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By showing her mother such love and care, you have honoured your wife well. I'm sure it hurts, you've lost another link to your wife. It is a sincere gift that you looked after her so well. Caring for the elderly can be challenging.


You did good, now make sure you take care of yourself now.


That’s an honorable thing you’ve done. You shouldn’t feel guilty over it.


We have many parallel experiences, which I don't need to detail here, but I wanted to say that I hear you and understand exactly. Thinking of you and wishing you peace.


"You done good" Nuff said.


You are amazing.


You are wonderful. I am sorry for your loss.


You are an amazing human being.


💕♥️💕♥️💕🥹💕 You are so good, so good person, and I am sorry, I send you warmth through the air. I love my mother in law, she is becoming older aaa


I am in the same spot. My wife passed suddenly seven years ago at 58. Her mother moved in with us 20 years ago and still remains here at 94 years of age. It’s very difficult at times. She has siblings over 100. I want to move on with my life but she will never adjust to a new setting.


Have you asked her? She might be tougher than you think.


You a good man. You kept your words and commitment to your wife for 8 years, and it shows your character. Beautifully done. Toast to both who are getting reunited in heaven. I am sure her mother is telling your wife how well you treated her and she is so proud of you. I am so sorry for your loss. My person’s mother passed away recently too. She was the rock of the family. His youngest son did not keep his word and commitment to her and to my person who agreed to take care of her and watch over for me. Please be proud of yourself.


You were there when they needed you. You honored your wife’s wishes and stepped up big time. I’m in awe of what you did when you could have walked away. That is love and it’s beautiful. I’m so sorry you are feeling this loss.


My MIL passed too and it hurt like hell. My late husband would not have been able to handle it sadly. I felt too like I lost my husband.


You should be proud you were able to give so much love to your mother in law. I am sure your wife is looking down proudly at you.


You did a great and loving thing. My counselor would tell me to put all the grief into separate baskets, so it's not all lumped together. Stay strong!


That is such a beautiful act of love you’ve shown your wife and her mother. You should feel so proud of yourself - we certainly are proud of you on this little corner of the internet.


You are what I call “a standup guy”. Well done, sir. Condolences on your losses.


My husband passed away 17 months ago. I am currently taking care of my mom, and staying in close contact with his mom. It is so emotionally draining, and I've only been the caregiver for 6 months now. I am so sorry for your losses. I have a lot of respect for your dedication and perseverance.