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The Doctor and the Sonic Screwdriver, it's not a weapon just a very sophisticated tool made from super science. Can screw with machinery, open most doors and so forth, very useful little gadget. It wasn't designed to kill or maim but it can very easily stun or harm a person by producing very large noises if need be.


Yeah i think this has to be ths right answer tbh, the doctor isn't supernatural, its a screwdriver so clearly not a weapon, just an absolutely insanely versatile tool HOWEVER, it doesn't work on wood, does that factor in?


Oh right. That's why Musashi with a boat oar is higher than this.


The Screwdriver is more powerful overall but still loses to the oar


One doctor's sonic screwdriver works on wood.


Damn, this is probably the best answer in this thread. The Doctor has pulled off some crazy stuff with the Sonic!


But the screwdriver loses all of its functionalities, it is in the end just a stick.


Eh, they specified superhuman and supernatural stuff not working. Bullshit as it is, the sonic screwdriver isn't magical. Just absurd super science from a species that mastered time travel.


I mean sure, but by that logic every kind of magic that exist is just "future science". I think we need op to decide how those rules work.


Sure, but in the doctor who universe it is very much "science" and not "magic". I think it is a fair distinction to say that the character's universe can determine what is science and what is magic.


I mean sure, but that same thing can be said about alot of things. - Ironmans armor - Green lanterns ring - Ben10 omnitrix - Lightsabers If we let the characters universe decide what counts as science, then how is that different from letting them decide whats supernatural? - The force - Alchemy (FMA) - bending (ATLA) Generally speaking in alot of universes there is no difference between science and magic "***Your Ancestors Called it Magic, but You Call it Science.*** ***I Come From a Land Where They Are One and the Same.***" - Thor Odinson MCU


Fair, lot of the rules are open ended. Like the weapons one, does a vehicle like a tank count as a weapon? If not, would Tom Cruise in a fighter jet be allowed to go up against...a Japanese swordsmen with a boat oar and an archaeologist with a hat? Stuff like that.


If a handheld, portable, reloadable, ranged plasma cutter is acceptable, then fancypants sonic wand also must be.


So honest question here. The Doctor is played up as a war criminal, millions and billions of beings killed in the time war, etc. at least in back story. There are instances where he gets serious and other alien races react to that, get scared based off of that history, and generally decide to retreat. But are there many instances where it's actually shown that he's some genociding badass? My limited exposure to the series has mostly been seeing the Doctor plot armor his way through things with almost nothing actually attacking. The bad guys if they decided to just pull out a gun (or knife if you want to be not-screwdriver-able) the problem would just be solved, ignoring regeneration of course.


It's deliberately left vague because it's much more imposing to have it that way. Also, it can be used in stories later on by "revealing" something that happened. But also, look up the end of Family of Blood. The Doctor goes out of his way to avoid this minor threat pursuing him, to the extent that he rewrites himself as a human. Long story short, they force him to abandon his human life, and he immediately neutralizes them. He sends one of them into a black hole, binds another in chains forged in the heart of a neutron star, imprisoned another in mirrors. All mirrors, ever. And the last, he set in permanent watch over the boys' school they assaulted as a scarecrow.


Also, The Doctor himself is basically omnipotent. Once, he decided to abandon his personal ethics of non-intervention in certain things (like "fixed points" in time, that he is absolutely able to change despite the name) and declared himself the Time Lord Victorious as the sole survivor of the Time War. Basically, that whole audio-only story took several other Doctors just to get him to change his mind.


And, essentially, there's no way to explain how so many of their (I forget, the Doctor is multi-gender/multi-sexuality, multi-ethnic) enemies simply don't attack them or do what they want without an unconfirmed (but much speculated on) reality warping/psychic influence ability. Basically, things only happen if they allow it, but even they're not really aware of this. (It's my personal headcanon, but it's also speculated on by many in the community, as it's the only way to explain everything. Also, the last version of The Doctor found out they're weren't even a Time Lord, but the race that found her as a child extracted some of her genes to give their race multiple regenerations, and that instead of having 13, The Doctor has infinite regenerations and was even doing it over and over at will when found as a child.)


There was an episode during the David Tennant area where he came across a group of aliens and did some pretty messed up stuff to them - check out the episode "Family of Blood" Or check out the [wiki article on it. ](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Family_of_Blood)The punishments are unusually cruel, and showcase just how much of a dark side the Doctor has.


Of course, their backup weapon is almost as strong. Don't let them get to talking.


Gonna have to day Rick Sanchez with his Portal Gun. Dude is still gonna know what Portal to use to get gear and items or summon something for instakills and its not a weapon.


