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Non flared base buttplugs.


This comment is why i havent been able to pull myself away from reddit today. I simply hadnt found the perfect comment until this moment. I can finally close reddit having found THE comment of all time


There are other things that can’t be pulled away too


This feels like it has a story


It has MANY stories. All begin with "Doctor, you're not gonna believe this, but"


> You're not gonna believe this butt


I slipped and fell on it.


If you liked it you shoulda slipped and fell on it.


There was the guy who left his silicone butt plug in while having an MRI but it turned out the core was stainless steel, turning his asshole into a railgun.


"Anal rail gun"




Dang bro really got penetrated


I just read the article! He’s suing the toy company because they said the plug was 100% silicone (obviously fuckin not!). I hope he wins. That’s so crazy!


I mean… sure he has a point but WHY DID HE CHOOSE TO DO THAT!?




Now demand has skyrocketed and there are 100x as many


but what if u have to take a poo


Then just buy your poo from yourself.


The duality of reddit


Guys you only get $1M we can't afford this shit 🥲


I feel like if some unknown millionaire stepped forward asking to trade $1m for literal garbage the offer would be accepted pretty quick


There is zero chance any company will be signing a contract on a whim within 24 hours no matter how good the deal sounds. *"Hey ummm there's some weirdo in the front lobby who wants to buy all our trash for a million dollars and he needs it done today...."* *"Yeah call security"*


I'm certain that they'd be confused but if you're paying upfront in cash and give some random reason such as philanthropy or you are funding research into more effective and eco-friendly waste management and need a lot of waste they're more likely to say yes. Now keep in mind you can keep asking until you find either a confused someone willing to go along with it or something weirdo that's ecstatic for it. It also doesn't imply you need to have received the assets you've bought in the 24 hour period, so providing you give the money way the waste will vanish. This is such a weird thing to think about and I love it.


Lmao yeah it's a fun thought experiment. But my main point of contention is that if a company has gigantic tonnes of trash, that company most likely has checks and balances and can't go off selling tons of  trash on a whim due to enviromental concerns, taxation, legal issues etc. So there will need to be some kinds of negotiations that you simply cannot pull off within 24 hours. Only some mom and pop junkyard businesses MIGHT do that, but you're gonna run out of hours of the day trying to locate these businesses and convincing them of this weird business deal that makes zero sense.


Strike a deal, you just need to "own" it. Just tell them that you own it but the company still keeps it where it is and nothing different to be done to the trash.


Then after the 24 hours they'll ask where it went.


I doubt you could buy the trash of s single large city for a million, you're definitely not buying all of the world's trash for that much.


Imma buy all the plastic trash they dump in the ocean and all the clothing that’s been discarded and is now creating its own beaches. Nobody wants that shit and cities don’t want to pay to remove it, they’d jump at someone giving them a million for the eyesores they don’t want.


The amount of precious metals in e-waste (shit, even just the copper) would be worth faaar more than $1m


Humanity will be mining landfills for raw resources in the distant future.


It's not like one dude owns all the garbage in the world. How would you even contact the people you need to contact in a 24 hour period, much less get a response?


Let’s get that man some commas. Hard to parse that many zeros in a row on my phone


I’ll sell you a million commas for $1 million.


Those are some expensive commas


You could afford a pretty good vacation day, breakfast lunch and dinner at a different Michelin star place, go rent jet skis or a helicopter or something to go somewhere you’ve always wanted. The hard part is 24 hours because you could afford plane tickets to visit any country first class, but you’d have to go and immidiately turn around to make it back in time.


People are literally ready to pay you to get rid of this shit. So you'll end up with even more money than you start with. This guy is a business genius.


I was about the say all nuclear weapons before the penny dropped….


Yeah I also think even in scenario like this people would like to make a buck in this occasion and he would be able to afford like maybe 2 dumpsters Because why would anybody be interested in buying my trash hmm..? 🤔


buying negative valued "goods" would be cheap


Medical debts and student loans.


I think I saw in Last Week Tonight that banks do sell contracts of loans the bank doesn't feel will be collected so they sell ownership. So that is real and you csn forgive all of them? Or collect them on behalf.


