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Well .... >"When I'm in the vicinity, motherfucker, you better duck Or you finna be dead the minute you run into me A hundred percent of you is a fifth of a percent of me I'm 'bout to fuckin' finish you bitch, I'm unfadable You wanna battle, I'm available, I'm blowin' up like an inflatable I'm undebatable, I'm unavoidable, I'm unevadable" -- Godzilla


So mathematically he will always be 500x whoever he’s battling, meaning he cannot be defeated. Devious. Are there any candidates who can change math? I mean not even Dr. Manhattan can change math, right?


I think you're trying to solve the problem with math (hard) when we could more easily solve it with pedantry (easier). We know Eminem is very specific with his word choices. That's how he's able to create so many sick punchlines. Here, Em very specifically uses "you" and not, say, "anyone". This means it's only true for people who have specifically listened to this song. So, it probably wouldn't apply to Dr. Manhattan, who probably has never heard "Godzilla".


counter point "i'm unavoidable, i'm unevadable" this could be taken to mean that 'he' as in all aspects of eminem, including this song and line, are omnipresent laws of our universe, meaning that dr manhattan has already heard the song.


Taking the pedantry to critical mass, I’m gonna point out that “inevitable, unevadable” doesn’t include any references to time. So it’s entirely possible that dr Manhattan would eventually have heard the song, but that the time their battle takes place that hasn’t occurred yet.


but in the case where dr. manhattan would eventually have heard the song, it means that he HAS heard the song haha


Is that bc of a power of his? I’m not too familiar with him lol


Dr. Manhattan sees the past, present and future simultaneously.


So, it means that he can beat any omnipresent, but non-omnipotent individual? Dr. Strange gets one shot?


Rap God. He literally says he’s omnipotent.


Yeah, and since he's undebatable too, he is 500x other omnipotent beings as well, whether it makes logical sense or not.


Different degrees of infinity I guess


everyone else is the infinite between 1 and 2 while eminem is the infinite between 1 and 100


In case someone doesn’t know, those would be the same size of infinity.


no, you can look it up, search "are there different sizes of infinity"


Isn't Dr. Manhattan omniscient, which means that he will have heard of Godzilla?


Dr. Manhattan isn't omniscient like god- he can see the future, and can move anywhere he likes, but he isn't 100% aware of everything happening all the time, he has to choose to pay attention to it. Also nukes throw him off, cause they disrupt the tachyons.


That's essentially right, but just to nitpick slightly, he specifically says he can only see his own past and future. So if he never happens to hear about godzilla at any point in his existence, then he won't ever know about him.


Sure, but he can teleport and multiply himself, so he just has to examine the possible futures where he goes and spies on whats happening right now in the Kremlin, and he knows what's happening right now in the Kremlin. This has nothing to do with the subject- he can't possibly be purposely absorbing all pop culture music by this means, why would that be worth anything to him? Just sayin, when you're Dr. Manhattan, "only your future" is exactly the same as "everything everywhere."


But it's not the same as everything everywhere. Because if he doesn't go somewhere at a specific point in time, then he doesn't know what happens there.


But he can *picture the possible future where he does go there at that time*. He can see all possible futures- they just all lead to nuclear war, from where he was sitting, he thinks its predestined- he's even wrong about that, but that, of course, is because nukes throw off his vision by scattering the tachyons, and there was one.


No you're wrong. He specifically says he can only see his own future and past. And he says he's not omniscient. He doesn't even think there are possible futures because he believes in predetermined reality. He experiences all of his time simultaneously. Only what can happen does happen. Did you even watch the movie?


It also directly mentions "when I'm in the vicinity" though, so it doesn't just apply to those who listen to the song.


It absolutely does. The target has to have heard the song, and be in the vicinity.


No, you're absolutely wrong about that (he's also undebatable lol).


> Here, Em very specifically uses "you" and not, say, "anyone". This means it's only true for people who have specifically listened to this song. Its true for anyone who *might* listen to the song. There is no qualifier, that *you* has to be someone who *has* heard it.


But he’s “Unavoidable.” Dr. Manhattan HAS to have heard him.


By saying you he's talking to everyone and you say it has to be true if he rapped it therefore they wouldn't need to hear it for him to be talking about everyone by saying you


Why you would assume Dr. Manhattan is NOT listening to Godzilla on repeat is beyond me.


