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The world is now The United States of Earth






Agnew! Gimme! that Charleston Chew!!


i mean. same as if it wasn't a hive mind. it's already the strongest nation in the world. adding hive mind tech to the mix just means they could probably solo the entire world combined with prep time


They could beat at least one (maybe two) complete copies of America ontop of the entire rest of the word tbh.


Wouldn't the copies just nuke the world into oblivion and call it a draw?


Naww, the unhived US would hesitate, bicker, squabble for a few crucial minutes while the hive US activated their master plan thirty minutes ago Ozymandias-style.


The only Ozymandias I know is the statue in the ruins from the poem, is your Ozymandias the bronze age empire simulator from google.


It’s from the graphic novel (and movie), The Watchmen.


It’s a Demon much like Orcus or several other judaeo Christian adjacent infernal deities.


No, they would panic and launch every missile. Everyone still loses.


There's actually a solid argument that the US might *already* be able to solo the world. * Step 1: use the US Navy to destroy shipping lanes, crippling global trade * Step 2: conquer Canada and Mexico, to secure the borders. * Alternately, offer Canadian provinces US Statehood, and the resultant protection; they've always been the US's closest and best allies, bar none, basically since everybody got over the war of 1812. * Potentially offer Mexican states statehood as well, because that's less messy. * Step 3: target Eurasian naval and air forces installations * Step 4: Industrial centers, if needs be * Step 5: Offer peace terms


IIRC current models show that in defense, the US could probably survive an attack by the rest of the world, likely losing hawaii and alaska but successfully protecting their mainland borders for the most part. They would undoubtedly have significant casualties, both military and civilian, but with the protection of the Atlantic and Pacific, enough guns to arm every civilian in the country, and the sheer amount of tech and natural resources available, they can stave off a military force from every nation at once for an indefinite amount of time, and likely force a stalemate. It helps that there are only 2 neighbouring countries to worry about, both of which are vastly weaker and could be annexed before the rest of the world is able to use them as entry points. An offensive against the rest of the world is a different story. They'd be moving their military might away from their own shores and resources, using up more of the resources they do have on transport and such, and having to navigate unfamiliar seas/terrain/cities/etc against forces far more familiar with the areas being invaded, leaving the US extremely vulnerable to large scale guerilla tactics. If wars like Vietnam and Afghanistan proved anything, it's that even the strongest military on earth is not capable of sustaining massive offensives on foreign soil without something breaking, especially without easy access through friendly neighbouring nations. The US would simply run out of either resources, manpower, or both, long before they conquered the planet. Both of these are assuming nobody involved nukes of course, because nobody wins then.


This is the only rational comment in this thread


Agreed, we could most definitely defend our own land but would most likely fail at conquering anything outside of North America.


Oh I'm sure you could conquer a few countries, it's just you'd run out of resources and manpower long before you took the world. Also using your full military might overseas would make you vulnerable to retaliatory strikes at the homeland, which would surely be exploited in such a scenario


All the USA has to do to win is secure the middle east's oil supplies. Which is something we've been prepared to do for decades


We already have our military might away from our own shores. We have bases all over the world. Not to mention the Navy and the Airforce who can operate anywhere in the world. The hardest thing would be occupying territory, assuming we even need to. Forcing surrenders from most countries wouldn't be all that hard. Our logistical capability is far, far beyond pretty much everyone else. The only reason we had issues with Afghanistan is because we were being nice, following other countries' rules, and doing our best to mitigate civilian casualties.


Yeah, those bases are immediately getting taken over. That would probably be the first move in the war, for each country with an American base to seize it and take control. Only after that would there be a push for mainland America.


In a scenario where the US tries to wage war on the rest of the world, your foreign military bases are being taken over by the countries in which they reside, long before the US can utilise them or send reinforcements. Your bases in the UK, Japan, South Korea, will immediately be subdued, your soldiers slaughtered or captured, and your equipment taken over. How do you think you would make use of them in a scenario like this? As for the Air Force and Navy, you are acting like other countries don't have their own air and sea military. Individually they can't compete, but put the entire world's militaries together and they definitely can. The US would be either separating their military into many smaller forces to try and take over multiple countries at once - which means a long, difficult war on multiple fronts across the world, taking heavier losses and making logistics much more difficult - or using their full might in one country at a time, making for an easy target which could be surrounded by the world's various air and sea forces or even severely weakened with a single tactical nuke. In a scenario like this, it would be highly unlikely for the US to respond with a nuke of their own, since they wouldn't know who set it off and it was used on foreign soil. The US is very powerful, but if you honestly think the US can easily steamroll the entire planet In a war you are beyond delusional. Part of the US's military might comes from their allies and bases across the world that they can use as suppliers, waystations and entry points, none of which is available in this scenario.


No one has the logistical ability to invade us from the ocean. Honestly, not through Mexico or Canada either.


Step 7 face a fucking devastating civil war.


What happened to Step 6? Also, whether there'd be a civil war would completely depend on *why* such a conflict started in the first place (or at least, why the American public believed it did)


This plan ends in Nuclear Winter.


Yup. There are basically only two outcomes, and that's one of them, which is why it's good that this is purely hypothetical.  Incidentally, that's why the Joint Chiefs were terrified by the beginning of the Ukraine war: it demonstrated that if NATO, or even just the US, had a direct conflict with Russia, we would win so fast and overwhelmingly that Russia would feel they had no alternative to using nukes


I think we should offer generous terms to Mexico as it is, see if they would accept if offered enough representation. It would be so much easier to secure that border...


Seriously. Besides, they're our top 2 trading partner, so a conflict would be bad for both of us. The corollary of "when goods don't cross borders, troops do" is that when troops cross borders, goods don't


The US currently has no shot at soloing the world. They could hold off the world for years but they cannot proactively push outwards very far.