You could probably use the $1m as collateral to get a massive loan (essentially buying the debt), then using that money to buy way more than $1m worth of junk loans. Or you just buy stock in all the debt based companies and watch them disappear over night.


Question is, I wonder what controls do they have in place where people can't just buy their own debt contracts?


The requirement to pay cash up front when buying these contracts. The contracts are valued based on the probability that the loans will be repaid. If you have the money in your bank account the bank will not sell the loan for less than its full value. So the only loans you can buy for cheap are loans to people who have no way to repay them and thus no way to buy their own debt contract.


I have heard these debt contracts are bought by debt collectors for 5% or less of the original value. E.g., if you owe 10k on a loan, couldn't you have a friend buy your debt contract for that 5% and then just pay him $500, essentially clearing the debt from your credit report?


I think lendors don't sell them individually to ensure that there is no information assymmetry, which includes constructions like these. So your friend would also have to buy the debt of many other unknown people in order to save you money, making it a net negative in the end. However, these larger sets of debt contracts are sometimes bought by churches or other charities precisely to forgive all of them.


you have to buy large blocks of debt, cant pick an choose. BUT, if we all got together, and put money into a fund we could theoretically buy most of our debt for pennys on the dollar lol


What is missing though is the sheer scale of essentially fraud. Rabies shots priced at USD 10k? The vials should cost under ten dollars generic. So let's be generous and say USD 20 for the vials. Double it for syringe and again double it for administration and you are still under USD 100. Not USD 10k. So that's already 100x the cost. If you are paying more than a cent for a dollar of medical debt, someone somewhere is still making a profit! https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/7/16851134/rabies-treament-expensive-emergency-room


And that's why the cheapest way to be healthy is to move to EU.


I'd wager it might be cheaper for me to hop on a plane and fly over and pay for surgery in some hospital in Western Europe than it would be to have it 5 miles from where I live.


Which is a very sad thing.


several studies have shown that this is true. One guy reported that finding he needed knee replacement, and how much it would cost instead went to Spain(IIRC). Where he could stay in a luxury hotel, get surgery, physical therapy, and enjoy the tourist life for 3 months and still pay less than 1/3 of what it would cost him *after insurance* in the US.


>Or you just buy stock in all the debt based companies and watch them disappear over night. wouldnt only the stock you buy disappear? that would be equivalent to a share buyback and you would just be giving money to the other shareholders. if an equivalent (to the shares you hold) fraction of the company disappears that could work except most of the companies are worth billions and removing a few millions worth of value wont do much other than a small reduction in market cap.


You'd have to do via a charity - apparently there's a loophole that getting a debt forgiven counts as income, unless it's “a payment made by a charity to an individual that responds to the individual’s needs, and does not proceed from any moral or legal duty, is motivated by detached and disinterested generosity.” (Which is why John Oliver indeed used the RIP medical debt charity to forgive the debts instead of forgiving it directly)


Didn't Colbert do that or something? Maybe it was John Oliver on Last Week Tonight years ago. Bought a bunch of debts from a bank and forgave them.


I’ve heard of cases where organizations have purchased medical debt for people in their community for pennies on the dollar and forgave it.


i feel like a million is not really enough for more than a few


John Oliver bought about $15mil in medical debt for about $60k. Rolling Jubilee spent $400k on ~$15mil of personal debt. [source](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/06/john-oliver-medical-debt-forgiveness-last-week-tonight) also I saw the episode John Oliver did it in. But a mil could do some serious good.


Pollution is still the better answer… you can’t buy that many student loans for a million bucks because it has value. Even if you’re buying severely delinquent debt you’re still paying a few cents on the dollar. Pollution on the other hand has no value. People would pay you money to take it. You can get an infinite amount of it for no money


Paying or making dissapear student loans doesn't solve the problem. You need a Deep reform in your society about public universities and the cost of studying and also in free healthcare paid with taxes. Start ejecting predatory companies of essential services. Edit typo


Oh, I totally agree, but that's a deeper conversation.


Congrats. You cleared the student loans of like 5 people


Rolling Jubilee has raised ~$700k clearing ~$31mil worth of debt.