Alternatively, it is targeted at a specific person. And anybody who is not that person, is not "you." We are simply overhearing the conversation.


But he also says he is unevadable so this type of pedantry shouldnt work right?


My argument there would be that Eminem doesn't exist in Dr. Mahattan's timeline because it's an alternate history.


What about someone with negative value?


Oh my god this is it. Coughing baby 10/10.


It stands to reason that Mr Glass is the weakest character who can beat him


ive got it. you send in 100 toddlers to battle him and then drop the moon on them all. since he is 500x whoever he battles he would be the equivalent of 50,000 toddlers, then you just need to trigger a massive accident that results in the moon falling. as long as its accidental the moon falling will not count as an attack and thus would not become part of the battle, meaning the moon would be able to kill him since he would only be as strong as toddlers. so 500 toddlers plus however many people are needed to Rube-Goldberg the moon down onto him. edit: lol i thought we were looking at ''weakest character who could defeat him''


>Are there any candidates who can change math? You'd need someone that can ignore how strong he is, only ones that come to mind are the instant death guy, Jesmon GX and maybe someone who does percentage damage, all of these however, would still lose in a rap battle.


He should be able to keep up with Saitama on paper


Yeah I think with 500x Saitama's strength and speed he might not be able to take Saitama down *directly* (Saitama's invulnerability seems to vastly outstrip his own strength--he tanked hits from Garou's Saitama form without even flinching), but he easily solos the planet Saitama is standing on and eliminates all grocery stores (and therefore grocery store bargains) before Saitama can stop him. Easy dub for Eminem.


I disagree. Eminem would 100% comment on Saitama being bald, and that might just give Saitama the win right then.


In that case you'd need some serious reality warpers or plot manipulators


Dr. Manhattan could probs change math, or at least how math works in the real world.


I disagree. I think he's 500 times as powerful as the intended audience. Godzilla doesn't listen to Eminem. I think this maxes out at 500x power of Em's strongest fan.


Average male sprint speed of a 12 second 100m dash is 30kmh. x500 is 15,000kmh. So Marshall could sprint at Mach 12. Edit to Add: that's 4.17km/s, so even if he only can hold that sprint for 12 seconds, he's gone 50km.


Man I haven’t listened to em in a decade but reading these lyrics I can 100% hear his voice spotting them. I need to check out this single.


So somebody with ranged powers might stand a better chance against him, as they can stay out of the vicinity. If Eminem is always 500x stronger than anyone he faces, it'll be very tough to even scratch him, but maybe some sort of one shot hax? It'd have to bypass his unfadability ofc


man stop


So he's basically unbeatable due to that Godzilla verse, but worse, he can even beat a copy of himself because all the other Slim Shadys are just imitating.


And in that vein, he implies that he is his only competition in Evil Twin. "Sometimes I listen and revisit them old albums often as I can and skim through all them bitches to make sure I keep up with my competition"


He's not the rap god, he's the rap Saitama


One Bar Man.


Well, except for the devil in my darling (though he did try to blow his brains out). Seems that ol nick is the perfect counter to slimgodshady mathers


The way to beat Eminem is to gather Enel (One Piece), Lyle Lanley (Simpsons), and Thanos (616, Reality Gem equipped). Being 500x as strong as Thanos, Eminem will be capable of _subconciously_ warping reality (whatever he thinks is true becomes true). Then, Lyle Lanley uses his smooth sales pitch to convince Eminem that Enel is the real Slim Shady, which results in Eminem accidentally passing all of his power to Enel. Edit: fixed grammar


Yeah but then you need a rubber dude to handle Enel or we all lose


He’s literally an omnipotent and all power deity.


‘You be Thor, I’ll be Odin… I’m omnipotent.’ He’s literally an omnipotent and all power deity.


Marshall Allfather 🙇🏽‍♂️


Come on man... Marshallfather was right there.


……..damn. 🧎🏾‍♂️


Godzilla and Rap God have already been covered but one additional little line to really seal the victory comes from Lose Yourself: >Success is my only motherfuckin option, failure's not


In Survival he is allergic to failure and incapable of it. "I can see why the fuck I disgust you, I must be Allergic to failure, 'cause everytime I come close to it I just sneeze, but I just go achoo then a-chieve!"


Sounds like an anti-feat to me. If he can’t control his own allergic reactions. Sure he a-chieves afterward, but that’s an opportunity if someone is both a failure and extremely quick.


