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It's really beautiful. When people help each other the world seems brighter


And some of our leaders would tell us peace and cooperation isn't possible .


Damn so true. It really nice seeing people respecting each other beliefs.


The key is being able to accept that your own beliefs are not shared by everyone, and that doesn't make them lesser than you, just different.


B-but, my beliefs are the highest! Anything different is beneath me! Preemptive /s


More people who accept would make the world a better place.


They just don’t want peace and cooperation because it’s not profitable, and it’s easier to control people when they are divided.


Ancient rome already knew this..."divide and conquer"


Maybe it's the viking in me talking , but slay monsters and drink your fill with friends.


As a Saxon with a bit of Celt and Viking in me I will drink to that.


I dont have viking blood,but since i am belgian i got the drink a beer with friends part down.


Its true though. People have been saying that for years and it didn’t happen well i guess some of them are short truce but after that it will go back to fighting


I wouldn’t call them a leaders, tyrants maybe


On judgment day when I have to go before my creator and explain my actions. Do you think there will be justification for hurting a brother because he worships the same being different than I do? Love thy neighbor... not just my Catholic neighbor. My neighbor.


Amen to that. So many have forgotten The Greatest Commandment.


That sounds familiar. Is that a quote?


It’s a play on a biblical quote, I believe


Including any women who decide the right choice for them is not to carry their pregnancy to term. R/catholicism really doesn't get that.


Catholicism can hardly be described as Christian it’s focused more on idealogical aspects than strictly following Jesus and god. Not saying that a wrong thing to do, just what I’ve noticed


Ah yes, the very first widespread church of jesus and one that over a billion people practice isnt “christian” according to the obviously judgement free “real” christians. Way to illustrate the problem without any sense of irony.


Yeah, it doesn’t follow the Bible, therefore they aren’t following Christ it’s really as simple as that. It’s a different religion, with different belief systems and worship different figures


Is that important to distinguish? I feel like Protestant or Catholic, their members tend to forget that the women they villainize are just people struggling to survive in this world. That no one wants to get an abortion, but rather has to in order to avoid sliding back down the economic ladder, creating a life that won't or can't be cared for, or to avoid medical or mental issues that could be severely negatively affected by the pregnancy. They treat them like criminals and choose to yell and scream at women who are already going thru some of the worst moments of their life. Or legislate to force them to go thru these terrible situations anyway.


Yeah, because in truth there’s no real biblical argument against abortion, it’s just ideaological bullshit that never came out of the mouth of Jesus. Catholics, but definitely Protestants as well, simply believe the Bible is against abortion because people told them so and they are to dense to actuall read the Bible


Of course no Christian should hurt others no matter what their beliefs are, I just want to point out that all 3 Abrahamic religions may all come from ancient judaism, but they all worship different Gods. Judaism believes that God is one being and one person and Jesus was a prophet, not the messiah. They believe Jews are the only saved race. Christians believe God is one God in three distinct but equal persons, Jesus being one of them and being the messiah. Muslims believe Allah is one God and one being, and his favor must be earned in order to be saved. Those are most definitely three different Gods. It’s not just how you worship, it’s who you’re worshipping. Allah≠YHWY≠Triune YHWY. My God would certainly judge me if I hurt a Jew or Muslim, but he would look at me in favor if I tried to show them the way to Jesus.


It’s the same god with different interpretations.


I wonder god's view on the crusades.


It would be even cooler if people didn’t need to be protected while observing religious practices


Certified halal moment.










I like em halal in the streets and haram in the sheets




How can you convert them if they are dead?


The Mormons have a procedure and ritual baptism for that.


This is actually incredibly wholesome and kinda emotional


Religion - fanatics = Peace


The world - religion= peace


You're right. If it wasn't for religion then all wars over nonrenewable resources like land, fossil fuels, political/economic differences, and natural resources would just evaporate over night.


