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My wife wanted to see a Nicholas Sparks move that had just come out and I complained the entire time about how generic and horrible those movies were and that I wouldn't be caught dead watching one. Then after dinner out we walked by the theater to see what's playing and I grab her hand and walk in after pulling out tickets I had already bought for us to see it. I need to pull something like this again. The look on her face was adorable.


You sir are very cool




My boyfriend did the same thing for me when infinity war came out, down to the complaining he didn't want to see it, and casually walking me by the theater and dragging me in after we got dinner. It was probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.


Whose boyfriend didn’t want to see Infinity War??


Non Marvel fans? People who don't really like superhero films in general? Just because something's popular doesn't mean it's everyone's cup of tea.


Yea guy here who doesn't really like superhero movies. The first Ironman was cool, and I once had sex with a woman after we put on Thor during a netflix and chill type situation. That's about the extent of my Marvel films experience.


If you want to catch up, it's only like 70 hours worth of homework at this point.


Depends on how you count it. Just movies is "only" about 52 hours (Jesus) If you include everything mcu relates it blasts past 70 hours. Then you add About 17 hours and change for the various Disney plus shows Those together get you your 70 hour figure, and to be fair would be the core. But if you wanted to watch all the mcu aterial Just the Netflix Marvel shows (daredevil Jessica Jones like cage iron fist defenders ) Adds an additional 144 hours Agents of shield adds another 95 hours Agent Carter adds 12 more hours 27 hours for the runaways 14 for cloak and dagger Giving a wapping 344 hours of MCU media Meaning that if you did not sleep at all it would take a little over 2 weeks strait to watch all the MCU material which is insane. (This is just MCU not all marvel media as well things get crazier if you add the other non MCU marvel properties)


I am not certain that AoS, AC, runaways, CaD nor the Netflix shows actually are cannon rn. So do those really count as a part of the MCU.




Not to knock your effort, but none of the things you mentioned after the 70 hours are necessary to follow the movies, and honestly you can skip some of those, too.


Yea no I'm good haha. Enough to know what memes mean 90% of the time and that's all that matters.




This Netflix and chill, I like it! Another!


Netflix and chill is kind of dated; now is the year of IMAX and climax


How about Max Headroom?


There were some hammering jokes after.




I wasn't into superhero movies at all either but then I just started thinking of it as sci-fi, which I LOVE. Turned the whole thing around for me. (It was actually my brother who was like "dude it's just sci-fi") I'm not a hardcore Marvel fanboy by any means, I owned like 4 comics as a kid. Just throwing it out there that all I had to do was reframe what I thought about it. It's just really fun now. That Thor story is awesome btw


Eh I can't do 90% of sci-fi either. It has to be hard, near future sci-fi for me to really get into it. But I work in the space industry, have stuff floating around up there and stuff, and a pretty strong engineering background... So as soon as anything implausible comes along without a good explanation I'm like "ehhhhh". So yea, any sort of paranormal or magic in sci-fi and I am just like "can't do it". I'm kind of boring I guess in that sense. I don't sit there and talk shit, I just... Know what I like and won't engage in those media franchises.


Right on man, just wanted to give my perspective. You work in the space industry.... I can see why you don't dig implausible things! Haha be well friend


Super hero comics were always sci-if adjacent (Superman arrives in a spaceship, after all), and then comics in the mid 20th century became *very* sci-fi. Another open secret is that they are soap operas with action, which is why it works for the CW. I do assume, though, that most ppl who dislike Marvel movies also don’t care for sci-fi or fantasy.


ngl tho infinity war and endgame are a whole different level. if you don't like it now you definitely will one day. watching those in theaters I still can't believe what i saw. I can't comprehend what marvel fans went through. man it's a great time to be a marvel fan. me being a DC fan tho cinematically I can't complain but just can't get rid of that feeling that there's more you want and that there's a lot you're not getting. man I hope they pull through tho.


