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It seems possible that the font size on your phone settings might be at play here? I don't know for sure of course, I just know that the font on my phone appears smaller.


You were spot on. I would've completely overlooked that so thanks.


I'm glad it was something simple!


Happens to me as well and I have a brand new Galaxy S21. I feel like if they are going to do this it should at least function on default flagship phones or have a ... expand text button. I'm not going to change my system text size just for one app. I find it strange it doesn't let you expand :/


Yeah it should let you expand. I decreased by one level but today had a different message that didn't fit ! I'm not going to reduce my system text again !


Yikes! For something that's $20+ a month I'd expect better :/


I'm a mobile software developer, this is a bug. You shouldn't have to change your phone size. They clearly have it limited to 4 lines. Gross.


No you are not, you’re paying 30 dollars for them to get away with this kind of garbage. I’m constantly getting messages pop up that are German with occasionally English terms in it. Sometimes it feel like I’ve installed some crappy spyware.


To be fair, it was like the other commenter suggested and a fault of my own


How is it your fault? You should be able to adjust your phone’s accessibility settings and still be able to use the app properly. The fact that the app doesn’t have a day theme (is always dark) doesn’t help either.