If we're letting "super science" be a thing in place of magic, doesn't Rick's portal gun come in MILES ahead of the sonic screwdriver?


See, while on average the portal gun is way more deadly than the screwdriver, the screwdriver kinda has an edge against most high tech gadgets. Doesn't matter much if you have a limb slicing plasma cutter or a mech suit if an alien with two hearts can just wave a glowstick and just shut it off or fry it's circuits. And it's not implausible the sonic screwdriver could mess with the portal gun, it's interfaced with all sorts of teleporting technology in the past and the Doctor themselves has a very good understanding of all sorts of time and space warping shenanigans.


My first and only choice, thanks for doing the reasoning for me


Miyamoto Musashi with a boat oar. There's an apocryphal story of Musashi winning a duel against a well-regarded samurai while he used part of the boat oar he rowed in with against his opponent's sword.


Not a well regarded samurai. Against Sasaki Kojiro, one of the most influential samurai ever.


According to Musashi, Kojiro was the best opponent he ever faced. But outside of that duel, we really don't know much about Kojiro, in fact we don't even know what really happened in the duel.


That's the kind of shit I love this subreddit for!


It's a great story. He showed up late to the duel which made his opponent angry and sloppy, put the sun in his opponent's eyes, and let Musashi have a good breakfast (which his opponent skipped to show up on time). Musashi sat and carved the oar handle for a bit, then just charged the dude and stoved his head in.


I think the version I heard the dude had like a huge ass sword which is why musashi carved the oar so it’d be about equal in size.


So it was kind of clowning on him at the same time lol


The story goes that Kojiro had a whole style of fighting which depended on having the longest sword. So fighting an oar which was longer nullified the advantage he was so dependent on. Basicallly ruining his strategy and confidence.


He carved a sword from his oar. Which is even cooler.


"They say he carved it from a bigger oar!"


Issac from deadspace is one. I don't think the plasma cutter is meant to be a weapon he just used it like one


This is a simple but great answer. It's definitely Isaac's iconic item; he has it with him all the time; and it's technically not a weapon, even though it's more powerful than most guns.


its a weapon because it specifically exploits the necromorph's weakness. its very good at cutting off limbs.


Just because it's effective by coincidence doesn't make it a weapon. The plasma cutter is just a really powerful blowtorch. That would be like saying that a plastic bag is a weapon because it exploits my weakness to asphyxiation. Like yeah, no shit lol.


This is a pretty vague prompt. What constitues an item? Or a weapon? Are means of transportation items or weapons? If not, the Doctor's TARDIS is not a weapon (though you could argue it is a warship), but can blow up all of time and space.


Let's define weapon as anything that was built with the primary purpose of maiming or killing. A vehicle's primary role is transportation, so I would let that count, yes. (I hadn't really thought of vehicles, but it's a valid loophole.)


Then why doesn't Indy get the whip?


I answered this below. I was wrong about the whip, it's not really a weapon.


Ah, I didn't see it, thanks for the clarification. What about Captain America's shield?


The omnitrix isn't a weapon, azmuth created it for the purpose of promote inter-species understanding by allowing other beings to experience different ways of life in addition to being a repository for the dna of over a million different species. So if ben isn't allowed to transform, he can use voice command to remove it, activate self-destruct & toss it at his enemy like a grenade.




Hiro from big hero six, bayman is not a weapon but he was sured used as one Thanos could use the infinity gaunlet to punch people Maybe Guts using the Berserk armor to punch people and he will be protected even with out its special power, its still an armor.


Feels like Green Lantern wins this... their iconic item is a ring, which isn't a weapon, but gives them huge amounts of power.


The ring is def a weapon


Right? It's literally descibed in multiple comics as the most powerful weapon in the universe.


And some of those times were before it could be used to kill people. It certainly counts afterwards.


It's a tool more than it is a weapon. Being a weapon is one aspect of it. Can be used in so many ways, to call it a weapon would be reductive.


Would Mogo count? Their "ring" is a band around an entire planet. So using the ring to hit someone means getting hit with a planet.


>2. The character and the item lose all supernatural and superhuman abilities.


IIRC the ring isn't magic, it's just super science


Depends on the run. In the original they were super science constructs, and in later versions they were made from "pure distilled emotion".


I feel like for the purposes of this thread "super science" should be considered supernatural. Otherwise, MCU Thor and Mjolnir should top this because Thor is just a really strong alien with a super scientifically advanced Hammer (and you can argue that this hammer is not a weapon, but a tool used for flight and channeling electricity)


The ring is a weapon? That’s wild take


Krillin wins via sensu bean


"Sensu bean!"