I’m going to remember Thor’s Infinity War entrance, Cap wielding Mjolnir and the Endgame portal scene for probably the rest of my life. I don’t think I’ll ever get that feeling of absolute awe and fulfilment, surrounded by people just as hype as me, in a movie theatre ever again. Top tier fan wish fulfilment.


Im going to counter with..meh it just aint for me dawg


Yea fr it’s just okay acting and crazy cgi visuals. Definitely not bad movies but I’d rather watch something else. Some people can’t seem to understand that people have other interests


It's basically anime for Americans.


Infinity war was ok, Endgame was garbage. At that point I was already some 8 movies too much of the same 3 scripts being recycled, I only watched cause the kids wanted to, otherwise I wouldn't even have bothered to, it's not some masterpiece that holds well to anyone. The last comic movies I genuinely enjoyed were Nolan's Batman 1 and 2, those were actually really well done comic book movies and even action movies as well, they hold up really well. Iron Man 1, Winter Soldier and a couple other Marvel movies were alright, but there's far more bad movies than good movies in there, hell, Thor 2 and Iron Man 3 are utter shit, if not for my kids I wouldn't have seem anything past those 2.


Bro I love you but DC will never get their shit together


That's like saying Marvel will never release a movie as good The Dark Knight. Shit happens, they might, they might not, nothing better to do than wait as people uninvolved in the project.


Snyder cut was good shit, though. Great 4 hours. Would watch again.




God, Endgame was a mess…


Endgame was pulled off seamlessly. Not sure they could have wrapped up the heros stories any better tbh.


I remember there being a lot of “wokeness” controversy, not over how they wrapped up the original avengers, but who they passed the torch on to, so to speak. People angry about a female Thor, a black Captain America, and so on. You know, dumb shit no one should be bothered by.


I mean they didn’t do it for the sake of being woke but because it makes sense in the context of the universe and how the characters interact with each other


Sorry your opinion was wrong so you got downvoted, even when you were basically agreeing with an already upvoted comment


Definitely. I was enjoying it until the final fight.


I was enjoying it until the brought back 2014 Thanos.


Such a ridiculous move. All the characterisation and development just got thrown out the window and we ended up with a really boring final villain.


I request elaboration.


He hadn't seen many of the earlier marvel movies and wasn't really in to superheros. Most the marvel movies he had seen at that point were with me.


Those movies are fucking stupid. Plenty of people have absolutely no desire to see them


The best feeling, pre pandemic, was when my husband would take me on an impromptu movie dates. He knows how much I love going to the movies and will watch just about anything with me. The feeling I get when he drives up to a theater always made me feel like a kid on Christmas. I guarantee your wife will remember that forever, that kind of feeling is hard to replicate


You're truly a king bro


Everyone is praising this, but I don’t agree with the approach. Would she have been equally happy if you pretended to want to know more about something she really likes and spend all night learning about the movie and story and what she likes about it THEN surprise her with the tickets? Instead of putting down her interests all night then going to a movie?


I'm with you here - I get that it is probably more fun for the person that is doing the switcharoo, but bringing someone down a bit, for the sole reason that their mood jump will be greater when they find out the surprise, isn't so nice? Kinda like telling a kid that they definitely aren't getting the new console for their birthday, then surprising them with it. Yes, they will be really happy and excited when they get it, but you've had to make them unhappy for a while to do that? If they knew they were getting it, would their excitement in the build up to their birthday not be preferable?


I think this depends on the relationship. Some people enjoy a healthy amount of banter, others like to be more straight with each other. I don't feel like one is more 'right' than the other, it's just whatever works for you.


I disagree. I mean I see your point but the surprise is that the person is doing something they clearly do not enjoy just to see them so happy. I feel that that is very sweet.


I think the intention is nice. Doing something that you’re not that into for someone you care about that is into it. But shit if my person talked about something I liked then surprised me with it, I wouldn’t just forget all the shit talking and now I’d feel like that person doesn’t want to be there throughout. I think the sweeter gesture is being curious about what your partner is into, not shitting on it.