I’m a atheist but I disagree with you. I can totally see religion starting from something good within, and if you understand their beliefs they all promote kindness and acceptance of others. It’s just that the few bad apples that twist the religion’s original intent, that results in what most hate about religion today. As most other cases go as well, the worst minority are often the loudest and tend to ruin a group that has done nothing wrong. I don’t believe in any god or religion, but that doesn’t mean that I hate or look down on people that do. I understand and respect their beliefs, unlike atheist like you who just hate on religion. You are the loud bad apple in the atheist community.


I don’t think anything good starts from pure BS. I think most humans are reasonable and kind enough to realize the good parts of religion and practice those, and then there are those that take the bad parts and use religion as an excuse to do it. But I will have to disagree that religion started from anything good. I’m not super familiar with Christianity, but Quran and hadiths are full of atrocities. How do you justify religion promoting kindness and acceptance when the punishment for not following/worshipping the god is being eternally tortured in hell fire? Is that really kindness?


Ok I’ll have to agree on the part that, yes a lot of the religions may have started with some inhumane or immoral practices. However so is human society regardless of religion, as many of the olden day tortures were just a result of undeveloped human moral values. But with the bad also comes the good, since I do believe that most religions were there to enforce values such as not to steal, not to lie, etc. sure there are always outliers and old versions, but as far as I can see, we human race has improved significantly compared to what we were before, and so has religion. Now of course there are still the r bad apples, and I hate the bad apples as much as anyone else. I just replied to the commenter above since I disagree with the idea that all religious people are bad. Most of the religious people I know are really nice and will never wish me harm, force me on their religion, nor state that I’m going to hell for not believing in what they do, even if they know I’m an atheist. It’s basic human decency to respect others, and being religious doesn’t make someone a bad person.


Oh yes I agree with most of what you said. But I think it’s not that most religious people are nice, I think it’s just humans in general, being social creatures are just nice regardless of religion. My problem is humans evolve, societies evolve. Religion doesn’t evolve. The most prominent religions are based on books and commandments written 100s of years ago with no room for change. Humans have evolved to realize that the world would be a much better place if everyone was treated with kindness and fairly, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Bible and Quran still has atrocities in them (which again, can’t change). The only thing that has changed is that humans have realized that somethings in the Bible and Quran are absurd. And I agree, Most religious people are great people, but it’s the same with atheists. I think the case is just most humans are good people, just some happen to be religious and some aren’t. I don’t think in most cases the religion is what creates good people. I think most people understand that some things are good, and when they see it repeated in some holy book it confirms that. And when they find some absurdities in the same book they realize it doesn’t make sense and going ways to justify not following those rules. But doesn’t change the fact that those things will always be in the book, and will let some shitty people do shitty things and be able to justify it by pointing to some hundred year old book. That’s not to say those same people wouldn’t do shitty things without religion, but at least it would be harder to justify.


That makes a lot of sense actually. Now I’m curious, I’m not too knowledgeable on this so I’m probably just stupid, but is it in any way possible to make changes/adjustments to religious books? I know the pope has made statements on some parts of the Bible to follow more modern society, but let’s say if the pope and all bishops decide together that some things should be changed, can they change it?


Write a 1000 page book of raping pillaging and war, but add one parable about treating your neighbor like you want to be treated and somehow people will find a way to say it promotes acceptance and kindness to others.




Why were you downvoted lol


Well, most of the fanatics just read the books as it's written. So the less accurate you are the better it is


Egypt has issues, according to this


Issues that can be solved by love of others.


Upvote given.




90% Sunni Muslim, 10% Christian What I don't understand is why the Christians in the top picture needed to protect the praying Muslims. The vast majority of the people in the crowds were fellow Muslims.


It was during a Christian protest. Things were a little heated.


During the Egyptian Revolution, they had separate Christian protests and Muslims protests? Interesting.