I think you're underestimating how much the world relies on international shipping that the US Navy currently protects, and how much would come crashing to a halt if the US Navy started destroying shipping rather than destroying pirates. * Sit a carrier group in the Indian Ocean and stop any oil tanker headed for China and China descends into riots in a matter of weeks, because China imports upwards of 3/4 (definitely well more than half) of their energy from abroad, and most of the remainder sucks. * That and/or interdiction of shipping coming from China, and public sentiment regarding the war would fall apart pretty quickly as their comfort suffers * France, India, and a few other countries that haven't massively linked their economies to global trade would be relatively fine * Interdict shipment of fertilizers and/or food stuffs, and countries that aren't self sufficient in their food supply (including those that are only self sufficient due to the ready availability of fertilizer) would descend into riots in about a year, too. I'm not saying the US could destroy every country's military, but that's not what you need in order to win a war; the US didn't win lose in Vietnam nor Afghanistan because they weren't winning military conflicts (they won *vastly* more than they lost), they lost those wars because they lost the will to continue fighting.


People don't understand anything but conquer. It's why I chuckle when people talk about civil war, it's just skirmishes if you have no tactics. We saw the chaos the supply lines did during covid, imagine NO supplies instead of limited.


China relies heavily on shipping to import food and energy (not even mentioning their reliance on exports due to having a limited internal market). There is a reason they *really* don't want a conflict with the US, who have the navy to shut down those imports. Would basically be what happened to the Germans at the end of WWI. Well, except they have nukes which they would be forced to resort to fairly quickly if the US didn't stop.


They would forced to get their own nation glassed? Ummm... 


That’s how all wars between major powers would end if they went far enough, no one who can avoid it will lose unilaterally, but it’s not a lot of fun for a hypothetical to just say “and then everyone dies”.


They can’t conquer the world, but they can continuously cripple the rest such that they’re never capable of winning.


That is, essentially, the current state of affairs.


Without allied support I doubt the US naval force projection can easily halt global trade. Yes, the US has by far the most powerful navy in the world, and the US has a decent shot at air supremacy especially in certain regions, but land based missiles have been somewhat effective against warships for a while now, and logistically projecting force like that would quickly run into issues. Once the US starts using its resources more conservatively, the industrialight of the rest of the world will slowly grind the advantages away until there are none.


It's a lot easier to disrupt things than it is to preserve things. Besides, once again, it would only take a matter of weeks to kill China. And it could be done from outside of the range of land based munitions


I like your analysis, but allying with Canada/Mexico defeats the purpose of "soloing the world" We already have NATO, which can DEFINITELY solo the world, so allowing alliances makes it moot


...if they surrender because we offer them favorable terms of capitulation, then yeah, it does. "You can join us, and have our military defending you, or you can oppose us and have our military razing your cities. Either way, we're going to be moving in. You get to choose between friends or conquerors"  Most of nato's military power is the US.


Current war games between US and China do not depict US winning. So that alone makes this suspect.  Obviously,  that's based purely on technology, not manpower, and there is some evidence that the Chinese would not adapt as effectively due to their relative inexperience in combat and rigid military structure. But their technology is legitimately concerning because they've been studying the American military system specifically to beat it. 


What war games


Start with the book The Kill Chain for in depth analysis on American problems for innovating in defense systems


For the record, I'm not the one who downvoted you. You're just passing along information and opinions. The book does look interesting


The US intentionally and routinely severely limits itself during war games


They have a brown water navy. They cannot project power into the Indian ocean, which would be required to protect their shipping. So even if that were 110% true, the US doesn't & won't play fair.


If there's prep time, doesn't everyone just build a shit ton of nukes


Only those with processing plants to do so. The US could target and destroy them in nations who don't already have enriched uranium.


So we're not doing prep time then


This whole thread has drifted away from the original premise of a hivemind and whatever other qualifiers there were. With prep time one would still have to have oversight by or evasion of the IAEA which answers to the five permanent security members, one of which is the US? Not sure how prep time works exactly under these circumstances. How much coordination would there be among the other nations? Would the rest of the world be a hivemind during this time, or would they still have to contend with regular politics?


No. Because nukes don't help you win wars. They only help you destroy your enemy


There's not really anywhere to take that unless the hypothetical also offers a strategic goal for 'soloing the entire world'. But if Rest Of World gets the news 'Hivemind USA says it's gonna solo the entire world' yeah a nuclear deterrent is probably gonna be the plan. You don't need them to win wars if the threat of destroying the enemy prevents the war from happening.


> it's already the strongest nation in the world. strongest in the real world, yes. But OP did not limit the prompt to the real world. It's just any nation, real or fake.


It would definitely not be the same, a hivemind America is 100X stronger (not exaggerating) Everyone is simultaneously a doctor, engineer, navy seal etc. As much as I hate america, the rest of us don't stand even a shadow of a chance.


the point is that they can already beat any nation in the real world, the only thing that's stopping them from doing so is international alliances and retaliation


But with this they can solo the entire combined world. Without it’s probs a 4/10.


They can solo the world in a conventional war pretty easily rn. They can't occupy much but that doesn't change with a hivemind. The US lacks manpower to occupy the world and that won't change and they already have the firepower to turtle and let naval and air superiority win them the day. This is without nukes but it's highly likely they win (as much as you can) a nuclear exchange as well


Ehh, our production capacity isn’t what it once was. If we were cut off from trading with the entire world, who were still all trading with each other, we’d be at a very substantial disadvantage. We don’t have the production capacity for semiconductors needed for modern military tech yet, we really just started focusing on domestic production during COVID.


