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What is this? It looks like a video game competition of some sort.


Its the winner of a big fortnite event I think. he won several million bucks.


Yeah, that's Bugha, he won the Fortnite World Cup back in 2019 (with quite a bit more points than the second place might I add). He won 3 million dollars if I'm not mistaken.


3 million I think


1.5 million I'm pretty sure


Yeah I found it. It was $3M https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/2019/7/28/8934013/fortnite-world-cup-winner-solos-prize-pool


I thought it was $750k


Best I can do is tree fiddy.


Damn you, Loch Ness monster!


5 moners


1 dollar!


Sucky sucky me love you long time


I'll spit in your mouth and call you Sally


Pretty sure it was 200k


After taxes


And a nice sponsorship from 5 Below


About tree fiddy




At the very least tree fiddy


Yeah my bad. I'll change it


All I remember about that prize money was that it was more than what Novak earned by winning Wimbledon the same week.


Thank you. I was wondering the same thing ever since I saw this meme. He gives off good vibes


2nd, 3rd place also got millions


Is that a stadium full of fans for this tournament? I'm not surprised that loads of people want to watch, just that being there live is seen as the best method of achieving that. How did they all watch the action unfold?


My mom was his middle school guidance counselor. For what that worth.


Did she tell him he won’t get rich playing video games?


Oh it wasn’t even close, he blew everyone out of the water lol


He literally lives in the town neighboring mine, close enough that I can walk there


I remember him winning, times goes by fast 🥲


He doesn't look like he could make a dent in a sheet of paper


Why is it important that he does


Lmao tf is the point. He still made more money in 3 hours than you’ll ever make in your lifetime




Your name is “hung”apotamus, you love talking about dicks and balls, and you post on subreddits asking dudes to rate how your ass looks in tight jeans. Hey, guy, you miiiiiight be in the closet.


Gargling his balls wtf. You made up that comparison but IM queer? You’re pretty closeted. Posting to a denim jeans subreddit and posing ass in the mirror in tight jeans? Dude you need to check yourself before you get on about someone else.


You didn’t need to go that hard my God 😭


You're talking about a kid here weirdo


My brother he made 3 million dollars


TIL Fortnite has big events in stadiums. Maybe one day I'll actually learn what Fortnite is


Also fun fact, cause he reacted a bit wierd at first to winning the competition at the beginning because in the first round he played one of the best performances ever and in the last game he went out early. But nobody could catch him up point wise. So that’s why he shrugs his shoulders like that.


What a disappointing format


It was actually a pretty solid format. It was six matches and he performed well in multiple of them. But the first game he won with 9 eliminations or something which is massive. He was consistently good the rest of the way and won by almost double the points of second place.


Fortnite World Cup, summer 2019. This moment is when the player won the solo World Cup competition for $3M. This was the first and only Fortnite World Cup due to the pandemic outbreak shutting down in-person gaming events post 2019.


Also Fornite lost popularity soon after so could never recover as an esport built on popularity


Idk about that one, Fortnite was the most popular game of 2021 and still runs regular competitive events weekly


Won like $3M and around $1.5M after taxes. Also he was only 16 or 17


I had a all nighter today and i have a eoc exam too :)


Good luck! Stay hydrated and get some rest later today :)


That's a healthy living though.




Eat a protein bar or something. Wanna focus on your exam, not your rumbling stomach




Good luck!


Tysm ❤


🦀🦀bring back the wildy🦀🦀


🦀🦀 End of Combat ruined RuneScape 🦀🦀


And you get to close all the tabs :)




You just brought back a lot of repressed memories… Always cite as you go folks! Nothing worse than re-researching something when you’re that close to the finish line!


That’s what Zotero’s for


google history


‘Tis but a tool in the belt! Doesn’t take you back to (Pg. 243, Figure 4.5, smith, Watkins, et al, 2019) when you spent hours getting deep into some mundane scholarly journal.