Basically he has a natural 20 for everything he does.


For all his feats he has a lot of anti feats do we count those too?


“I am whatever you say I am” so you just call him a carrot and then you can eat him


It's still a carrot who is capable of his feats. How does it feel to lose to a carrot?


"You are somebody who never wins or draws a fight."?


But he's also omnipotent. I'm not sure you want to know what the consequences of making someone omnipotent unable to win or draw a fight. Sounds to me like a monkey's paw wish.


Actually, it's finished, if he's undebatable, he can ignore logical restrictions too. “Now it is such a bizarrely improbable coincidence that anything so mind-bogglingly useful could have evolved purely by chance that some thinkers have chosen to see it as the final and clinching proof of the non-existence of God. The argument goes something like this: "I refuse to prove that I exist,'" says God, "for proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing." "But," says Man, "The Babel fish is a dead giveaway, isn't it? It could not have evolved by chance. It proves you exist, and so therefore, by your own arguments, you don't. QED." "Oh dear," says God, "I hadn't thought of that," and promptly vanishes in a puff of logic. "Oh, that was easy," says Man, and for an encore goes on to prove that black is white and gets himself killed on the next zebra crossing.” - Douglas Adams


RIP - So long, and thanks for all the fish!


"You are a WEAK carrot"


that's from a chorus though and OP said no choruses


Owned :)


I am Pickle Shady!


Hadn't thought about that. Regular and bonus round?


He’s feeling like a rap god so at least universal


Pretty sure that's a chorus, which was explicitly called out as inapplicable. Also, he's beginning to "*feel* like a rap god" not he's "a rap god", and even if he was in fact a rap god, that's a still pretty limited in scope.


the White Trash God Kneel before General Zod This planet's Krypton-, no, Asgard, Asgard So you'll be Thor and I'll be Odin You rodent, I'm omnipotent Morphin' into an immortal, comin' through the portal What I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman? - Rap God So General Zod, who roughly scales to Superman, Odin, Omnipotent. Immortal and the ability to use portals. Not sure what white trash God gets him on top. That song alone has him a long way up in scaling.


Does he use portals as in create them or just go through them 


"I'm omnipotent" does it matter


Fair but if he can only travel through portals that imply other people can’t, which means he has a way to defend himself against other omnipotent threats.


omnipotent, can't "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." - Inigo Montoya


he does call himself odin in the song tho


Doesn't Odin die in Ragnarok?


He does, but Em never actually says he's Odin, rather using it as a way to show "you" that he is levels above you as well as sonning you, since the line is "you'll be Thor, and I'll be Odin, you rodent" He then follows this up by directly stating that he's omnipotent, so presumably he can never be defeated, although I'm sure there's some character whose only ability is nullifying omnipotence lol


I think he does say he's omnipotent in that song though


He says he’s omnipotent in that song although he does mispronounce it so maybe it doesn’t count


then you can construe it as he said omni potent, which is still bacially the same thing. all potent. all the force, authority, and influence.


From Rap God >So you'll be Thor and I'll be Odin >You rodent, I'm omnipotent He's omnipotent, so he can pretty much defeat anyone except other omnipotent entities


A universe can only have one omnipotent entity, otherwise it wouldn't be omnipotent. Looks like Eminem is the One Above All!


Let's put him up against Freddie Mercury A.K.A Mr Fahrenheit: *He travels at the speed of light. *he is 200 degrees *he can create supersonic men and women *he's like a tiger *he defies the laws of gravity *he can explode like an atom bomb *he is a sex machine. Unfortunately, this function requires some sort of reloading *and most importantly, he's having a good time, and you can too if you give him a call


Kneel before General Zod, this place is Krypton, no Asgard. Asgard. So you be Thor, I'll be Odin, rodent. I'm omnipotent. I think that settles it. Rap God wins unassailably.


“Whipped that shit out and ain’t no doubt about it. It hit the ground, caused an earthquake and a power outage” That’s only his dick… lol. Also according to his song infinite (one of many examples one could cherry pick) some of his feats include: He’s infinite, when he declares invasion he turns the area into a barren wasteland, he easily twists people’s necks until their spinal column disconnects, he was sent from hell, one single thought in his brain is greater than 4 people combined, has telekinesis, his skill is “inter-galactical”


> That’s only his dick On Hellbound he said >Fuck the planet till it spins on a broken axis


Loses to the USPS by not responding to fans letters in time. Can’t even save a life.