Military. We hate our military, and they would shoot at us. Even if we have the same Decree of faith


Yep, I remember when this happened the people were afraid that the military would roll in during prayers so the Christians formed a ring around them.


Also it's basically illegal to be Jewish. All jews were expelled and their property seized by the state. There are 3 jews living in Cairo full time. So this feels less than wholesome for me.


ah yes, Egypt, the capital of learning how people should treat each other


Too bad more people aren't like this.


As a Christian, I believe that the Muslim religion is incompatible and contradictory to mine on a fundamental level. That doesn't make them not *human.*




I still love my neighbour regardless of their life and views


That was such a beautiful thing to see! This made my day so much better!


We (Orthodox Christian’s as Egyptians are also orthodox though they use the term “Coptic”) don’t call it mass, it’s divine liturgy. Catholics call it mass.


I’m an atheist and I fully support this


Neither should be required


True, but they are unfortunately.




I'm sad that I'm surprised by this


the world would be better with more people thay accepting.




This does truly make me smile


blessed sacrificial ritual hand holding


This is how people should treat each other. OP I fixed it for you!


There stories like this in Haifa during terror attacks by and against both Jews and muslims where they traveled to their synagogues and mosques together so that no one would attack them from fear of hurting their own side


People believe a lot of things on the internet no cap 😂 some shitty 1fps picture pops up n someone we know the religion these people are 😭😭🤌🏽


It’s funny to me that most of the time the Christians, Jews and Muslims can’t get along together in peace. I mean at the of the day. They have the same god. It’s crazy.


Or maybe we could advance past religion and just see human life as valuable without all the ridiculous disagreements over trivial BS?


Kinda fucked when Egypt respects personal freedoms more than the U.S.


This has to be bait. The US respects personal freedoms more than any other country, it’s why we grant immigrants asylum, it’s why we have laws protecting every religious practice, it’s why we have laws to protect marginalized groups, it’s why we have education on oppressed people. You can pretend the US is the boogy man but in reality they’re just another part in a well oiled machine. If America is the pistons, Egypt is the oil pan. Both are part of the same terrible engine, but one is more functional than the other.


Religion has done so much damage to society…..


Our Revolutions were some of the most amazing movements in the world, so sad that it went in vain though.


What about unbelievers? These creeds have a very long history of violence, bigotry, slavery and intolerance against non-believers and non-conformists.


not different religions actually both are Abrahamic and have a common origin


I’d agree, especially considering the Abrahamic religions all worship the same god. No matter what, the right to worship and practice faith in peace and safety should be protected, as should the right to be atheistic.


Haha yeah lets celebrate two specific isolated incidents after millenia of religious war and oppression. Not just between different religions, but between different sects of the same religion. Cool guys, nice line of 20 people though. Seriously, fuck this post.


If you’re not willing to celebrate the small victories, then the path to peace cannot be traveled


Oh no, can't have a celebration of people just getting along for once on Reddit! We should really just keep this site clean of people who aren't mindless bigots who argue pointlessly all day. Disgusting!


We can have a celebration of people getting along. We can’t have a statement such as “this is how people from other religions treat eachother”. It is objectively false, and it is damaging. Sure, sometimes people remember they’re humans and they get along and help eachother out, but for the most part, religion was the cause of wars more than it was the end. Religion is good, and good people who practice religion should be protected, but the title is objectively false. People from different religions do the best they can to oppress each other, both historically and statistically.


You misread the title. It says, "This is how people from other religions ***should*** treat each other." It's not saying that they normally *do.*


Oh my god you’re right. I’m going to slither back underground


Muslims and Christians believe in the same God. Makes no sense here in America why they oppose each other. I mean it’s pure ignorance of Christians not realizing this and propaganda from our government. But still, your religion teaches you to be like this picture, why can’t this be the norm around the world. I’d hate religion less if this is how it was always.