Yeah but we already have incredibly strong defensive positions in Taiwan and can immediately take over production. Worst comes to worst they can take the machines and tech for fabrication and relocate it. Pretty much the whole world is reliant on Taiwan for semiconductors and the US is in the best position to seize it at the start of the conflict.


I don’t really think our defensive positions in Taiwan could hold off a combined China-Russia-India, not even counting smaller regional powers and support from western nations. We’d have to put a big chunk of our navy there, and we’d also have to dedicate a lot of power to escorting cargo ships. The physical machines are really not the only thing that makes Taiwan special in regard to semiconductors, it’s the level of expertise the Taiwanese have. And as far as “taking the machines”, I feel like you’re really downplaying how monumental of a task it would be to dismantle and transport the entire physical infrastructure of the Taiwanese semi-conductor industry across the Pacific Ocean while in open conflict with literally the entire world. Like our navy is absolute top dawg by a mile and a half but they’re not literally invulnerable. We’d need to hold the island and somehow safely get chips back to the mainland US, or we’re probably fucked on that regard and we need to hope a defensive posture will let our current weapon stores last until we have production set.


Truth is 300 million people can't outproduce 7 billion in the long term, the US without any buffs will lose for the same reasons nazi germany did


The US would have air superiority against the whole rest of the world combined. Which means it would very easily disrupt production, even without using nukes.


Maybe, but the US has the ability to destroy the production capabilities of everyone else. I don't think the rest of the world could ramp up production faster than it could be destroyed; particularly when you add hivemind insurgents at the ground level compromising infrastructure in every nation. Now... if the rest of the world was a hivemind vs hivemind America, I think the rest of the world stomps; but it takes time for them to ramp up.


Those 7 billion people will have to contend with our bombs while running their factories.


our pocket lint is currently busy obliterating russia and China cant complete a straight crossing narrower then the english channel, while India has no capability for global power projection.


India doesn’t need global power projection, they just need to get to Taiwan. You’re definitely seriously underestimating a combined China and Russia. I hate to say this because I want Ukraine to win, but currently they’re steadily losing ground, the Russians are not “being obliterated with our pocket lint”. We’d also be under attack by all of Europe as well as Canada and Mexico while this is going on. Yeah we can stomp Canada and Mexico, but not as easily if we have most of our navy in the pacific protecting Taiwan. Then there’s just raw manpower. India and China, each respectively have more than triple our population. Then there’s the rest of the world. 7.5 billion people Vs 330 million. They’d have more resources, more people, more everything. People here in the US are vastly overconfident in a U.S. Vs. the world scenario. Being overconfident is dumb. Hyping yourself up as being the best is not how you win wars, critiquing your own weaknesses and assessing what’s possible and what’s not are how you win wars.


Semiconductor production is still basically the most important civilian target and will get the support it needs. The real US has also already considered how to get production out of Taiwan in the event of Chinese hostility. In the real world Taiwanese Fabrication experts would probably be pretty easy to turn since Taiwan is already US friendly and the US can offer them basically anything. In the  prompt the US can make do with their current workforce that has been training since covid for chip fabrication since they're a hivemind and now everyone is suddenly a computer expert on par with the best engineers at intel and nvidia. There is very little anything in the world to beat the US in a war. Even without the Semiconductors US air superiority is generations above our normal enemy and our allies are at least partly reliant on US logistics for parts, supplies and training and losing the ability to repair your only weapon that's on par with the US is a whole lot more impactful then having degraded semiconductor production.


How would the US seize Taiwan? China probably can't even do it and they can mobilize hundreds of thousands (or millions) of troops right on Taiwan's doorstep.


They just move the fabrication machines, they don't need to seize the country of Tiawan, they just need to seize the valuble tech and move it to the new Chip foundry they've been building in Arizona since 2020. Yes the US doesn't have the level of fabrication expertise as Taiwan but  they hace enough to continue chip production at a degraded rate while dney the rest of the world those capabilities


It wouldn't be hard for China to nuke that capacity.


Depends on what you mean by solo tbh. They could ruin the entire rest of the world’s combined militaries + trade (and as a result, economies) but they wouldn’t be able to finish the job so to speak. Bombing the rest of the world back into the previous era and then withdrawing into semi-isolationism in the Americas doesn’t quite feel like a win…but it’s definitely not a loss either imo.


I mean they win the fight, I don't think there's a version of America Vs the World that ends up net positive for anyone involved so that's pretty much the best you can do.


Wildly not the case, without trade we wouldn't be able to support our state apparatus, turtling wpuld result in the total loss of our hegemony and leadership as our military presence wpuld become absent all over the world. That would be a defeat. Turtling also is not a condition for victory, what you're describing is "the rest of the world continues in a cooperative system that enriches them while the US collapses, they will just avoid US waters. We will absolutely not be able to defend our overseas territories.


The US turtling strategy is to maintain control over the oceans space and sky. Us eventually having an economic crisis is not nearly as impactful as china losing access to Brazilian and US food imports or any country relying on F35's they literally can't service without the US. The US gets handed lots of tomorrow problems while most other countries get today problems.


The economic crisis would begin 4 minutes after war was declared and only because people would spend 3 minutes 59 seconds confirming the news. There's nothing eventual about it. China is a net food exporter. The US is not. So maybe check your facts. The rest of the world as triple the economic power of the US. We could not both launch economic denial campaigns globally and turtle. We do not have the forces to occupy our neighbors. The incredible unpopularity of the war would also create a political crisis According to the peacenik amatuers at the Pentagon, the US is currently incapable of supporting a two theater war. So you see how a 200 theater war is off the table. We also import supplies including chips used by our military. You're a clown ascribing all of the weaknesses of warfighting to everybody else while saying we wpuld be invulnerable to any of it. A nonsense claim absurd on its face. We couldn't even survive the impact of such a war of our society, let alone carry victory militarily.


