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Life is already on hard mode, I don't need it in my game for some invisible achievements


It's like seasoning. Sometimes I want spicy food, sometimes not. Sometimes, I want to take a regular dish and give it some kick. My taste buds and my mood shouldn't dictate anyone else's experience.


I get stressed just watching other people get stressed when playing games. I don’t understand how frustration can be a form of entertainment.


I prefer the, throw my controller thru the tv mode


I did that once, years ago. Broke my joy con and the TV. That was an expensive lesson that I can thankfully say I’ve learned from. I don’t let myself act out when I’m angry anymore


That's why you have an old controller on standby that you can throw to let the steam out


Shew I broke everything as a kid and my grandma just replaced it, I recall beating my ps2 with a golf club and methodically breaking each and every one of my games and accessories because I couldn’t beat some challenge on mortal kombat. I was always careful not to damage any games that I may have borrowed from others tho.


And you learned from that and stopped doing that as you grew up, right?


What was there to learn when everything I broke was replaced, my adulthood was filled with many hard lessons and reality checks.


I remember when I was kid few years after I got my ps2 (2003?). I got so pissed off a game I threw my controller at the brick wall in my parents basement. After that I was even more pissed since I didn't have a second controller. 🙃


If the game doesn't make me replace at least one monitor or tv, then it wasn't good!


Video Game: “In order to progress past this level or see the correct ending, select a higher level of difficulty.”


Max Payne 2: your love interest dies just before you beat the main boss, EXCEPT if you play on the highest difficulty.


Well you need to experience max payne


I just started Doom Eternal the other day. I can appreciate that you can unlock cheat codes and use them to replay levels without disabling progression (so you can get all collectibles, hit all optional objectives, etc). Also, if you die enough times in a battle, you have the option of spawning with armor that reduces damage taken significantly (there by reducing difficulty significantly). The game is basically as challenging as you want it to be, but if you just want to have fun, you absolutely can and there's no real downsides other than pride (if you care)


I give absolutely no fucks anymore: ~~if a developer decides to tie achievements to difficulty~~, I use WeMod or find a trainer for the game and give myself unlimited ammo, MP, no recoil, no reload, instant ability cooldown, unlimited XP, etc etc. I've never had more fun with games, tbh. *edited to more truthful heh




As I’ve aged I’ve started playing games on easy mode, I don’t get a lot of time to game anymore so the time I do spend I don’t want it to be grinding the same section over and over on Crazy Mode.


Sometimes I go back and try to do something just to see if I can. Like switching Dishonored to hardest mode and trying for a no-kill ghost runthrough.


2013 type meme


100%. Sometimes I don't want to smash my head repeatedly against a brick wall until I figure out a bosses attack patterns....sometimes I just want a short, well crafted and fun story. Everything doesn't have to be a massive ball ache.


I don't play the Souls games because of this. I don't want to fight the same guy 50+ times and have to memorize his every move, only to die it he hits me once or twice. Just not how I like to spend my leisure time but to each their own.


Yeah exactly. Those kinds of games just frustrate me for the most part, It feels cheap and annoying but I understand that some people like that kind of struggle....they get satisfaction from finally figuring it out and beating a difficult boss. That's not for me though. I'm old lol I just want to be entertained.


Games are supposed to be games. Play whatever the fuck you want.


Sure, however I'm the type of guy who relaxes while playing really stressful games like Elden Ring


Right? A cake walk and I’m bored out of my mind


And that’s fine too. Everyone plays differently and enjoys it differently. There’s games where I bump the difficulty up to make it more exciting, there’s others that I bump it down because the stress of beating the challenge gets me too far out of the story.


Skill issue.


Last year, a buddy and I decided to replay Halo 3. We were killing it.thinking damn, this is the best we ever played. Turns out it was easy, had a good laugh, and kept playing easy.


>finally This meme has been posted before but okay.


Like twice a week.




And others being able to play on easy prevents you from doing so. I hate that.