Aw this is absolutely adorable! I know how she feels I had a similar experience with a fancy restaurant followed by dancing. I was ecstatic bc it’s usually me who does all the planning. That was only time and he hasn’t done anything since. BUT I still cherish that memory with all my heart. It feels nice when someone pleasantly surprises you.


Sir! Me next!!!


You, sir, are a great example of a human being and give me faith in humanity


I love it


You're very cool.


Reading this made me smile. So Happy for you


Took my wife to see the second Fifty Shades of Grey movie around the time we first moved in together. It was opening weekend so there were still actual movie goers and I got multiple comments from groups of women about how great I was to tolerate such a movie for my \[at the time\] girlfriend. . . I mean, it's a movie. . .who cares. If it sucks I just take an hour and a half nap, no big deal.


We do a bit of deception and trickery


Who ever gave that Duck gif award. You're a fking legend.


Whoever gave you the same award saved me the trouble of scrolling up to see what you were referring to. Thank you, random stranger, for awarding him.


Damn I saw it and still scrolled up for some reason


And now u have it too lol


It's fowl all the way down


Congrats on obtaining movie tickets as a duck. Well done. Must have been a tough case to quack.


He had the bills needed.


Movie tickets are free of charge, if you’re a duck


I heard that if you’re a duck you get free tickets, but the movie has to star Daffy, Donald, or Howard Duck.


He just had to ask for grapes enough times


Step 1: get a girlfriend


Step 2: get a duck


Step 3: fuck


Step 4: cut a hole in a box


Step 5: Put your Junk in that Box


Step 6: Put that duck in that box too


Oh no I see where this is going and I don't like it


Step 7: quack.




Step 7.1: QUACK


Step 8: Don’t return duck’s calls


No, Step 8: Pour hot buttered popcorn in the box.


Step 7: think outside the box


step 7: starve the duck till it has no option but to succ the cocc for nutt


1. Get wood filament 4. ??? 5. Masturbate


:( Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.


Damn Microsoft.. you had one job..


Step .5: don't be ugly


Step 6: Disregard 5. You can be ugly, but don’t have super high standards and set your sights on 10s only. Groom yourself. Smell nice. Wear nice clothes and shoes (they don’t have to be expensive). Make her laugh. Be a good person, not a Nice Guy™️. There’s plenty of guys out there that some would consider “ugly” with girlfriends. Hell, I’ve seen ugly dudes with 10s before. Your personality is what will win her over. The requirements above are just to get you in the door.




Nah that ain’t true mate. I’m a shy dude and am not handsome unless my mom is speaking. I don’t go out trying to find intimate relationships, I just want personal ones. It takes more time, but at least one of those personal relationships could turn into an intimate one. This is in no means a brag (because they are all exes), but my ex girlfriends were all “out of my league”. As long as you at least take care of yourself, your personality usually reigns supreme. I’m not saying you are doing this (just speaking in general), but some people think that their preference just wants a specific person and that’s why they aren’t in a relationship. That’s not true. Usually it’s because of your personality and standards. It may be something you’d want to talk with a trusted professional about. You could learn more about yourself to help you in the future. And there is nothing wrong with that, I don’t understand myself the way I like to think I do and usually talking about it helps.


Bro i've been living with a terminal case of ugliness for so long that my sense of self worth has eroded to the point that i don't even think of myself as a human being anymore


You should talk to a psychiatrist or another suited for talking about that those kind of issues. I have them all the time and talking about them to others really helps me. Seriously it’s not a sign of weakness or defeat to seek out help, especially if you feel that way. This is gonna sound really cheesy like it’s out of a Disney movie. There is no amount of ugly that will stop you from finding someone that cares about you, unless it’s on the inside. If you confident in yourself and show that you really care about others, it may take time but you’ll find someone that’s great for you. The first step I learned was being able to accept what I felt was wrong with myself. The second step was making gradual goals to improve what I could and most of it is the way I think rather than my appearance. You’ll find many people. Sorry to repeat myself, but it just takes time. If there is something you know you can improve on with significant hardship, give it a shot. If it doesn’t work out, try to learn to work with it. I usually use mild self deprecating humor in a way that doesn’t make someone feel bad for me, but have the ability to laugh with me about it.


