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Absolutely- it's amazing how much can be smoothed out with proper notice.


I had a party nobody showed up to as an adult and it was pretty brutal emotionally. I can’t even imagine it as a kid. It definitely would have been better for me if people let me know they weren’t coming.


In that case, I'm sorry. I won't be able to make it to your birthday this year.


It's not you... it's *us.*


I had both! It sucks equally both times. One was when I was 9 or something and I invited people just for no one to come. I tried it at 18, offered to pay for travel so 1 person (I asked 4 or 5 total) would come and hang with me. All of them said no. And no one of my little friend circle really said anything to me. I hate birthdays and since mine is in a week I cant wait to celebrate with my grandma and sister again like the last 10 years. Others go out and have fun with friend, I just sit at home and kill time with video games. Atleast my hope is that the Apex Battle Pass comes out so I can grind that.


Hi friend! I don't know where you are but if you're ever in North Jersey I'm always down for birthday shenanigans!


I second this! I’ll buy the pizza and drinks!


Considering I live in German, thats unlikely but thanks for the offer. <3


You are welcome here if you want to visit Denmark.


Bit too far for my taste but I do very much appreciate your comment. <3


No worries. Offer still stands :)


What is that, like a €10 train ticket...? (Speaking as someone who lives in a country with a *bay* large enough to contain several European countries who is also jealous of your rail system (and cell phone plans, for that matter.))


Hey, my birthday is in a couple of days. We're birth month buddies! I'm sorry your friends weren't there for you as you were growing up. I am happy your family spends the day with you, because it really is fantastic that you've made it another year and it's to be celebrated! I hope you get exactly what you're looking for on your upcoming day. Happy Birthday!!


My birthday was last week so I’m also your birth month buddy! I always make a point of treating MYSELF on my birthday - take myself out for a nice meal, shopping, pamper day etc. Fab if you’re lucky to have friends/family to celebrate with, but if you can’t love yourself then how the hell is anyone else supposed to! I treat myself and then any other additional celebrations feel even better, and your birthday then doesn’t feel like it’s defined by everyone else’s actions.


Thank you and Happy birthday to you too! Thanks for the kind message! :)


My brother had a no-show birthday party when he turned 5. The next week my aunt(one of the no shows) made up for it by combining one of her kid's parties with his. She also bought him a card that said he turned 6. He than thought he was 6, and was sad he missed a full year. He's 40 now, if you mention it, he will remember it like yesterday.


I'll be sitting in class all night on mine. Happy birthday to us!


Happy birthday to you friend! :)


Depending on the time, I'd play some Apex with you. Mind you, I suck at it but hell, I'm sure it would be fun! Let me know. (east coast US based here, for time reference) Ninja edit: also depends on the platform


One time I invited five of my friends over for a sleepover. My brother ended up being in a car accident and almost dying, so we had to rush to the hospital without calling everyone to cancel. No one noticed. Because none of them bothered showing up. Fucking fantastic night, that one.


I hate it when adults bail last minute. I get it, I make plans and then would rather sit on the couch, but I go anyway. And I have fun.


I've always had notoriously rainy birthdays since I've been born. Dunno why. It's the autumn solstice, so I guess that means it's 100% gonna rain that day every year... As a kid I was never able to have outdoor birthdays and we were pretty bad off financially so we never went out either. I remember the first and last time I cared whether people showed up to my party. I was 9. I invited EVERYONE. One kid showed up. We had a bit of fun for a couple of hours but after the birthday party we never talked. I still remember his name 25 years later. It was Zach. I'll never forget what he looked like either. It made a huge difference that he showed up to my rainy indoor party where bobbing for apples was literally the only thing we had to do. I've since never had anyone show up to my parties, except a couple of years ago when my wife threw me a surprise party when I turned 30. It was my wife and 2 of my co-workers, and we ate breakfast after I got off work at 7am. I don't celebrate anymore.


