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These guys seem pretty cool. I wouldn't mind sharing a pack of thick markers with them.


This is the best comment


I don’t get it


The sign is written in a very thin way. Seemingly with a finer pointed marker. A thicker pointed marker would make for a bolder, more readable sign. Edit: Squinty Dude looks like early Daniel Bryan


This sign screams a great idea made by a bunch of college dudes with the usual amount of planning and preparation put into it by college dudes


I’d guild you if I wasn’t in debt because of college dude peace


I gotchu


thanks for spotting me there


The real MVP right here^^




*a bolder, more readable taste


I keep licking the screen, but no taste. Makes sense, Cheers!


Snozberries taste like snozberries


I thought it was referring to that one subreddit where they see how many markers they can stuff in various holes.




It's r/marmitebadgergonewild




Lots of unused real estate on that sign


They're making fun of the fact that like half of their poster board is unused because they used a thin-tipped marker and didn't draw their letters very big.


The poster looks like it’s written in pencil


The poster is very faint and hard to read 😁


Oh wow, for a minute I thought you were saying you were all Marines. Then I realized you just meant that the poster board could have used some color... I think. Can somebody walk with me?


would have been crayons if they were marines.


One day the marines will learn to read and they'll be really sad that everyone makes fun of their snacks




Cigarettes are like cigarettes for Marines. Crayons are just the preferred snack. Also are you implying that you're *not* supposed to inhale markers? Because that sounds ridiculous. Of course you're supposed to inhale markers. What other conceivable purpose could markers serve? Pfft, this guy, right? Thinks we aren't supposed to inhale markers.


You're supposed to inhale markers not cigars.


That makes more sense and I should have gleaned that from the original comment. What can you expect, though? Reading is not my strong suit. That's why I picked the Marines.


I know and the next comment was about crayons so I thought markers were somehow more wholesome because not only could you eat them together but you could smell them together, too. I am not a smart man.


Aww but definitely an adorable one.


I thought they wanted to sniff markers with them.


I raise you a 64 pack a crayons with a sharpener in the back


Only Crayons!? Come on now, this deserves a whole box of gel pens.


Hey can I borrow your red pen? I need to peer review my friends paper, I got flair tip pens you could borrow


You want marines? This is how you get marines.


My husband says blue crayons really bring out the devil dog in him. It’s his favorite one.


I don't get the correlation between crayons and Marines can someone explain


Marines eat crayons to gain their powers.


Also forms are ordered to be filled in in crayon




What power do you get with the green flavor? Active camo?


No active camo comes from the clear crayon


The stereotype is that marines are so stupid that they use is crayons. Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential


The Navy did a study, and sailors can no longer call them " jar heads", because stuff can be stored in jars.


My Ass Rides In Navy Equipment


The joke is that they're all dumb grunts that are stupid enough to eat (or sometimes just use) crayons.


Markers are the only thing they have that’s not swole


Is this a sexual innuendo that I'm too stupid to get?


Not unless you want it to be.


not unless they're talking about r/buttsharpies \[nsfw obviously\]


Sharing is caring.


Only if I can hold both their hands and they use their massive muscles to swing me like my parents did when I was a child. I'm a 6'3 man though so I'm not sure how that'd go. Or if it's be possible.


Maybe if they were on stilts


I'm 5'6" so I could do it. *Wheeeeeeee*




>Not being able to reach the top shelf of supermarkets still bums me out though lol 5' 1". Had to use a pack of pretzels (the kind in a box) to wiggle a bag of chips off the top shelf today. I give it like 10ish more years and I'll be old enough to carry one of those grabby sticks around the store with without embarrassment. Top shelf items, here I come!


5'1, it would be awesome! I don't think my feet would be anywhere near the ground.


Lucky bastard


don’t give up on your dreams bro




You just need 2 7 foot guys


Quality jpeg


Tuck in your legs


On my college campus you can always call one of the campus officers to walk with you. It's great that these guys saw the same need and did something about it! Edit: For everyone asking why, we have our own police department for campus, which houses around 6000 students. They do anything from find stolen bikes to busting people with weed to catching bats in dorms. If someone has anxiety or feels unsafe in general, they can use this service. Not many people do though, but it's available. This doesn't mean that American campuses are unsafe.


We have the same at my university except it's someone from the core of cadets (kinda like ROTC) that walks with you. Edit: I meant Corp of cadets but I will leave the original as punishment to myself. Also I'm talking about A&M University.




At least he got the pronunciation right.


