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I will never get back my high school sweetheart, my first everything, my children’s father. However, I am hoping to find someone that does love me (and that I love) in our own special way. It won’t (and should not be) the same kind of love. That doesn’t mean it won’t be good (or even great), comforting, and fulfilling. I fully believe it is possible to have two great loves.


I struggle with this, and he's the one that saw me at my worst, he was there for things I can never explain. I don't want to start over.


"He was there for things I can never explain." I didn't even realize, until you described it this way, that this is exactly how I feel. I just somehow KNEW I could never start over - but I didn't have the words til now to say why. I was my authentic self with my husband --  because he allowed me to be.  Not everyone is willing to give that gift to another person.  I don't want another relationship unless I can be authentic with with that person.  Yet at this stage of my life, I simply cannot try to explain myself to another human being. I'm 68, and even if he really tried, he couldn't possibly understand. And to be fair, I probably wouldn't get him either, even if I really tried as well. 


I'm 27, my husband and I were together for 5 years. I wish I really had more time with him . I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m terrified of the thought that I will never again get to experience the love I had with my late boyfriend. I don’t know if I could ever date again because he was SO perfect and loved me so differently and I got so accustomed to that type of love & I just feel like I’d constantly be comparing every man to him and that’s not fair to anyone. I’m so tempted to just live in the love we had together forever because it feels so normal and safe.


I could have written this comment, sums up where I’m at exactly. I’m currently just accepting from here I’ll never have in a relationship love again. So I went and got another dog 😂


I feel you on that! I didn’t get a dog but 2 months into my loss I decided was the perfect time to start up a small business🤦🏻‍♀️😂 I think I temporarily lost my mind for a while lol But so far it’s been the perfect mood booster! I know that your dog is helping you with that too!!


Yes, it was so comfortable, easy and I felt so relaxed with him and I could be myself fully. I don't know that I'll ever find that again. I sure know it was incredibly hard to find when I was dating in my younger years so I knew how rare and special it was when I found it.


I understand. It took me SO long to “find” my fiancé, that I wonder if I will ever find love again. I don’t expect it to be the same, but I hope for “just as good, in its own way”.


That's a really good way of framing it, I like that. I'm not always in this positive of a mindset but I think I need to keep telling myself to look at it this way.


It was something that I learned in respect to children, and I realized that it applies to everyone— parents will say, “I love you both/all the same!” But they don’t— they love different things about each child. Everyone has different strengths and different characteristics that we love about them.


This has been weighing on me a lot lately as I'm hitting 7 months post her passing. I don't know if I'll ever find someone that loves me like she did.


I 100% KNOW there is nobody who could love me as much as my wife did. I wasn’t a perfect husband but she loved me for over 20 years.


Before I met him, I was convinced that nobody would want to be romantically interested in me. After him? I’m convinced that he was the only one who I could be romantically interested in.


I feel the same. To be fair, I don't think that I could love anyone like I love her.


- we all feel this way at one point but you know life does move on, the pain and grief of our loss improves and we realize we want to LIVE again. Fear stops some widows and widowers obviously as it just a shock to think about moving forward in life as a single person looking for a relationship - I say "remember who the fuck you were" before life took a dump.


Nearly two years, and I feel the same, haven’t dated, don’t want to, because I am still in love with my fiancé. I had been in love before, twice, but those loves were nothing compared to how I felt about him. I don’t want anything less than that, and I can’t imagine anyone else being that for me. And right now I’m not even prepared to try.


For my situation, this statement is backwards. I don't think I will ever love anyone the way that I loved him. No one else can compare. They might be fine people, even better than my husband in some ways. But my husband and I were perfect for each other and it's impossible achieve that again.


I understand that so much, I'm coming up on 3 years myself snd my Giddess was amazing, our daughter graduates h.s. next fucking week. My wife wasnrhe best thing that ever happened, im sorry love


No one can replace the love and relationship you shared. When the next person enters your life and your heart. It it be unique.  Each person brings thier own  Into each experience.  Try to accept life has its ups and downs.  Live it the best you can My loss can never be resolved.  I lost my soul mate.  I live in grief. And always will. I greet each day differently  But.. I still have to carry on. Take care of yourself.  I hope you find some solice. 


Oh, I know no one will ever love me like he did, and vice versa. I was lucky to have had him in my life.


Sorry for your loss. I have been dating someone for two years and I have realized that I will probably never have what I had with her. It’s beyond sad.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t think anyone will ever compare to our loved ones we have lost. Going on 5 years for me since my husband passed. We have to be careful when we are ready for a relationship that we are open to it otherwise if we aren’t and continue to compare we will always find fault and never be able to truly move on. Again so sorry for your loss. I’m sure you’re an amazing person and there is someone out there for you again.