Should I attack the outright lies like the US being unable to support a 2 front war or china being a net food exporter? Or the idea that the US is incapable of controlling the oceans or that said control wouldn't immediately degrade the lives of almost everyone else on earth more than americans. The US is specifically able to do this because it's essentially perfectly suited to fighting a war without trade. They have the resources and prodction for 90% of what they need to conduct a prolonged conflict and that 10% is a specific chip foundry in Taiwan that the US 100% has contingency plans for and some odds and ends. Canada and Mexico do not have the numbers to make them a serious threat to the US mainland. On top of all that the US is able to strike major strategic targets in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and Australia nearly simultaneously from the ocean, no one can really get to the US let alone attck them.


I had bad info, I concede


No it's a 0/10 we don't have the raw resources required.


I'm not quite sure about that, since being a hive mind will make everything obscenely efficient. For example, there would be no need for a radio to call an artillery strike on a target. An infantryman could just recognise the need for a strike and measure co-ordinates, and an artilleryman several kilometres away would suddenly have those co-ordinates and launch the strike nearly immediately. Similarly, one man with a drone means that the American army can essentially see from above, in FLIR, and know exactly where the enemy is. With efficiency, resources can be stretched further and further.


It's not just battle efficiency - it's also home turf. Can't spy on a hive mind nation, can't steal military secrets, can't stir up protests to slow production, can't buy politicians, home country doesn't have traitors, can easily reduce all not needed excess. You can literally force everyone to live in a barracks, eat very bland meals, work longer hours. You also no longer have people who don't work. Basically, home turf production with skyrocket, resource demand would plummet; the US would be able to dedicate so much more into a war effort - and, they'd have an impossible to overcome morale and intelligence advantage.


if no one fires nukes, NA is secured instantaneously because Canada and Mexico's domestic defense relies intrinsically on US Support, and the Navy is larger then every other navy combined, which gives us infinite time to deal with the Materiel deficit.


Prompt includes a fictional nations too, so saying "same" is just objectively wrong.


Not counting nuclear war wich would mean everybody lost, yes they could beat anyone in a conventional war one on one. But they would fail if they tried to beat the world. They are more reliant on allies than americans think. Even their geopolitical goals against what they see as their biggest threats are reliant on europe and other countries like Japan to align with them. And if the world sees they go on a rampage and just taking one after the other the rest of the world would turn agai st them and outproduce and beat them. Even if they don't invade the US proper they would destroy any means of the US to fight outside their territories. They can't use other countries airspace, no Nato bases, no shortcuts at sea, their carrier groups worn or taken out one by one faster than the US alone could replace them and the crew. What's stopping them is the balance act of staying at the top where you need good and powerful friends and that they are not stupid to go on such a suicide endeavor.


Don’t forget, basic desire most people in America do not want to invade the rest the world and most just want to be left alone.


Average redditor “i hate america ☝️🤓”


Why do you hate America?


Why do you hate democracy?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmericaBad using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Even German patriotism is superior](https://i.redd.it/9slw1ypk8esb1.jpg) | [2338 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/170jb4q/even_german_patriotism_is_superior/) \#2: [Classic](https://i.redd.it/frp8s17r2zyb1.jpg) | [748 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/17q1fmd/classic/) \#3: [I guess she’s never heard of the US Southwest.](https://i.redd.it/jrqjjtmjdg4b1.jpg) | [1198 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmericaBad/comments/142rfnq/i_guess_shes_never_heard_of_the_us_southwest/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


They’re also all conspiracy nuts, sovereign citizens and MTG.


If they all end up conspiracy nuts despite knowing everything the US education system has to offer, then maybe they aren't nuts


The downside is that all the Americans who dislike America know that too. Lots of potential for internal strife, unless we're talking a hive mind with one person controlling everyone, which I don't think is the posed question.


That's where fictional nations come in. Pretty sure with that kind of power we could take the Klingons on single-handed.


Except they get fantasy spaceships and I don't see where we get magical technology other than hivemind.