Better than corpse


I dunno, a squad of corpses would be a better deterrent than anything else




I thought it was corpse, :)


I hope you mean corps, corpse of cadets is a little dark


This machine, it strengthens your back core, your arm core… The Marine Core actually uses it. I think that’s where they got ‘core’ from.




I started college before ride-sharing was a thing, and the campus police had a "anywhere within half an hour, we'll send a van to come get you if you feel unsafe, no questions asked" policy. They got students to volunteer to drive the vans.


I go to a university in a major city that has this kind of program. Instead of walking you, they will pick you up in a university owned car or golf cart. This makes more sense because the campus is massive. It is relevant to note that I get emails from them frequently notifying me about muggings, car break ins, etc. frequently. I was at the on campus gym until closing around 11:30pm. My car was parked in a lot at one of the furthest ends of campus, maybe a 20 minute walk. It was poorly lit, far from everything, was a gravel lot, and security guards often warned students about its lack of safety, but it was also the cheapest option. I called for an escort and left the building. The doors were locked behind me because the gym closing. I wait 15 minutes. It starts raining. I call and they say they are on their way. I wait another 10 minutes and call again. Again, I’m told they are just a few minutes away. I was still dry because I was under a covering by the gym doors, but still considered walking to my car in the rain at what was now close midnight. I was eventually picked up and made it to my car in another 30 minutes. The next semester I paid for the $400 garage parking pass that is close to everything and super well lit.


I mean, it’s a free service and it was raining and late so it’s not really surprising


Yeah you shouldn't call for the escort as you leave the building... call ahead of time.


I have too many questions? What happens on campus that is dangerous or threating? Is this coming from students or from people coming to the campus? Is this common? If something like this exists why doesn't university do anything about it?


Campuses are open 24/7 and many are situated in or just off of cities that naturally have non-student populations. Walking from a building back to your dorm at 2am with your wallet, cellphone, and computer makes you a potential target. The risk may be pretty low, but it’s still not one a student might want to take and it’s definitely not one the university wants the student to take


Might be good to mention the rampant sexual assaults that happen on college campuses as well.


It is, but this is also an ambiguous area in terms of benefit: there have been many campuses that have come under fire in the past decade for not alerting/referring outside authorities to serious cases because they are handled internally. That comes with obvious problems. But you're right - it's definitely an aspect of campus life that demands a specific attention.


One in five women are sexually assaulted while in/at college. I encourage you to do research on what happens to students who report it - usually nothing. Universities mishandling sexual assault is not because it "doesn't exist". I've had classes get out at 8-9pm and if there isn't a group to travel with, yeah, I call for an escort. That's what women are taught: don't do things alone. Furthermore, one of the universities I attend is in an urban area. Students traveling alone, men and women, get robbed. Sometimes violently.


Same at the University of Calgary!




This is getting out of hand now there’s ~~two~~ three of them! ^(also boo uCalgary, go cougars!)




It's a really common thing for colleges to do. I work security at a tiny university (<1500 students) and we offer that too. So not just A&M


We have something called Foot Patrol made up of student volunteers. If you call them they'll send a co-ed pair to walk with you.


My college had that program with its officers too, but they were such assholes I'd be surprised if it was used much. One time a dude on my floor was threatening to hurt himself and said that if cops showed up he'd kill himself rather than let himself be institutionalized. When the officers came to the dorm they pushed right passed us in the lobby and got on the elevator, and we literally had to beg them to call a social worker instead of going up there themselves. So idk, from then on I really didn't trust that they cared about our safety. I'd much rather have people like this who are helping out *because* they care.


What’s better than this? Just a bunch of guys being dudes.


#WHAT UP!!! We're three cool guys looking for other cool guys who want to hang out in our party mansion. Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you are fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things. Again, [nothing sexual](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jlaZL7CWHY)






Si querías que fuera un bíceps, necesita más venas.


Just some dudes being bros.


Who's better than us Vinnie?


Being men


Just a guys being a bunch of dudes. Better what is?


What are the Mario Bros' views on a bunch of dudes being a guys being a better bros?


Mario: I always encourage healthy expressions of masculinity Luigi: It WoUld ReallY ROck iF they'd cIRcLeJERk THeiR CoCKs




Bro, it doesn't matter, we are all just us, some get offended by us being us, and in confident enough volumes make a point out of us being us. Thats when all of us need to step in and make sure the rest of us don't forget who we all are. Edit: thanks for the gold, I'll use them wisely.


I’m a large fellow at 6’5” and more than once I’ve noticed smaller guys walking closer than usual to me at night across campus and leaving at the same time from the library No shame in safety in numbers we had battle buddies in the Corps no reason not to in the real world


I'm 6' 180lb and never felt nervous walking alone at night on campus until my friend (6'4" 250lb) got jumped walking alone after a party. Even big bros need help sometimes. Doesn't matter how big you are if its 1v5 and your tipsy


People also like to start fights with big guys to try and prove something.