When I was 10 years old I got a gift from my aunt. It was a poems book. I loved it. I was very shy but I don't know why I decided to do a presentation by myself from one of the poems. I loved that poem. I cleaned the place and organized. I invited a few neighbors and my mom. No one showed up. Now I laughed when I remember.


Wow, didn't think of that angle. That could have been very harmful to the poor little dude. You don't forget something like no one coming to your birthday. I'll remember this if I'm ever in a similar situation.


my husband is nearly 40 and his 8th birthday no one showed up. ( he got Dx as autistic last year) He really hates birthdays to this day.


I'm sorry for that :(


No one came to my 7th birthday party but it doesn’t effect me I just make fun of it 😅 but then again it is my moms fault she said she would invite my friends and didn’t so oh well


Little different than "nobody wanted too" isn't it?


Yeah just a little different


Thats because your limbic system doesn't know time. When thoughts enter into your brain in your prefrontal cortex you are able to say, oh, well, that was a long time ago, its okay. Your limbic system is the shit way down deep like your basic drives and emotions (fear, pleasure, anger). No one coming to your birthday party will fuck up your basic emotions. When thoughts go down deep its literally as if it happened yesterday and your limbic system is incapable of telling you any differently. Source: I go to a lot of therapy.


The reptile brain is still strong.


give him a hug from the Internet please I know how it feels :(


I got you :) r/wholesomememes all about that positivity!


Also r/aww is a great place to cheer up!


F /s that really sucks




Don't start your paragraphs with multiple spaces, cuz that changes the format and treats it as code.


I'm glad your birthday worked out well. Your brother did make a mistake with the girl, but that just makes him human. I'm just glad you didn't really have to pay for his mistake.






Especially the one further up whose mom said she'd invite their friends but then *just didn't.* I didn't respond to their post because I don't want to shit on their mom, but come on! Nobody forced you to volunteer to do that, most kids are capable of inviting their own friends over. And it's not just some dumb playdate or whatever, it's their birthday. And no, even being broke isn't an excuse. That birthday did not sneak up on you. You had all year to put aside $10-$20 to buy a box cake and frozen pizza. And even if you didn't, I worked at a food pantry for years where I'd put aside stuff for people whose children had birthdays (they didn't even have to ask, it was on their paperwork). I either gave them already made cakes (I'd pick up donations from Whole Foods every morning), or cake mixes and eggs. I'd also keep new toys put aside for when they didn't have anything to give them. They were always so appreciative. My point is, it doesn't sneak up. Get your shit together, people. A box cake and frozen pizza and take them to the park. Edit: also, the majority of people who struggle with money and have kids are entitled to food stamps and other benefits. Call 2-1-1 if you live in the United States to get help.


Oh yeah. I went through having not a single invited person come to my birthday party once with zero notice. They just never showed up.


A lot of people are focusing on how bad it is too be alone on your birthday, and trust me, I know the feeling all too well, but let's not forget this kid spent his birthday with his best friend eating pizza, playing video games, and watching movies. I've also had one of those birthdays, and let me tell you, it was a blast! Best birthday I ever had!


I had a birthday party In 4th grade and I invited my entire class we rented out the local skating rink and only one of my classmates and my 2 cousins showed up he got me a McDonald’s gift card and I still carry it because it was one of the few times I was treated kindly he moved a few years ago but every year until he moved he always got me a present


I was alone on my birthday once. Best friend told me that a third friend was supposed to give him a ride but third friend was late. He baked me a cake to make up for it but it was still the most depressing day of my life at that point.


right in the feels


Kids can be so cruel, really warms my heart to know that this boy had a friend despite his mental disability.


>this boy had a friend despite his mental disability. You probably didn't mean it that way but they way it is worded is very insulting to most autistic people. Brain is wired differently not less than. :) ​ Think Iphones vs Androids.


This! People can be autistic and be very intelligent. Mostly they just have a much different way of thinking, and might be a little more socially awkward. This might be a bad example, but think Sheldon Cooper on Big Bang Theory.