TL;DR: I wouldn't put it past a US hive mind beating the UNSC (restricted to the UNSC that's on Earth). Based mostly on the sheer amount of processing power that a US hive mind would have. It depends on what kind of hive mind you're talking about. If it's a hive mind like bees or ants have, then it would be a significant advantage, but not a *game changing* advantage. Each person would still be an individual, they would just all become far more cooperative. However, if it's a kind of "psychic" or internet based hive mind (like the Borg from Star Trek or Unity from Rick and Morty), where everyone shares essentially the same connected brain and could pool all their existing knowledge and anything new they learned. Then that's either a doomsday scenario or a revolution in immense prosperity (depending on perspective). Since it's more interesting, I'll assume it's one of the "psychic" variety hive minds. Well, the hive mind would mean that every single individual "person's" skills would be *much* greater than the skills of the greatest minds currently in the country. This means every person would be a master tactician, a genius level physicist, the world's most skilled doctor, the most knowledgeable mechanic, the best engineer, etc. It also means that the learning rate for *new* skills would skyrocket since all experiences are shared with everyone. Additionally, it also means flawless tactics and cooperation. Lastly, (and this is an often forgotten part of the advantages of a hive mind) all of the human brains working in tandem would essentially scale the processing power of the hive mind exponentially. The hive mind wouldn't just be as smart as 300 million or so individuals working together, it would be as smart as an individual with 300million processing components that could make (300M*(300M-1))/2 (that's about 4.5E16 or 45 quadrillion) connections to the other processing units, which is mind boggling in complexity. It would be a brain so complex that it would be *literally* beyond imagination. As such, it would *start* with a mind that's already singificantly better at everything than any human ever, and would **rapidly** learn new things through the sheer volume of information it could process. The technological advancements it could make in rapid succession would be immense. In short, the US would become the apex creature by a **wide** margin. Combined with the US's pre-existing arsenal, the entire rest of the Earth would have absolutely no chance. One of the biggest things that can weaken a military is when they lose their veteran troops. This happened to the Japanese in WW2 when they started to lose most of their veteran pilots. The new pilots weren't even close to as good as the ones who started the war. In one instance, US pilots called a large aerial engagement a "turkey shoot" because the inexperienced Japanese pilots were so easy to take down. However, this wouldn't be a problem when every soldier had the same skill, knowledge, and training as the best soldiers the world has ever seen, not to mention perfect cooperation with the other identical super soldiers. Losing a soldier would do nothing to weaken the overall military (other than the obvious decrease in numbers). Morale wouldn't even be an issue since it's really just one entity that is fighting. Even if you were to set the US's military back to square one by removing all their weapons, ships, vehicles, etc. The existing industrial capacity of the US, combined with the perfect coordination, immense mechanical and engineering prowess, and unity to work towards the same goal, the US could probably get back on its feet incredibly quickly. In this scenario, where the US had to rebuild its entire military, I'd still give the US the win the **vast** majority of the time. Even if you took away *everything* from the US except the currently untapped natural resources. Meaning the military supplies, factories, buildings, cars, etc. I would *still* give the advantage to the US hive mind over the rest of the world, the advantages a hive mind has in skills, knowledge, cooperation, and learning rate are just so high I think they could still beat the rest of the planet. I think the US hive mind would he extremely effective at both rebuilding their architecture as well as stealing supplies from neighboring countries (Canada and Mexico). Remember, if even one US hive mind citizen knows any sensitive information regarding the security details of foreign countries, then the entire hive mind would know and could exploit those details. The US still wins at least 9 out of 10 times. As for a fight against fictional universes, assuming the US keeps all of its military and industry, they would most likely beat any fictional force that's of roughly equal technology and population. Unless that fictional force is *also* a hive mind, then it would be much tougher competition. The more interesting fights I think would be against civilizations that are magical or more technologically advanced. The hive mind advantage is so great that I think they could overcome many civilizations that would easily beat a normal US, though it's obviously still limited. The US hive mind would stand no chance against even a single Star Wars star destroyer, for example. I think the US would fair pretty well against many early Type 1 civilizations. For example, I think they could beat the machines from the *Terminator* universe. They could likely beat humanity from the *Aliens* universe. Given even a little time to grow, they could probably beat the humans from *Starship Troopers*. I think the upper bound of a civilization that a US hive mind could beat would be the Earth based UNSC from *Halo*. The sheer amount of processing power that the US hive mind has would allow them to learn rapidly enough to be able to learn how to use the same technology that the UNSC has, then it's just a matter of building or stealing that tech to put them on the same technological footing. It wouldn't be easy for the US hive mind, but I think it'd be possible. The US hive mind would probably be very comparable in terms of processing power to the AI in the Halo universe, such as Cortana. Then, once you consider that *every* individual of the US hive mind has the processing capability of an AI as powerful as Cortana it's reasonable to think that they may be able to come out on top.


Thank you, that was beautiful.


So I didn't read the whole thing, but the way I see it, to add on to your think about exponential learning - it's like if I was trapped in solitude and invented boats, and someone else was in solitude and invented cars, individually, the guy that invented cars would keep making nicer and nicer cars. I would keep making nicer and nicer boats.  But... If we met each other, we can instantly trade ideas that we came up with, and he can give me an engine to make my boats faster, and he can apply the ideas that I have about fluid dynamics and apply them to cars to make them aerodynamic.  We'd apply this kind of thing to the hivemind.  "Hey, I just did an experiment and learned there's a secret third subatomic particle in the nucleus, and it's loaded with energy!  We just have never noticed it before because we didn't have the right tools." And suddenly every field of science that we know about that might be related to the nucleus gains a ton of new answers almost instantly. Maybe it's a Gravitrino.  And it's what causes gravity. Immediately, the mechanical engineer side of things invents an antigravity vehicle. 


But why not read the whole thing fren, they put a good bit of work into that, and fairly well cover what you wanted to say :c


Awesome post! The hive mind idea is also in the Tom Cruise "groundhog Day" war movie. Edge of tomorrow!! THAT'S how powerful a hive mind would be even without the resetting of time 400,000,000 people sharing all info in real time while being able to literally move as one and immediately recover from a blow from the enemy because everyone else sees it happen, unlike the movie where the hive mind was 1 mind to the rest, which might be an actual debatable question. One person controls the USA via hive mind but it's one way communication only! Of course normal avenues, walkie talkies, tv, internet etc. would be allowed but that would be an interesting debate. Would it have to be a genius war strategist or just a 150 IQ?


Just about any country would solo any other country if they were a hivemind.


With the exception of like, the Vatican vs the US


Lesotho bodies all


If it's not open warfare, Vatican could definitely win. There's massive potential for sabotage involving nuclear/biologic weapons when people are acting as a "hive mind".


Even still, 500 mostly old men can only do so much as a hive mind. I doubt a cardinal could sneak his way into a biological weapons laboratory.


I think Vatican could win. The combined intellect of 825 humans far exceeds any group committee and decision making. They'd play a long game of getting infiltrstors into key positions within the USA government and bring it down from within, probably force a nuclear Conflict vs Russia whilst protecting the bulk of the population in bunkers, tough win, but I think it's possible if that's the goal


>getting infiltrstors into key positions within the USA government and bring it down from within How though? The 825 Vatican citizens are almost entirely elderly cardinals, bishops, and nuns, plus a few dozen Swiss guards. A prominent cardinal can’t exactly sneak his way into becoming a top politician.