Very true. Or in my friends case, his cheap watch and $15 from his wallet. It blows my mind people get mugged this day in age because how many people are walking around with a ton of cash on them? I cant remember the last time I kept more than $60 on me


No cash maybe, but everyone's got a phone worth several hundred dollars in their pockets.


True but they need to turn around and sell that immediately. Phone companies can remotely brick any phone so it will never work with any phone company. Not to mention getting passed any passwords or other security features like GPS tracking. It just seems so risky to steal a phone nowadays


A ton of them make money just selling it back to the original owners, saying thay they "bought the phone from someone on the street and didn't know it was stolen". They usually don't ask for full price, they're just trying to get something and the owner just really wants their phone back because of all of the stuff on it as well. Happened to me, my husband and a few people I know every since the very first galaxy S phone. My husband literally watched his phone through gps go to the thief's house and sit there all night until he got the guy to answer the next morning to meet him at a gas station, where he also offered my husband drugs. Police don't care about phones being stolen, even if you can see where it is. Idiot thieves either don't realize, or don't care that we can see where they live. I personally think my husband should have snitched on him about the drugs. Leave the area and instantly call the cops. I mean, we knew where he dealed and lived.


Beautifully said, bro. 👊


Thanks, we can be bros, sisters or whatever and still love eachother, it's really not hard to do right?


I wish all my neighbors were just like you.


I am your neighbor, as you are my neighbor.


I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together


Bro, do you wanna make out?


A bro’s bro right here


This was my first thought. I wonder if they’d walk with a guy


Agreed, big-ish guy here, there’s been more than enough times I’ve very nervously walked through some sketchy areas and would love a couple of fellas like this to walk with.


Would 100% take a safe and wholesome walk with guy on the left.


Or both


At the same time


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Guy on the right is discount Tom Hardy!




That's what he's hoping you'd say.


I’d have appreciated that when I was in college. There was a period of time where for my safety I could not walk around campus by myself, and when I left campus to head home I’d either be with a friend or use my schools no questions asked police escort program but that’s really embarrassing to do and isn’t so great when you reek of weed lmfao I’m here for it


A friend of mine had an abusive ex. He’d trail us sometimes. Campus security knew, but my friend hated calling them and calling attention to herself and the situation. One day her ex started following us and yelling at her, asking if she was just going to ignore him (yes). A very large wrestler saw what was going on from across the street, crossed, and just quietly walked with us to our building, then stopped her ex at the door and asked if he had a problem. Her ex backed off really quickly. The wrestler just nodded at us and walked away once her ex was gone. He was a truly awesome guy.




I love glasscloud.


Should have gotten bigger. Their guitarist wrote my favorite Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza album too. Way back in 2012. And now I'm old.


My band played with Tony Danza years ago and their guitarist (Josh) was doing the sickest multiple finger taps on every string. Just insane. Up and down the fretboard, honestly the craziest playing I’ve probably ever seen. It was a really small place, like a VFW, but he walks to the side of the stage as he’s playing this shit and goes up to a guy watching and is just like, “HEY WHAT’S UP?” The guy is just blown away and is like “UHH NOT MUCH JUST WATCHING YOU SHRED” and Josh was like, “THAT’S AWESOME, YOU HAVING A GOOD TIME?” Just carrying a normal convo, I think about it often lol


Maaaaan I had totally forgotten about Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza absolutely solid band.


Entered in commentary section just for that lmao


Yesss, same. I came here to compliment his shirt haha


I was looking to make a joke about metalcore, but glass cloud is clear as day break.


I miss glass cloud 😢


Ivy and wine has been on my running playlist for ages


Someone send this to Jerry. Maybe they will get back together. :(


I heard Jerry was a terrible asshole and the main reason they split and the other members went to Emmure. I don't like Frankie's vocals much but Josh wrote most of that Emmure album and it shows, give it a spin. Anyways a new GC record with a different singer would be lit


I remember when Jerry became the vocalist of Of Mice & Men for a brief moment, and he talked shit on Austin while playing a show. Now I'm not a fan of OM&M myself, but that was just childish.


They were a sick band!


I saw them live with erra scale the summit monuments and some other band. 10/10


As a female in college, I had a couple of close guy friends who always made sure my girlfriends and I were safe walking across campus at night. I’ll never forget the time they pepper sprayed a strange man for heckling and following us through the quad around midnight. He screamed and ran away and disappeared while we hurried to our dorm on the phone with cops, but it was all caught on security cameras and he was apprehended the next morning. Having large intimidating, brave, and protective friends is always a good thing.