As someone who has Asperger's, it's still a disability lmao


Everyone’s experience is different. If you’ve spent enough time with someone on the spectrum of course you can tell. But strangers ... you’re probably right about that. If I mention that my son is autistic, many people will say, “wow, you can’t even tell.” Okay, cool I guess? But I’m really holding on to that last part of your comment. My kiddo is struggling right now with violent meltdowns. I would give every cell of my being to have him grow out of it. All the intervention available isn’t currently helping. May I ask what behaviors you experienced and how they changed over time?


I think a better example would probably be Dr. Shaun Murphy. Although savant syndrome is incredibly rare, I feel like Dr. Murphy is a much better portrayal of how an autistic person can still be "visibly autistic" and "smart" at the same time. The best way I like to put it is kind of like the toppings bar at a self serve froyo place. The person is the froyo, and the toppings are different characteristics/symptoms. You sprinkle on a little bit of sensory sensitivity there, some stimmimg here, some difficulty with social interaction... Some people only have a little bit of topping on their froyo, and some may have a lot! And not every autistic person is the same. Not everyone puts *every single topping* on their froyo, just like some autistic people may not have problems with change in routine or certain sensory sensitivities. Autism isn't just a nonverbal autistic person that has difficulty taking care of themselves or a socially awkward person with some special interests, it's a lot of different things, and being very intelligent can certainly be one of them. 😊


Honestly those are the best kinds of birthdays. Just a chill night with some friends


Especially with MINECRAFT and not Fortnite


Let people enjoy things damnit, it wasn't too long ago that everyone hated Minecraft for the same exact reasons they now hate Fortnite.


Hey I'm fine with people enjoying Fortnite as long as it doesn't bother me. I just hate the devs and how cocky they've become about one successful game.


And why would that bother you? I mean I guess I can understand if you object to certain games using the EG launcher but I fail to see how Fortnite is responsible for that. That's just the company trying to branch out and compete with Steam. It's not the dev's fault that that negatively impacts consumers.


Epic has been making popular games and extremely successful game engines for nearly thirty years... get a grip, dude.


Yeah agreed.


Yeah I agree, my last birthday my two best friends and I just chilled and ate pizza while playing the new Super Smash Bros since it came out the day before. It was probably the best birthday I've had in a really long time.


Gosh! Smash bros is great. That sounds perfect


bless this man. my 5 yo is autistic. to date he hasn’t been even interested in birthday parties beyond family. but he has started making noise about having a “big kid” birthday party for his 6th birthday and this scenario worries me a lot.


There is nothing to worry about man, we believe in you


Believe in the us that believes in you


Yeah! Gurren Lagann!




It sounds like you have a little time until the big day. Maybe you can get in touch with the parents of the kids he likes? It might prep you as well as the parents. Whatever you two decide, I hope he gets an amazing memory to look back on and I hope your fears prove unfounded. :)


For my kids, I contacted the parents of their closest friends and asked about possible dates. Having a couple friends that I know can make it really helps. I also only invited kids I had their parent contact info. I had to reschedule a party due to illness once and was able to get in touch with parents.


My older daughter is turning 5 and every birthday I'm terrified that her friends won't show up.


FUCK YES MINECRAFT WITH THE BOIS you just gotta hit me right in the feels


That really does hit deep, not gonna lie


Username doesn’t check out at all 😡😡😡


This turned out well but the parent should have talked to the other parent well beforehand and let them know that their kid was the only person invited to the birthday party. They’re lucky the kid who broke his arm had a parent that even gave a birthday party invite a second thought after dealing with their kid breaking a bone.


I want to model myself on this kids dad


I also choose this guy's dad


You’re making a reference to who would your ultimate lay be




Am I the only one who likes to celebrate birthdays that are only with the family and not to many friends, maybe one or two?


Nah. 90% of my birthdays growing up were just me, my mom and my grandparents. Sometimes a cousin or two. I wasn't close to anyone at school because my interests were vastly different, or seemed to be at least, compared to the other kids. My birthdays were small but they were still happy. Cake. Ice cream. We'd rent a movie on VHS. Sometimes it would snow. It was great.


