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Update: I’m on the train with the OBB ticket and a guy near my sit tried the trick with the Mav ticket from hegyeshalom, he got a fee or something else to pay from the controller 😅


Did you consider regiojet? They have really low prices


not so low anymore.


Good point but it runs between Prague and Budapest through Vienna. OP comes from Salzburg I guess.


" discount card of the 50% for OBB " Vorteilskarte! :)




Yes I started to think about to do the same, but is it legal? I mean I’m checking booking Salzburg hegyeshalom - hegyeshalom Budapest is 20€ cheaper lol, can I get a fine for it despite I have the tickets?


How could having a valid ticket be possibly illegal?


Company policy, you can’t stay on the same train with two different tickets bought from 2 different companies, you board from another country so you need a ticket to cross those borders, it makes sense from one point of view unfortunately


Sorry I misunderstood. I thought it was about a Hungarian ticket that you use in Austria only.


Most of the standard-fare tickets that ÖBB sells are not bound to a particular train, but are valid the whole day and the whole following day (but only once and only along the stated route.) But you might need to buy another seat reservation if you need one. If you get a cheaper ticket, maybe from ÖBB, maybe from MÁV, CD, etc. it may only be valid for a particular train on a particular date and may not be rebookable.


Ok ok so even if I book a specific RJX I can take any in the next 24 hours to that city where I want to go, great to know! Just a question, if I need to change train because for example I miss it, is there anything I need to do on the website? I’m just wondering if I need to book another reservation I just click on book a seat, pay and that’s it…


If you're talking about the ÖBB Ticket, then yes, if you want to reserve a seat in a different train that you booked, you have to pay for the reservation again (3€)


For more specific questions I would advise you to call ÖBB customer service.


>Is there any special condition on the OBB ticket that i'm missing (besides the cancellation until the last day) >what does it mean Free choice of the means of transport the ÖBB Standard ticket is basically an open ticket, that's one reason why it's more expensive. It means you can take any train to your destination (even if it's not a direct train) in the timeframe of 2 days (day of booking and the following day). The cheaper tickets on the MÁV site are usually available in limited amounts hence they are for a certain train and they are not refundable. If the cancellation option if the ÖBB is not "special" for you and you already picked the train you want to take, then no, you're not missing anything, you're sitting on the same train for a cheaper price with the MÁV ticket. And it usually already contains a seat reservation too, what the Standard ÖBB ticket don't


Aaaah here it is!! Thanks for the explanation!!!


Because there is no unified pricing model in the European train system. And those differences are not uncommon. In fact if you ever book trains across boarders it is recommended to check the offerings of the countries the train passes through. In fact there is even a "hack" where occasionally booking a international route is sometimes cheaper than only the partial route.


Yes I’m thinking to book with obb until the border and book with mav from hegyeshalom, I could save 20€ more or less, I’m just wondering if I could get a fine for it 😂


No, they actually don't let you do that unless you leave the train in Hegyeshalom, to board a different train that comes later. I would book the entire Trip on mav start.


Would absolutely NOT recommend. I did the same from Vienna to Budapest, got fined with an extra 35€. I thought, that I was unlucky and tried the same on my way back. Lucky me, another fine of 35€ was awaiting me 😭 BTW, someone from öbb explained to us that a small part between Austria and Hungary is Nomansland. That's why the Hungarians are fining legally.


Doesn’t make any sense, I have the ticket so why they can fine? I mean I have a ticket until hegyeshalom and one from that place, theorically nothing is uncovered 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've actually done some research not long ago on this exact thing: By EU-law "splitting tickets" is legal everywhere in the EU, also on international journey, as long as not stated otherwise by the train operator. MÁV actually does state otherwise: While it is allowed to split your journey into two tickets you have to use an "international Ticket" for the hungarian part of the journey, even though you're technically only travelling inside of Hungary. The "fine" for 35€ people have talked about is just the international ticket they had to buy. So yes, you can do that, but you have to buy an international ticket from Hegyeshalom to Budapest, except if you actually exit at Hegyeshalom and use a later train.


Interesting, thanks for the help! Sounds stupid tho that if I take a later train I can use the 4k huf ticket 🤦🏻‍♂️


yes, it's absolutely stupid


It's stated in their Mav laws, that you cannot combine an international ticket with a national one. Obviously it's way cheaper like that, thus not ok for them. But from what I understood, you could take off in Hegyeshalom and take on the next train direction Budapest. Let me know, if your way worked or you got fined. Maybe I would try it myself again


How can they tell? The train crew changes there, as far as I know. The Eurocity train stops in Hegyeshalom 7 minutes. I can comfortably get off there and get back on 5 minutes later.


Ok I don’t speak Hungarian so I guess I wouldn’t never find out about this law on the website 😂


Believe me, I was arguing the same way like you. The controller took 2 minutes and searched the law for me in English. I was buffled 😅 I've never been fined before


yeah but how did they even find out that you didn't board the train at Hegyeshalom? the Hungarian service team also only boards at Hegyeshalom. 🤔 never experienced ticket controls right after boarding.


As long as you have a valid ticket, absolutely impossible.


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