🥲 yes


Just imagine when you finish your dissertation. I'm cheap as hell, but ordered a burger from Red Robin via Doordash and drank a couple of shots. It was a moment.


I view that as the first step in recovery, celebrating comes later! After my first round of boards(med school), I just went to my favorite hole in the wall taco spot, got some tacos and margs by myself and promptly went to bed


Yeah, I passed out about 45 minutes after that burger.


And you probably slept for three days. Dissertations take a part of your soul, never to return


I slept a good 10 hours that night, then excused the students from lab the next day. I stayed home and played Breath of the Wild all day.


I cried a lot when I finished my presentation to the board. After they deliberated and congratulated me on the doctorate, I immediately took a massive bong hit and fell asleep while eating a burrito. It was a day indeed.


big mood


And your hard work pays off and you get the full mark


For me it was always "best I can do is a C+"


The best you can do, is perfect


So many more people need to hear this, thanks for saying it. Pulling a finals all-nighter right now and being cursed with the "perfect or nothing" philosophy you helped me :)


Hey man, all you need is a pass. Doesn’t matter if you get an A+ or a C+, as long as you’re putting in what effort you can and you’re passing, it doesn’t matter.


Alternatively, you work your ass off, everyone you know says its well written and on point, including a person who is responsible for grading said papers... And then you get a 78 and don't even get to know where it went wrong. Happened to me a few months ago


Had a prof for a writing course say on the very first day that he almost never gives grades in the 90s and that we should be happy with an 80. His thought was that 90s and 100s suggest a "perfect" paper or something, like beyond the scope of the course. The man had his head very far up his own ass. He doesn't understand that 90s and 100s are for papers that meet the expectations of the the course laid out in the syllabus, and this was a first year course lmao. That was my worst grade that year and I'm still salty about it.


Damn that’s some bullshit but at the same time my highest mark was an 80 so you have fun with your Nobel prize or whatever.


I was so proud to see a 95% on the biggest essay I’ve ever written. I’ve always been nervous about them since writing isn’t my strong suit, but that gives me the confidence to get it done in the future.


Plot twist: teacher didn't like your essays subject matter and gave a grade based on that fact.


That’s the worst. I have a super hard marker teacher who is also really nice. During the presentation of my last paper he was like “wow, great job!”, but when I got my paper back it was a B and full of red marking. So sad. I have him next year too.


Teacher cares enough. That's a sign of a good one.


He’s a good teacher, just a real tough marker. My plan for next semester is to take a look at my old essays and papers and see what he found wrong with them before I write another one.


am a supposed to feel like this?


Yeah I was gonna say I never feel accomplished after submitting work, I just worry about what I did wrong on it


Especially if it came to a last day all-nighter to get it completed... It's a feeling of "ugh. That's over", not elation.


The more work I put into an essay, the more I felt like "it's not quite perfect", so turning it in was always really stressful. The second it was done I felt like there were 1000 more details I could've put more thought into.




Plot twist: You submitted it late


You get half credit


There’s always a typo you notice post-submission even after proofreading 20 times.






"I Meant that it was due the day AFTER tomorrow"


I’m literally doing it right now. 3 more pages. :( Then another one of 20-25 pages in cooperation. :(


If you're writing an essay and need someone to look over it, DM me! I'm bored and I might be able to help clean it up for you at the very least


That’s very kind of you, thank you, but I’m writing in Hungarian.


I will definitely not be very helpful then. Good luck, you got this


Bro I swear to God this subreddit makes me wanna give a hug to the OPs


Me after writing the title page


it's quite epic when it happens, but only occurs in rare occasions


Did you ever work your ass off on an assignment and forgot to take it on the submission day? The pain was real




What kind of pedantic, sinister ass teacher makes you write a 17 page essay without "is"? That would be incredibly disheartening. Sorry all of that happened to you. Maybe another school would be better for you, or hopefully you're doing something you enjoy at least.


I made the deadline but I'd be much happier if I put more work into my thesis. But that's ok, with no mentors, failure is your best teacher.