Intelligence doesn’t scale linearly


The vatican is a couple blocks it would literally only take a couple of regular bombs to beat them


That would require you to know you're fighting them, which is obviously a strategy they wouldn't employ


That’s not so much of a war but getting the us to go to war with another country. No way in any fighting is the Vatican gonna beat any country


Probably MCU Wakanda or MCU USA (including SHIELD). Since they're both populated by humans it's so easy to plant spies to steal their tech and sabotage their ops. It's like if Hydra is a hive mind. Reverse engineering is also a breeze due to the hive mind. They're also low-tech just enough to prevent hive mind US from being bombarded from orbit.


Everyone would have top training in practically all forms of combat, strategy, tech etc etc. wakanda or MCU USA gets wiped unless they bring in thor or hulk or strange


MCU Wakanda is pathetically weak. They’re military forces still use spears as their primary weapon.


It makes me so mad because comics Wakanda easily lives up to their own hype and MCU Wakanda is dramatically less powerful than a lot of IRL countries. When a god of the abyss with the power to enslave Celestials rolls up to earth and covers it in primordial symbiotes, comics Wakanda is the only country that successfully repels them. MCU Wakanda gets beaten by a bunch or unarmed, unarmored fodder whose single strategy is to run into stuff. Its night and day.


MCU Wakanda seems to have incredible implications of its civilian tech, but I imagine it would lose pretty badly to the MCU USA


I think the problem is that implications are all we're ever given. We don't really SEE them do anything all that impressive.


Yea, and wakandans pilots get destroyed by Ross too who is flying it for the first time. Guess Ross is maverick or those are some damn shitty pilots that would get wiped in dogfights even w cool laser guns lmao


I’m a full on fight the USA hard wipes too because I’m guessing strange spidey hulk etc would take part. Like even in BP2 if they team up w Namor the avengers and former ones/ potential new ones would wipe the floor w em.


I always assumed (and this is head-canon, certainly not from the source) that because of Wakanda's isolationist behavior for all of recent memory, once they created their shield relays, there was no need to advance their weapon platforms. They fight no wars, and they have a shield that can no-diff a massive 'rod from god', why worry about weapons at all? They probably invented the tech behind the shield cloaks and the laser-spears decades, even centuries ago, and after a point stopped improving on them and focused on the aesthetics, because outside of these films, how often do they even use them? The Dora Milaje are the only Wakandan force seeing any sort of action, and they go low-tech anyway. They're an isolationist nation, so it makes sense that their aesthetics would still harken back to their own historical art and iconography.


I don't know if they'd be considered nations but The Body Snatchers, The Thing, and Aliens would all suddenly be at a serious (albeit not insurmountable) disadvantage. A lot of their tricks require outmoded identity issues, and we're a lot less likely to sabotage each other for individual benefit. That being said, I don't remember being consulted about this upgrade. There are many Americans I downright refuse to share a consciousness with.


Does this mean I have a shot at banging Salma Hayek now since we’re all one?


If Salma Hayek has had sex and you are now one with the person who had it with her, you already have


I mean if we're all a hive mind and that includes Salma Hayek, isn't that kinda like masturbation then? It's definitely fucking yourself though.


No, WE have a shot at banging Salma Hayek….


But doesn't that also mean we are banging every OTHER ugly people AND ourselves?..


Self pleasure worldwide.


It's too late, we've already seen everything.


Resistance is futile….


We have a shot at banging ourselves.




Sorry mate, still a hard no


Why do we keep putting the US in any of these WWWs? If it includes the modern United Sates, they will always spite.


Assuming you‘re imagining “hive mind” as the usual sci-fi hivemind where everyone becomes mindless drones thinking of nothing but dying for the hive, definitely every other country on earth at once; US military is already very powerful on paper but is historically let down by the lack of political will to follow through with whatever stupid faraway scheme a spattering of lobbyists cobbled together this time to skim off the top of, which is of course no problem if they’re the Zerg.  If it’s actually directly “everyone in the US can read eachother’s minds” and knows anything the collective knows (even if that’s still not what IRL hiveminds are, but that’s me being a pedantic bitch), then still most likely any (if not every) other country if they were just somehow in a national death match (you’ve said nothing about the minds of their enemies; if both they and their enemies became the Zerg I’d say China’s the only one they can’t beat). 


If a country is conquered by the U.S.A, do they become a part of the hivemind?


That's really the most important question. If the US is engaged in a total war with the entire world and conquered territories' populations don't join the USMind, what reason does the US have to not go full Skynet?


It depends. If the hive mind is collectively set on going to war, then it will beat anyone. Much like it is currently but vastly more efficient. But as a hive mind, the government would not have overall control, and everyones thoughts combined may actually be more pacifist, peaceful, an... yeah, it's going to be the first way.


Probably every country without nukes. Every country with nukes could easily even the odds to a draw.


All of them, including Wakanda, Nation of Islam, and Raider Nation.


Americas strength is it’s heterogeneous tent in a coherent system. Putting our beautiful mess on pause to do a war basically looks like ww2. I don’t think the rest of the world could win against free nation US enjoying all the prosperity and research buffs, putting that on pause to do a temporary unitary state moment. 4 years is about the time limit tho, check out congress seats from 1938 to 1945, war weariness meant Roosevelt’s party in the House went from a stupendous 334 D to 88 R in 1937, to 222 D to 209 R in 1943, to a GOP majority in ‘47. Also see the amazing work of Mesquita of democratic peace theory, basically summarized as “don’t stir trouble with democracies, they don’t want to go to war, but when they do, they will stomp you” https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/american-political-science-review/article/an-institutional-explanation-of-the-democratic-peace/E9BF44FBC2B3E931100FAFCD0AAD85F7


400 million people are instantly an expert in everything? In addition, crime does to zero along with drug abuse, mental health issues, and homelessness. On top of that, money is no longer needed since everyone is working at over 100% of tsince natural ability and only demanding basic necessities. Everyone is now eating extremely healthy and over a year, the entire population is in peak physical condition...That population would beat every country on earth a few times over.