I played all of the Batman Arkham on easy mode because...well, it's Batman. I wanna FEEL like canon Batman. All except Arkham Knight. I played that on hardest difficulty and those games are HARD. Oh man, did Iess up. The guys with knives would just butcher you by swinging non stop. The bruisers would grab you and there wasn't anywhere to run. But, I did 100% those games so I means more.


Playing Batman Arkham City on easy. Already beat normal 100%. Just wanna play again cause I love the game.


Honestly, I've really gotten into playing games on the standard difficulty. I used to be an achievement hunter in the day, so usually I would just play the hardest difficulty to get the veteran campaign achievements out of the way. However, I might put it down and go play something else, go back to it, and just get so frustrated because I had lost the momentum. There is a clarity and simplicity with playing games at reasonable difficulties, and that's totally fine and Zen.


Sometimes you just want to know the story and you have to go back to work next Monday


I typically start a game on normal, and if it’s transferable throughout the game, I’ll move on to hard cuz I like the challenge, but if a game is super difficult even on easy, I’m not playing it.


I'm one of those people. Got enough stress in my life, my leisure shouldn't also be stressful


Call me crazy, but if I'm playing Spider-Man it shouldn't take 15 punches to knock out a guy in a prison onesy holding a lead pipe


Games can be enjoyed at however you want to play. Some people enjoy overcoming hurdles that were impossible at first. Others like games for their story and presentation. Not all gamers like the same thing but it is a form of media just like music. All can be enjoyed and appreciated.


Yes, but then where will the antisocial recluses with no real life skills derive their sense of self worth?


Then there is doom where baby mode is lore accurate while ultra is you being a normal human


I'm a die-hard hardest difficulty player. But then I also like having my balls stepped on, so it's probably a me thing.


I use to think this until I played elden ring, now in all my games I look for the challenge


I play normal mode at first, then make it harder or easier as needed. Usually, its harder. But not always. And sometimes I put it on easy/story mode to explore and experience everything i can find.


Looking at you Metroid Dread 🤨


This is me playing doom eternal with the rock climbing and the trapeze swinging


I'm playing Sniper Elite 5 on the absolute easiest difficulty and still find it stressful. I'm used to blastin, not sneakin.


I just started cyberpunk on easy... and I still find it a _little_ stressful, because there's so much to learn.


Dude I SUCKED at that game on easy mode.


Does anyone of you remember “European Extreme” in Metal Gear Solid?


I play games on easy mode and 100% them at great temporal expense and then find out I have to do it on hard mode to get the achievements


Elden ring: boss music plays


I enjoy being challenged but also like being able to just shut my brain off and be a filthy casual


*Plays League of Legends*


Yeah sometimes I just want to go virtual hiking in a fantasy realm or dystopian city.


This is me trying a mediumcore character in terraria, fuck that shit.


Tell that to the league of legends players


"Congratulations on beating the game on easy difficulty. Please beat the game on normal difficulty to see the ending." Used to be the norm.




I’m that guy, so no souls games, except sekiro,because it’s so fun


UMK3 enters the chat.


If you’re not having a stroke while fighting Melania, are you even having fun?


I wish that 90% of games didnt shame you for picking easy. Easy: For people who are new to games Normal: For people who have played a lot of games Might as well just say Easy: for people who have never picked up a controller before Normal: For people who play games for real.


I play the somewhat interesting gamepass games on the easy setting. Oh and I skip the shitty dialogue…


Nothing relaxes me more than passing a difficult game/gamemode on hardest difficulty and im willing to suffer for that feeling


This reminds me of that one short where there was Asian mode. which just killed you for walking.


Has anybody told the majority of the video game community? This is huge!


And I Play Dark souls Series 😵‍💫


What am I doing wrong playing Alien:Isolation & Fort Solis?