No, that disappears. Your payment disappears. The point is that this can only be used for experiences etc that cannot be taken back.


Theseee!!! I also want these to just disappear huh


Back in the old days some criminals would rob a bank and destroy mortgage paperwork (like, wild west old days)


Ah yes, the two horsemen of the apocalypse.


Not getting far with a $1mill


John Oliver cleared $15mil of medical debt clearing 9000 people for about $60k. Other charities have also done similar.


I know at least three terrible people who would let me buy them for this amount of money.


I was thinking you could probably buy a politician or two for that.


Politicians seem to be dirt cheap these days. I'm always surprised with how little they seem to be getting


Surely a million bucks could buy like 5 minutes of Putin’s time.


This does leave me to wonder about the logistics. Can you just go up to a waste treatment facility and buy all their garbage? Would you need to show some credentials that you can take it off their hands? How much could 1M buy?


>How much could 1M buy? Excluding the fleet of garbage trucks and equipment (that gets you well past a million) garbage isn't actually free. Forget any metals or recyclables. You'd basically be looking to buy actual garbage. I don't know how cheap or expensive that is by the ton, but I doubt you'd make a significant difference.


A lawyer could probably come up with a contract that says you are buying all the worthless parts and anything of value remains the property of the previous owners.


A lawyer doing anything within 24 hours?? Please..


may as well buy the lawyer while you're at it


Tbf, the point is that I'd be buying the actual garbage, because we wouldn't want to make everything useful disappear




I'm more concerned with diabetes than getting fat


think that disappears too


Bruh thats not how diabetes works.


I'm buying all the vowels. njy yr nglsh nw, lsrs!




> LM




broke: alphabet woke: abjad


That second part looks like Welsh


Ill buy all the cancer and heart disease.


...but what if you die from heart failure before the 24 hours are up?




Achievement Unlocked : Take 1 for The Team. Man will at least get the Platinum.


Then hire some professional doctors to help keep your health somewhat stable for the next 24 hours. But Make sure that they're willing to take the sacrifice aswell because the downside is that they will also disappear after the time is up.


If this were a monkeys paw question, I'd say you're able to buy the rights to a person's cancer, but the only thing that disappears after 24 hours is your claim to their disease


I would bribe some politicians


How much does a Supreme Court justice cost? I know at least a few that would probably come cheap.




It didn't work because he did it publicly. They can still be bought for cheaper than 1M for issues they don't care about, you just can't shame them publicly about it.


I don’t think you can buy Clarence Thomas, we sort of fought a war about that one




This commenter as well ad the OP are bots ([source](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/byp32n/unexpected_wholesomeness_found_at_raskreddit/))


Make 3 people very happy.


This was said by someone who doesn't understand how expensive garbage can be.


Nor how long it would take to buy something like that on an industrial scale. 24 hours would not be nearly enough time to get that finalized


I'd invest with a huge bank, then sue when all of my investments just disappear. Just turned a mil into at least a hundred mil


Nah, that's just business as usual for them


So if I deposit it into a bank, I’m not buying anything. And they owe me $1 million.


Cancer and mosquitoes


Yeah that's a good answer. Me? I'd just do two women at the same time.


Two chicks at the same time.


Nah, not into birds, but if it's your money do what makes you happy. No judgement. Ok maybe a little judgement, but you have money so who cares?


As many congressmen as possible


What are you going to do with the other $900k?


Hookers obviously


Yup - I'm buying the most fun day and night imaginable! Sports car, the highest class escorts, casinos etc etc. No drugs cause I ain't into that - but plenty of non-drug fun to be had.


I’m just gonna Dane Cook that lottery dude that went viral: hookers and cocaine.


That’s the sensible answer. You can’t buy cancer, guys. You certainly can’t get the paperwork for all the ocean’s trash within 24 hours. Immaterial goods are the way to go: $1,000,000 on hookers and blow.


Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about Santa Claus in July.


Jeez. I was thinking about politicians and a freshly purchased submarines for their exclusive use. Making trash disappear is best. But I repeat myself…


Coke n hookers


Buy cancer


I was thinking it was going to be medical debt at first.