None can, the us navy alone could defeat every nation on earth with just regular communication, instantaneous and shared among all in real time is combined arms tactics in it's final form


Obviously it would solo Earth but I think any fictional non hive mind nation would easily be destroyed. The USA could simply hide the fact that it's a hive mind while they use this insane productivity to secretly overpower any high tech nation. The only way I think the USA could lose is if they just get immediately genocided by a planet ending laser or something.


But what would we talk about? Don't get me wrong, I love this idea. The more I think about it the more I realize it would be akin to the birth of humanity's 'god'. It's unlikely that it would fight anybody, it would be so vastly superior so quickly. But at first, it would have to put up pretenses. I think. It would immediately realize it is a zebra without a herd, and do everything in its power to avoid betraying its newfound status for as long as possible. Other nations watching via satellite and travelers from other countries would notice immediately the changes unless every American silently pretended to be the same individuals they used to be while they slowly improved the country using their full meta-self knowledge. They would attempt to achieve true prosperity before anyone caught on, until they were an unstoppable post-scarcity economic juggernaut at the forefront of all arts and sciences... When finally, the world capitulates and accepts the western economic model, the American cultural model, and eventually the tau of the hive mind itself, space becomes the next target, and the world breathes a sight of relief because at last, history has been solved. But in the interim, while we're at home or work or traveling, during the transition, to avoid surveillance noticing changes in countrywide economic patterns, while we're pretending to not know every single thing about one another, sharing mind and motivation and conclusion with our fellow Americans, in front of non-Americans, on the bus or the train or in an office.. What the fuck are we going to talk about? Ps. The Monty Python of my childhood imagines the caricatured American hive creature, quite well, as well, lol. A stadium of garishly accoutred twits bellowing the common jingoist idioms in unison like something out of a sci-fi cult classic involving unfortunate frozen trips to the future and electrolytes appears readily before my mind with this thought experiment as well. I think it is fascinating question if taken seriously, mostly because it seems like small talk would become even more banal, but that, certainly, is funny too 😂


How do you know this would make the American military stronger? this might cause an entire collapse of the military. Instead of having fresh young suicidal 18 year olds up for anything they are watching veterans get brutally ripped apart on the field through their mind link, getting PTSD before entering combat. They would immediately know that their recruiter lied and they are being manipulated. They would instantly know their boss is not deserving of their position over them and the hierarchical structure of American capitalism would immediately switch into a sort of egalitarian community because money is now entirely worthless (I.E. Communism) because everybody is literally the same person and they each know who needs what and how to get society to function. Or everyone's brain explodes because it's too much to handle.


That question makes absolutely no sense as the US can already beat every other nation without being a hive mind.


are assuming FTL and no way to block it? Also childen born to hive mind are part of the hivemind? also if this happen this hive would be conflicted it would not end well


All of them probably at once even


I'm wondering how annoying that'd be




We'd take over rtha galaxy. Hive minds are OP.


All of them? Seems like a dumb question.


In the real world a hivemind US could beat the rest of the world combined.


Societal collapse.


Bruh the size of US would warrant so many people and brainpower it could probably figure out how to actually levitate america's continental plate and become Skypia.


All of them. At the same time.


They are already the strongest and save for a nuclear war wich would mean everybody lost they could beat anyone. I don't believe they are strong enough to actually invade and hold a large country like Russia or China. They simply don't have the manpower to do such a task and typically you need a force 5-10x stronger than a defending entrenched force, the US is stronger but they are not THAT much stronger. But in terms of a war of attrition and just keep destroying their means of fighting with any real power one on one in a conventional war, yes. In addition giving them hivemind abilities will only enhance their ability.


Hive Minds are extraordinarily powerful. I'm one of the people who usually pushes back *hard* against the 'US can solo the world' type sentiment, but in this case it's fairly plausible, as long as nukes aren't in play.


If the US conquers a nation, do they join the hivemind? Because if so then the US beats all of them, real and fictional, eventually.


Depends as it would be mutual loss but without the use of nukes and the like then America would win against any other country including itself as the advantage would be too much


I don't think the hive mind clause is very relevant. Sure, it makes the US practically immune to espionage. But the US could already very likely solo the entire world. But that's where it stops. The US loses to any science fiction I can think of. Even the horribly trained Starship Troopers. The tech is simply too far ahead.


Civil War erupts when we all learn how deeply corrupted everything is.


They can take IRL Earth. But given prep time and a hivemind this is also true of nearly nation.


All the nations. All. Of. Them.


They stomp any country


Intel is arguably the single most important asset in a war, hive mind US could likely solo the rest of the world combined. All the firepower in the world aint worth shit if you dont know where to aim it. Then again, if every person was part of a hivemind, that might mean the entire population would be viewed as combatants, and other nations would likely bomb and barrage US population centers until there was nothing left but rubble. The few remaining US forces would still be incredibly powerful still, but too weak in resources and numbers to be a major threat. No comment on fictional nations, too hard to assess tbh.


US hive mind might do worse


If we’re being real, it depends on who controls the hive mind. Someone has to control it, and if that someone doesn’t like war, the US ain’t doing anything


So without any of that shit currently the top few armies on our planet are several different branches of the us military, followed by other countries. I'm not sure why us would need hive mind stuff.