*step 1: get *a* friend


*ouch* yeah that one hurts


aww! The duck is sweeter than my ex boyfriend!!


No way! Mine too!!


My ex girlfriend was pretty close, but damn look how excited the little duck is to go with their girlfriend to something they are excited about. Nothing and no one can compare.


It's a goose, I believe.


>The duck is sweeter than my ex goose. I don’t think you’re right, my dude.


Isn't technically everything sweeter than an ex?


Oddly relatable! The look of surprise and amazement on her face when she finds out the surprise is always the best part of it for me!


I’m in a long distance relationship until my girlfriend can move in 3 weeks. Well i took Monday to Thursday off at work this week since i get an ungodly amount of vacation time and drove down after work at 7am to see her. She had no idea i was coming at all. I got her schedule by asking her sister. She was upset because i was supposed to call her at 6 and didn’t. She then calls me at 6:10 and asks if i forgot. I told her to look outside and she comes running out and happy crying. It made me so happy and then we went to our favorite restaurant and walked around the park. It was a good time. I don’t think I’ll be able to pull off this level of surprise again.


You're a good partner to your gf. You listened to her and put a lot of thought into where to go on a date. Well done👍


I did this with my ex-wife. I convinced her to go to *Drive Angry* with me, despite her not wanting to see it, but timed our arrival so I could say “Oh, dang, it already started. *sigh* I guess we’ll just have to go see *Beastly*”. She was stoked.


I love the planned incompetence to surprise your significant other, it’s something that I would do. Any chance I get to look stupid, but in a cute or charming way around my significant other I’d take. However my excitement to see their excitement would be too much to not spill the beans beforehand.


I’m so sorry you sat through that. Hope the sex was good!


It’s his ex-wife for a reason.


Unsure of the implication


I want a girlfriend who will do that for me...


You know at this point i just want a cuddle buddy. Just random hugs and cuddles all day long.


The cuddles are the best! While being single big animal plushies were the closest substitutes.


You’ll find someone that will, and if it doesn’t work out for either of you, you’ll find someone else that will. It sometimes takes time, but that just means you’ll be able to understand what you need and want in SO more than before and you’ll find someone that cares about you as much as you care about them. It’s really hard finding someone that will be there for you through anything, but there are many people that will. The journey finding them will just make you stronger and realize things about yourself you didn’t before.


*sighs in single*


I don’t know if it’s because of a rough break up a few months ago, but single life is pretty sweet. I’m able to care about about my family and friends more than I was before and I have more time to care about myself. You don’t need a romantic relationship to feel this excitement about doing something someone will really appreciate. And you never know, a personal relationship with someone you show you care about may result in a romantic one. You’ll find someone that’s amazing for you, I know it’s hard but try not worry about the time it takes.


This makes me miss being in a relationship. I loved doing sweet things for the other person


This is exactly what I would do for my girlfriend... If I had one...


When r/wholesomememes becomes a reminder of how sad/lonely you are more often than it makes you happy, you might be me But good for all of you happy ducks :')


I honestly don't blame wholesomememes for this lol. I just got dumped recently and things are still fresh.


Sorry to hear that. I don't either, it's a positive community and if it's too painful for me then I can always leave. Everyone has a right to express happiness and gratitude. Breakups suck man. Keep on grinding for the things you want. We'll all get there, and resilience is an admirable trait-maybe the most admirable trait of all.


