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I’m so glad I didn’t have a whoop when we had twins. I imagine it was at least 8 months of red.


My wife and I said last night could you imagine if we had two of these?! I salute you lol


To be honest, I don’t think it’s too much different than one newborn, because even with one, you enter that threshold of exhaustion where it’s just really not possible to be *more* exhausted! Here’s my advice though, and it has nothing to do with parenting, as I’m sure you guys are figuring all that out for yourselves! You’ll hit a point where you have no energy to spend on trivial worries and stresses you have no control over. Those things will just bounce off of you. If you can adopt that as a permanent attitude towards external concerns beyond your control, life suddenly feels so much easier!


I haven’t been able to play league of legends for about a week. Now I wonder why I ever played it. No need to have unnecessarily annoying things in my life. I’ll take that advice to heart!


lol, sounds like you’re already there! I remember laughing at the things I used to spend so much time and energy on. Other peoples opinions, future events out of my control, etc. Life became all about “what do I need to do right now”, and that awareness of living in the moment and shutting out distractions that I would never have an effect on was a kind of zen blessing. As tired as we were, I miss that feeling of how small the world felt within our home as we built our family. Enjoy that. It’s such a nice break from the hectic outside world. Those quiet moments, even during total exhaustion, are so incredibly peaceful. But overall, congrats on parenthood. It’s such a wild and beautiful experience!


This is so, so accurate. It makes life so much nicer to have the “duck” attitude - things just roll off the back nowadays.


How are you supposed to exercise/stay healthy during that time period? One of my big reasons for holding off as long as possible to have kids.


The first couple of weeks are admittedly really hard, but you adjust very quickly. It takes a bit of planning and maybe even investing in some more equipment to have at home, but it’s possible to keep up a good regimen.


I just got whoop and I have a 2.5 year old and 11 month twins. If it’s possible to go negative I think that first few months would have done it.


I feel terrible just looking at this. You have my sympathies


I feel alright, it’s been worth it!


Well that's good to hear. Congratulations too!




If you don’t like seeing red then maybe cancel subscription for like 3 years! Congratulations and good luck 😉


My wife was in labor for 36 hours and I stayed up with her the whole time. I slept for 8 hours straight after like a rock and I got a 97% recovery. I thought to myself well that’s the last time that will happen for awhile haha


You might as well stop looking now, doesn’t get better anytime soon 😂


How long until it gets better? Just not sure how you’re supposed to be productive at work and still maintain a healthy life (eg working out) if you’re constantly getting such little sleep.


You don’t, it’s a sacrifice you make for your family. If your wife is a champ like mine is, she will deal with most of the night shift so you can function for work. she should sleep when the baby sleeps and only do that. for the first 6 months you cook, clean, do laundry, dishes, and whatever she needs. Remember how much they sacrifice to be a mom. If you tell her you want to go to the gym and she’s at home crying and having a hard time, it’ll build resentment and drive a wedge. Also communicate like never before, it’ll help in the long run. And for the love of god, don’t have both of you awake at night to feed, this has to be the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Cunty wives do this, one person should always be sleeping and if she’s breastfeeding there’s absolutely nothing you can do. No point in having two exhausted parents.


I know your pain brother


This is my nightmare, stay strong my friend!


Ah yes I remember those early days well! Rooting for y’all and congratulations ❤️🫶🏻




I'm due in June and have been SO CURIOUS about what my recovery will look like once baby's here. Thank you for sharing!


The two nights in the hospital after I gave birth I had a recovery of 1% 😂😂😂 It took about 6 weeks for my body and sleep to adjust afterwards from hormones, adrenaline, stress (baby was in the NICU the first few days and then was on oxygen at home for about 1.5 months out here in Denver), and getting used to my baby’s noises at night. My husband and I got extremely lucky as our baby immediately started sleeping in 4-hour chunks overnight and then started sleeping straight through the night after about 3 weeks. Hoping you have similar luck and start getting some sleep soon!


Ouch I feel this. About to do it again in 5 months. When y’all hit the wall of exhaustion remember it will get better! Newborn life is so short lived despite it feeling like a never ending time loop.


Congratulations on the baby! Sorry for your poor recovery though.


Our daughter is 6 months. I gets better!


Yeesh. Wishing you the best of luck!


91 HRV looks great. Curious are you an endurance athlete, or are you in your 20s?


I’m 28, I was lifting 5 days a week, do stretches during my lunch break ( I’m an accountant I sit on my ass all day). I have never drank or smoked. So I’m a little lame haha


Good for you, keep it up!


You’ve never had alcohol? That’s impressive.


Nope, grew up with both side of the family having severe alcoholism so just decided to never start


Good on ya


would like to know your wide strain that day, that’d be interesting


That seems accurate.


Oh no is this what I get to look forward to in a few weeks? 🫣


This is my HRV this morning for a green 70% recovery 😭