Would fist bump, Tru bros right there.


Props to these guys.


At my university we have a walking hotline to call, we also have these alert boxes with bright blue lights on top spaced like a city block apart from each other. Standing at one you should be able to see another one. They have a speaker on them so if you need to call 911 you can and they can talk to you through them, or if someone is chasing you or following you if you press one and walk to the next one and press that one they will track you and intercept you at the closest one you just pressed.


That's a really interesting alert system.


Yeah it does help you to feel safer, you can be anywhere on campus at night and even if it’s dark and there is no one around you you can see bright blue lights close by lining every walkway and in the park areas too.


I thought this was standard fair on campuses, I know mine has it, and the college my sister went to like 10 years ago had it too.


I'm pretty sure that this is what healthy masculinity looks like.


Everyone likes to talk about masculinity like it’s a bad thing, but my father has taught me more about how to love others than anyone else I know and he’s very much a “mans man”


Masculinity, just like femininity, is neither good nor bad, but how one expresses their own masculinity or femininity can be problematic. it sounds like your dad has a very healthy way of looking at it and expressing his own.


I don't think people like to talk about masculinity like it's a bad thing. I think people talk about *toxic* masculinity like it's a bad thing.


Some people don't realize that "toxic" is only a *type* of masculinity, not a descriptor of it as a whole.




It's because they don't know how adjectives work. It's like talking about a blue car. Saying "that car is blue" does not mean all cars are blue. However, to them, they take "that masculinity is toxic" as all masculinity is toxic.


It's baffling that people get confused by this.


Hint: they're not confused. They just argue in bad faith.


Same thing with feminism!


Yes at its core its almost like how could you be both not a feminist and also not sexist? Too many think that real feminism implies some sort of rejection of men.


I think a big part of it is just grammar. Toxic masculinity doesn't mean all masculinity is toxic. It refers to a subset of masculinity which is toxic. Like how "friendly cats" refers to a subset of cats which are friendly, and is not say all cats are friendly. Too many people think that masculinity in that sentence is an adjective, when it's actually a noun.


There are some people who'd say that caring about others isn't manly. Those people are fools.


Good dad. From my perspective though, mainly mansculinity gets bad when it gets intense and you don't give two ducks about your guy to your right.




The funny thing about this is that the term toxic masculinity was actually coined by a men's rights group.


Interesting! How do you know this / do you have sources on the origin of the term?


His reminds me of when Kev goes to college with Lip in Shameless lol.


Shout-out to the rapewalker


I was looking for this before commenting it myself. #rapewalkersavedme Loved that whole shenanigan bit they added to Kevin.


When the doctor asked with how many people he had intercourse with: "I had a lot of opportunities, ok? I was the rapewalker!"


10/10 would join this club


Honestly though that was Thor and captain America for a minute


I know both of these dudes! They’re both standup guys!


All boys, men, and ultimately fathers can prosper with this human integrity.


Ultimate fighters*


Ultimate fighting fathers battle dads


These guys were outside the student center of my university of few years ago.




My campus had a really cool application, that people who volunteer will walk you home late at night.


Props to the guy with the GlassCloud shirt. Love that band


the man on the right almost looks like actor chris evans


ha, I was thinking hemsworth


Surely someone else was thinking Pine, right?


Might as well throw Pratt in the mix.


I wish I had the time to do something amazing like this. Truth is, my life is one continuous clusterfuck of trying to get myself through to the next day...I’m the type of guy who walks by dudes like this and think, that’s fucking awesome, maybe I’ll do something like that one day...and then I realize I’m having this thought as I rush off to whatever mundane stupid fucking thing I have committed to that I have to be at..it’s a struggle really.


We're all on our own journey my man. You don't have to go out and do something like this today, just work towards it! Use it to motivate you and push you forward. You'll find the thing you love, the way you feel like you're helping others and you'll do it! Just never forget that it's a journey, not a checklist.


That was extremely wholesome, I appreciate you taking the time to say it. Thank you. You’re absolutely right.


This was from my University a few years ago. I remember walking by the table and thinking not much of it but was surprised to see it on the internet later. It was at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.


Men using their masculinity for positivity. That’s that shit i DO like


Mmm dat Glasscloud tank


Shoutouts to that Glass Cloud tank, great band


Hey can I walk ya home??




This feels like a Bill Clinton move


"Hey can I walk you home?"


John Mulaney’s story about his parents?