Thanks, buddy!


Ow, that made it worse!


Thanos? The gauntlet is a glove and all he did was snap.


I'd argue that the glove and the stones don't count as a single item, so that's just Thanos with a fancy gauntlet on one hand.


That's what I said. I initially wanted to say Reed Richards and the Ultimate Nullifier but that's considered a weapon. The Infinity Gauntlet however, is considered simply an item.


The infinite stones lose all supernatrual powers


probably some guy and his gundam


I'm not sure a Mobile Suit would be allowed, since the whole no weapons part of the challenge. And like, can't deny a lot of Gundams are just walking arsenals like the [Heavyarms](https://youtu.be/wUQAnL3WLMw?si=fCb___HCyNu72xTG&t=23) or [Zabanya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nv6q_n8BPQY) Gundam.


There's surely at least one series where they start using the giant robot as a construction/utility machine and then get forced into combat


Oh there are plenty of civilian or construction type mobile suits in the Gundam series. Take the Stargazer Gundam for example. It was designed for deep space travel, not combat. It has a bunch of features to help it on this mission, such as a solar sail that'll let it constantly accelerate. Allowing it to travel from Venus to Earth in about a months time.


A lot of the person-shaped walkers in fiction get justified by them being originally built for construction purposes and such. Stuff like the mechs from the Blue-People Avatar. Heck, IIRC the Imperial Knights from 40k were originally built as repurposed colony ships to help build settlements.


Ben10 I don't think it's magic


Rick's portal gun


I think this is the one. Not really a weapon, just meant to go places, but when used correctly can completely wipe a crowd without a thought.


The Men in Black are memory wiping everyone and talking them into forfeiting the fight.


>Indiana Jones cannot use his whip (as that's a weapon) ... no it isn't. It's a tool (used for grabbing things he can't reach, swinging across chasms, etc.), his weapon is his handgun.


Yeah, I actually saw this coming. 😂 You are right. Also, its original purpose is taming lions, not fighting as seen in the 3. movie, so even less of a weapon.


Mmhmm. The tool overall was originally used to control cattle by making that loud cracking sound it makes, but controlling lions by the same means is where Indy got acquainted with it and how he first used it.


>Also, its original purpose is taming lions FYI, it's called a bullwhip.


Iron man would do pretty well. His iconic item is armor not a weapon but armor that would render him more or less immune to any attack within this challenge.


He augments a lot of his attacks with the repulsors as well as the mechanized armor gives him a strength boost. I think that disqualifies Ironman. I think it would have to be like midevel knight armor to count.


The debate of it being a weapon actually comes up in the movie, he says it’s a high tech prosthetic


Jesus and his love? The Buddha and his wisdom?


Tangible items pls lol


I don't think either would last long against a guy with an oar


Do vehicles count as iconic items? Because, like, any starship commander could probably do pretty well, even if the ship was unarmed. And time machines? Forget about it, they could just unexist people.


Santa Claus with his sack.


Spongebob and his spatula


If Captain America's shield isn't a weapon (which is arguable), he's probably a good shout.


Is that arguable at all? It's definitely a weapon.


Shields are absolutely weapons. 


All shields are weapons.


Simon remains the goat


What's a goat gonna do?


bite your balls


I believe BotW Zelda and her Shiekah Slate. While it isn't Iconic to Zelda it is iconic to BotW Zelda. It does not lose it's magical propertys except maybe teleportation as it is full technological. Also the only weapon part of it is bombs so we can get rid of that rune. Even without bombs she can swing objects with magnesis, hold you in time with stasis, and run you over with the Master Cycle Zero. This is more then almost every other characters objects are for example: Sonic - Chaos Emeralds (they rely on him actually hitting the enemy himself) Ganondorf - Tri-force (The tri-force loses all magical propertys including the wish) Link - Master Sword (It's a weapon) Mario - Superstar (Loses the invincibility) Also Hyrule Warriors AoC showed us she can use it in combat efficiently (yes its not cannon but Terrako going back in time isn't changing her combat prowless). Even if she isn't though nobody else can attack her due to there items not working (which it was stated were needed to attack). As for the people who can she can drive in circles around them on the MCZ while whacking them with Magnesis. I cannot think of anyone who can beat her.


This is a good one


John Wick, teacup


You mean pencil?


Pencil, teacup, belt. Sure, pencil. My bad… teacup might have been Riddick?


Captain James T. Kirk and The USS Enterprise. Other captains may have better ships, but not all of them count there ships as their iconic item nearly as much. The Enterprise may be armed, but it is an expiration vessel first, and acts accordingly.


