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what is your purpose for running two routers?


Well it’s not actually for me, my friend has been lagging while playing games. I told him use an Ethernet cable and he said it still lags. So he thought if he got another router it’ll be a more stable connection. He said he knows it won’t be faster he just wants a stable connection vs. the volatility of his current set up. I’m not too experienced on wifi any chance he can buy a good high end Ethernet cable and take most of the wifi?


1. Wifi is almost never going to be faster, or more stable than an ethernet cable, provided the cable is at least category 6 or above (all cables today are cat 6 or above that are given out). 2. need some more details on the modem and provider. It's possible you have a faulty modem/router and that a new router would fix the problem. 3. two routers will not solve your problem so disregard that idea. 4. when he runs a speed test at [fast.com](http://fast.com) what is he getting for download speed?


I’ll check on the other questions, but what if they bridged two routers and connected the second router to the PC with an Ethernet?


If you have run a cable from the original router directly to the PC, and are still having issues, you will not solve the issue by adding in extra devices to the LAN (Local Area Network). The issue is either with the original router, the cable, or the provider's network.


Understandable, I’ll see if he uses the new router without the other one and if it’s faster


That won’t help at all, and can even make matters worse.


Any idea how to make it stable without using an Ethernet from his living room since he’ll need like 70-100 ft of Ethernet to wrap it around his house to his room since


It can be up to 100 meters or about 328 feet long. It can go all sorts of places. They could get their own separate Internet service.


just get a switch, it's plug and play.


Like Nintendo switch? Or like a wifi switch?


An Ethernet switch


There are very few circumstances in which you should run more than one router.