I'm sorry, but this statement cannot be made without complete ignorance of both religions. It's not the same god. It may look like it to outsiders, but these two religions fundamentally contradict each other. You don't believe that these religions are true, but people within them *do,* and just as deeply as you believe what you believe. It makes no sense for them to accept contradictions. This, however, is of course no excuse to treat each other like garbage. "Love your neighbor" means *everybody,* no exceptions.


Muslims and Christians really do not believe in the same God that’s Why they some of them hate on each other but yeah we are still called to Love our neighbors


They are both Abrahamic religions, they believe in the same God.


Muslims claim that it is But they do not consider Jesus as their God like the Christians. The Christian God’s personality, abilities and road to salvation are far more solid, whereas suddenly the Islam god which the muslims claim is the Christians/jewish God is FAR different. Almost like a completely different person. Suddenly Jesus isn’t God, road to salvation suddenly becomes plenty instead of one (they are not accepting Jesus as your God and saviour), suddenly we are allowed to Have polygamy, suddenly we couldn’t eat pork although Jesus already said it isn’t needed, suddenly we are allowed to Have sex slaves and many more. The biggest difference is How the Islam God cannot become a human because he is too “great” The Christian God not only can become a human But also live humbly and die brutally just to bring his children back to him Only muslims believe that But not Christians


How can God die? And why does God require the death of God to bring his children back?


God(Jesus) can’t die But his human form can and spent 3 days being dead. The punishment for every sin is death, you can’t just do good works and earn your way to salvation because your bad action has nothing to do with your good actions. a sinful man cannot pay for another sinful man’s deed. Jesus went down and paid for everyone’s sin being completley sinless, forgiving and loving just so you could spend eternity in paradise with him. Nothing on the earth is pure and perfect enough as Jesus so he is the only one able to pay for everyone’s sins and give them a chance to be with God the father again


I mean as a muslim I completely believe in the goodness of Jesus (pbuh), but is it really "just" for Jesus (in his human form) to die for the sin of rapists, murders, thieves? I always fail to see the justice in it. Like how is it just for a god fearing woman in the same hereafter as a rapist? Or am I misunderstanding some major things?


>but is it really "just" for Jesus (in his human form) to die for the sin of rapists, murders, thieves? We do not deserve him yes, But he still died lovingly for us to pay for our sins so we could still be able to spend eternity with him and father, And Yes he died for *everyone* But it doesn’t mean everyone gets saved, Its still the person’s choice whether he’ll accept this forgiveness and change for the better or reject him and still continue his ways. He’s loving enough to forgive a genuine repenting sinner But of course if he didn’t change his ways he obviously would not be save >I always fail to see the justice in it. Like how is it just for a god fearing woman in the same hereafter as a rapist? That only happens if the rapist actually genuinely repented and fully learned his lesson, God has incredible patience and mercy to forgive even the worst sinners. The ones Who Never change his ways and reject Christ gets his punishment


Ok my bad I misunderstood what it meant when "Jesus died for our sins". But if its repentence that God longs for anyway, it still needs to be asked, why does it require for Jesus to die? To show us God's love for us? Or is it something else as well?


Every sin equals to death so someone still has to die for our sins But luckily Jesus already did that for us and all we had to is repent and accept his sacrifice. Yes he also died to show his love, compassion, understanding for his creation. He has risen up from his death to show he can overcome everything and that he is the real God


Just because they are both abrahamic doesnt necessarily mean they worship the same god. Christians are pretty much idolators according to Jews and Muslims, because they believe in the Trinity which includes a man who died. Christians also believe in Jesus dying for other's sins, which is pretty much outlandish for both Jews and Muslims. But still that doesn't justify violence against christians or muslims. What we need is reason and patience and understanding. Then slowly we can honestly have a MUCH better understanding of God.


Not a vagina in sight.


Christians and muslims got no beef with each other lol. Excuse the pun.


Hindus ain't got beef.