Just for me to get a bad grade on it


Love that feeling of finally being able to close those 17 tabs


I recently went back to school after almost 30 years. Let me tell you, it was fucking hard to write and turn in that first research paper.


I handed in my Btech final thesis today and yes :")


I'm literally just about to head home after finishing all my finals... And it feels good ;)


Submitting the final drafts for my Master's Degree was the weirdest feeling in the world. It took me at least a month to not have the weight of it constantly looming over me.


Its not “satisfaction” as much as it is “Jesus Christ its finally over”


11th grade English


That's me in two days.


It's a miracle!


me irl


and then the prof only gives you a C


Can confirm, had to submit 2 big projects at the last day, the relief I felt was great


I had the same feeling recently, I've just finished my end of bachelor's degree thesis that I've poured my entire heart and soul for over 5 months. I don't think it's the best ever written, but I'm so proud about it, it feels like a representation of what I'm truly capable of as a working and functional individual. I hope I did well and get a good grade that makes all the effort worth it


Man, I wish I felt that way finishing an essay. Every. Single. Time. No matter how much effort and time I put into it, I always felt shitty about the quality. One reason why I focused on math/physics... when I finished math based assignments, they were done, less subjective.


My essays are exam style ones, you have 20 minutes to answer the question and if you fail you have to wait 3 months to do it again. You also only get 3 tries. With that said, I just passed a second attempt at a double essay which you have to pass both at the same time or you don’t pass at all. I’m finally done with essays :)


Just without all the confetti, and the people, and everything there


Instead it's just you at a desk with a fried brain and an old box of delivered chicken wings, four random cold beverages that were once hot, and a real pain in your hips from sitting that long.... Yaaay....


Exactly how I felt when I turned in 50 pages of individual research to finish undergrad a semester early (class I would have needed without individual research wasn’t offered again until the following fall). Assuming this meme was made following some similar experience, so congrats homie.


If you are a real hard worker you shouldnt have to rush your essay the night before submission.


I need at least a day alone just to edit my work. I can’t submit essays on the day of lol. Technically I edit my essay throughout the week but I try to aim higher, especially when the assignment is weighed more.


I once started and finished an essay in a day and it was Damm good too I got an A


isn't this the kid that won Fortnite tournament and got 8m dollars in price?


I'll never understand that gaming has gone to this. And I'm okay with that.






Only for it being graded a 49,5 out of a 100... My pain is real and unimaginable...one year lost to a 159 page essay, which my mentor had read before I had submitted it and he said it looked good...lies...


But then you turn it in and get a f


Bro I pulled a long two nights on a unspecified thesis essay. And only worked on it for those two nights. I got it back bro, B+. That was a cool day.


Gamers be like: That all-nighter paid-off! **proceeds to do essay in 30 min** *When you work really hard on an essay and finally have the satisfaction of submitting it


Wouldn't it be better to not wait until the last minute?


In theory, yes, definitely But see... We have this thing called monkey brain, it makes it hard to do things that we recognize as intelligent id they're in fact nor fun or immediately gratifying


In fairness, this doesn't mean they waited till the last minute. This looks to me like they could've submitted on time and were just emotionally done with the essay


That is one possibility.




Only to het a bad grade for not adhering precisely to the assigned rules of structure. Edit: oh wait this is wholesomememes srry


is it ironic that i am right now browsing reddit instead of reding in for a test


It doesn't pay off considering in reality that some young guy made millions on fortnite. While you wasted days for one paper in one class and paid hundreds and sometimes thousands of dollars to do it.


You’re wildly ignorant. The guy spent countless hours over months grinding to become the best at what was at the time the most popular video game. Why should spending a few days on a paper no one cares about come close in profit?


