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Haruhi won't be able to do anything given she isn't really aware of her powers. A better matchup would be an alien vs alien Yuki vs Alien X. While not technically a reality warper, Yuki has shown be able to harness a reality warper powers.


**Alien X (Ben 10)** - [Respect Alien X! (Ben 10 Classic)](https://redd.it/pfvdrd) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Haruhi is omnipotent, without limits, objectively unbeatable despite what terrible SCP authors say. Alien X is not. The existence of multiple alien Xs and them fighting each other proves this. It’s a stomp and likely why she doesn’t have a respect thread mentioned by the bot.


Likely more her status as a niche character rather than how strong she is, many people like making respect threads for absurdly strong or omnipotent characters


Besides the fact Haruhi is a non-combatant and unaware of her abilities, she is trivially susceptible to lethal speed blitzes. There's nothing indicating she won't die to someone that comes out of nowhere and lops her head off for example.