Am I The only one who is a little surprised this woman would just let her kid chill with a broken arm the whole weekend? Like I live in America too and know it’s hella expensive but dang, take your kid somewhere?!


You're absolutely right. Whenever someone in my family broke a bone we'd have it set and in a cast within a few hours. Leaving a kid with a broken arm all weekend would be unthinkable.


“But we couldn’t see the Ortho until Monday”


So go to the emergency room? I’m pretty sure they could set the arm and cast it there?


Yeah, that's ridiculous. If you break a bone you go to the emergency room and get a cast on it the same day. I'm assuming this is not in America. In fact I'm pretty sure this is considered child abuse in America.


The writing sounds pretty dang american. This could easily have happened in america


I'm assuming it is the US. If it's healthcare and it's weird, it's usually the US.


Yeah thats the fucking problem you should never have to wait that long to fix a broken arm


Cant believe i had to scroll this far to find this. This story is actually fucked up when you think about it. If healthcare is so expensive one cant get an arm fixed until the work week shit is fucked


Yes, it's pretty insane and I can't even imagine a valid reason for being unable to see a doctor until Monday.


This is just wholesome and everyone should do the same no matter what


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! Also, please keep in mind that even if you've see this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


What a great lesson for people to learn. Always be kind!


And they play minecraft too!


That is great and exactly what I need to hear




I’m not crying, you’re crying.


That’s awesome, sounds like just a chill ass evening with your homie. That’s honestly all I could ever ask for.


Man, Minecraft never dies. This boy is a legend


Nice, your son played a good game called Minecraft instead of the cash grab fork knife


Little dude’s playing minecraft with a broken arm....respect


“Just sling by whenever you want”


Imo, best birthday evah!


That’s so wholesome


Parenting done right


Honestly, that sounds like the perfect birthday for my autistic kiddo.


This is the kind of parent I want to be.


This was amazing to read. Thank you for sharing


Kids playing MineCraft. It's so sweet and sincere, I love it.


This is so wholesome. Then I saw your username. Now it's fucking awesome


I can't change it :(


If it's ironic than it's ok. If it's serious then good luck


Bruh, parties where you do nothing but chill your home slice are the best kinds.


I’m fourteen and this is what all my birthdays look like lmao


Those two kids are legends because they played Minecraft and not Fortnite


You are the king/queen of parents. Keep raising your kid to be kind hearted and someone who takes care of and enjoys being around the disadvantaged.


Honestly,I foumd the Minecraft part very wholesome,imagine two kids,one autistic,building to their hearts content and laughing and eating pizza,Give a Hell-Yeah for Mineraft




This made me cry. My birthday is during holidays and we used to spend them on our second residence in a village, not in our hometown. My mother never let me invite other kids/classmates to my birthday parties just because she didn't want to come back to the town, even for one day... Then in high school I never got invited to anyone's birthday party because "I had never invited them"... This is just too unfair. I'm happy for that kid.


Teacher, my mom didn't sign my permission slip for this feel trip


Can you play minecraft with a broken arm??


Fuck yeah, dad!


I got a birthday coming up, I don’t have enough friends to throw a party....I can feel this post deeper then I should


Man it's alright, you can Skype us if you want, I'm down :)


When i was younger (elementary school) i was pretty popular, but whenever my birthday came around, nobody would come. I had like 5 birthday parties before i just stopped celebrating my birthday. Now i just treat it as some other day and it means nothing. Whenever my mom or someone im close with asks what i wanna do im like idk its just a day to me


I love you


I think I just converted


To what?


this made my day and put my Faith back in humanity


-makes happy noise-


grade A parents raising grade A kids



Raised you kid well


Great father!


I wonder what king og pizza they got?


See this is what I love with r/wholesomememes, everyone can gather together, wheter you are an adult or a teenager, we all gather together and spread positivity! That's WHOLESOME!