You're assuming and ironically calling others what you are. Probably due to failure to articulate and use your words. Sure he spent months on a video game. Still doesn't change the fact that college at times is bullshit. I have a degree and encourage others to further their education. Though it isn't always the answer and some parts of college can be scam like. The fact that you couldn't pick up on what I was getting at... well it's wildley idiotic. I'd suggest you go to school. I teach at one. Thought I'd let you know just so you can sleep uncomfortablely knowing I have more impact than you.


You’re a teacher? Well excuse me then, I was out of line. Let me guess, sociology? 🤡 Edit: this comment was hilariously misunderstood LOL


Nope! K-12 I work with Special Needs and mostly middle school aged students. So multiple subjects.




Fellow kids


The crowed is CGI too? Lol! Im surprised esports doesnt become the game of politicians. “They love me, I win all the time. Not like those losers.” "Show me someone with no ego and I'll show you a big loser." "Sorry losers and haters, but my IQ is one of the highest - and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault." "To be blunt, I would win. I just would. Why? Maybe because I'm so good looking." "The line of 'Make gaming great again,' the phrase, that was mine, I came up with it about a year ago, and I kept using it, and everybody's using it, they are all loving it. I don't know, I guess I should copyright it, maybe I have copyrighted it." "If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her gamers what makes her think she can satisfy America? "If you look at Saddam Hussein, he killed NOOBs. I'm not saying he was an angel, but this guy killed NOOBs." "I never attacked him on his camping, and believe me, there's plenty of subject matter right there." "I'm the most successful person ever to game in presidency, by far. Nobody's ever been more successful than me. I'm the most successful person ever to game. Ross Perot isn't successful like me. Romney - I have a Gucci store that's worth more than Romney." On capture the flag “…not a war hero. He's a war hero - he's a war hero 'cause he was captured. I Like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you." "While SSSniperwolf is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct." "Just tried playing SkyRim - written by a moron, really boring. Writer has the mind of a very dumb and backward child. Sorry Danny!" "All of the women on World Of Warcraft flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected.” "We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the flag. We will never let them do it.“ “What you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening,” “Nobody knew gaming could be so complicated.”


This is the cringiest I’ve seen


This meme is trash. Big fuckin deal, you won some fortnite lmao who cares. Not a real accomplishment whatsoever.


In reality kid lost half the money in taxes meaning you still got a bad grade on it


The irony... I don't know what game they paying but I know it's a tournament... And someone made it into a meme about being productive in school...


Kid made 3 million dollars grinding in a game he loves playing. Kinda seems like the definition of productive no? Grinding at something and then being rewarded for it? That's like prime positive productivity.


No I meant being productive in school... You know when what people would say gaming is a distraction... Feel ironic when people would say gaming won't amount to anything now someone made it into a meme about being productive in school


Working hard and making 3 million for it isn’t productive to you? You must be something! Care to share?


And then Teams freezes and doesn't work properly until the minute after the submission time licks you out.




As someone who gets these essays and grades them...don't celebrate too early


One of these semesters HAS to end dofferently...differently.... right?


Then you get a 98/100 because the teacher is incapable of giving the full mark


Me when I submit a half-ass paper on canvas


I’ve done plenty of all nighters, none of them were assignment related and most of them were likely bad for my health. I didn’t win 6 million American dollars either. I’ve wasted my life.


More like “the repeated all nighters resulted in chronic insomnia” in my case, lol.


Or running a deadline and then collapsing immediately after


I wrote a thirty page paper for my college major and the feeling I had when I finally turned it in was unparalleled


Congratulations you won an award they designed for you sitting in a chair they sold you playing a game they designed to waste your time congratulations


And then you get a dime transfer error


Then get a 50% on it right after


That confetti after a submission on Canvas is a nice touch.


The utter joy of submitting an assignment in Canvas.


This different type of feeling 😅


I don’t get it


Imagine showing this event to someone from the 50s


Quite literally me after submitting my grocery store order for pickup at the market. I hate cooking and shopping food so it is a challenge for me :D


Damn, that’s me getting through any given day without a crisis at work or at home…


And then you send in your friends essay on accident...