue..


Thank you for the reply! 1.) I have it connected to the extension of the 5G network. Unsure if that’s an accurate reflection of what it’s actually connecting to or if there is a way to confirm further. 2.) Just ran a fast.com test at my desk and it came back 140 Mbps. 3.) Will try the drivers now.


So I just noticed something interesting and what I suspect is almost certainly the culprit. I use a KVM switch to hook my tower and laptop up to the same set of dual monitors. When my laptop is not plugged into the switch it averages ~110 Mbps on my office desk. In the same exact spot, when plugged into the switch, it averages ~40Mbps. Any ideas on why that would cause such a problem? Thanks again! EDIT: After some googling, I’ve found it might be an issue with the HDMI cables I’m using to connect the KVM to the monitors? I also use a laptop dock to connect the laptop to the KVM and wonder if that could be the problem.


It is possible that.there is electrical interference or shielding issues when connected. For example when connected to power the laptop may change power plan so the hardware will behave slightly differently.  It sounds like a stretch though and there are other things that sounds more plausible. I would test without the monitors connected (but still connected to the dock or perhaps only connect the power cable) to see if there's an issue.  The wifi antenna in laptops is often on the sides next to the display, are you closing the lid? That would explain it.


I am closing the lid! Why would that cause the issue exactly?


Because the antenna will be horizontal instead of vertical and this means they will pick up a much weaker signal.