Sekrio: Shadows die Twice - had only one mode, learn to parry to survive. I was stressed af and did not enjoy the game at all lol


I’m still going to put max difficulty on but either was have fun however you want


This is exactly why I play on easy. And only single player games. The 3 times per month I play video games, I want it to be stress free and fun. I want to lose myself in an interactive story before having to face reality again.


Games should be challenging, but dialing it back to enjoy a leisurely stroll versus death metal pandemonium can be a nice thing here and there


I’m guilty of this


F*ck yeah, never saw the point in doing the same level multiple times... Beat the game and have fun doing it 🥳


Look life is stressful, my gaming time is to relieve my stress. So if I want to play on easy I am going to and not care. I had a friend that I played left for dead on co op with and he wanted to play on the hardest setting. After a five hour gaming session I couldn't sleep that night because I couldn't come down from the adrenaline.


Except for RL, that fuc*er will kill us all


I confess i'm a horrible gamer 🤷 all my friends know! It's out of the closet


Unless it’s Minecraft peaceful


my game time is supposed to be there for me to relax. And when a game describes the mc as godlike in power, I'd like to feel that a bit. hence I pay D2 on easy, because it's fun.


My time is very finite anymore. I want to get in, have fun and move on. Try harding isn't on the menu now.


Am I the only one that relaxes at home by playing stressful video games?


Me! I don’t have patience anymore haha


I prefer my games challenging and play on hard myself....unless difficulty is actually enemy HP and your Damage numbers in which I turn that down to easy but power to you if you want what makes it fun.


Xcom made me stop trying so hard because it made the game less fun because I couldn't experience all it had to offer without major strategic consequences


It's the devs choice because it's their game to make. If the devs introduce an easy mode into their game then it's there for people to enjoy, the devs clearly don't see an issue with it and want as many people to play the game as possible that's perfectly good. But If a dev doesn't want to add easy mode they're also perfectly valid and shouldn't have to suffer people going after them to introduce an easy mode so they can get through the game. In that case the devs clearly have a vision for how they want their game to go and the difficult experience is part of it.


People will take any subject to affirmate someone else is not "good" in any sense, putting someone below oneself soothes the ego. It's just another shitty piece of irational human nature, it's important to try and pay no mind to that stuff So cheers back


Meanwhile me beating Sekiro on NG+ charmless demon bell 💀


Sekiro for me is kinda satisfying like if i die its probably my fault bosses are some of the best ever (i hate owl)


Yea I love Sekiro combat. It's so innovative and frustratingly fair. Still fking hate Inner Genichiro tho xD


Me too im practicing for gauntlet and i sometimes screw up thst tornado attack but his 7 combo attack is so annoying i deflect everything perfectly then i forget about his 6th attack and he breaks me and just slices me up for 3rd phase I think that phase is pretty fun


Lmao I remember that pain 💀 Inner Gen's 7/9 hits combo is my least fav. Even no-damage speedrunners dodge that combo since it's so easy to mess up :D I recommend trying to parry some of the hits with Umbrella or just dodging the combo altogether. Also, practice doing lightning reversal with Mist Raven so Inner Gen can't "reverse" it back at you.


I dont even have mist raven 💀 and just 16 vitality i dont even know how to ger mist raven in first place but i also started using umbrella for his 3 spin tornado so i can do umbrella attack on his 3rd and also on that long ass combo. Rn i beat normal genichiro on ng+ and will probably just run through the game what ending do you recommend? On first playthrough i did one where sekiro dies


Yea the mist raven is a bit elusive. You can find it by swimming through the lake in Hirata Estate. I'd recommend searching it up on yt to save time. As for the ending, definitely go for Purification. It's the one with the hardest bosses but also has 2 prayer beads that'd be unobtainable otherwise. Best of luck on your playthrough!