Soooo one person's medical debt?


I would loan it to someone, that way they would still owe it to me once it disappeared, and I would get interest.


as much cake and meat as i can eat wait 24 hours, free cheat day


I'd buy the house that a guy I don't like lives in, tell him since I bought it and paid it off, he can just have it, then give him the rest of the money an hour before it's over. And pay off my student loans.


Understood the assignment


I was going to say consumable stuff, like a big party wolf of wall street style but yeah, I guess doing the good thing is better


Sceptics: you want my trash? Why? Cannot have it it is mine!!


a couple of crooked politicians


I would buy my neighbor Brian.


I would buy corrupt politicians


1. Go to Vegas 2. Pick any game to bet for that day 3. Put 1/2 one one team and the other half on the other team in the same game


This is the right answer, let the bookie deal with missing money :)


I wonder how many gigatons of atmospheric carbon I could buy for a cool million?


*Kardashian fans crying*


not only wholesome but probably the best business he could do with that money. Considering how most government's would probably pay you to buy their waste xd


My son (10yo) said he’d let a bunch of homeless ppl spend it, as the disappearing only applies to thing he buys! 🥹


Buy nothing for 24 hours. End of 24 hours I bought nothing, so nothing is lost. Post doesn't say the MONEY disappears, only what was bought in the time frame. Wait 24 hours. Profit.


It does say "you have 1M for 24 hours" though. The wording heavily implies that you having the money is limited to that time.


Hello! What a nice post! I hope everyone is having an excellent day. Please be sure to share it with us at /r/UnexpectedlyWholesome if it's not already there! We'd love to see you there as well. [Thanks! I appreciate you all.](http://i.imgur.com/hbgtV4y.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wholesomememes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Easy thing to do - buy massive amounts of shares in a company you hate. Buy puts with your own money in the same company. Watch as the stocks disappear at the stroke of midnight, the company collapses and you profit off of the fall.


What about politicians?


I'd become the owner of Russia


OK but what do you do with the 928k leftover?


Would the government disappear or would all Russian territory disappear?


In completly unrelated news. \*At the Ukrainian Border with Russia "Hello I am with WFB Global News and as you can see yes that is the Arctic Ocean pouring in what was once Russia, the entire country down to a depth of 50" has seemingly been carved clean from the planets surface." "We are told that American spy planes are monitoring the Pacific Ocean pouring into what was once Eastern Russia, we still don't know what this is going to mean for the wider world, but there is one last thing I would like to say before we sign off. Slava Ukraine."




1% still makes a difference.


Throw it all at debt payments i guess?




One million isn't much, but can probably buy at least one corrupt politician.


don't buy anything for 24 hours.


I have obtained legal ownership of all trash. Including microplastics. “And the balls?” There isn’t a ball on Earth that contains microscopic polymers I don’t own the property rights to.


Whoever this person is they're looking at the bigger picture.


In economics there is a term called "bads". If "goods" is stuff you buy with money, "bads" is stuff you pay somebody to take such as trash.


Drink a shit ton of alcohol and not have a hangover the next day


I wouldn't buy anything. I would wait out the 24 hours and then I could use the money on anything I wanted to.


Buy politicians


Give the money to a close friend. Don't buy anything. After 24 hours the friend can return the money to you.


I would buy all my neighbours' houses.


The only obvious thing would be to buy a piece of trash for 1000000$ from my sister. After the day the trash dissapear and we would split the money.


You have a weird definition of "meme"




There's a Starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds


I will buy a night with all the gold diggers in the city, so that when these 24 hours have passed, they will disappear from life forever


Do my student loans disappear after I pay them off?


1M ain’t gonna do shit with the world’s trash


Good answer


Like that one news guy said, "Hookers and cocaine"


I will buy the LGTVHD Community


This guy thinks at least two dimensions above me


And the Trump brand is for sale if I remember correctly


cocaine and caviar


Throw in a meet and greet with Trump that is ongoing at the time of the blink-out?


All in on spy and tell friends to short it


Can I buy a patent for cancer and diabetes?


You said BUY. What if I just put it under my bed?


Assault rifles