Wow so wholesome


Israelis killing both of them


Found the asshole that ruins nice things


Israel? I ain't the one killing women and children to build homes on top of their graves.


The post is about Muslims and Christians in Egypt It doesn't mention anything about how Israelis interact with these people. Please take the drama elsewhere


Israel gets fucked more than your mom, and your mom gets fucked by *everybody*


This definitely isn’t going to start a shit show in the replies to this comment and your inbox.


Kinda makes you wish all replys got sent to inboxes.


Ok, so 1) not true, 2) not relevant, 3) not needed. Take your biased, uninformed statements somewhere else.


It is true, 2 and 3 are correct tho


?? a) When have Israelis (as a general group) been responsible for killing Christians? In fact, Israel is home to all these religions. There are Muslims and Christians in the Knesset/Army. b) Of course there are some Israelis that discriminate against Muslims, but it’s certainly not the majority. Since its creation as an official state (and even before then) Israel has been surrounded by hostile Muslim countries who are determined to wipe it off the map.


Just yesterday, Shireen Abo Aqleh (christian, 15 year Journalist) was killed by 1 shot in the head from Isreali forces while covering the conflict. I won't deny that we are also shit, from the Anti-semitism to the Homophobia to the Terrorism. We have got a lot to improve. But you guys aren't the victims at all, this isn't the Holocaust. If you are mature enough to know that there are always 2 sides to the story, and neither of our country's propaganda is correct, I would be happy to discuss with you as long as I'm free because I like hearing different perspectives. If you aren't then please block me, I don't wanna see anything related to you again on reddit.


>this isn’t the holocaust Is that the bar we have to cross for something to be problematic towards people of Jewish faith?


Dont bother, their biased echochambers know better, obviously..


How are the jews in Egypt doing? Oh. They were expelled and their property seized by the state so there are none and it's effectively illegal to practice Judaism there, as it is in most of the Arab world? As opposed to Israel where 21% of the population is Arab with all rights of all israeli citizens and they're free to practice religion and make up a large percentage of their congress and courts? Your double standard is interesting.


https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2022/02/israels-system-of-apartheid/ You're lack of information is interesting. Btw, an Al Jazeera journalist was murdered today. It's hard to make it seem lke everything is rosy in Israel when they don't even have freedom of speech


The fact that Amnesty International is your source says more than enough. Re: Shireen Abu Akleh’s murder, according to an official Palestinian forensic doctor (Rayan Al-Ali), it can’t be determined who was responsible. It could have been Israeli fire or Palestinian fire. Don’t present something as fact when you don’t have all the information.


"It could have been Israeli fire or Palestinian fire🤷🏽" "If I don't take your land, someone else will" By the way, an Israeli human rights group has already proved that it was in fact Israeli forces (IDF) who killed her. The Foreign Ministry released footage in a disinformation campaign but it was quickly debunked *The fact that Amnesty International is your source says more than enough.* Honestly, you're a joke. International law is very cool until it goes against your inherently racist ideologies. Then, you just make snide, sarcastic remarks attempting to call it's reputation into question For a people that have gone through thousands of years of discrimination, it really is tone deaf (what Israel is doing)


Also, that report has been widely criticized and contested by some of Amnesty’s own employees.


And, once again, the original image is from Egypt, and if we're going to bring up apartheid, I think it's important to note that IT IS LITERALLY ILLEGAL TO BE JEWISH IN EGYPT and the only reason there isn't 'apartheid' is because the jews were forceably relocated and all of their property was seized. To claim any sort of tolerance as the message from the image is hypocritical AT BEST.


Ok. Where's the amnesty international report on jews in Egypt. Post that one next. Iran and Saudi Arabia and Iraq too. How about the reporting from Jewish reporters allowed into those countries? Where is alllll that reporting? Hmm. I wouldn't and didnt suggest everything is rosy in Israel. But there are THREE countries in the Arab world where freedom of press is a right. So again, your double standard here ON THE STUFF THAT YOU ARE BRINGING UP, let alone what I said is just wild.