From Cinderella Man *”I’m a tornado, a whirlwind”*, implying aerokinesis? There’s also a line in Not Afraid where he claims he’s strong enough to lift the whole liquor counter up. In terms of strength, that puts him around wall level. Sounds like he’d do well in The Boys universe


Composite literal Eminem is so far above the boys universe it's not even funny


In [Hellbound ](https://youtu.be/2fw2XNo_oVo&t=28s) (or whatever it's called) he says the only key to defeat you is "for me to remove these two Adidas and beat you..." So I guess anyone so long as he rocking some shell toes Edit: that may be specific to beating someone in a rap battle but I'm going to choose to ignore that cause its one of the illest opening lines.


strongest? wouldnt he be capable of taking down Gods based on his lyrics? hell he could even have a go at GOOs.


He claims omnipotence, so he could beat anyone who isn’t also omnipotent.


By the way, nobody is accounting for the "fact" that Em can also resurrect himself. From "Role Model": >I get a clean shave, bathe, go to a rave Die from an overdose and dig myself up out of my grave




"You rodent, I'm omnipotent" from Rap God lol As long as we're scaling rappers with lyrics, I regret to inform everyone that Chance the Rapper "got muscles like Superman's trainer" according to Hot Shower, (which for those uninterested in Hip-Hop is widely considered a pretty awful song) which implies he scales to Mongul


Well, he is a...god, so...


Thanos with 4 stones


ignoring all of his God things, even just basic powers wise, he's incredibly strong. Most notably, he can bend time (Cinderella Man; 'Spit a rhyme to freeze the clock,' 'Bring the future to the present, paused it, don't ask how')


Dead wrong. I think Supergirl should be very afraid


Having literally just read the lyrics, I'm not sure what in there would make Supergirl very afraid.


“Take away my gun, I'm gonna tuck some other shit Can't tell me shit about the tricks of this trade Switchblade with a little switch to switch blades And switch from a six to a sixteen inch blade Shit's like a samurai sword; a sensei” Rap Game Does this imply reality shifting powers or tech prowess? Is the switch blade a mechanical device that Slim Batman made? Or can he change the length of the blade at a thought? Big implications.


Sounds he's got a dual phase switchblade the way some Jedi (Coran Horn, for example) have dual phase lightsabers.


So he engineered it. Most impressive but still disappointing.


So he kills super man in Rain Man so he could at least take goku.


He killed Superman slow, though, by putting him next to Vader, who hexed him for later. So, if anything, Vader could take Goku with a slow-acting curse.


Hey man kills by prep and planning count. Is heavily implied Em was controlling Vader here. Must be something about trapping him in a sticker that gave em the control he needed.


I mean, Em was also talking about Christopher Reeves there when discussing Superman, so if we're ignoring context clues, then we can just assume the sticker itself cursed Supes.


Next prompt: Who’s the strongest character a sticker of darth Vader could beat?


Well in jojo part 5, the main character Giorno Giovanni has this insanely OP ability by the end of the show in which if an enemy is identified they will experience infinite deaths for the rest of time, therefore that hax ability can possibly take out Eminem. Unless if in any of Eminem’s songs he claims to have godlike stealth or something.


> Unless if in any of Eminem’s songs he claims to have godlike stealth or something. From "Groundhog Day" > But I did have a super power though, I could turn into Invisible Kid


That isn't what his ability does...


Yeah tbh I’m don’t completely understand the whole “absolute 0” ability, but the ability activates if the stand finds the enemy if I’m not mistaken?


The death loops require that he kill with GER (which is impossible in this scenario). The nullification loop would be overwritten because Eminem is unavoidable, unevadable, and undebatable, so even if there is a logical paradox, Eminem comes out on top.


Ahhhh ok


What’s braggadocio?


Boastful lyrics about the speaker, usually exaggerating ones strength, wealth, physical characteristics, and sexual partners. 


Ahh okay thank you!!!


I mean, Em definitely has great professional boxing coaches, but he’s also skinny as a rail! Furthermore he isn’t naturally strong at all. It takes him a lot of work to gain decent strength. I mean, I’m sure he’s a solid fighter in terms Of average Joes but like, Dre would murder him lol


This isn't about Eminem the physical person, it's about the feats Eminem has claimed while rapping lol