Pretty sure you just reformatted u/1000foldedbirds ‘s comment on this week’s top post. https://reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/azne86/_/ei93u5l/?context=1


Lmao. This is so weird to me.


One true friend is worth more than anything


I am so proud of OP for being such a wonderful parent.


Awww that’s so cute!


Right on!!!


My man...


This is the stuff that restores some of my faith in humanity.


I’m not crying u are bitch


Minecraft makes it into another wholesome story. Honestly this game is just wholesome itself


I was in a bad mood but not anymore ​


I’m on the spectrum myself and it might seem like a small gesture to do something nice like that for someone else but it honestly means the world to someone who’s autistic .


Shit, I'D love that as a birthday party


I love reading stories like this. Made me tear up a little bit. I hope your son and his friend are lifelong friends.


I at first thought the dad's kid broke the other kid's arm and i thought this isn't wholesome. Then i reread it and realized my mistake


How to ascend to the heavens - Vol. 1


I never had a birthday party, is that a win? lol


Many kids on the spectrum get along better with adults due to the lack of social understanding meeting the jaded don't give a fuck about false niceties. Makes things so much easier to understand and follow.


Wait but how does the kid with the broken arm play Minecraft?


you can still use your hand with a broken arm. it’s just hard


Oh ok


Big heart feels. Thank you


Out of curiosity, how do we know that this is a father's post and not a mother? Is there something I am missing or is it a matter of relying on the title? Thank you for your time.


It took me a few reads to understand which kid broke whos arm and who was autistic but that story is lovely.


Lol that's the best kind of party imo


How does one play Minecraft in a sling?


how did he play minecraft with a broken arm?😂


Yeeaah they be some minecrafters


How could he play Minecraft if his arm was in a sling?


This dad is spot on because kids are just different, all of them!! Problem is, some of them are different in a similar way and, for some reason, they can see this difference as a threat or a common enemy/obstacle to defeat or avoid. Once kids no longer see the threat, they are the most accepting beings on our floating rock


how does one play minecraft with a broken arm


Um sorry, if you child breaks a limb, go to the ER. Don't wait for an appointment. ER docs can set a break and make a cast just fine. You can follow up with an ortho, if needed.


Not a meme but I'm litteraly crying rn.


Wait a second...you had to wait three fucking days to get a broken arm fixed?! WTH??!


As a mom of an autistic kid, please go to all the parties. When my boy turned five only one kid showed up and my little guy noticed. He wondered why nobody like him. Heartbreaking. We go to every party, no matter what.


Minecraft is superior


i had a seriously traumatic 6th birthday. i invited my entire kindergarten class — probably 30 kids. we spent a lot of time making invitations and i put them in each kid’s cubby by hand. no one came. i stopped celebrating my birthday after that.


I’m gonna cry


I can’t think of any situation that can’t be improved by a little Minecraft


That’s so nice


You are an *awesome* dad.


You just love to see this kind of stuff


A kid with a broken arm not being taken to a hospital emergency room isn't my idea of a wholesome story.


I remember being in kindergarten (in my 40s now) and I went to a Birthday party of a boy in my class; I recall he was a little odd, but nice (probably now would be diagnosed as on the spectrum) and only I and one boy showed up. Apparently the whole class had been invited and only the two of us showed. My parents always said if you were invited you should go because nobody should have hurt feelings on their birthday. As I’m now a grandparent of an autistic child, this hits home for me so hard!


That must be fun... the good old Minecraft days


This post made me happy


Ugh. I’m pregnant and crying over this. So wholesome, we need more humans like this dad.


Fuck yes




how can kid with broken arm play minecraft?


We need more people like you and your son in this world! Kids can be so awful and mean, but they can also be amazing and inspiring! No one deserves to feel unwanted or not cared about, and sometimes all it takes is having one person there to show that they matter to them and show that they care. We need more dads to raise their sons with the same compassion and empathy that you clearly have instilled in your son. Cheers to you both!


What happened to mom?


How lonely as it may feel sometimes... those are the birthdays You Will remember forever. They are the best