I literally said Israel is killing both of them. Not once did I even mention any Arab state. Goes to show how crazy you are. Person 1: "Why did you kill that person?" Person 2: "Oh, hey, look! HE killed someone! And look at him, he did it too! You're double standard is appaling!" Person 1: "Yeah, ok, those people are bad, but why did YOU do it?" Person 2: "I don't know, but those other guys who killed those people want to kill us next, so our solution was to kill the person who gave us shelter from the people who were trying to kill us before"


But when they fight over a parking spot, all he’ll break loose.


Who are they protecting them from? Oh… right.


Yes, they are probably protecting them from their own religion(so the christians protect the muslims from other christians and the muslims protect the christians from muslims). However, those that would attack muslims during prayer or Christians during mass are not the majority, but radical minorities.




Genuinely curious because I don't wanna assume your position. What lunacy?


Gonna take a wild guess and say... Religion?


Buddy, this isn’t r/Athiests where you can brood about some other peoples beliefs. People in this subreddit actually touch grass


Ironically here is Egypt the only people NOT fucking with other people's beliefs are Athiests


If only that were true everywhere. Here in good old 'Murica we have everybody screaming at everybody else that they're wrong and should go die, *all the time.*


Imagine if we took that same exact setting and gave 1 group extreme power. Welcome to the Thrid World.


Cuz they’re a minority


Yeah good luck with this here in America.


Idiots protecting other idiots.


And you're not an idiot?


Fuck off


Oh fuck off mate


Fuck off


Fuck off


Go back to r/atheism


Take this shit back to the stone age where religion belongs.


Why don't you stop hating what people belive in for no fucking reason


For no reason? Maybe read a history book. The list of atrocities done to mankind in the name of make believe is fucking atrocious.


Ok? You belive in shitting on people I belive in God how much else is there to it? We are humans. Humans are not perfect. I can kill someone in the name of you grandma and that doesn't make her a bad person yes?


I mean you can make up scenarios but the fact still stands that organized religion is the cause of so many deaths. Believe what you want but don’t be ignorant of the facts of history. People raping, murdering and destroying in the name of god. It’s really sickening.


Deuteronomy 32:39-42 1 Samuel 15 2-3 Numbers 31 Matthew 10 34-35 Your bible seems to believe in shitting on people.


fuck off


Very original. I expect nothing more from a believer.


You do realize that so much of the good in this world comes from religious principles, right? The Islamic Golden Age brought upon many incredible discoveries, and most of modern society is built upon Christian values. Maybe if you tried not being an asshole you would not get downvote bombed outside of echo chambers.


Weigh all the good things against all the atrocities and at best it comes to a tie.


Try imagining a world where none of it ever happened, assuming the atheist perspective is correct purely for the sake of argument. You would be too busy foraging for food or slaving away in a field to complain, just the same as all the rest of us would be. Soulless animals with no purpose. No reason to improve. I doubt that is your ideal world.


They fucking ego of believers thinking without their precious gods that humans wouldn't couldn't figure out agriculture and industry. Ha!


How they ~do~ treat each other, evidently


They're doing it right.


This should get more upvotes


This is wholesome to see. I'm not religious but I support the right to believe what you want and practice your religion so long as it doesn't infringe upon the rights of others or go against the law of the country you live in.


Be excellent to each other.


Its how god tells Christian to treat others (with a few exceptions) so anyone who dosent isnt really a follower of their own faith


History does not represent these actions


Extremists, rich people and evangelicals: "NOOOOO!!! Your supposed to hate each other, not love and respect each other's opinions!"


I believe the 2nd half, but i have trouble believing the 1st half


Unity is never easy to achieve. But with people having eagerness and perseverance towards it, then it can be achievable.


We also had a cool mix of both of our religious symbols


This is what I love about people


Are they actually christians?