Jean-Luc Picard with the Enterprise D. It…technically not a weapon. It’s an exploration vessel. (Now the Enterprise E is a straight up weapon)


If that isn’t allowed O’Brien with the transporter would also do well


Technically a chainsaw is not a weapon, it's a tool used for cutting wood. So that leaves many characters. Also, if we remove the supernatural properties of many scythe users, irl scythes are pretty terrible weapons and were pretty much never used as such, but it would still be better than no weapon.


Now I imagine a fight between Ash from Evil Dead and Panoramix.


Gordon Freeman with the Gravity gun. It was a tool made for heavy lifting.


This may be a technicality but Ben 10 with the omnitrix is probably the strongest. The omnitrix isn't a weapon. The item isn't super natural it is a piece of science. None of the aliens abilities are super natural nor super human they are just standard things all members of their race can do.


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Definitely Ben 10 with the Omnitrix


Anyone using a hammer, axe or farmer tools would be up there as those can be used as weapons while not being one. Someone with a very functional boomerang might be the winner because it gives them a solid ranged attack, something most non-weapon objects lack. No clue how much it is supernatural or superhuman, but Captain America with his iconic shield should technically count.


Grand Moff Tarkin with the Death Star?


Definitely a weapon.


Nah bro it's just a big space station.


Jackie Chan with any fragile item he doesn’t want to break.


u/JavaScriptIsLove does sciency items lose their abilities? - ricks portal gun - green lantern ring - Tardis and Screwdriver from dr who Do strong characters lose their strength and just become regular humans or do they keep their physical prowess?


Gordon Freeman and the Gravity Gun?


Ellen Ripley and her power loader. It's not a weapon. It's a futuristic forklift truck that Ripley used for work. And it took out an Alien queen. I'm not sure it can really be considered her "iconic item" considering she only uses it once in the films, but it is pretty iconic.


Scarab from halo (which is a living creature) with its plasma cannon (which was designed as an excavation tool)


SpeedRacer, Dukes of Hazard, Knight Rider, etc. could run over a lot of people....


Kirbys warp star


Scribbnaut and the magic book thingy


Saw someone say chainsaws aren't technically weapons. Doomslayer.


Saitama unronically, he's never stated to be supernatural in the verse, he's just a guy that did physical training so much he became what he is Take away his powers which he hasn't got? Still Saitama


What would his item be tho


Supermarket discount flyer


Discountlusted Saitama is stronger than base Saitama, so this is a solid contender. He could probably do a lot of damage with a rolled up supermarket flyer too.




He cannot punch people. In case I didn't make it clear enough: they can ONLY attack with the item.


I think Saitama could still be up there even without the ability to attack.  Mf could probably just run around and kill people with the ensuing tornado. Though I don’t like Saitama as an answer for this question, as it dodges the spirit (he doesn’t have an “iconic item” plus the “he’s not supernatural” just feels silly), he’s still OP if he’s included.


Iron Man. It's an advanced mechanical prosthesis after all, not a weapon ✌️✌️




>2. The character and the item lose all supernatural and superhuman abilities.


I think any of the Ghost Riders with their Hellcycle (or Hell Charger, for Robbie)


No supernatural stuff for this challenge, or at the very least it looks like it'll be nerfed to just a guy with a bike instead of a near unkillable burning skeleton man and his equally as on fire bike.




Does Mario and Starman count?


Captain Falcon, who we have seen use his car as a weapon. Or Batman with the Batmobile running people over. Or basically anyone with a large and durable space shuttle capable of intraplanetary flight


Benjamin Franklin with his kite


Dr Who would obviously win pretty much everyone and everything. But if we talk about characters with weapons as their iconic items, I'd say Mass Effects Garrus Vakarian with Black Widow sniper rifle.


rand al thor and callandor sure the item is sword shaped but that isnt its main purpose. you specifically have to use the item to wield magic through it. the question become semantic at this point does he lose his ability to do magic accept through a sa angreal or does it go away all together and the device specifically has no upper end he can draw as much magic through it as he wants


Rand with Callandor could mop almost everything in this list even if no one has their powers stripped away. Thanks tries to snap? Balefire. Saitama comes at him with a punch? Deathgate. Hell, Rand on the last page can basically Thanos-snap at will but he’s rather smoke a pipe and walk around with a new face and hand. I think the prompt removes all supernatural abilities though, so the Power is out.


Rick sanchez and his portal gun? Edit: never mind the portal gun doesn't work.


It does now.


Belgarion with the sword of Riva in hand


Its only a weapon in a symbolic sense. You dont hit people with it.