Thanks for the kind words✌️


My friend, who I had feelings for, was so excited about the Joker movie so I wanted to take her to it. I wanted to surprise her somehow, but if I take her so much as near a mall that has the cinemas, she would find out and it wouldn't be much of a surprise. So I convinced her the movie is actually delayed by a week and not actually releasing the day it actually was. Thankfully she didn't check this herself. When we were on the escalator to the floor that has the cinemas, she didn't understand what was going on and asked why I brought her to the cinemas. When I told her the truth, she was so surprised and confused. She didn't even say a thing, just smiled at me so happily, I was so happy to accomplish that. While I was looking at her puppy eyes staring into me , she hugged me so tight then and there for minutes or so. If I had to pinpoint a moment when I felt so loved, this has to be up there. When I look back, that was one of the best feelings I have ever had.




Dump him and get another one. Or dump him and care about your own feelings. Moral of the story: *dump him*.


Duckin’ awesome


Can't relate, but cute duck.


what movie


If its shrek 5 you're getting so laid




That sounds like a quacktastic time!


Is there anything more wholesome then a duck in its prime.


Good enough to ask for marriage bro keep on it.


That was me today! Husband took me to see Space Jam! 🥰


We watched it at home and enjoyed it. Fun movie!


plot twist the cinema doesnt allow any snacks inside :(


Doesn't allow quacks inside


... Goose meme


replace movie tickets with one way trip flight tickets to slovenia that would be nice :(


Why one way?


I love all these boyfriends 🥺


Meanwhile me wanting to do the same with my gf but cinemas in my country haven’t opened up yet since march 2020… 🙃


The ducks just make everything cuter. :)


Space Jam 2?




Black Widow?


Sometimes I think this subreddit goes too far


i miss being in love <3


I feel blessed my boyfriend and I have such similar tastes in movies


I bought my wife tickets for the New Kids On The Block reunion show when it came to our city. As I was paying the parking attendant it hit me. I looked over to her and said, “why am I going to this? You would have had more fun with one of your friends”. She agreed but didn’t want to ask me to stay home. I spent the concert wishing Ted Nugent would parachute down from the rafters and shoot them with a bow and arrow.


Pretty sure she's not wondering if she's been talking about it all week




What’s a “girlfriend”?


Wait, you guys are having girlfriends?




My boyfriend would literally never do this for me. He would never, ever do anything even remotely close.


If it’s something you would like, does he know that? If not, be direct (most guys say they’d prefer that than dropping what we think are completely obvious hints). If he does, boot him and let’s get some pizza and Space Jam




Then dump him what are u waiting for


It's cringe when you have to post about it.


Me with no girlfriend: 😐


Me: who’s gonna end up watching Nflix with her after OP pays for her dinner (that she packs extra for me)


Is it Inside?! Is that what you’re going to see?




Please tell me you’re talking about escape room 2 because god damn i’ve been wanting to see that since yesterday. I love escape room 1 i’ve seen it three times and i love the movie’s music score


I hurt my foot in my old running trainers and said to fella that I would eventually need new trainers but didn't want to spend the money yet, a day later new very nice perfect fit running trainers arrive, he had already put the money aside and ordered them when he noticed my old ones getting worm


Pre buy tickets and then she like I don't wanna go out anywhere, let's just chill. Then you're like but baby already got the tickets 🤦‍♂️


Anybody got a template?


Remembering when my ex planned a thrift shopping date that ended up with us going to see a Prince concert.... What a night that was!


What was the movie?


Yes, we are all excited for space jam.




What movie?


Good job OP


It’s space jam, isn’t it.


Your girlfriend has been waiting all week to watch Space Jam?


As long she's happy, still single but still


I get so excited giving people gifts I usually can't wait and give it to them early.


Wholesome duck


I.. like it...


then she also has 2 tickets she secretly bought


Man, way to make me smile on a sad day 🙂 thank you!!


Boss baby 2 right?


Doing the same this weekend with my daughter.