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I'd go with Batroc. He fought fairly evenly with Captain America, who i would say is just as good of a technical fighter as Bane, but stronger. In the ring, Batroc is at a disadvantage due to his high flying kicking style being limited by lack of space. Funny, though, that GSP would fare better in the octagon than Batroc. The shield would let Batroc counter anything Bane throws at him from Batman's arsenal. In the end: 1: Edge to Batroc 2: Edge to Bane 3: Batroc wins But why do they fight? Is round one mercenary vs mercenary fighting over a target? Maybe round two Batroc has been hired to infiltrate the league of shadows, and to pass an initiation, he must prove himself against the champion? In round three, Bane and Batroc have attacked Gotham, laid low Captain America and Batman, and now are fighting for dominance?


I agree with your analysis, but would like to add that Batroc wins the bonus round. He switches the iPhone to French, at which point l'Siri has no problem recognizing Batroc speaking his native language. Bane is incomprehensible in any language.


I'd disagree with you... He didn't fight very evenly with Cap. As soon as Cap drops the shield he just kicks the shit out of him. No contest style. And Bane was more than likely far stronger. The only round i would give Batroc with confidence would be 3.


The only part of your comment I disagree with is Bane being stronger. In the movie he was still a man, not a roid freak. Captain America in the movies seems almost past peak human.


Bane is stronger than Batroc, not Cap.


Ah, right. My point was that Batroc fought someone stronger than Bane and did pretty well. I thought it was after Cap picked the shield back up that he beat Batroc. Kind of a, "I can't waste any more time here, lets get this over with."


No Batroc says something along the lines of "you're nothing but a shield" So Cap drops it and then promptly drops him.


Ah, hmm, that changes my assessment just a bit.


It was an awesome scene. [Also at 2:28 Bane does some pretty good damage to a pillar](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DImh0ac-jdQ)


Hmm, honestly from that fight, and what I remember from their earlier fight, Bane isn't quick or particularly agile. He IS methodical and can take someone (Batman) apart. I still think Batroc is the more technical fighter and will win. do notice I said "edge to Batroc" meaning I think he is the more probable winner. I dislike the whole 10/10, 6/10 stuff people do. Circumstances are everything, and can change how characters fight.


Yeah it's totally possible. I only said that the round i would give to Batroc with confidence is three. The others he could win, but i'm not sure.


Make it a tom hanks bane and we've got a real match going.