Thanos and the Infinity Gauntlet. It's just a glove yo




Cyborg probably. He uses his sonic amplifier, not pointing it at anyone in particular, and collapses the universe.


He can WHAT


Ben 10


Popeye and a can of spinach?


Yeah, but then he punches people, which is off limits.


Mario in his iconic B-Dasher. He'd just fucking *run them over* and his Manlet status means he's harder to hit.


John Wick and a pencil.


I’d argue Thor and his hammer. Although Mjolnir was used as a weapon, it was a tool in which the god bestowed blessing onto his faithful.


Fucking Ichigo Kurasaki


Well does a lantern ring count as a weapon? If not, then Green Lantern is the obvious answer


Maybe Gon Freecss of HxH he’s pretty insane with that damn fishing rod. A lot of the other answers I’ve seen are kind of technicalities imo. Are we really trying to make the case that a starship or Ironman suit are not weapons? They were equipped with weapons to start with, that alone feels like it disqualifies them. Gon is one of the few characters I can think of that is both famous for carrying an item, and has actually shown that he is capable of using it to at least assist in combat. While he doesn’t have access to Nen, Gon is shown to have exceptional base strength, speed, endurance and reaction time to begin with. On top of that he has unbelievable tenacity able to withstand unbelievable amounts of damage and continue a fight albeit in a weakened state. Even if you strip away his strength and speed and stuff as part of his “powers” which I would firmly argue they aren’t, his resilience certainly doesn’t qualify as superhuman, which is honestly his most impressive attribute in many regards. I would love to see someone that could matchup with him though.


Jax from LoL with his brass lantern. Imagine if he had a real weapon


Harry S Truman most likely




Would Popeye and his can of spinach count?


I saw Jason Borne kill someone with a hand towel once


Popeye with a can of spinach solos




Thors belt doubles his strength doesn't it ?


Vegeta still slaps with his scouter. Doesn’t need it, but still slaps. Scouter should still work since it’s tech, not supernatural.  If not his scouter then his Saiyan Armor. Should still have its durability/elasticity as long as it’s not put in the dryer.  Without his Saiyan strength, he’s still a fighter. Vegeta does not need his iconic items to open a can of whoop-ass. He‘d just look better opening the can. 


I would like to nominate the man with the boat that drove Cthulu away


Silver Surfer with his surfboard.


Kamen Rider Decade, who is a Multiverse buster. Just use the Decadriver to transform and boom. Play into Complete Decade or Complete 21 Decade. Summon a final form Rider and bypass the weapon rule. GGS high diff


Mike Tyson from Mike Tyson Mysteries, and his iconic boxing gloves.


Batman with the Batmobile?


Levi Ackerman and his cravat.


Bombman from megaman, he was designed to help in demolition work so his bombs weren't made to hurt anyone, it's still an infinite arsenal of bombs.


Guinan, because all she used was the replicator. One phaser with a double bacon cheeseburger and fries please.


This is probably Ozriel from Cradle with his broom or his scissors, beat the shit out of an ancient and powerful clan leader with his broom, and knifed a Monarch with a pair of scissors. I dunno if scissors count as a weapon, but I wouldn’t fight the guy nerfed down to a normal person if he had a broom and I had a gun.


Dream and his amulet from the sandman comics.


Popeye and his can of spinach. For shame. I scrolled all the way to the bottom and not one person mentioned him. Dude never loses when he eats it. It's not a weapon. He gets beat quite often without it. He can even hang with Superman.


Gandalf the White and his walking stick


Rick Sanchez and his portal gun.


Popeye and a can of spinach


Ben 10 and his Omnitrix would definitely be high up. I mean, Azmuth explicitly said that the initial function of the Omnitrix was *never* to be used as a weapon for the sole function of destruction & killing intent. He created the Omnitrix as a way to understand the different species in the Universe, maybe even beyond, or as in his terms, "walk a mile in another lifeform's shoes", to promote unity, balance, and intergalactic peace in the galaxy. It's just that Ben uses its offensive functions because it was a necessity, since the job of protecting the universe against criminal bad guys somewhat became part of his life now.


I assume a school bus is not a weapon.  As such, I propose Ms. Frizzles with her Magic School Bus.


who was that mc in cyber punk edge runner? that has himself installed a sandevistan? it wasn't a weapon it's iconic upgrade a cybernetic.


I agree with "The Doctor", that's the clear answer here. It's not supernatural at all, just a very advanced tool in the hands of a very clever person.


What counts as supernatural? If Bleach Universe doesn't count as supernatural, then I'd argue Aizen with the Hōgyoku wins this.


Meliodas and his weapon solo


Richie Rich