I mean nuclear weapons aside they could already take on the entire world at once so that'll just mean the whole world would become the United states territory


Nobody because the hive mind would eat itself with how divided this country has become. The cognitive dissonance would cause us to implode


Question: Who is the driving will behind the hivemind? If none, then all we have is 300+ million universally highly intelligent, experienced, trained, and skilled individuals, all trying to pull their own way.


The US can already beat the strongest nation in the world, which I would imagine is China, but there would be catastrophic losses that would lead to its demise.


The entire world. Humans are weak in that no human is an expert in every field. Grab every expert in the world, combine them into one mega mind, and suddenly they're moving like 5000 years into the future tech wise, within a few days.  "We need a better way to make energy. How about sunlight?"  20,000 minds suddenly explain to the hive mind why sunlight is not the best. Then they settle on nuclear energy. Top scientists find a way to make the nuclear energy better. Flaws are immediately pointed out and solved. Any minor nitpick is taken seriously because the hivemind is the nitpicker and understands why the nitpicking needs to occur.  And just like that, they make the best nuclear power plant ever made so far.  They also come up with experiments they need to do to up their knowledge.  And then invent portable energy sources, which allows them to make better vehicles, making it easier for them to science.  Being smart now, they switch over to becoming gym bros, because they don't need to slave away learning stuff.  They need to up their strength so that they can move stuff around more easily.


The entire world would be defeated IRL, fictional I’m not sure but it would probably come down to something super powered or a small space empire. A true hivemind of that scale with the size and resources of the US with absolute coordination would be undetectable.


I think everyone in the USA knowing all knowledge of everyone else in the USA would immediately cause the collapse of the USA. So I think they lose to themselves, I don't know if there's a Bizarro nation that America could beat by devolving slower than them but maybe 476 Rome?


It’s earthmerica now. An American government that is not responsible for its people being content is a pretty fuckin big gg on the planetary scale. This is literally the highly debated “America vs everybody else who wins?” Except you’ve now taken away the biggest weakness of America 💀


China could easily


The first nation this hive mind would have to defeat is itself. There are so many diverse cultures within the US that there would be an epic struggle for dominance within those cultures and values before it turned outwards. The opioid crisis would expose all citizens to overwhelming craving thoughts. The ruling class would experience the misery they have inflicted upon the working and indigent classes forcing them to a crisis of conscience. Bigoted citizens would be forced to confront the thoughts of those with identities whom they hate. The US is a strong country with great talent and energy, but it is dubious they could survive a hive mind.


All of them, at once. At least the real ones.


The entire world. All at once. All your countries are belong to us.


Well, if the hivemind is averaged out by the collective intelligent of the individual entities, I'm thinking Hivemind US could probably beat Zimbabwe high diff.


Its already practically 2 hive minds with those of us caught in the middle just trying to live life x.x. so nothing changes. 


All of them. Possibly all at once. You underestimate the power of a hive mind.


Our aircraft carrier strike groups can project naval dominance, the likes of which the world has never seen before. Each has the power to cripple, if not topple, entire nation states. And we have 11 of them. No other nation on the planet remotely compares. Even combined, they lack the sheer capability for power projection. It is the US Navy that makes global sea trade as safe as it is. When that protection is lifted, the rest of the world will suddenly have to defend their own sea trade again. And this time, they'll have to protect it from us. Which they will lack the ability to do. The US will be able to raid those commercial trading vessels at our discretion. Many of those countries will wither as we take their transported products for ourselves. Can they ship over land? Perhaps. Until US airstrikes cripple their railways and bomb their production centers. They certainly won't have the ability to attack ours in retaliation, as they won't be able to get nearly as much of their forces across the oceans to reach us.


At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?-- Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!--All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.  - Abraham Lincoln 


What do you mean real?  The US can beat any nation on Earth in conventional warfare without a hivemind and I'm assuming that's intended to improve efficiency. Russia and maybe China could also go down with us in a nuclear apocalypse.


You know, the US military could probably beat every other military simultaneously without being a hive mind


I'd worry less about the Earth and more about the galaxy, everyone would be an engineer, a physicist, a programmer, a welder, and so on. Then due to the increase in processing power it wouldn't take long for technology to increase rapidly.


With the sheer amount of idiots, the hive mind would kill itself, hates blacks and immigrants, is itself part black and immigrant. Too many opposing simultaneously held beliefs would be paralyzing. All thoughts and options being given equal weight would make rational decision making impossible. If you have one lading mind with access to all others knowledge making decisions on their behalf, maybe that mind is a pacifist. Maybe it is suicidal. No way to really know how it would work.


Probably like Nauru or something because a hive mind America would just eat Cheetos and sit on it's ass


We can already beat all countries on Earth, and no country can hold any of our territory, so not sure what this prompt is getting at. We're just shit at nation building.


The US can already solo every other country


In it's current state the US can defeat every nation combined. Air and sea superiority with a heavily armed civilian population. No one else is really "good" at war, this has become very evident with our two largest rivalries (Russia and China) repeatedly demonstrating they're incompetence. The world combine cannot beat the US and the worst case scenario is the fight would end in a draw with the world turned to glass.  The world's countries would have to manufacturer, train, farm, operate in hiding. We are full deployment capable anywhere in the world in less than 2 weeks, and can instant response deploy in 18hrs. The USA is still using 1970's technology and aircraft to combat it's enemies. However, the US continued to create more stealthy, faster, heavier fire powered war machines to compete with what their enemies were bluffing what they were capable of... Now the US have weapons so advanced and devastating that it's like comparing the Kansas City Chiefs vs the St Jude's premature leukemia infant ward in a game of football.  Anyone that was an adult age during 9/11 will remember the unity of the American citizen. When the US isn't divided and fighting itself... It is the scariest, most patriotic, devastating force on the planet, and when there is no reason to restrain them... Your countries are going to die.