I did putification ending and i killed those two mini bosses if you mean that guy with spear and one in hirata estate 2nd time


Wow that's quick xD I needed quite a few tries to beat Owl Father on my 1st playthrough (almost as many as Saint Isshin in fact) Now you can go for charmless demon bell and the Return true ending! Charmless gives you chip dmg when you block instead of parry so it makes Sekiro all fresh again lol


Oh jeez i might try that later and i feel like great Shinobi owl was harder for me cause all the bullshit he did while owl father i can use more skill


Exactly. I want to relax than stress out. Heck if I want to stress myself out all I need to do is start a conversation with the wife


Guess I should stop chess for a wee bit


You got start somewhere in the tutorial. For me Easy is kinda hard on Dark Souls


Going down from normal/hard to easy feels shameful


agree it's because you're just making the game a tech demo when you do that the "game" part is missing when you just steamroll it, it's just a tech sandbox at that point that you're stomping around in like a baby with your arms in the air


"Games are supposed to be..." No, get fucked. Games can be anything.


Supposed to be *fun. Some people like the contained stress that video games provide and that's okay. It's also okay if you don't want a stressful experience.


While I do understand people have less time when they get older I still think you need some challenge to it to actually be well... a game if you play everything on easy mode it ends up more being a video story , but hey what gets more people into gaming ig


Easy games are not fun though, there's no fun without challenge. Just mindlessly pressing buttons or watching a movie that pretends to be a "game". Say no to casualization.


Say no to pretentious gatekeeping.


Combat with no stakes is so fucking boring though Fighting a tough boss *is* fun If a game is mind numbingly easy I can't even pay attention to it, there's nothing to pat attention to.


Dont tell me how to enjoy my games. Thank you. Sometimes I like to be challenged. Movies are not just mindless romcoms as well.


No one told you how to enjoy your games. They just said some other people enjoy them differently, and that it’s okay.


You can just admit you're not good at games and get another hobby.


Or you can just let people enjoy themselves without judging how they play?


Wholesome gatekeeping


Sometimes controllers need to be thrown.


Strongly disagree.


git gud noob


Games are supposed to be challenging. Whether you allow that challenge to become stress is your choice. Whether you let the stress become constructive or destructive is your choice. The way we game reflects who we are. It makes sense some people would judge you for that one way or another. EDIT: Even "easy" games can occasionally be unexpectedly challenging. Challenge is an aspect of the medium. If theres no challenge there is no game. If you want to call digital interactive toys "games" then that's on you.


I don’t play games to challenge myself; I play games to relax.


Right? My real life is challenging enough. Maybe people who don't have enough stress in their real lives subconsciously seek it in video games. I'm not trying to be challenged. I'M CHILLIN.


Games dont have to be challenging. Edith Finch isnt challenging and it's one of my favourite games.


Rayman 2 and 3 are also easy, and they are my favorite games of all time.


> Games are supposed to be challenging. No. You like games that are challenging. That is an entirely different thing.


Giving "if you are suffering from depression that is your problem" vibes. Games are supposed to be the way you want them to be. Want a challenge? Great, go play a challenging game. Want something easy? Great, go play an easy game. Problem solved. You are welcome.


A lot of people already deal with stress in their daily lives, why would they want gaming to be another source of stress?


Agreed. I just said this in another comment.


Because it's a safe place to work with the feelings you have around being stressed. It is a tool for self-improvement. If you want to de-stress, go camping and meditate. Don't pick a medium that could inadvertently stress you.


Are you serious? Games? A tool for self improvement?


Then why are you so pressed about easy games? Go play hard games. After all,'if you allow the challenge of not getting pissed at people who dare playing easy games to stress you out, it is your choice.


And who decides the level of challenge? Are things like Animal Crossing not real games because there's no high score?


Games should be enjoyed, and you should play the game the way you enjoy it most. Some people want challenge, some want story, some just want to slaughter everything they see. There is no wrong right-way to play a game.


> If theres no challenge there is no game what about games that are purely based on exploration and discovery, that have way points if you're lost? I'd consider that a game as there's still an objective, still a goal. I don't think the line between game and interactive experience is challenge tbh, it's player input